Almost Lover (Harry Styles)...

By Posh777

1.6M 50K 8.6K

Ava McCain An aspiring song writer living in London with a secret past. Harry Styles A famous singer who mak... More

Cast & Story Info
Chapter 1: This is what I was born to do
Chapter 2: Hair or Tattoos
Chapter 3: Everybody Hurts Sometimes
Chapter 4: No Harm Love
Chapter 5: Literally Frozen
Chapter 6: Opportunity Knocks
Chapter 7: Memory Lane & Text Messages
Chapter 8: Change Your Life
Chapter 9: Lover-Boy
Chapter 10: Wrecking Ball
Chapter 11: Barfights and "Goodnight"s
Chapter 12: Saturday Hangover
Chapter 13: Sunday Brunch
Chapter 14: Friends
Chapter 15: "Goodbye London."
Chapter 16: Falling
Chapter 17: A Confession and A Wager
Chapter 18: Evening the Score
Chapter 19: Let Her Go
Chapter 20: "Stop Thinking."
Chapter 21: "Not a Chance."
Chapter 22: The Not So Great Escape
Chapter 23: Inspiration and Pub Brawls
Chapter 24: When I Was Your Man
Chapter 25: Karaoke and A Huge Step Forward
Chapter 26: Text Messages and Twitter Pics
Chapter 27: Soundcheck Revenge and CPR
Chapter 28: "We sort of have company."
Chapter 29: A Not So Good Start
Chapter 30: The Truth
Chapter 31: Breakfast and....
Chapter 32: "It was bloody amazing."
Chapter 33: Toasts and Secrets
Chapter 34: "I Love Cereal."
Chapter 35: No Going Back
Chapter 36: "Tell me."
Chapter 37: "Keep going."
Chapter 38: She was Right
Chapter 39: Words of Wisdom
Chapter 40: Sheet Music and Shaving Cream
Chapter 41: Hiking
Chapter 42: "I dont know."
Chapter 43: The Plan
Chapter 44: Waiting
Chapter 45: "I want revenge."
Chapter 46: Heartbreak All Over Again
Chapter 47: "You know."
Chapter 48: "Over."
Chapter 49: Jokes Laughs and Racing Hearts
Chapter 50: Love Looking Back
Chapter 51: Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 52: Fan-girling and Extra Pressure
Chapter 53: Lies and Bets
Chapter 54: Testing Testing
Chapter 55: To Do or Not to Do That is the Question.
Chapter 56: "Okay."
Chapter 57: "I'll stay with you every night."
Chapter 58: Halo
Chapter 59: Secret Plans
Chapter 60: Friday
Chapter 61: "I'm with Kelsey Worthington."
Chapter 62: "You need to go. Now."
Chapter 63: Estates Holdings and Threats
Chapter 64: Emotional
Chapter 65: Stalker or Romantic?
Chapter 66: Tweets
Chapter 67: Making Plans and Saying Sorry
Chapter 68: Surprise After Surprise
Chapter 69: A Bad Day
Chapter 70: "I am afraid."
Chapter 71: Images
Chapter 73: "It's called love."
Chapter 74: A Night Out
Chapter 75: "I'm Yours."
Chapter 76: "I'll go get him."
Chapter 77: Wise Advice or a Drunken Rant?
Chapter 78: Signing Shopping and Sighing
Chapter 79: A Perfect Dress and A Decision?
Chapter 80: Girl's Night or Plans?
Chapter 81: "A french saying."
Chapter 82: A Secret
Chapter 83: A Beautiful Dress a Present and a Castle
Chapter 84: Three Words
Chapter 85: "What did you do?"
Chapter 86: "Make me not feel anything."
Chapter 87: Heartbreak and a Text Message
Chapter 88: "Let me go."
Chapter 89: A Punch in the Face and A Plane Ride
Chapter 90: I can move on.
Sequel: All of Me

Chapter 72: Whatever It Takes

13.8K 476 106
By Posh777

-Harry's POV-

"So where's this Ava you've been going on about?" Tom asks me.

"She ran to the loo."

"I actually wanted to talk to you about her." Lou speaks up.

"Yeah? What about?" I ask as I twirl Lux around.

"I talked to her about the contract like you asked me to."


"Just don't get your hopes up okay?"

I stop what I'm doing and focus my attention on Lou, "What? She say she wasn't going to sign it?" That conversation obviously didn't go how I wanted it to.

"No, she didn't say that. But I can tell she's convincing herself not to." Lou frowns at me.

"No, she's not. She'll sign it."

"Haz, you need to consider that she might not."

"She will. Now can we stop discussing this?" I ask, irritated. I don't want to hear that she won't.

"Stop discussing what?" I hear Ava ask behind me.

I turn around and smile at her, "Nothing. Ava this is Tom."

"Nice to meet you." She smiles at him as she shakes his hand.

"Lovely to finally meet you as well. I'm glad Lou has had another woman to hang around this tour. The lads tend to drive her mad."

"I can only imagine! When she left me alone with them for just two days I about lost my mind." She chuckles.

"When I came back her hair was purple!" Lou laughs, "Louie had filled the shower head with grape koolaid. Thankfully we got it all washed out."

