8 Letters- A Why Don't We Sto...

By JasonMcCanngirl

1.5K 88 64

Meet Jonah, Daniel, Corbyn, Zach and Jack. Life is amazing for this group of five but what happens when it ta... More

We're taking over
Girl drama
Love's quarrel
Chains or death
Freddie's house
An escape
Choose šŸ–¤
Blood lust
Safety first
Unwanted visit
In Too Deep
Bro code???
Who are you?

Stranger danger

56 5 5
By JasonMcCanngirl

"Kaylen" he whispered "Kaylen" her head spun around quickly to the figure sweating profusely behind her in the big building "What are you doing?"

"Really? What does it look like I'm doing?"

He scratched the back of his neck "Erm" his blue eyes twinkled "Robbing a bank" Kaylen had spun around again to collect a watch from the case when Daniel scooped her up in his arms "I may like you this much" he mumbled "But I'm not about to go to jail" he picked up the bag Kaylen had and hung her upside down to fix the alarms and left the building. Once away from the bank they stood apart from each other

"Never again" he sighed "It's too risky"

"Isn't that the whole reason why you were attracted to me in the first place?" she bit her lip and Daniel stared at her for quite a while before answering. "Let's go"


The room was eerie, crickets were chirping in the night and it was the only sound you heard other than Zach's chewing of gum and Jack's tapping foot. His eyes were drawn to the ground averted from his other band members. "Can someone tell me why the hell is Niklaus in this house!!!"

"Care to share your issue lad?" Niklaus looked at Corbyn "I'm here to answer to the werewolf's call not to succumb to the worried problems of a confused blonde" he glared at him before sitting down beside Jack "I don't know what blonde has to do with our abilities or the fact that you're a physopathic killer, weird flex but okay" 

As Klaus was about to answer Daniel burst through the door "Welcome" he said smirking, Daniel slammed the door shut and looked at the other boys "Don't ask" Corbyn spoke. He walked in "Is there a supernatural meeting I don't know about?" he looked confused. Zach sat up "He's waiting on Jonah, something happened" An hour went by and finally he showed up, his hair tussled, his face drawn. Klaus sighed. "There's witches roaming the quarters back in New Orleans, hurry up lad" 

"I want to know what Jeremy Gilbert is doing in L.A. and why my ex girlfriend is running around knocked up by some supernatural, that's not the life she should have"

Everyone gasped and Corbyn was the first to ask the question "Wait Emily is pregnant!!!!" he screeched in a high voice. Jonah rolled his eyes. "So she's carrying the Gilbert's baby uh" Klaus smiled "Carry on" he patted Jonah on the shoulder and was about to leave when he commanded him to stop. He did and stepped in front of him "The Gilbert's have a way of getting what they want, I'm of no help"

"Can't you do something, anything" Jonah pleaded with him. Klaus thought for a second "I'll send a witch over" with that said he disappeared. He stared at the group "What are we supposed to do with a witch?" Jack asked him "Suppose she cooks us in her stew or whatever" 

"I bet we would taste delicious" Corbyn added commentary. "Look I want to know exactly what the baby is, the power it holds" Jonah stood at a stand still. "How do you expect to get that information"

"He's sending a witch right? I'm sure they hold more power than we do, I'm going to need Emily for this"

Daniel stood up "Whatever happened to not involving the girls"

"Emily already knows, what happens to your girls is on you. I won't stop until Jeremy Gilbert pays for his actions" he walked away

*Next day*

Corbyn was in the kitchen when he sensed a presence behind him and quickly picked up a knife "Stand back" he said waving it around only to be met face to face with Damon Salvatore, he scoffed "Put the knife down kid you're only going to hurt yourself" Corbyn slid the sharp knife back into position without taking his eyes off of him "I would heal so your point is invalid" Damon's eyes pierced into his. "What are you here for anyway? Shouldn't you be all kissy kissy with the other Gilbert?" Corbyn made a face while Damon crossed his arms. "I heard about..." he coughed "Jeremy" he thought for a while "The witch Klaus is sending is on her way, it will be under control soon" he looked around the room "Where's Daniel?"

"You called?" Daniel approached him "I need you to come with me" he hesitated "Now" The two disappeared "SURE LEAVE ME BY MYSELF!!!" yelled Corbyn "That's fine" he mumbled. 



The hallways were clear, silent, a little but too odd for Daniel Seavey "Why did you bring me here?" he asked Damon. They walked over to a room and that's when he saw her. "Kaylen" he said quietly. Damon nodded "She's trouble"

"So you brought me out here to tell me I should stay away from the girl I like, is that it?"

