The Last Vampire Princess (Da...

By organickandybox

483 30 24

The sound of him sucking on Anastasia's neck echoed around the room, mocking her. She was shaking from the ad... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI

Chapter XIV

10 1 0
By organickandybox

The Last Vampire Princess

Anastasia skidded across the floor boards and scampered down the wide stairwell. She took a sharp right and entered the kitchen. Quickly, she began preparing breakfast for the maids and servants. She was 30 minutes late in waking up and now she was rushing as fast as she could. Anastasia grabbed plates and pans out and started turning dials to get the stove running. She poured some oil onto 4 pans and then began hurriedly making batter for pancakes. In record time she made the batter and began pouring two portions per pan. Eventually she had 42 pancakes made. Enough for the servants to pick as many as they wanted. Anastasia peeked at the clock and almost screamed at the top of her lungs.

5 minutes before the everyone wakes up!

Rushing over to the refrigerator Anastasia grabbed a basket of eggs. She ran back over to the pans, poured more oil, spread it around, and then began cracking and making scrambled eggs for everyone. She sprinkled some cheese and salt and then sighed contently when she had made 30 servings of scrambled eggs total, more than enough for the maids and servants to eat.

Anastasia sighed contently when she had finished making everyone their breakfast. She placed her head against the island that stood in the middle of the large kitchen, but straightened up when she heard footsteps and hushed whispers.

Anastasia then grabbed herself a plate and scooped up some eggs and pancakes. She felt exhausted and it was only morning. She'd barely done any work at all! She pondered for a moment as she made her way to a large table in the kitchen where the servants and maids ate together. Anastasia thought back to last night, but for some reason nothing came to mind. She couldn't remember what it was exactly that she had done. Shaking her head she relaxed her shoulders and grabbed some plastic silverware that sat in the center of the table. Slowly she dug into the delectable breakfast and sighed contently. Right when she was about to get up from the table, Nae burst into the room and called,

"Anastasia~" She purred as she sprinted over to where Anastasia sat. Nae was practically jumping up and down.

"Guess what!" She squealed and earned a few glares from some drowsy servants nearby. Ana gave them an apologetic look and glanced back at Nae. She had this weird sparkle in her eyes. Ana didn't bother trying to understand where she got all her energy from. She was in more ways than one the exact opposite of Anastasia. Nae had short black hair that hung at her neck while Anastasia had long blonde hair that came down past her hips. It really had grown out quite a bit, but that's the way she likes her hair.

"What?" Despite her earlier confusion, now that Nae was here, her excitement was extremely contagious.

"Will asked me if I was single or not!" Nae yelled and started jumping around Ana. "Can you believe it!? He's interested Anastasia! IN ME!" Anastasia suddenly grinned at her and grabbed her hands. She jumped up and down with her, although she wasn't the squealing and cheering type like Nae was, she couldn't help but to be happy for her. She was very happy to see that Nae had found a distraction.

Before when Anastasia first met Nae, she was still the same excitable girl, but she didn't really ever a true reason to be happy. It always felt forced, as if she smiled all the time, it would somehow make her feel better. Now, Nae has many reasons to be feeling ecstatic.

"Could you shut your fucking mouth?" A maid said from across the table sneered. Her eyes were slits and a tight scowl was on her lips. Nae did stop jumping, but she barely lowered her voice. Anastasia smiled apologetically to the woman across the table and turned her attention back to Nae.

"That's so great! I'm very happy for you, Nae." Anastasia hugged Nae and then she began heading for the kitchen door.

"Wait where are you going?" Nae tried stepping through a few people that were blocking her way from reaching Ana, but they didn't budge.

"We can talk more about that later Nae, I have laundry duty today." Ana called over her shoulder. Right when Ana's hand was hovering over the kitchen handle, she heard Nae call,

"Wait! The Three Eladors want you to bring them their breakfast! It's in the refrigerator!" Suddenly, a strong sense of de-ja-vu came washing over Ana. She shook off the feeling and headed back towards the refrigerator doors. She grabbed a large wine bottle and weaved her way through the long line of maids and servants that had now lined up in the kitchen to eat breakfast. She managed to make it through the mob and slipped through double doors that aligned the other side of the kitchen.

