Sketch- A ghost story on a "c...

By Inkygalaxycat

26 5 0

Her story wasn't a amazing story yet she ended up being one of the main players. Yet all she wanted to do was... More

Desert sand
Frozen landscape
Next level BEWARE!

Ghost powers

6 1 0
By Inkygalaxycat

Sketch-A ghost story of a "common"
ghost powers

By Inkygalaxycat

"Like this?" She asked showing Frostbite a red ball of ectoplasm, she learnt a few days ago the mostly everything was made up of this stuff.
"Very good young one! Now launch it into the air." Frostbite cheered her on with a demonstration with a blue ball of ectoplasm. It flew up into the air and exploded above the roof tops, in the arena. The ectoplasm then rained down slowly as snow.
She wondered why there was a color difference to the ectoplasm but never voiced it. It was something she figured she'll find out later.
She chucked the red ball into the air only for it to fizzle out of existence. Frostbite observed her and the ball with interest.
She huffed annoyed and concentrated on making another ball of ectoplasm in her hands.
"Nice try young one!" Frostbite complemented.
"But it didn't even get above your hight before dying!" She whined.
"But Sketch, you need to remember you have only just formed it took me a while before I got a hang of my powers and they are still growing! One never stops improving till they end." Frostbite responded.
"It's been weeks though... and I can barely make a ball." She sighed as the ball of red ectoplasm disappeared in her hands. She still wanted to make her hands disappear. She didn't like the scared skin they had. Just like the ball she failed to make. She wanted them invisible and not there.
"All great things come with time young one." Frostbite said to her with a smile of jagger teeth.
She nodded smiling under her bandana, it always seem to show in her eyes though.
"You always say that." She giggled.
"It's true is it not?" Frostbite jokingly asked. She just smiled in response with a nod.
She heard the crunch of the snow in the distance and looked around. Hoarfrost was walking towards them.
"Hoarfrost! Hello!" She yelled in greeting. Hoarfrost laughed and waved getting closer to the two.
"Hello my king, young one." Hoarfrost greeted giving Frostbite a small bow in respect.
"Hoarfrost, how is was patrol?" Frostbite asked Hoarfrost with a hint of seriousness.
"We met another another ghost calling them self an ancient my king." Hoarfrost whispered leading Frostbite away from her a bit.
It must be a private conversation.
"Did they give a name or title?" Frostbite questioned placing a hand on Hoarfrost's shoulder.
Hoarfrost nodes twice. "They said they are Death the Master of endings and death."
Frostbite gained a worried look and nodded.
"This is curious indeed. Why would Death come here?" Frostbite pondered with a thinking look. "Welcome Death into the dinning hall and clear the area out, we do not want Death to feel unwelcome and threatened. Tell Death I'll be there later."
"Yes my king." Hoarfrost said with a bow before walking away.
Frostbite walked back over to her and smiled.
"Now." Frostbite said with a loud clap. "Where were we?"

