Metanoia [Ushijima x reader]


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Metanoia - the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life Ushijima x Reader fanfic Story sta... More

Chapter 1 : Near death experience, I think
Chapter 2 : Sorry, I think
Chapter 4 : Pole of Destiny
Chapter 5 : A Fateful Night
Chapter 6 : Dream?
Chapter 7 : Prelude to Interhigh
Chapter 8 : All Things Lost
Chapter 9 : In Her Eyes
Chapter 10 : Misunderstandings
Chapter 11 : Now... what?
Chapter 12 : Behind Oikawa's Eyes
Chapter 13 : The Volley of the Balls: The Fellows of the Ace
Chapter 14 : The Long Week Begins...
Chapter 15 : The First Ripple
Chapter 16 : Side Effects
Chapter 17 : Sometimes it's okay to ask for help
Chapter 18 : It Felt Soft
Chapter 19 : A Change in Perspective
Chapter 20 : Start of Something New
Chapter 21 : Opening Act: The Cat in the Box
Omake 1: Locker Room Shenanigans: A Classy Conversation
Chapter 23 : Tangential Thoughts
Chapter 24 : Coffee, Candy, and.. Clouds?
Chapter 25 : Boy Friend's House Visit
Chapter 26 : Summer Rain

Chapter 22 : Two Steps Behind

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A/N: Advanced Merry Christmas guys!

To celebrate, I gift to you this very, very long chapter and another one I'll be posting in a couple day's time.

I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed typing it. And Happy Holidays!


Several people filled the train station, from overworked businessmen to rambunctious youths who're enjoying their short freedom from school rules. A classic sight to behold whenever Sunday rolled in. One-not-so-classic sight, however, are a group of teenagers dressed in what could be described as 'suspicious' clothing.

The energetic banter and youthful exchanges in conversation the group shared being the only deterrent for the positioned authorities not to pull them away for questioning. Having felt the policemen's attention on them, they quickly made their exit once one of their friends arrived.

Situating themselves at a convenience store across the street, they continued their conversation. If a passing stranger were to observe the group, they'd think them as suspicious characters until their eyes would land on the cameras every other person seemed to possess. With what could only be described as coincidence, a newly-opened art museum was located only a couple of blocks away, making students, professional photographers, hobbyists, and art enthusiasts becoming commonplace. As such, a generous amount of people who arrived in this area usually had a camera or any sort of similar equipment on hand making the teenagers look weird but amazingly not stand out that much.

Only, they weren't there for the arts museum.

"Greetings fellow stalkers!"


Tendou enthusiastically welcomes the latecomer, Nao. Clad in dark wash jeans and a navy-blue sweatshirt with the words 'Not a suspicious person' printed in white at the front and the words 'Just doing research' emblazoned at the back, Nao ambles over to the group.

Partially lowering the black mask on his face, Kawanishi asks in an amused tone: "how exactly does that shirt not rouse any suspicion, Nao-san?"

Nao scoffs indignantly with his hands on his waist, "It's called being witty and it's definitely WAY better than genius over there" he said while jutting his chin towards Semi.

"It's called channelling my inner eye of the tiger, thank you very much!" Semi confidently defends himself while pulling on the hem of his shirt. Semi wore regular gray sweatpants partnered with an eye-catching striped orange shirt that was meant to mimic a tiger's fur.

"Call it whatever you want but the fact remains that we're here in secret, not trying to outshine the sun" Shirabu comments with a straight face. Shirabu's facial features clearly expressed that he was done with his upperclassman and if anything, plans to treat him as a stranger once the last person arrived.

"Although unusual, he can still blend in with the crowd..." "Blend in a pumpkin patch is more like it" Shirabu interjects before Reon could continue—eliciting a string of chuckles from the others. Tendou, especially, laughed to his heart's content after holding back for so long.

"F*** you guys seriously" Semi huffs and quickly pulled out his phone from his pants pocket. "To change the topic—me, Reon and Yamagata only have our phones to use since we're not familiar with a camera. What'd you guys brings?"

The others who weren't mentioned presented their own piece of technology. Like the first three, Gin only had his phone to use since his little sister had apparently dropped their mother's camera. Shirabu and Tendou, however, carried DSLR cameras.

The sound of a camera shutter caught their attention. "I've only a digital camera and Nao-san has a camcorder" Kawanishi states after taking a candid picture of the group. The resulting image eliciting a conflicting smile from the first-year middle blocker, "Semi-san's shirt is indeed reflecting off the sun" he thought to himself.

Unbeknownst to the group, a certain figure had been lurking near them since the train station. The person stood idly by, fiddling with the vending machine while listening intently to their conversation. When the group's topic shifted to cameras, the person inconspicuously moved closer.

With a can of coke in hand, the person closed in and blended near the surroundings around the convenience store entrance—leaning against the store's glass walls. After the group listed out their supposed cameras, the person couldn't help but snort.