Anastasia saw all three Eladors beginning to take their seats and quickly she scuttled around the table and began filling their glasses with the thick red liquid. She instantly glanced at the name tag on the bottle and it read "Thick Cherry Wine." Just the name of it made bile rise in her throat. She scurried to the other side of the room and hung her head low while she held the bottle in her hands.

I barely made it to their breakfast. If I had been a millisecond later, I don't even want to imagine what could have happened...

Anastasia felt a shiver run down my spine and studied the wood floor.

"Anastasia, your quiet today." Beth glanced over at her with a curious gaze and studied her closely. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stick up.

"I-I-I'm sorry if it's not to your liking Elador Beth. Is there anyway I could make it to you for my wrong doing?" 

Something, something doesn't feel right. Why, why are my hands shaking? Where is this fear coming from?

Anastasia fleeted her gaze across the room and felt her heart skip a beat when her eyes landed on Levi.

That's where the fear is coming from. I'm terrified of Levi...

"Anastasia, are you feeling alright?" Jude grumbled out turning his harsh green eyes to her. Anastasia turned her gaze back to the floor. Even cruel Jude was worried about her. I mean, he didn't say he was, but why else would he have asked her? Anastasia shifted her weight from foot to foot and felt a drop of sweat run down her back. Her heartbeat quickened and she gripped her hands tightly behind her back.

"Yes, I just didn't get enough sleep. I'm sorry if it upsets you Elador Jude. Please forgive my selfishness." She bowed her head and did a deep curtsey. She secretly hoped none of them noticed her fear. She hoped that no one would ask her to look up, because they would see the true terror sprawled across her face. Then, Will burst through the doors and said calmly, but also with a hasty tone,

"Anastasia, we need your help with laundry. I'm sorry for interrupting your breakfast, Elador's, but there seems to be a mix up. Please forgive my intrusion." He went into, as usual, a deep bow. Anastasia could practically kiss Will at the moment. She had been dying for a scapegoat and here it was. Practically spoon fed to her. Anastasia bowed deeply and said with a fake sad tone,

"Excuse me Elador's please forgive my leave." With that, she quickly left the room. When Anastasia closed the doors behind her she practically tackled him with hugs. She whispered quietly in his ear,

"Thank you so much, Will." Will broke up the hug and smiled down at her. Remembering the task at hand, he began leading her to the exit of the kitchen. Now there were maids and servants cleaning up and planning on what to make for lunch and dinner.

"I saw you from outside and noticed that you looked like you wanted to die." Will snickered at his own joke and began taking a left and they passed the wide stair-well. They then began heading towards the front door that wasn't close, but instead across and on the far side of the room.

"You saw me from outside? What were you doing?" Anastasia raised a brow and couldn't help the accusing tone in her voice. Will merely laughed aloud and raised his hands in a calm-down gesture.

"No, I was not stalking you, I was pulling out weeds and trimming the flower beds that were near the windows and one of the windows just so happens to be right next to the dining room."

Anastasia made an "o" shape with her mouth and felt bad for accusing him of lurking around watching her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to accuse you of anything, I was out of line." Anastasia sighed closing her eyes for a moment. When she opened her eyes to see that Will had opened the front door, she slipped through it with ease and began heading towards where some maids and servants were working on the bushes and trimming the flower beds.

"Well, it looks like you and I will be working together today." Anastasia smiled shyly and grabbed a nearby rake and began raking a bunch of scattered leaves nearby. Her long skirts would probably be ruined by the end of the day, but that's what hard work does to a person.

Will then muttered under his breath,

"Finally." He smiled and then quickly wiped off the smile realizing that now was not the time for such rivalries.

"Sorry what?" Anastasia turned around and glanced at Will. She thought that she had heard him say her name and stopped raking to give him her full attention.

"Huh?" He gave her an innocent cavity, sweet, smile.

"Did you say something?" She asked. She gave a confused look and glanced at his shirt for a mere second.

"Nope. Nothing." He smiled quaintly and whistled while he got down on his knees and began pulling up weeds.

"Oh, okay." Anastasia went back to work and tried to ignore the uneasy feeling she felt in the pit of her stomach.

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