It soon became a regular thing for her and one of the Farfrozen, usually Frostbite, to go the the arena and train her powers every day, then afterwards she would go to he room she was given and draw. She had yet to discover what her obsession was so she could use the power/s that was connected to her obsession.
She loved it when they introduced her to flying, she had so much fun with that one and felt free. At first flying was hard but she got a hang of it fast, faster then any of the other abilities she had so far. She also found there was nothing that could be better then flying besides drawing and sketching.
Turning invisible was hard, she could do part of it like a hand or a foot but not her whole body like the other ghosts could do, but, she was content with just having her hands turn invisible. She finally didn't have to look at the scared and damaged hands...
Intangibility was interesting to do. It felt weird and a bit scary. She would get a tingling feeling in the first few hundred times she managed to get something intangible.
When she had gained full control over turning intangible the Farfrozen soon regretted teaching her how to fly and turn invisible and intangible. She used those three powers to her full advantage. She played games of tag, flying then would tag someone and turn invisible and intangible, hiding. Some would try to chase her down in fun luckily. She liked it when they had joined in her game. She would only come out from her hiding place when Frostbite or Hoarfrost came to get her. It was quite scary when they got mad...
She learnt that the hard way.
Frostbite ended up freezing her feet to the ground with some ether very lucky shots or well skilled aim the first few times, after that she came out of hiding as soon as she could.
Hoarfrost... well she learnt never let Hoarfrost get angry. She was still finding ice in her clothing and oddly shaded green hair because of it.
Using the ectoplasmic attacks was even harder then turning invisible. She had gotten use to making a ball out of it but anything else, like firing it or making it explode was wearisome. It took months worth of training before she could get a small ball of ectoplasm to be fired and exploded or cause damage to other beings. Hoarfrost explained to her that as well as there being malicious ghosts there was also the plants and animals of the Ghost zone to worry about, and that wasn't even starting on the humans.
She had been told that there were humans throughout time trying to summon demons, ghosts, spirits, goblins, beasts and other monsters that should not be messed around with. What the humans didn't realise is that when they "play" around with magic they actually do, do something. Many of the ghosts had been taken out of the Ghost zone via magic that the humans used, which in turn cause the ghosts to retaliate by reeking havoc on the town that took them from their homes. Some of the towns where smart and used Blood blossoms to take down the ghost and ended them. It was a terrifying process to watch and even worse to experience.
Blood blossoms would tear the ghosts apart slowly while draining them fast. Apparently it was similar to being stabbed multiple times by a rusted dagger. But that little last part of information depended on the ghost being asked. Some said things like; thousands of tiny creatures eating at your body or slowly falling apart in agony or even being dipped in acid then placed in the coldest place then hottest place all at the same time. The point was, it was agony to who ever experienced it. Any one that was a ghost that is. Humans are completely unaffected and could even eat this plant and disarm it's effect on ghosts. 
It was a great ward and a great bit of vegetation to spice up food if you were a human.
She had asked multiple times what these Blood blossoms looked like but each time was she was told "She would know when and if she ever came across one."  She didn't understand what that meant though. So she shrugged it off with a bit of hidden worry.
"Sketch! Concentrate! We do not need to go over our agreed training rules again do we?" Hoarfrost yelled out to her. She yelped dodging an blue beam from Hoarfrost.
"Noooo!" She yelled back dragging out her answer. She flew around another blue beam in a circle with a bit of a giggle.
"Then retaliate Sketch." Hoarfrost commanded sending out more blue beams at once. She flew around the attacks, dodging as fast as she could while red energy gathered in her hands.
"Okay! Slow down! You're making it hard to react!" She whined barely dodging a blue beam. Ice formed on the cloth the blue beam touched in cold fractals.
"In a real battle you will not be given the time to think like this Sketch." Hoarfrost fired a large beam of blue at her with out hesitation.
"Ah!" She screamed turning intangible before it hit. She then flicked ice off her hair and clothing.
"You will have to make your own time. Make the opposition panic. Make each of your battles your own and dominate them." Hoarfrost continued throwing ice spears at Sketch's now tangible form.
"Okay! Okay! Okay!" She screamed and fired her red attacks at the ice spears before sending a small red ball of ectoplasm at Hoarfrost.
Hoarfrost smiled with jagged teeth. "Good! Very good! Now dominate the battle. Take the control." Hoarfrost then blocked the red ball of ectoplasm that Sketch sent, with a strong ice shield, making the ball explode against the shield.
"Woah..." She commented at the shield before shaking her head inside of the hooded shawl. "But what if I don't want to fight? I would rather draw and sketch then battle another ghost."
Hoarfrost sighed. "Not all ghosts will be kind Sketch. We are made of of good and bad, we are still a living beings even if we are dead."
"That doesn't make any sense." She said confused, again it must have shown in her completely red eyes because Hoarfrost frowned.
"Even ghosts are evil Sketch." Hoarfrost said bluntly. "There will be times will someone will want to end you. Make you fade away."
Fade? No one told her about what this "fade" is. She guessed it was something like death or ending. Hoarfrost just shook their head with a face palm.
"Fading is just another term for ending Sketch, there are many terms for death here and yes your eyes do give it away."
"Oh.." she whispered before giggling. "Okay." She may be covered up but her eyes did always give away her emotions and thoughts.
She then yelped as she dodged another ice attack from Hoarfrost.
