glory days ↣ joshler ✓

By nicosniners

131K 7.1K 8.4K

"It's okay to get a little irresponsible, cause we're making up the blueprint as we go. We're on our way to t... More

Tyler's List
Josh's List
1. Celebration
2. Idea
3. Dinner
4. Drunk
5. Ignored
6. Exhilarated
7. Skydiving
8. Debby
9. Party
10. Milkshake
11. Picnic
12. Truth
13. Shock
14. Date
15. Popcorn
16. Dog
17. Best Friend
18. Tattoo
19. Plans
20. Brownies
21. Out
22. Lunch
23. Thank You
24. Bull
25. Zoo
26. Proud
27. Horseback Riding
28. Joseph
29. Red Bull
30. Campfire
31. Panicking
32. Kiss
33. Question
34. Tickets
35. Meet and Greet
36. Hair
37. Disappointment
38. Enamored
40. Acceptance
41. Memories
42. Bowling
43. Surprise
44. Drink
45. Gone

39. Pool

2.5K 140 220
By nicosniners

To say Tyler was sore was an understatement.

He hurt.

A lot.

But he was fine with the reason behind it. More than fine, actually. Way more.

It was nine thirty in the morning, the bright sun shining through the curtains in the room. Tyler had woken up about twenty minutes ago but he couldn't very well do anything so he just laid there, looking at the ceiling. Josh was sleeping peacefully next to him, his arm wrapped around Tyler protectively as he held him close. The brunette laughed to himself. Josh was already dating him and now fucking him. He didn't have to do much else to "protect" him.

Last night Josh had cleaned himself up and hid the lube and condoms in his bag so he didn't forget them at the cabin but also didn't get busted by his parents for having them. He and Tyler both knew they wouldn't use them again during their stay. The first time was enough for Tyler. After that he brought them in grilled cheese and cleaned Tyler up before they ate dinner. They spent the rest of the night talking before falling asleep at midnight.

Tyler felt like the luckiest person in the world. Everything just worked out so perfectly. There somehow had to be a catch but he couldn't find one anywhere. He was with Josh and they'd stay together while Tyler went to Princeton. Him and Josh already made plans for Josh to come and visit frequently but now he was just visiting as a boyfriend instead of a best friend. Life was going perfect at the moment.

Tyler stayed in bed for another fifteen minutes before he quickly grew bored. His eyes caught his phone on the bedside table next to him and stretched to grab it. He had to roll a little to reach it and winced before grabbing it and rolling back over.

His eyes adjusted to the screen quickly and he had a few notifications from social media and such. He realized he had to send Snapchat streaks and a mischievous smile overtook his face. He tilted his phone so he captured a picture of Josh sleeping and simply captioned it 'streaks' before sending it out to Hayley, Ashley, Jenna, Sarah, and Josh. Tyler knew Josh was going to just roll his eyes when he got it but that was fine. Tyler used to have streaks with Brendon, Dallon, Meagan, and Pete as well but after they fell apart they quickly ended and he realized how much he didn't miss them. He had amped the whole friend group thing up way too much. He realized that the people who stuck by him were his true friends.

Suddenly, he got a reply back from Hayley who had sent a chat since she already sent streaks out earlier. He opened the chat but already knew exactly what it said.


Tyler laughed before typing back.

That's private information Miss Williams.


Tyler just left her open, shaking his head with another giggle.

"Mmm, Ty why are you being so loud?" Josh mumbled. "'M tryna sleep baby boy."

"Stop fucking calling me that!" He shoved Josh playfully.

"You didn't mind it last night," Josh replied. "If I recall correctly you enjoyed it actually. 'Fuck, Josh! Harder—'"

Tyler instantly clamped his hand over Josh's mouth, his face bright red. Josh simply licked his hand and Tyler made a noise of disgust before pulling back and wiping it on the covers. "You're a little bitch."

"I can make fun of you all I want because you can't run away," Josh smirked.

"That was a low blow," Tyler shook his head. "Was that your master plan? Make me fall for you, get with me, then take advantage of me just to leave me useless while you bully me?"

"Damn you caught me."



"I'm hungry. And I can't move."

"Guess we gotta have breakfast in bed. What a shame," Josh rolled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Tyler heard the toilet flush a few moments later and the water turn on and off before the door reopened. "Sorry I had to pee. What did you get for breakfast? I hope you got cereal."