Quickly, they looked towards the source of the sound—a male. Dressed plainly in the classic blue jeans and white tee combo coupled with a dark gray jacket, the stranger had a dull look to him. The army-printed hat that covered the upper portion of his face being the only attention worthy piece of clothing he wore, that is, if you were to omit the professional gear bag he carried.

Observing the logo on the bag, Shirabu deduced the person to be a professional photographer or someone who worked in the same business.

"Umm... are you here to take pictures at the museum as well?" Shirabu asked politely. He honestly couldn't really care less but after they went through all the trouble to get here, he didn't want to risk their chances of getting caught.

At Shirabu's words, the stranger chuckled and slowly removed his hat. His shoulder-length hair flowed freely from its confinements.

"Phones, Digicams, A simple DSLR, a camcorder and cheap-ass disguises..." the person spoke and immediately they realized that he was a she. Her all-too familiar voice made the volleyball boys freeze up, disbelief etched in their face when the person finally faced them fully.

"Get on my level, amateurs!" (Bf/n) revealed herself as the supposed male stranger. With a smirk on her face, she proudly presented herself—hands on her hips and chest jutting out.

Noticing a certain absence, Tendou was knocked out of his trance—eyes instinctively moving downwards. And much to his dismay, ended up looking at nothing.

"What the-?! (Bf/n)-chan, someone stole your boobs!" Tendou yells frantically. The sudden vanishing of the things he held dear and with high regard gradually reducing him to tears.

(Bf/n) guffaws, hands smoothly sliding down her now barely there chest. "It's a binder. Don't get familiar with each other 'cause after this I'm trashing it or maybe keep it for future use, I don't know. Kudos to the people who're able to wear it consistently though, these things are really uncom-"

"You look amazing!" Nao suddenly chimed.

At Nao's praise, the others began to give their own piece of compliment to the smaller male... er, female.

"We all thought you were a guy! Damn (Bf/n), you weren't kidding when you said you take this seriously..." Gin commented. He encircled her, observing her disguise from head-to-toe.

Other than her hair and face, the distinct features that made her feminine were gone. If anything, she looked like an androgynous boy.

"Yep!" (Bf/n) said while punctuating the pronunciation of the letter P with a smack of her lips. "By the way, I had a hunch that Semi-senpai was going to dress fugly—as always—so I brought a change of clothes. And here's a knitted hat for you Tendou, your hair is a dead giveaway."

Obediently, Tendou combed his hair back and fitted his wild mane into the knitted hat; finishing the look with a pair of fake glasses Yamagata let him borrow. Semi, however, was not so cooperative. The second-year setter adamant with keeping his look until Shirabu gave another witty remark on his aesthetic, forcing Semi to change into the clothes lent to him.

"By the way, when's lover boy coming?" (Bf/n) asked while pulling out a DSLR from her bag, expertly attaching another set of lens on the camera. The added equipment making it appear more like a telescope than a camera.

"In 20 minutes" Yamagata said seeing as the others were too busy fiddling with their own cameras or disguises. With (Bf/n) one-upping them in all things stalker-related, the boys became more conscious with how they looked in their disguises, thus the adjustments.

(Bf/n), being one of the former, merely hummed in understanding and continued arranging her equipment. After giving her camera a final check, she made last-minute corrections on the hidden camera in her hat and arranged it on her head—her hair carefully contained in the cap.

Fiddling with the GoPro (bf/n) lent to their captain, Gin, Kawanishi asks in mild amusement: "I get that this is their first date but aren't you taking this too seriously? Where did you even get all these stuff?"

After teaching Semi the basics on how to use her camcorder, (bf/n) turned to face Kawanishi. With great strength, she placed her hand on the taller male's shoulder and looked him in the eye.

"When I first met (f/n) at the opening ceremony, I vowed to myself then and there that should anything untoward happen to her, I would kill everyone else in the auditorium and then myself. It has been four years since then and nothing has changed other than the location and the people who I may or may not be murdering so no, I am not taking this too seriously."

"It's funny how I know you're referencing a meme and yet I wholeheartedly believe you'll actually act upon it" Kawanishi snorts, pushing the she-man away from him and returning the GoPro to Gin.

"Also, my mom works as a photojournalist for professional athletes" (Bf/n) adds.

"That explains the gear. You know we're leaving all these before we go into the theatre" Yamagata says before capturing a candid photo of Shirabu and Kawanishi together. The resulting blurry image he took evoking him his rights of handling a camera.

"I know. I already rented a locker near the theatre area. We can leave our stuff there. Also if anyone ever runs out of memory, I have replacements." (Bf/n) cheerfully notes after relieving Reon of his rights in handling a digital camera like Yamagata.

Finalizing their preparations, they assumed their positions.

In total, they had three DSLR cameras, two camcorders, one GoPro, one hidden camera disguised as a hat, and two smart phones.

