Stronger Together✓

由 Shyann_Love

448 58 30

"I'm so glad you're back, I don't think I could take anymore of this if you weren't here" Katie, Natalie and... 更多

Chapter 1 - The beginning of the end
Chapter 2 - The Characters
Chapter 3 - Controlling
Chapter 4 - Bonfire
Chapter 5 - She Returns
Chapter 6 - Finishing up the plan
Chapter 7 - Tatiana
Chapter 8 - The blood of the one she hates the most
Chapter 9 - Trying to Convince Tatiana
Chapter 10 - Rebekah's last days
Chapter 11 - Daggering the Mikaelson's
Chapter 12 - Melanie's Choice
Chapter 13 - Breaking the link
Chapter 14 - The Whole Story : Part 1
Chapter 15 - The Whole Story : Part 2
Chapter 16 - The Whole Story : Part 3
Chapter 17 - Trying to get the kidnapped Duo back from Tatiana
Chapter 18 - New Orleans
Chapter 19 - Rose's Choice
Chapter 21 - The Oxford University Truth: Part 1
Chapter 22 - The Oxford University Truth: Part 2
Chapter 23 - The Decision
Chapter 24 - Goodbye
Where They all Ended Up

Chapter 20 - Kol's Return

13 2 0
由 Shyann_Love

Natalie was bleeding there in the Mikaelson mansion and it killed Rebekah cause she was starving, She couldn't resist the blood of her best friend even if she tried, But honey she didn't

"Ow" Natalie said as she touched her blood on her forehead

Rebekah started showing her fangs and under her eyes began to grow veins, She was so hungry she just kept thinking about Natalie's blood, And she used her super speed to go after her and as she ran as fast as she could toward her Melanie screamed out "KLAUS"

"Stop, This is the blood talking, You don't really want to hurt her" Klaus said as he was much faster than her and he used his super speed to Stop her From getting to Natalie

"Oh sweet brother, But I do" Rebekah said as if she was evil

And that is when Natalie showed only a face Katie and Melanie have never seen, Fear of losing a bff, We all know she feels it, but she always hides it from coming out but this time she didn't, She showed her fear, And it made Rebekah look sad that she showed fear because of her but that didn't stop her from wanting what she wants, And what she wants is blood

"It's Natalie shes your best friend shes  Kol' soulmate he would kill you if you put one finger on her, Shes the one person who made you forget about how terrible your life has been, She made her life's mission to make you and all of us happy, Ever since she betrayed us but we forgave her for that it wasn't her fault it was, Isobel's, And you need to understand, She would do anything for you" Klaus explained and tried to get through to Rebekah

"I don't know if I should believe you" Rebekah said as she tried to resist the blood

"I got to get out of here" Natalie said as she ran out of the Mikaelson Mansion crying so hurt

Everyone looked curious and They all followed her with there eyes when she ran out of that Mansion


As Natalie was running away from the Mikaelson Mansion crying she is pulled around a corner and she was  shocked to see it was Kol

"Kol, What the hell, I thought you were still kidnapped how'd you escape" Natalie asked with shock on her face

"I didn't she let me go" Kol said as if he was charmed by Tatiana

"Why?" Natalie wondered

"Because she didn't need me anymore" Kol said looking deep into Natalie's eyes

"Oh that's gre-, Wait, Her life's mission is to make me suffer and destroy me, What did she do" Natalie said with curiosity

"Maybe we should go to my house and we all can talk about this" Kol said as he grabs Natalie's hand and they walk back to the Mikaelson Mansion


At the Mikaelson Mansion Rose is sitting on the stairs texting a friend she knew in New Orleans
Eligha was sitting on the couch next to Matt and Katie talking while drinking Vodka, Klaus and Melanie we're standing by the Table by the stairs or as everyone likes to call it the Drink table as they are just talking, Flirting to be exact, Hayley was in a far distance from them and she was glaring at them, Jealous much, Rebekah was sitting in a chair next to Hayley drinking a bunch of blood bags.

"What's wrong with you, Why do you keep staring at Klaus and Melanie" Rebekah asked Hayley while she sucked down her last bag of blood only Hayley can here her

"I don't know what your talking about" Hayley said as she turns around toward Rebekah as Rebekah sits in the chair

"Yes you do" Rebekah said as she stands up and looks Hayley in the eyes

"Fine, It's uh, Me and Klaus slept together a couple weeks ago but now he doesn't even care about me, He was chasing after me ever sense we slept together but now all he cares about is, Melanie" Hayley said sadly

"Oh, Your Jealous-" Rebekah said but before she finished Hayley cut her off with "Whoa I'm not Jealous"

"Uh, Yeah you are just admit it, It's going to be ok, Klaus use to have a crush on Natalie but he got over that, And then he got an infatuation with you he's over it, And now Melanie he'll get over it, I get it, You feel betrayed-" Rebekah was talking and giving a good damn speech while at it until Hayley cut her off again
With "Yes, I feel betrayed, How'd you know that"