"You don't understand" Damon turned to him "A darkness is surrounding her. I'm protecting you"

"Look just because you have issues with your brother and can't deal with your emotions then maybe you shouldn't be coaching someone else about theirs" Damon was taken back by this "I saw what you did last night..." his voice trailed off, his voice now edgy "What is wrong with both of you"

"Oh" Daniel stared at him "So you're following me now" 

Damon was beginning to get agitated "You know what, forget it. Whatever happens to that girl in there is on you" he said pointing on his chest "You" he stepped back "Just remember I warned you"

Daniel looked back at Kaylen inside of the classroom door "Darkness" Damon's voice echoed in his head "Darkness"



Whistles were heard around the room and was met with a back hand from Jonah "Shut the hell up" he scolded the band. "Hi I'm Jonah" he smiled approaching a young brunette. "Klaus sent you"

"The bold one" Jonah turned and winked at Corbyn. "Hey what am I?"

Davina locked eyes with him "The smart one". He looked at Zach and Jack "You heard that losers I'm the smart one, take that" Zach shoved him down on the couch "Yeah we get it you know about Mars and shit"

Davina stared at him "Zach, the funny one"

"Thanks" Zach grinned. "Since when? He can't crack a joke if my life depended on it". Jonah eyed her "He is right" he said chuckling "And you're Jack". He nodded smiling "I like you already" Davina told him. Corbyn grunted. "Isn't there a fifth member?"

"Daniel" Jonah told her. "He went off somewhere with Damon, I'm sure he's fine"

"Damon Salvatore?" she looked concerned "Yeah" he pursed his lips together. "Damon isn't the person you leave someone with, he's known to be a shredder"

"I thought was Stefan" interrupted Corbyn. Davina sighed "Somehow he's okay with us, took us to his own liking"

"Whatever you say, what do you need help?"

"Is there a way you can tell the power of another person but within a womb?"

"So a fetus is what you mean" Jonah nodded. "I would need a few ingredients to work up a spell, I also need a strand of the girl's hair" she raised an eyebrow "You can get that right? You're not together so that might be a bit hard for you" but before Jonah could answer she took out a bag and placed it on the ground "Word travels fast, get me the hair and I'll get the other stuff. Meet me back in this same area" she looked at the other three boys "The room is crowded you three need to go" Corbyn glared at her but the looks of Davina Claire terrified him to the core more so because she was powerful, his powers would be useless.

Daniel had braced himself against a locker from where Kaylen was, for some strange reason she had no idea he was right there, Damon had placed him in some sort of simulation, he was sure of it. Suddenly the lights went out in the entire school. This was odd, his eyes searched for her in the dark, even in hybrid mode he couldn't spot her. He heard noises coming from inside, feeding noises and acted quickly barging into the classroom. "LET HER GO!!!" he yelled. The voice whimpered and released Kaylen's body as it dropped to the floor with a thump. The lights came back on but the figure had disappeared, he attended to Kaylen's body. Their was no way she was alive but he couldn't lose her so he did the only thing he could think of. Give her his blood but she wouldn't wake up. "Fuck" he mumbled under his breathe "Fuck" he wrapped his arms around her and held her face "Come on Kaylen don't go yet"



He yelled out but there was no answer 


Still nothing. 

He removed a strand of hair from her face and looked at the bite mark. It was a deep wound that was only beginning to get worse and worse by each passing minute. It was getting red and inflamed on her skin. He cringed at the look of it. "Klaus" he breathed and disappeared. 

*The Condo*

"I thought I told you to leave" Davina bent down and placed the ingredients on the floor. Corbyn chuckled "And miss this? Yeah right" she looked up at him and then back at the stuff. "Turn off the lights" she directed to him. He did as told and returned to where he was. Jonah showed up and gave her the strand of her hair "It wasn't easy, I had to compel her, told her that her hair got caught in a brush and she had to cut a piece off"

"Classic bro!" gleamed Corbyn. Davina smiled and cut a blade through her skin. Blood oozed down and went into a bowl. "How do you heal?"

"I don't" she spoke softly. I'm still only human, but I do this all the time so it feels like nothing but a prick" Corbyn winced and almost barfed "If you can't handle blood then leave" she looked at him, Jonah did too "You heard her" He mustered up all the courage he could and stayed in the room. "For this to work I need complete silence, that means no fidgeting, no talking" she placed a map on the floor and drew her hand over it letting the blood drip and chanted some words which to Jonah and Corbyn sounded like gibberish. They stared on in utter amazement as the blood travelled along the map. It suddenly stopped and Davina opened her eyes, she then added the air to the mixture she did before and waved her hands over the bowl and closed her eyes once more. The spell was so strong that Davina started bleeding from her nose. Jonah looked at Corbyn who looked back at him shrugging. His face said "I don't know what to do man, I don't want to be killed" Suddenly the lights flickered on and off in the room, a sudden flash sparked and Corbyn jumped back, Jack and Zach ran out of their rooms and was shushed by Corbyn. Where was David when all these events were occurring? Attending a conference, he trusted the boys to look out for themselves and each other, they knew his number in case anything out of the order/necessary came up and they needed him. The chants got stronger and louder, the more it did, was the more the sparks came. After two more minutes everything seized, all was quiet, her eyes were open.