"Come on Sketch just land one hit and then you can have your fun." Hoarfrost promised with two blue balls of ectoplasm gathering in each hand.
"Fine." She sighed before bombarding Hoarfrost with very small red ectoplasm balls that exploded upon impact. Hoarfrost was of course unaffected and had blocked all the attacks by making a temporary floating shield of ice.
"Good but could be better." Hoarfrost complemented to the air as she had disappeared from Hoarfrost's sight and Hoarfrost was now watching, waiting.
Using her invisibility and ability of flight she floated closer quietly to Hoarfrost bit by bit. She stepped through the air on the non existent ground inching closer.
Step... step... she was now behind Hoarfrost inline with Hoarfrost's back with a hand out stretched. One hit then she can go draw? Okay. One touch.
Hoarfrost swung around with a backhanded punch, shocking Sketch out of invisibility as she was hit and sent flying to the side.
She screamed in fright and slight pain as she landed in a pile of snow, that was built up around them in the arena as an added safety precaution.
"Ow..." she moaned and laid buried in the snow pile. "That hurt..."
Hoarfrost chuckled and walked over to her. "It was meant to young one. A very good tactic though. It didn't work on me but can work on others."
"O-okay." She stammered and sat up. Snow fell off her as she moved. "Can I go now?" She asked rubbing her injured side, she could feel a bruise forming from that hit.
"In a moment. Who taught you to form shields? I've not seen you use any kind of shield yet." Hoarfrost questioned holding a hand out to Sketch. She gladly took it and stood up.
"No one has yet." She started only for Hoarfrost to interrupt her.
"No one has taught you how to make shields! How outrageous! It is one of the most basic yet important things you need to know about when using powers!" Hoarfrost ranted gaining an angry look then started pacing.
"Hoarfrost." She whispered, scared to interrupt the angry Farfrozen.
"It is so simple too! It's only a little bit harder then firing attacks of ectoplasm! Even then that is easy! Ooh! I'm so stupid! I should have checked before hand if you could make shields. Who else has been teaching you besides me and Frostbite? I need to have a word with all of the ghosts training you." Hoarfrost continued only pausing the pacing when asking Sketch about who was training her.
"Hoarfrost I-I only-" She stammered before being interrupted again.
"It doesn't matter! I'll teach you now!" Hoarfrost declared taking hold of Sketch's invisible hand. The only time she had her hands visible was when she was using her own attacks. Even when she was hit her hands stayed invisible, much to her surprise. "If you aren't taught how to form shields then there will be no chance at you surviving a battle. Even deflecting another's attack would have been good! Now summon your ectoplasm into your hands like you do with any of your attacks."
She just stood there in slight shock. What was going on now? Wait. Hoarfrost was asking her to make a ball of ectoplasm. Okay.
Slowly she managed to gather red energy into her hands.
"Good. Now with a flat hand wave your hand over the general area of where you want your shield to form. Make sure you let the energy float off your hands to make the path, which will form to make the shield." Hoarfrost stated watching intensely.
With a confused look she simply waved at Hoarfrost slowly. Hoarfrost's jaw dropped in shock.
"No! No! No! No! No! What are you doing? Wave your hand over a larger space! And don't let the energy stick with your hands. No! Like this!" Hoarfrost then demonstrated to an even more confused Sketch.
"H-hoarfrost.. I-I don't think I'm ready to make shields yet." She whispered but Hoarfrost heard loud and clear.
"What! What makes you say that?" Hoarfrost asked dismissing the ice shields that had been formed from the attempted demonstration.
"You said that it is harder then firing attacks." She started quietly dismissing the ectoplasm gathered in her hands.
"Yes but only a little bit." Hoarfrost answered with crossed arms.
"I-I have trouble making attacks to even fire. Besides, I, umm... I want to rest." She continued rubbing her now invisible hands together nervously.
Hoarfrost stared at her for a moment contemplating her reasons.
"Okay. We'll continue next time. Then I will make sure you can fire attacks with ease and form shields to protect you and others around you. That's the good thing about shields, it protects others and your self. Some take even cover whole realms if the ghost is strong and powerful enough or has multiple ghosts working together on keeping the shield up." Hoarfrost said patting Sketch on the shoulder.
She nodded with a smile, grateful that today's session of training was over. Was it even day? Time was hard to tell in the Ghost zone. "Rest up young one." Hoarfrost said letting Sketch go while looking elsewhere. "I'll see you in the dinning hall later." Hoarfrost hesitated.
She looked at Hoarfrost confused slightly.
"What's wrong Hoarfrost?" She asked with a tilted head. Hoarfrost looked at her with a slight frown.
"Patrol is back earlier then they are meant to be." Hoarfrost answered before ruffling Sketch's hooded head. She yelped out a short "hey" in response.
"Go have fun. I am just going to see what's going on."
"Okay." She smiled and floated away, out of the arena to her icy home, that she was given out of the kindness of the Farfrozen. When she got to her room she then let her thoughts wonder.
Why did it matter if the patrol came back early? How did one know if it was early as well? Time was hard to tell because there was no sun or moon.
She blinked. Sun or moon... where did she remember such things as the sun and moon. What were they? Ghosts? No. You can't tell the time from ghosts. Or can you?
She closed her eyes and tried to think of life before she was a ghost. All she knew was that she was a human before a ghost and that her color scheme was wrong. There were a few little things here and there, memories? Possibly. Things like a green thorny plant in a hot place. Lots of fear and sweat too. That was a main thing. Fear and sweat... so so hot.. too hot...
She didn't know what to think anymore and just laid on the bed she was provided.
Maybe she should sleep. Yeah sleep. That sounded like a good idea right now. Let her body heal and charge before food...
How did the Farfrozen know when to serve out the food for their people?

