24 Days of Baekhyun - Chanbae...

By pcynkjw

167K 7.4K 5.6K

Where Baekhyun and Chanyeol were forced to live in the same house for Christmas. highest rankings 🌸 #1 - bae... More

December 1st
December 2nd
December 4th
December 5th
December 6th
December 7th
December 8th
December 9th
December 10th
December 11th
December 12th
December 13th
December 14th
December 15th
December 16th
December 17th
December 18th
December 19th
December 20th
December 21st
December 22nd
December 23rd
December 24th
December 25th

December 3rd

7.9K 414 312
By pcynkjw

The day had started off with Baekhyun waking up to the sound of the TV from yesterday's movie marathon. As he tried to register the bright light into his vision, Baekhyun felt warmth and didn't want to move, but as soon as he noticed his head was rested on someone's chest, Baekhyun quickly jolted away, hitting his head on the latter's chin.

"Ow, what the fuck?" Chanyeol lowly growled as he rubbed his chin to relieve the pain. Baekhyun couldn't lie, but Chanyeol's morning voice is kind of...sexy.

Hiding his flushed cheeks, Baekhyun stood up and briskly shuffled back into his room. Baekhyun tried to calm his cheeks down, but they still felt hot. Why did I have to think like that? Baekhyun thought to himself. Soon enough, his cheeks cooled as he relaxed in bed, but that didn't continue when Chanyeol knocked on the older's room, startling the silent room and making Baekhyun jump. "Hey, dress up. We're going to the mall." Chanyeol informed before taking an exit and going back to his room. "But there's not a mall in that small town." Baekhyun muttered to himself.

Getting the warmest clothing Baekhyun had, he wore layered clothing and put on his coat. He was going to wait for the other, but instead, Chanyeol had brushed past him and exited the estate, beating Baekhyun outside and entered his car.

"Did you bring something to entertain yourself for the next few hours?"

"Yeah, why?"

"We're going back to Seoul to go Christmas shopping." Chanyeol simply said before driving off.

Baekhyun could finally see his close friends again. Maybe even the chance to ditch the cabin, but he then remembered all of his belongings are in that cabin. The car ride was silent as the car radio had no signal, so instead, Baekhyun wore his air-pods in and played music, but before he could—

"Hey, can you uh... connect your phone to the AUX?" Chanyeol asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"But you have your phone to—"

"Baekhyun, don't be an idiot. I'm driving." he replied back, cutting off the older's words. Sighing in defeat, Baekhyun connected his phone to the Bluetooth radio and played whatever he had on his playlist. Surprisingly, one of Chanyeol's favourite song began to play: Damage by EXO.

"It's all over. We can't go back, no no no,"

"If I could meet someone else and fall in love, yeah,"

"The more I think about it, the wounds in my heart deepen and I know,"

"That I can't have any other love—"

"E-X-O." Both of them shouted in a unison, happy that the iconic E-X-O had made a return.

Two hours in the driving and both Baekhyun and Chanyeol were still singing. Now, they were singing to NCT U's Timeless. It had came to a conclusion that Chanyeol is still fascinated that Baekhyun can still sing so well. Chanyeol had let Baekhyun sing the high note while he sang the lower octave, sounding like a perfect harmony.

The next hour strolled by and the two stopped singing, instead, Baekhyun was passed out on the spot while Chanyeol tapped to the beat of SHINee's Lucifer. The time was now around noon when the two finally arrived back to Seoul to go to the shopping mall.

"Baekhyun, wake up. We're here." Chanyeol lightly shook the smaller awake. Baekhyun lazily rubbed his eyes and got out of the car. Once he had felt that cold air, he was for sure awake now. They quickly entered the mall and missed the scenery as neither both have been their since Thanksgiving week.

"Meet back at the foyer by three, alright?" Chanyeol put an alarm on his phone as Baekhyun ran off. "Yeah, yeah, I got it."

Baekhyun quickly went to the food court where his best friends were hanging out. "Kyungsoo!" he yelled as he ran down to give his best friend a big warm hug. "Baekhyun, I've missed you so much!" Kyungsoo hugged back, truly missing his best friend. "So I heard you've been forced to live in a house with Chanyeol," Kyungsoo spoke, catching the attention of the other friends. "You're living with Chanyeol?" Jongin opened his mouth in shock. "Really?! Isn't he the guy you've hated for years?" Jongdae's loud mouth echoed through the mall.