"So how bout we get some lunch?" Tom suggests.

Lou and I nod as Lux squeals for pudding, which Lou immediately shoots down, deeming it an unfit lunch.

"I would love to, but I'm not feeling all that well. Another time?" Ava smiles at all of us.

"You alright?" I ask. She seemed just fine moments ago.

"Yeah, just a bit of a headache. I just need to lay down for a bit."

"You want me to stay with you?"

"No, go and have fun!"

"You sure?" I question. She's smiling but I can tell it's not reaching her eyes. But maybe it's just her headache.

"Positive. I'll meet up with you later." She leans up and gives me a small peck on the lips, "Nice to meet you again Tom."

He nods and she says her goodbyes, heading outside towards the bus.

Two hours later I'm walking back onto the bus. I barely have time to check on Ava before we have to be on stage for sound check.

I see the curtains closed on her bunk. Well our bunk. We somehow manage to squeeze together to fit in one and I wouldn't have it any other way. Then she has to sleep half on top of me every night.

I lean down and push one of the curtains open to find her back to me. I can tell she's breathing deeply so she must be asleep.

"Av." I say quietly as I run my hand down her arm.

She stirs and slowly turns around.

"Hey you." She gives me a small smile and opens her eyes. They are red and bloodshot.

"Have you been crying?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"What? No." She shakes her head and rubs her eyes.

"You have. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine. Shouldn't you be at sound check?"

"Don't change the subject. Why have you been cryin?" I push the hair out of her face as she once again shakes her head at me.

"I haven't."

"You're lying."

"Wow, you seem to just love telling me that." She scoffs at me, "Can you leave please? I feel my headache coming back on."

"I'll leave when you tell me why you're upset."

"Can you ever just mind your own d.amn business?! Seriously Harry I don't have to share everything with you."

"I share everything with you." I respond, my feelings hurt.

"Yeah well maybe you shouldn't."

"Where the hell is this coming from?" I raise my voice. God she's infuriating sometimes. I hate, and I mean hate, when she won't just tell me what's wrong.

"Ava, I can't fix anything if you don't tell me what's wrong."

"I'm not asking you to fix anything."

"Obviously, but its kinda my job."

"Well maybe you should go find a new one." She spits.

"What the fuck happened Ava? Three hours ago you were fine."

"Harry you need to head to sound check now!" Paul pops his head in the bus and yells at me.

I roll my eyes, of course I have to leave now. "Coming!" I yell back at him, waiting for his head to disappear before turning back to Ava.

She quickly tries to hide the fact she was just wiping tears off her cheeks.

I don't waste any time in pulling her out of the bunk and onto my lap as I sit down on the floor.

"Can you please stop doing this?" She asks quietly.

"Doing what?"

"Being so... perfect and so you."

"Love, please tell me what's wrong. Please."

She shakes her head as I wrap my arms around her.

"God I must seem so needy to you." She chuckles.

"No. But I am happy you need me. Now please tell me."

We fall into silence as she rests her head on my shoulder.

"We'll never work you know. Not really." She says quietly.

I feel my breath catch in my throat, "What? Why would you say that?"

She sniffles, "Cause it's true. We both want different things."

"I just want you." I say honestly.

"No you don't. You want more and you should. You can practically do anything you want for the rest of your life."

"Maybe I want to do you for the rest of my life. No pun intended." I smile at her.

"God, you make this so difficult."

"Another one of my jobs."

"Harry you needed to be on stage five minutes ago!" Paul yells through the bus. "Get your arse out here now!"

"Come with me and watch sound check." I demand more than ask.

"No, you go. I'm just going to stay here." She gets up and starts walking toward the kitchen but I jump up and grab her hand.

"Av I love you. You know that yeah?"

"Yes...", She hesitates before looking at me with concern, " And Harry?'



"Harry now!" Paul yells once again, cutting Ava off.. Was she going to say what I think she was going to say?

"Hold that thought okay?" I ask.

She nods and I kiss her forehead before I jog off the bus and follow Paul into the venue and towards the stage door.

The lads are already on stage by the time I get there.

"Ah there his is!" Zayn points to me as I run onto the stage, receiving many screams in response.

I put a fake smile on my face and wave as I'm handed my mic.

"We thought we were down to four." Liam laughs.

"Sorry! Sorry. I'm here now so let's get on with it then shall we? Everyone alright?" I ask, not paying attention to the answers screamed at me.

Niall takes over and Louie walks over to me.

"You okay mate?" He leans over and says into my ear.

I shake my head, "She's not going to sign it. I know she's not."

"Well nothing's set in stone yet mate, you can still get her to. Just do whatever you have to to get it signed. Once it's done you'll have time to make it right."

I nod at him.

"Do a proper job of it, none of us are going to be able to take you blubbering for the next six months cause you failed."

He laughs and walks away from me to sing his solo.

I know he said it as more of a joke, but that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Whatever it takes.


A/N: If you are enjoying the story, please vote! I spend hours and hours writing this and it only takes a second. It would mean so much to me and to getting my story out there! Thanks!! ;)

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