She found her self siting on the steps to a large palace. It was nowhere near the ground or any kind of exit besides the door way to death. The fall from the hight would have done more then made one go "splat" the idea made her shudder.
Someone called to her. It was muffled but she understood clearly.
It was time to gather again...
She stood up and followed the blurred figure wearing pink and gold to another room.
A massive dance room with hundreds of other females there. All alike in outfits and skin color. Different in personality and sprit. All taken from their homes under the order of their king.
She wanted to look around but for some reason couldn't.
A small fat man walked out in front of them and they kneeled down on one knee with a bow instantly.
He smiled a disgusting smile, full of hate, pride, greed, envy and worst of all, lust.
He then went into explaining how there was a guest coming and they all had to preform for him. If he wanted anything, and he meant anything, from any of them, then they had to give it to the guest. Any hesitation or disrespect would be dealt with severe punishment.
She blinked and now she was with the others all practicing a new dance with harder and more complicated moves. It went on for what felt like hours but the sunset never changed in their time there. The whole time she felt like she was being watched...
The new dance was fast paced and took a lot of energy, they were all sweating badly from the training, some were almost at the level of fainting of being too tired.
The blurry figures teaching them told them it was break time but only for a few minutes, since the king wanted them to empress their guest in every way they had to do more with less time.
She was then back in a hallway leaning against a large stone poll. She was with two others, who were both blurry.
They were laughing and talking about what they would do if they could leave the grasp the king had in them.
One said she would open up a store and become rich, rich enough to feed her large family of eighteen. Well nineteen including herself.
The other wanted to just be happy, maybe write a story. But she knew it was impossible, none of them were taught how to read or write and it would be considered evil if they did.
She on the other hand. She knew she just wanted to sketch and draw stuff down. Even if it was silly she just loved the idea of disappearing into a world of creativity where imagination is the limit.
All three of them laughed saying that all their ideas were stupid but it was still a dream.
A dream.
Where was she again?