*New Orleans*



Marcel Gerard is one of the vampires residing in the town of New Orleans, he's known friend to the Mikaelsons' actually raised by the family of originals but that's a story for another time. He stood at a mere advantage to Daniel's height. The only place Daniel though to go was at Klaus' home but he was nowhere there. 

"He isn't here kid, he's dealing with family matters at the moment"

"Well as you can tell I need him, she's dead"

"I'm sorry" Marcel furrowed his eyebrows "Who are you again?"

Elijah came into the room "Daniel, it appears that your friend is on death's bed, Niklaus shouldn't be far"

"You're really going to stand here and repeat it, don't tell me what I already know. Why are you two covering for him? You can clearly tell this is the bite of a hybrid only an original can cure. So let me put two and two together for you. Klaus+Hybrid+Original and what does that give you: A cure. Simple math guys"

Marcel chuckled turning to Elijah "Where did you get this kid from?" Daniel gave him the death glare "You were a kid once, Marcel or have you forgotten raised by the hands of evil" he took this in "I did my research, give me Klaus or I will rip you to shreds"

"Oh yeah?" Marcel smiled "You and what army?"

Daniel's eyes changed and his claws were out, Elijah came to his side and whispered "I'm afraid you're making a big mistake here going against Marcel, don't start a war you can't handle. I'll get Niklaus in the meanwhile stay attended to the girl" he looked at Emily and glared at Marcel and walked away with his phone to his ear.

"WHAT IS WITH ALL THIS RUCKUS ELIJAH!!! FINN IS IN A SQUABBLE...." he stopped short when he saw Daniel and then Emily. "YOU" blared Daniel. He was about to go after Klaus when Marcel stopped him, he shoved him "Don't touch me" he spat at him "FIX WHAT YOU CAUSED YOU BEAST!!!"

"What I caused?" Klaus approached him "How do you know if it wasn't some other creature roaming around in that god forsaken place you call a home". Klaus peeked at the hybrid bite. "You want my cure" he remained quiet "Under one condition"

"It's all favors with the lot of you originals isn't it?" Daniel glared at him "Like I told that waste of space over there I did my research." Marcel looked at Klaus "Klaus I will not be spoken to this way by a teenager" he raised his hand, Marcel stepped back "You caused this" Daniel spoke now you fix it"

"Lad you do realize that once I cure her she'll turn into a vampire right?"

"Should have thought about having one less of a hundred problems to worry about before you sank your teeth into my girlfriend. I want her alive" Klaus stood at a stand still.

"Do it" Daniel ordered. Klaus gave her his cure and within minutes woke up gasping "Kaylen" Daniel looked at her, she sat up. "What happened?" she looked around the room. 

"Where am I? Who are they?" she looked up at Daniel, he had a worried look on his face "Daniel what's going on?"

"Your transition may hurt a bit" spoke Klaus. "You'll be okay once you listen to every word we tell you, it takes time to adjust"


Elijah looked at Kaylen "The poor girl is confused Niklaus"

"Is it my fault that she can't fathom the English language" he responded. He start approaching the pair. "Do not dare try to compel her"

"Compel?" Kaylen looked on confused and dazed. "What is compel?"

Klaus drew closer "Do you really want to see her suffer like this?" he stared into the eyes of Daniel Seavey "Eventually she will lose her mind and die, do you want that for her?" his voice was crisp "You want my help? Let me compel her" he looked at Kaylen, their eyes locked. "My head hurts" she spoke grasping unto Daniel's arm. "I feel dizzy, I'm hungry"

"You hear that?" Klaus gazed into his eyes "Lust, hunger for blood, the thirst. I'll ask again do you want my help?"

"Compelling isn't the way to do it. You want to help. Do it the natural way you did with me, she is after all now part of your sire bond". Klaus grunted "I will not stand for this, I have Finn and a buried sister to deal with. ELIJAH!" Klaus walked away.

"The offer still stands" Klaus' brother walked up. "No" Daniel answered "Train her" he looked at Marcel


*Hours later*


Daniel was outside the residence of the Mikaelsons' "How do you lose her like that? She could be anywhere" he turned to Marcel "Give me one reason why I shouldn't rip your heart out right now"

"You don't have the balls" Marcel smiled "Even if you did me and Klaus are like family he will kill you in a split second if you hurt one of his own"

"Elijah should have known better than to leave you alone with her" Daniel looked out into the cold night. "Everything was fine" Marcel recited "I taught her the basics she needed to know and I turned my back for one second when I looked again just the wind blew but she was gone. She's probably just feeding off of someone, it happens"

"Listen pal" Daniel glared at her "Find her or I will have your heart"


To be continued............

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