"Thanks for telling the world, Jongdae.." Baekhyun sarcastically said. The whole friends group just laughed and then they took a stroll around the mall. "So what are you going to buy? Are you going to buy anything for Chanyeol?" Minseok asked, holding hands with Jongdae. "Hell no! That son of a bitch wont even let me touch any of his belongings so why would I?" Baekhyun retorted. Changing moods quickly, Baekhyun's eyes landed on Sumikko Gurashi super mochi mochi plush collection.

"Oh my gosh I want all of them!"

"Then buy them." Jongdae simply said.

"But I fucking can't. My mom had put one hundred-fifty dollars in my card and the plushies cost ten a piece." Baekhyun frowned, wanting to save his twenty-four day allowance. Before Baekhyun could get too attached to them, Kyungsoo pulled him away and went to a clothing store to buy some clothes. "Baek, try out this one." Kyungsoo pulled out a burnt amber cardigan that complimented Baekhyun's eyes. "Wow, this looks really amazing." He posed in different angles, looking good in all of them.

After picking out a lot of clothes and a cute plushy on the way out, Baekhyun was left with fifty dollars left, probably enough for him to survive the whole twenty-four days. The time was now five minutes to three and he was pretty bummed out that time had to fly so fast. Baekhyun bid a farewell to his friends and walked back to the foyer where Chanyeol had told him to meet.

"You're late." Chanyeol said, looking at his watch.

One minute late... So what?

"Shut up, these bags are heavy." Baekhyun muttered in annoyance.

Before they could leave, Baekhyun had remembered something that he had to do and left Baekhyun's shopping bags with Chanyeol and ran off to find a certain someone. If Baekhyun could remember clearly, he saw Wendy shopping at a shoe store not too long ago. Managing by his luck, Baekhyun found Wendy walking out of the store and called her to catch her attention.

"Hey Wendy," he panted.

"Hey Baekhyun, how's living with Chanyeol?"

"Alright I guess.. But that's not the point why I came here,"

"Go on."

"I wanted to thank you for saving me and taking care of me that one night when I passed out in the snow." Baekhyun explained. Confused as ever, Wendy didn't know what he was talking about. "What are you talking about?" Wendy said every so confused. Baekhyun was also confused, "Wait, so you didn't take care of me?"

"Take care of you from what?"

Then, Baekhyun excused himself, ending the conversation there and ran back towards the foyer.

If Wendy didn't take care of me, then was it... Chanyeol?

Baekhyun blushed.

He found the foyer empty as Chanyeol already left.

He didn't leave me, did he?

Baekhyun ran outside, sighing in relief when he saw Chanyeol inside his car. "What did you do, take a shit?" Chanyeol piqued, reversing the vehicle and drove back to the winter cabin. Baekhyun didn't reply and listened to the music Chanyeol had played. But no more than twenty minutes later, Baekhyun had fallen asleep again to ride out the four boring hours in the car.

"Wake up!" Chanyeol shouted for the nth time as Baekhyun finally woke up. Chanyeol had been at it, attempting to wake up the older for at least five minutes. "Sorry." Baekhyun mumbled as both exited the car. Chanyeol made his way towards the cabin, but Baekhyun went towards the trunk.

"But my bags—"

"I already put them inside." he replied before entering the house.

Baekhyun was shocked to hear that Chanyeol actually did something for him. He quickly caught up with the latter and entered the cabin, locking the doors and taking off his boots. Baekhyun went to his room as Chanyeol went to his, both washing up. But, something was wrong with Baekhyun's shower as it stopped working all of a sudden. Maybe the tap got frozen—it did make sense as Baekhyun's shower was closer to the tap outside while Chanyeol's was closer to the internal heater generator.

Taking his bathroom supplies and towel, Baekhyun made his way to the latter's room and knocked. Surprisingly, the latter opened the door a split second later, revealing him topless as the only thing he was wearing was a towel around his waste. Water droplets dripped down Chanyeol's black dewy hair, waiting for the other to talk. Snapping out of whatever he was in, Baekhyun cleared his throat, "M-My shower's tap f-froze and—" Baekhyun stuttered, smoothly excusing it as the area was freezing cold. "Just use my shower and get out." Chanyeol opened the door wider, allowing the smaller to enter. Baekhyun quickly stepped in the moist room, hiding his dark flushed cheeks.

Damn it Baekhyun, what was that??

Baekhyun then took a hot steamy shower, quickly got dressed, and stepped out the room to rush back to his own.

Baekhyun couldn't take that image out of his head as he saw how toned Chanyeol's abs were, and his shoulders were broad and strong.

Snap out of it!

Chanyeol smirked when he saw Baekhyun get all flustered, seeing his toned body.

22 Days until Christmas...

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