Bang. Bang.
She sat up with a gasp holding a visible hand to her chest. She was in her room, safe and sound. There was no danger.
"Sketch you in there?" She heard Poler ask before knocking on the door again.
"O-oh I'm here!" She called out and then slid off the bed. "I'm coming!" She then walked over to the door and opened it.
"Do you realise how worried you made the others feel?" Poler asked with crossed arms and a frown.
"H-huh? What did I do?" She stuttered with worry. Poler then smiled and then hugged her suddenly. She screamed at the sudden hug, but not very loudly.
"You didn't turn up at the dining hall! That's what!" Poler then ruffled her hair thought the hood.
"Hey! Don't do that!" She yelped trying to get Poler to stop touching her hair. "Besides I thought ghosts didn't need to eat. Hmph!" She then phased out of Poler's hold with her own arms crossed.
"It doesn't matter. We were expecting you to be there and you weren't." Poler said watching her closely.
"Then why didn't you come get me then hmmm? You all know I always come here before I go to the dining hall." She stated watching Poler back. She then stopped and stared at Poler with a shocked look. "Poler!" She yelled. Poler just raised an eye brow.
"You sneaky meany!" She then huffed and narrowed her fully red eyes.
"Go on." Poler smirked trying not to laugh.
"AHHHHH!!! Mi finos vin!" (I'll end you!) She yelled at Poler who yelped and ran out the door away. Poler looked terrified. She then chased Poler running as fast as she could yelling more things in what sounded like Esperanto.
"Ah! Sketch! It was a joke! Calm down!" Poler screamed back running around a corner. She followed with red energy lighting up in her visible hands.
"kion vi volas diri ŝerco? Get back here Poler!" (What do you mean a joke?) she then slipped and face planted into the snowy ground with a thud. She could hear Poler's steps getting further away from her. "eh kial mi..." (why me) she then sat up wiping snow off her self. The summoned energy disappearing as she wiped the snow off her.
Sighing she stood up and patted the rest of herself down.
"Young one! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the dinning hall by now?" It was another Farfrozen, Frost.
She turned to face the small Farfrozen with a wave.
"Hey Frost. I'm heading there now." She replied with an annoyed look, she still wasn't happy at Poler.
"What happened?" Frost drawled out with arms crossed. She learnt out of all the Farfrozen Frost was the most... cold hearted? It was hard for Sketch explain but she knew that Frost wasn't very nice to strangers. Frost wasn't even nice to other Farfrozen.
"Poler tricked me." She answered with huff. Frost laughed wiping "tears" away
"Really? Poler pranked ya? Ha!" Frost laughed before punching her in the upper arm making her grunt.
"Pranked?" She asked rubbing her sore arm.
"Yeah. What else would have it been?" Frost gave an eye rolled with the rhetorical question.
"I don't-" she started before Frost grumbled at her.
"I was not asking for an answer child." Frost's voice darkened at child with a mocking like tone.
It scared her but she tried not to show it. Then she remembered exactly what Frost was, well what the others called her. A bully. Frost was a bully.
Her voice of reason said to not let Frost win and live a life of cruelty.
"Then why did you ask?" She responded innocently, blinking to add effect.
Two can play at that game, but she hoped Frost would back down and start being nicer.
Frost let out a "Ha!" Then laughed for a moment while Sketch simply watched Frost laugh. "It's a rhetorical question idiot! A question with out a wanted answer."
"Why?" She asked, this felt familiar and would be fun. Fun for her that is.
"What do you mean why?" Frost asked placing clawed hands on her hips.
"Why? Why did you ask if you never wanted an answer?" She asked tilting her head inside the hood.
Frost stared at her.
"To try to get you to think for once." Frost answered with a moment of silence.
"Aw Frost I didn't know you cared about me!" She cooed at Frost much to Frost's disgust.
"I don't care about you! I hate you!" Frost retaliated quickly.
"But you said you wanted me to think, and that means you do care." She replied calmly. 
"No I don't!" Frost growled blue gathering in both hands.
"Then why?" She asked not noticing the blue energy. Frost growled a dangerous look flashing across her eyes.
"Get lost preta!" Frost yelled firing the blue energy at her.
She didn't know what happened next because she closed her red eyes, but she saw the results.
There was a large chunk of the ice ground raised up like a wall, showing the dirt under the layers of snow, her skin that she could see had dark blue, glowing marks that had appeared on her but there was an another thing, she felt strong, strong and powerful. She could feel the power from what ever the dark blue marks were. Her hands were raised and visible as if she flung her hands up in an act of self protection.
Slowly she lowered her hands and the dark blue marks disappeared. What was that?
She heard a grown come from the other side of the raised chunk of landscape. Had she hurt Frost by accident? She peaked around the chunk that was raised up and gasped.
Frost was laying on the ground on the her back and Frost's side of the raised up ground had sharp icicles sticking off it.
"A-are you okay F-Frost?" She asked raising her hands to her mouth in shock, she didn't care if her bandana blocked her mouth she was scared. Frost groaned in response and sat up.
"Y-you're a freak! Freak an-an-and a leach you hear!" Frost then stood up and ran away.
She stood there in shock, Frost's words were like a knife to the chest.
A freak... it hurt but she didn't know what it meant. A leach she nothing about. She knew it was an insult because of Frost's tone but... why did it hurt?
She looked at the raised chunk of land with icicles sticking off it. How did that happen? Did she do it? If she did do that, how? How did she make that happen?
She felt scared... she didn't know how to feel about this and what to do. She just stood there staring at the raised chunk of land, frozen in shock and fear. It was only when Poler came back slowly and gently placed a hand on her shoulder, that she had been standing there for a while.
"Sketch? Are you okay?" Poler asked quietly. "Or are you still mad at me for the prank?"
She stood there for a bit longer before looking at Poler slowly.
"I'm scared Poler..." She whispered staring into Poler's eyes.
"Scared of what?" Poler questioned .
"I-I think I did that.." She answered gesturing to the raised up land. Poler looked between the land raised up and Sketch a few times.
"Do you know how?" Poler queried. She shook her head. "Then there is no way to say you did that, but it is interesting."
"...Frost can't have done it ether." She added. "So I must have been me. I did that some how..."
"There is only one way to find out." Poler said with a jagged smile.
"Do it again. But first!" Poler exclaimed clapping furry white hands together. "Food! I'm feeling hungry and I don't know about you but I would like to eat."
She nodded slowly and followed Poler away from where the raised land mass was. Was she in shock? She must be.

