✓ | Mr. Hetfield, My Teacher...

By downbitchdown

114K 3.9K 1.5K

Ali was excited to enter senior year of highschool with all her friends. But when her mom drops the bomb that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Authors Note
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's Note

Chapter 14

3.5K 110 5
By downbitchdown

James woke up the next morning and realized that Ali wasn't next to him. He knew that she had left early to make sure she got home before her parents woke up. He stayed in bed for a while and thought about what happened last night. It was literally the best night of his life and he knew that was the same case for Ali. They finally did what they have been wanting to do since the day he busted her in texting in class; they made love. Granted, it wasn't Ali's first time but James knew he made her past experiences fade away as if they never happened. The way she moaned his name and touched him, and shivered at his touch, it seemed as if it was her first time. James was glad that he had that kind of effect on her.

James smiled to himself and got up off the bed and made his way to the restroom. He had just remembered out of the blue that he had a ton of papers to grade. If he didn't do it tonight then he would be stacked with too much paper work. He frowned knowing he wouldn't be able to go see Ali later that day. He sighed and stripped his clothes then stepped into the shower. He closed his eyes while showering and instantly thought about Ali. He reminisced of how her naked body fit so well against his. How they connected so well and their height difference was simply adorable. Adorable wasn't a word he would say very often but that's exactly what that was. He felt himself getting aroused at the thought of Ali naked. He had no time to please himself so he shook the thoughts out of his head and showered quickly. He got out and changed into the usual. His Motörhead t-shirt, his black jeans, and his black sneakers. He honestly didn't like dressing like the other teachers. It's not that suits weren't his thing, he just preferred to wear street clothes. After all, wardrobe has nothing to do with teaching.

He exited his room and immediately inhaled the smell of pancakes and bacon. He furrowed his eyebrows as he walked through the hallway. He entered the kitchen and saw a plate of pancakes and bacon on the table along with orange juice and coffee. He walked over and noticed there was a note beside the plate.

James, as you know, I had to leave early, before you wake up so my parents wouldn't catch me. I managed to make you breakfast. I hope it's not too cold by the time you noticed it. Have a great day at work and I'm hoping you can come save me from what seems like a jail cell of my room soon.

I love you.

James smiled. He was appreciative of the nice gesture. He sat down, took a sip of the coffee and ate the delicious breakfast Ali made him. This already had made his day. The good mood wouldn't last though.

By the time fouth period came out, James was absolutely furious. In every single class he had so far, there was someone mentioning the 'oh so popular rumor' that Ali had sex with Tommy. He wasn't mad at Ali. He was furious with Tommy allowing the rumor to be talked about. He was doing the opposite of denying it. James heard one of his students tell another that Tommy told him directly that he did indeed have sex with Ali. James was fuming but he couldn't let it show. However, he was going to put a stop to the nasty lie and he would make sure to set Tommy straight. He just didn't know how he would do that without looking suspicious. Another hard thing he had to do, was to break off the-so-called 'relationship' he had with Francesca. He couldn't continue to play her and he didn't want to have problems with Ali any longer after the amazing night they had. He has so many things on his plate but his main priority was Ali and making her name clean again. He wasn't sure how he was going to do it no matter what. If his frustrations got the best of him, there would be consequences but he didn't care. He was going to take care of this and defend Ali, not only for his undercover girlfriend, but as his student.

He walked over to two guys in his fouth period that were talking about the Ali and Tommy rumor. "So, where are you guys getting these rumors about Ms. Cade and Mr. Johnson? It's not nice to spread rumors you know?" He said crossing his arms.

"Mr. Hetfield, it isn't a rumor. Tommy confirmed everybody that he had sex with her." One of the students shrugged.

"What do you mean confirmed to everybody?"

"Yeah, he said it to the whole student body before school. He had a big microphone and told everybody. He was standing outside campus on the street and just yelled it to everybody in the school." The other student laughed.

"And you think it's funny that he is trashing the girls reputation?" He snapped. "Just because he said it, doesn't mean it's true." Everybody in the classroom began to look at him with widened eyes. He couldn't believe that after getting suspended, Tommy still had the balls to approach the school from the street and cause even more chaos.

"Dang, chill Mr. Hetfield." One student said.

"I'm your teacher, don't tell me to chill. Instead, you should all grow up and you should know better than believe a fake rumor that is trashing a young girls reputation. Changing the subject, turn your books to page 60 in your books. Do all the problems and show your work. No talking." The class went straight to do what they they were told. They wouldn't dare to disobey him. His face was red and had the meanest scowl on it.

James sat down in his chair and began to think. That asshole Tommy told everybody a lie. Of course, this being highschool, everybody believed him. He wanted nothing more than to go find him and beat the shit out of him. He knew that wasn't a good idea for obvious reasons. He knew that eventually, he had to bring this up with Mr. Ulrich, the principal. Mr. Ulrich was hard head and James wasn't sure if he would be able to get him to punish Tommy more than he already did. After all, even he believed the rumor. He did suspend them for three weeks.

James buried his face in his hands, feeling defeated. He knew it wouldn't go anywhere but he had to least try talking to Mr. Ulrich. He jumped when the bell rang. All the students quickly left the work on his desk and scurried off. They were scared to say the least. James shook his head at his behavior. He shouldn't have lashed out on the class but he was furious. It just came out. He realized his outburst would probably be talked about but he would deal with that bridge once he crossed it. He just hoped it didn't come on as suspicious. The last thing he needed was to be questioned. He hated being questioned. He spent his entire free period thinking about everything he had to do. He was so stressed and he hated it.

His deep thinking made lunch hour and his free period hour go by quick and before he knew it, his students for 6th period were already entering.

"The sixth bell rang already?" He asked one of his students while rubbing his temples.

"Yes Mr. Hetfield. Are you okay?" The student asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He answered. He looked over the door and saw Kate walk in. Of course, Ali's best friend. She would help him out with this. He figured she was still pissed at him for making Ali cry but he would ask for her help anyways. She was truly the only one that could help him. Mr. Ulrich wasn't reliable and he obviously could ask her parents for help. Too suspicious in his mind. He assigned the class the same assignment and continued with his thinking, or his plan rather. After some time, the bell rang and Kate was the last one to turn in her paperwork.

"Kate, wait."

"What do you want Mr. Hetfield?"

James glanced over the door then looked back at her. "I know you're still pissed at me for making Ali cry but we're okay now. We made up and I told her I didn't do anything with Francesca, which is the truth." He whispered.


"Yes I swear."

"Fine, I won't be mad but I am mad at everybody else. Are you hearing what Tommy said? Have you heard the students?" Kate shook her head.

"Yes, I have and believe me, I'm as angry as you are. That's why I need your help."

"With what?"

"Clear Ali's name and get Tommy to tell the truth. This is Ali's last year of highschool and it already started off pretty bad because of Tommy and half because of me. I don't want that to continue once she comes back from suspension."

"You really care about her don't you?" Kate smiled.

"Yes I do. More than you can ever imagine. So, will you help me?" He asked desperately.

"Uhh yes."

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