"Yeah I got Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Fruity Pebbles. Will you get me Fruity Pebbles?"

"Cinnamon Toast Crunch for both of us it is."



Tyler felt accomplished.

He had made it to the backyard.

Granted he limped and Josh had to help him but he did it.

It was eight thirty and the two were hanging out in the backyard by the pool. Josh had insisted he make Tyler dinner even though Tyler was the one with culinary skills. Josh was just grilling potatoes and chicken but it was better than grilled cheese again.

"Bone apple tit," Josh said as he brought over both their plates, setting Tyler's in front of him before sitting down with his own.

"Very classy," Tyler teased. "This looks very good, J. Thank you."

"If it's not good let me know and I'll go get Culver's or something and we can get fat off of cheese curds and live here forever," he bargained.

"Hmm... not a bad idea," Tyler replied. "Too bad this is really good."

"Damn. I was hoping I could keep you captured forever."

The two sat there in a comfortable silence as they ate. Tyler watched the sun set over the pool, making the chlorinated water shimmer. "Josh?"


"The pool looks pretty," he looked up at his boyfriend. "Sorry that was a weird observation. It just looks really breathtaking."

Little did Tyler know Josh had been watching him and was thinking the same thing.

"Do you wanna go swimming?"

"We didn't bring swimsuits and I don't wanna get my boxers wet," Tyler replied.

Josh shot him a look.

"Oh," Tyler continued. "You'll have to uh... help me get in."

"That's okay," Josh replied easily. "You done eating?"

Tyler looked down at the food on his place and suddenly he wasn't hungry anymore. Sitting in a pool with his naked boyfriend sounded much better.

"Yeah," he spoke before standing up. "Fuck," he winced.

Josh helped Tyler get to the pool and sat him on the ledge while he took his boxers and T-shirt off (it was a unanimous decision to stay in their pajamas all day) and Tyler couldn't help but trail his eyes down Josh's body. The blue haired noticed and smirked. "Like what you see?"

"The view is a lot better when it's not up my ass," Tyler responded simply, shrugging.

Josh laughed and got into the pool with a relieved sigh. "Thank fuck it's heated," he mumbled before walking over to Tyler. He slipped his shirt off first and just stood there for a moment.

"You okay, J?"

"I just can't get over you sorry," he grinned sheepishly. "I'm so lucky to be dating you," he slipped Tyler's boxers off (the brunette wincing when he had to lift his ass off the ground to get them past) as he spoke. Josh set those with his shirt before putting his hands on either side of Tyler, looking at him seriously. "I'm gonna marry you one day."

"Oh yeah?" Tyler smiled. "What makes you think that?"

"I just know it," Josh replied, lifting Tyler off the ledge and bringing him into the pool. "This is so cliché. We're so cliché. We deadass kissed in the rain."

"Oh you're one to talk! You fucked me on a bed of roses last night!" Tyler giggled.

"Okay I didn't say I didn't enjoy it," Josh rolled his eyes with a smile. They two stared into each other's eyes for a moment before leaning in and sharing a gentle kiss. "I love you," Josh told him before pulling back. "So fucking much. I've always loved you. It may have just been friendly at first but it's always been there. I would do anything for you."

"Would you get rid of Jim for me?" Tyler joked.

"We uh have to break up," Josh cleared his throat, taking his arms off of Tyler's lower back. "I have to go wash my hair."

"You ass!" Tyler laughed, hitting him gently on the arm before taking his arms and putting them back on his waist. "I love you too," he hummed. "Wait oh my God," Tyler suddenly busted out laughing making Josh look at him like he was crazy.

"Are uh you okay?" Josh asked warily.

Tyler kept laughing, letting out a breath to talk. "Remember when you slept with that Debby chick? Oh God that was so sad."

"Shut up you weren't going to sleep with me what else was I supposed to do?" Josh joked.

Tyler didn't reply at first, pondering. "Oh my fucking God," he began laughing again. "I was jealous of Debby. I remember when she was flirting with you I got pissed. This was before I knew I was gay. I'm so fucking funny," he giggled. "I can't believe I've never realized it."

Tyler just watched Josh shake his head with his own laugh. "I think you're going insane. Did I break you?"

"No," Tyler stopped laughing, an easy smile on his face. "You made me whole."

"Oh my God," Josh groaned. "That was so corny you are so corny."

"You know it."

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