Sketch and Poler walked into the busy dinning hall silently. She was still shaking and shocked. Frost was no where to be seen. Thankfully or not the mean FarFrozen wasn't there.
"Poler! Young one! There you two are!" Frostbite greeted cheerfully.
"My king." Poler responded with a slight bow.
"Where were you two?" Frostbite asked lowering his voice so it wasn't as loud.
"I was looking for Sketch my king."  Poler answered straightening up and placing a clawed hand on her shoulder.
She looked up at Frostbite with wide eyes fear reflecting in them.
"Young one, what's wrong?" Frostbite asked quietly.
"My king... it may be easier if you see." Poler whispered answering for her instead. Frostbite nodded and then lead her to the a small seat.
Food was placed in front of her along the table and other FarFrozen ate contently.
She stared silently at the food awkwardly as Frostbite and Poler walked away.
It was a while of her staring silently and other FarFrozens walking in and out of the dinning hall that another ghost actually talked to her.
"Hey young one!" Hoarfrost cheered pulling up a seat next to her. 
"Hi.." She whispered, greeting Hoarfrost. She then looked around with a timbered look.
"What is the matter?" Hoarfrost then asked lowering their voice to speak quieter.
Sketch looked to Hoarfrost to answer but no sound came out. "Young one?" Hoarfrost asked placing a clawed hand into her shoulder.
"I-I..." She then lowered her head. "I think... I.. I'm scared Hoarfrost." She stammered out.
"Why are you scared?" Hoarfrost questioned now rubbing her back.
"Frost was being mean... t-then there... I-I don't know but a thing happened!" She explained her vision going fussy. What was this? Why couldn't she see? Why was everything become blurry?!
"Sketch! Calm down! Breath slowly! In. Take a deap breath. Out. Breath out." She heard Hoarfrost command to her.
Slowly.. slowly..... slowly......

