Sadistic Succubus **ON HOLD F...

By TiffanyJaneOfficial

51.4K 1.9K 198

Jailean is a nerdy, timid and shy 17 year old who secretly fears that she is slightly crazy since she has bee... More

Sadistic Succubus
Prologue - Edited
Chapter One - Edited
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chaper Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eight

2.4K 105 22
By TiffanyJaneOfficial

Chapter Eight

“NO! I refuse to go back! Do you know what I went through there!? Huh Damien?! When Adrian found me, I had almost died for what had happened to me up there! What does Daddy have to say about you wanting to take us all up the the Surface?!”

Now, I know that I may be over-reacting but honestly, can you blame me!? I've only been away for a year and, unfortunately, a year down in Hell is only a month up on the Surface, meaning I will still have to attend high-school! For the past year, I have gotten much closer to everybody, but, instead of only having one sibling, I now have one true brother and five idiotic other siblings who may not all be related to me by blood but for how close we are we might as well have been. Since I arrived, Adrian and Monica had to go back to the surface to keep an eye on the situation up there seeing as neither Daddy or Damien want to leave to go up their seeing as though the last time either travelled and stayed their was the time when he had to leave me with the bitch, oops, I mean witch.

“Well, that's why I'm telling you now, he actually, well, he's the one who mentioned it and organised it.”

To say I was upset was an understatement, in total, it took 3 whole days to calm me down enough to the point where we could travel up there and even then I was unwilling. I know it isn't that big a deal because as soon as I morphed into my true form. Now, instead of the nerdy child-faced dork I was a year ago, I am one hot chick. Well, that's what Cameron says every time he attempts, key word being attempt, to get into my pants. I have hair that is so dark a brown it looks black that gradually goes into a deep blood red at the bottom which is around the bottom of my back with a soft face that is an ivory colour. I have violet eyes that can mesmerise anybody from any species except the other Incubi and Succubi seeing as though they are the same as me complimented by thick midnight black lashes and naturally perfectly sculpt black eyebrows. I also have prominent but not too prominent cheekbones which lead to a tiny button nose with a slight slope and plump but not too plump red lips. All in all, I look hawt, even if I do say so myself. 

“Daddy wants me to go?!”

“No sweetheart, I don't want you to go, you all NEED to go. The vampires are requiring assistance with their werewolf issue and who best to send than my 7 evillest demons?”

Huh, when did he come in?

I turned around and noticed that not only was was Daddy standing there but so was Cameron, Jessica, Brady, Leiah and, of course the biggest goofball around, Damien.

“Daddy! I don't want to go though! What if they hurt me again?” By now, my voice could be compared to that of a mouse. I hated to show weakness but I am honestly scared of them, I mean, wouldn't you be scared of the person or people who had beat you up all of your high-school life and left you for dead. I know now that the only reason I survived that night was because my inner-demon took over and healed myself before I could pass on into the other life. 

At this, more than one snarl rippled through the room and that was when I knew that my family, the people who picked up the pieces that those dicks left behind and glued back together stronger than ever would protect me from them. “Nobody will harm you sister, not while we are there and, if, by some bizarre twist of fate they somehow work out it is you and lay even one of their dirty fingers on you, you can rest assured that I will break each and every bone in their body in the most painful way and make it look like an accident.”

“You can't be with me every moment of every day Damien. Even you can't manage that.”

“That Jai, is where you are wrong,”

Here comes the stupid twin link. It gets so annoying when they continually finish each others sentences, scary even and it has been known to freak out even Angels. 

“because we all have,”

“new schedules, including you now known as”

“Jailean Satane, not Jailean Pottah,”

“and all of our schedules are the same!” They finish, completely in sync and I can tell that I am not the only one who is freaked out by this. Even Daddy is freaked out by it and he is scared of nothing at all, not even an oncoming army could scare him but this behaviour does genuinely freak him out even if he doesn't want to admit it. 

“I got re-registered?”

This time, my oldest cousin Brady was the one who answered and even though he wasn't my biological brother, he acted like one and was so over-protective that both he and Damien hated it when I had to visit the surface for brief periods of time to do my duty as a Succubus with Jessica. “Yup, but this time, we had to give you a fake surname seeing as though you don't have an actual surname and I hope to Lucifer that they don't try to make you feel weak again because you certainly aren't weak. Did you know that you are the only Succubus to ever gain elemental powers?”

“Yes for the 1000th time!”


“Yes Daddy?”

“Go and pack, we all have to tell you something when you're ready to go,” this made me curious. Why would they want to tell me just before I was forced through the portal.

It didn't take me long until I had all of my bags packed considering I only have 4 types of clothing. 

1. Training clothes consisting of black, red or purple booty shorts to go with a matching sports bra underneath a crop top with my family crest on the top corner. 

2. Work clothing, as a Succubus, it is my job and duty to travel to the surface when summoned by desperate males to help them pleasure themselves and, for that, I have to wear rather provocative clothing much to Daddy and Damiens distaste. They tried to make me stop but I won't for one reason, every time we word we take some of their life energy and a part of their soul, meaning, when they die even if they are a pure soul we have a hold on them and they can't move onto heaven without spending 10 years down here as a labour worker. 

3. My soldier clothes. Yes, soldier, I am part of the DemonArmy, otherwise known as the D.A and we females have to wear formfitting black leather leggings, a lava orange martial arts top with the Satanic symbol stitched on and then tattooed or burnt onto the inside wrist of the soldier. 

4. Finally, there are just my relaxation and casual clothes that consist of regular short, crop tops, camisoles, tank tops, sweats, jeans, leather corsets and basically any other item of clothing that can be made of leather.

Before I knew it, it was time to go and meet up with everybody so that Daddy could tell me whatever it was that was apparently so important that he HAD to tell me before I was, may I remind you forcefully, thrown back up into whatever drama was happening on the surface. 

“So Daddy, what is it that you have to tell me?”

“I don't want to sugar-coat this sweetheart, neither does Damien so I'm just going to come right out and say it.”

He took a deep breath, as if he had to fetch himself to tell me whatever it was that was bothering him this time, but, me being me was too impatient to know whatever it was he had to say. “Well! Spit it out! We don't have all of eternity!”

“While you are on the surface, there is the slightest chance you could find your beloved!”


What the Hell!?

Before I could go into one of my rarer rages, Leiah grabbed my arm and dragged me through the portal, with me kicking and screaming all of the way. 

If only then had I known that after this night, my life would take a drastic change in direction...

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