"Okay, 1 - STOP INTERRUPTING ME" Rebekah yelled as everyone looks at her

"Are you okay" Melanie asked

"I'm fine, Sorry" Rebekah replied and then they all returned to there conversations

"Okay, I won't interrupt you anymore" Hayley said with her eyes rolling

"Okay, As I was saying, You feel betrayed but I think that you don't have a crush on him as much as you think you do, You are trying to protect Melanie from getting hurt, So you made up this lie in your head that you liked him so you could see if she's in love or if it's just a crush, I think you just feel jealous because shes your best friend and you want to keep her safe, But if you realise it won't last then its no big deal, You don't have to protect her all the time you have to let her make those mistakes on her own" Rebekah said as they both looked over to Melanie and Klaus and saw she was laughing she was happy, As Hayley was sitting in the chair and Rebekah was standing behind it they were both looking at Melanie and Klaus

Rebekah realized what it means to be a best friend, She was thinking to herself "Your best friend doesn't attack you, Your best friend does this kind of thing, Your best friend goes nuts over a guy you have a crush on to make sure she won't get hurt, Your best friend doesn't attack you even if there starving, Maybe I can't be best friends with a human"
And Hayley tried to figure out who's her one and only best friend, Hayley was thinking "Maybe Rebekah's right maybe it is just pretend I didn't think i cared about her that much, She was practically a bitch through the first half of our friendship, I thought Natalie was my best friend, We met first, I always assumed Natalie was my one and only best friend, Maybe Melanie is my best friend, I have to figure some stuff out"

"Maybe your right, But why does he get crushes so easy" Hayley asks Rebekah as she walks over in front of the chair and next thing Hayley new was Rebekah was standing in front of the chair and She was looking down on her and Hayley was looking up on her

"It started with Rose" Rebekah said as she looks Hayley in the eyes

"Are you kidding me, So he practically dated almost everyone we know" Hayley said with sarcasm

"Well not Natalie, She's to smart for his tricks" Rebekah pointed out

"Yeah" Hayley said with a smile

"That's why I wanted to say, Now that Rose is back in town, He will probably get over Melanie faster than he got over you and Natalie" Rebekah said as she giggles

"Why do you say that" Hayley asked

"Because, Klaus didn't have a crush on Rose, He fell in love with her, She made him believe love wasn't a vampires greatest weakness" Rebekah said as she looked at her dear brother and realised maybe this wasn't a crush he had on Melanie maybe it was love, But than she downed a cup of scotch, And she realised after Rose she didn't think Klaus would ever find love again

"Oh, I always thought he was an obnoxious jerk" Hayley confesses

"So you believe that you did not have a crush on him" Rebekah asks as she smiles at her

"Yeah I really do, You should be a therapist one day" Hayley says as she begins to laugh, Which got Rebekah pondering

After a couple seconds, Hayley was in her head and she was looking at Klaus and Melanie, She was thinking to herself "Wow, Klaus really makes Melanie laugh, Shes really happy, I think she knows what she wants, And I also think Klaus just thinks it's a fling but I don't think he realises how much he cares for her, but I'm sure one day he will realize his life was no good before he met her"

And that is when Natalie bust through the door
Everyone looked up at her and they all looked shocked, They thought she was mad at Rebekah for going after her, But kol had not entered the house yet so they didn't know why she was there.

"Natalie?" Rebekah said shockingly while she looks up at her

Rebekah runs up and hugs her tight and before Natalie could tell them that kol was back Rebekah said "I'm so sorry, About earlier, Your my best friend and I love you, Please forgive me" And then Rebekah let the hug go and she was just looking into her eyes waiting for Natalie to speak

"I'm not mad at you, I get it you were just hungry I mean Tatiana starved you, It's okay" Natalie said as she smiles and pats Rebekah's shoulder

And as Rebekah smiled Natalie pointed something out "Look who I ran into a couple blocks from here"

And right then and there Kol walked into the Mansion and said "Hi, I'm back My darlings "

And as she heard Kol say those words Natalie smiled while she looked at him so in love

Rebekah looked so shocked It scared her

Eligha was very shocked that he looked mad at one point during everyone greeting him home

Klaus was scared, shocked and Happy he even shedded a tear for his dear brother

Hayley was happy not that happy because she didn't know him that well but happy for him and Melanie and Katie and Natalie and everyone

Katie was so shocked she would have to sit down if she wasn't already sitting on the couch, She thought Kol was still kidnapped

Rose was so happy, She finally got her father figure back, But on the inside she was sad that she had to make the hard choice of Rebekah or Kol

Melanie was so happy she loved Kol to death (As a friend) and it made Natalie happy that Melanie and Katie liked him

Matt's happy that everyone else was happy to have him back

"We're so happy your back" Rebekah said as she hugged him

"Sorry I don't know you much, But good to see you again" Matt said as he shook his hand

"Okay so what happened, How'd you get away" Rose asked

"Okay, This is a long story I think your going to want to sit down for this" Kol Said as he pointed to the couch and so they all sat down

And that is when Natalie went to get some blood bags from the basement and when she returned she handed the blood bags to kol, And he told them all the whole story of how he got out of that dungeon


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