Poler lead Frostbite to where they found Sketch then gestured to the risen land.
"My king," Poler started with a bow. "This is what Sketch and Frost supposedly created. I believe Frost attacked her and she retaliated, but, Sketch doesn't know what happened." Poler finished rising up to stand.
Frostbite hummed and went closer to investigate.
"This is intriguing indeed." Frostbite muttered looking at the two side of obvious battle. A short one yes, but still a battle. "The land risen up does have Sketch's energy, it is faint, as if... she merely just manipulated it to do her will. This is very fascinating. Frost's side is still strong her her energy, as a normal attack should do. What is interesting about this though is that, Frost's attack is all bunched close, they are done at close range."
"What shall be done about it?" Poler asked.
"For now, we leave this alone. Sketch, step up on her training as I do believe she will be capable. Frost, we need to talk to Frost first before deciding what shall be done." Frostbite responded. "Now, food?" Frostbite asked give a grin. Poler nodded.

"Now try to explain slowly." Hoarfrost said still rubbing her back. She shook her head. Everything was still fuzzy. "Young one, please try." She shook her head again. Spinning. Spinning. Spinning. Everything was still spinning. "Sketch, please try." Hoarfrost asked voice going low with a warning growl.
"Y-you're scaring m-me.." She stammered. Hoarfrost frowned and retracted the out stretched hand.
"I want you to explain what happened Sketch." Hoarfrost then crossed then arms.
She whimpered and looked away.
"I... I don't know what even happened.." She uttered game lowering. Hoarfrost frowned in response.
"Why not?"
"I had my eyes closed then next thing I know... I-I... T-the .. the ground rise up a-and... Frost... Frost was okay but they started to say mean things..." she whispered wanting to go into hiding. She felt like she was in an unsafe spot. Danger... Danger..
"What happened before that?" Hoarfrost questioned.
"Frost a-and I was talking... they were trying to be mean and I.. I was kinda.... teasing back..." She answered slowly.
"See now, that wasn't so hard was it?" Hoarfrost asked sitting up straight.
She lowered her head again. "What else happened?"
"Frost ran... I stayed..." She answered feeling numb.
Hoarfrost frowned again watching the young ghost silently sulk. It was worrying that her aura was going dull.
"Who started it?" Hoarfrost queried tilting their head.
"Kind of...both." She muttered after a moment of thinking.
Hoarfrost hummed and looked around the hall. Most of the other FarFrozens had gone in and out. It was close to the end of food time. Had Frost entered yet?
Hoarfrost then looked back to where Sketch was, then blinked.
"Young one?" Hoarfrost asked. She wasn't there.
The chair Sketch was sitting in was pushed in and the food was barely touched.
"Oh ancients..." Hoarfrost muttered. "This is going to be harder then expected."

She flew, faster then she's even flown before. She just had to get away. Run! Run! Run!
Frostbite! Poler! She just fasted them. She shook her head and kept flying. She didn't feel safe she had to run.
Soon she fell from the sky and landed with a tumble. Spinning. Spinning. Spinning!
It was a rough landing and it did hurt but she had to keep going. Fear. Fear! Fear!
She was so scared. Why was she scared again? She couldn't remember...
Slowly she stood up and began to walk, she limped away to her current place to sleep. Her little home they had made...

"Hoarfrost!" Frostbite called. Hoarfrost jumped slightly then turned.
"My king!" Hoarfrost then bowed.
"Hoarfrost, where is the young one, Sketch?" Frostbite asked.
"I do not know my king." Hoarfrost answered looking up. "She left a little while ago. What about Poler?"
"Poler was with me." Frostbite said taking a look around the dinning hall.
"Then I don't know where Sketch could be. Have you checked her hut?"
"No." Frostbite answered his gaze narrowing onto Hoarfrost. "Come, you need to see this too." Hoarfrost blinked.
"What is it my king?" Hoarfrost questioned now standing properly.
"Come." Frostbite grinned walking away beckoning Hoarfrost to follow.
Once they left the dinning hall Frostbite lead Hoarfrost to where he was lead to earlier.
"My king? Where are we going?"
"Have patience Hoarfrost, you will be fascinated too." Frostbite spoke waving Hoarfrost's question off.
"I am afraid I do not understand." Hoarfrost groaned, Frostbite was confusing them.
"You'll see." Frostbite then went around a corner. "Come! Come! Hoarfrost, this is will help with the young's one training!"
"What does that mean?" Hoarfrost muttered and continued to follow.
"Well? What do you make of this?" Frostbite questioned with a grin. Hoarfrost' jaw dropped with shock. This is what Sketch was talking about?
"What happened?" Hoarfrost automatically asked before shaking their head. "How did this happen?"
"I do not know." Frostbite answered before gesturing to the chuck of land risen up. "Go on, look closer, see what you can find."
Hoarfrost nodded before looking at the chuck of land and the area around it.
"The ice spikes belong to Frost." Hoarfrost observed.
"Yes, anything else?" Frostbite drawled out.
"The land mass has Sketch's energy signature. It is fading though. It feels... as though she possessed the ground, but the foot prints say other wise. She never let the ground." Hoarfrost continued. Frostbite nodded listening to what Hoarfrost observed aloud. "This is intriguing, I don't think I've seen this effect from another ghost's power before."
"Closest would be the weather ghost, Vortex I believe." Frostbite said with a look of thinking. Hoarfrost nodded.
"But isn't his powers limited to weather only? Sketch is not weather based, that's not her obsession." Hoarfrost added testing the ice spikes sticking out of the land mass.
"I know. But have you actually figured out what her obsession is?" Frostbite asked. Hoarfrost shook their head.
"I can narrow it down to artwork but surely it's not just artwork." Hoarfrost drawled out with a dull look before standing.
"You never know, we do have a ghost for purely ruling others." Frostbite hushed.
Hoarfrost nodded, understanding. The ghost king, Phair Dark, was one of the evil ghosts who's intentions were never good. He was currently locked away in the sarcophagus of forever sleep much to the thanks of the seven ancients. No one knew who those seven ancients were or are but many had ideas.
The Ghost king was known for being the biggest destroyer of the ghost zone and other ghosts. He was a murderer of all kinds.
"But even then... deep down it was power." Hoarfrost whispered.
"Maybe, but it was still rule others." Frostbite replied with a grin.
Hoarfrost stared at the ruler of the FarFrozen unsure of what to do now.
"Well... at least it's not silly like an obsession with boxes." Hoarfrost answered after a moment.  Frostbite chuckled much to Hoarfrost's confusion. "What is it my king?"
"Don't worry about it Hoarfrost." Frostbite chuckled out shaking his head. "You just need to get out more."

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