Needless to say, they take sight-seeing very seriously.


"If I recall, it was Shirabu who arranged Ushijima's ensemble for today..." (Bf/n) said while inconspicuously taking photos of their target—Ushijima Wakatoshi in date attire.

"Yeah I did. Are you complaining?" Shirabu asks smugly. Among the team, another well-known fact was that Shirabu had the best fashion sense. Where Semi's wardrobe was described as eye-wrenching, Shirabu's was chic and stylish.

"Are you kidding me? He looks like he walked out of a magazine!" (Bf/n) said in awe, expertly clicking away on her camera while subtly changing angles. "And you just had to make him wear glasses, isn't rolling his sleeves enough for you?!"

Ushijima stood casually (in an Ushijima-ish manner) outside the train station. The ace's hulking figure attracted a lot of attention.

At first glance, their eyes would initially land on the brown Henley shirt that enveloped his taut muscles just right. The visible muscles of his forearm—courtesy of him rolling up his sleeves—would affirm their thoughts of him as an athlete. Going down, they'd appreciatively ogle his long legs that were further complimented by his dark wash jeans and matching chukka boots. Finding it rude to stare too long at a person's body, they'd look up and find themselves frozen. Black rectangle glasses doing little to hide his striking features, the frames only served to do the man justice and further accentuated his sharp jaw line.

"(F/n)'s going to die... aaanndd she's here and... she's early, as expected" (Bf/n) said whilst slowly repositioning herself to get a wider shot.

Everyone was quick to imitate (Bf/n) when their other target arrived. However, like (bf/n)'s reaction to Ushijima, they were not prepared for your appearance specifically, your attire.

Carefully, you descended the stairs leading outside the train station. Your hair—fashioned into a half-up braid crown—bounced around your shoulders. Black mini-skirt teasingly gliding across smooth skin with every downward step you took.

Passing the awning the train station provided, sunlight kissed your pale cheeks seemingly accentuating a slight blush forming from them. The bright lighting also showed off how well the pink chiffon blouse complimented your skin.

Positioned at the other side of the street, the group rapidly fired shot after shot with their cameras. Their murmurs of praise drowned out with the busy crowd.

Tendou stopped clicking, opting to shamefully ogle at you without the barrier of a camera. Tightly the redhead held unto his camera, the tell-tale signs of tears forming at the corners of his eyes start as he ogles further. "T-T-Thigh-highs..." Tendou sputtered, no longer able to contain his joy any further.

The sheer reverence to which he beheld the sight of their lovely manager clad in black mesh thigh-high stockings reduced him to an uncontrollable mess of tears.

As weird and exaggerated (not by Tendou standards) his reaction was, the group couldn't help but let him be. After all, you did look amazing. The thigh-high stockings, especially, did you justice and added a teasing touch to your somewhat innocent outfit.

Finally able to compose himself, Tendou resumed his job as stalker photographer despite the seemingly endless stream of water that flowed generously from his eyes. His motivation to work: this perfect balance of skirt, skin and stocking must be preserved even if only in picture. (EN: Zettai ryouiki banzai!)

After many errors, Yamagata observed the image he took—the un-blurry and clear image he captured evoking a proud smile on his face and further motivating him to keep taking pictures. Seeing Tendou finally get his wits back together, the libero said: "Putting Tendou's inclination to thigh-high stockings aside, you really outdid yourself (Bf/n)."

"Outdid is right. Everyone's staring at her... well, them." Kawanishi comments after secretly taking another picture of the couple together, a clear sign of a blush painting the tips of his ears.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one who is feeling a little bit irritated with how perfect those two look..."

At Gin's query, the group responded in the affirmative and released an envious sigh in unison.

--- Couple's POV

After seeing you in a sundress that one time, Ushijima expected to see you in something similar to it, if not, then something, anything that was more covering than what you were wearing now. Ushijima's face felt hot and try as he might, he couldn't help but look down to that sliver of skin. Although in your defense, you were still quite covered. But that teasing piece of thigh skin that had bared itself to Ushijima's eyes was something he couldn't handle.

To summarize, he was feeling agitated.

And it would be wrong to assume that you weren't suffering the same fate.

Already feeling uncomfortable with having to reveal that much skin in public. You could barely hear yourself think what with the many voices exclaiming in your head in panic. You felt dizzy, orbs repetitively travelling to Ushijima's revealed forearms (courtesy of him rolling up his sleeves)... those two goddamn buttons... his shirt creases courtesy of an athlete's taut muscles and those bloody glasses.

The only reason you remained conscious was mainly due to your hormones forcing you awake.

"Good morning..." Ushijima finally manages to say breaking the awkward atmosphere, thankful that his voice came out even and composed.

Acknowledging him, you returned his greeting while shyly looking down. The two of you awkwardly remained in place, unable to say any more or move on towards the theatres.

Minutes passed by in silence. The hushed murmurs and utterances of strangers begin to fill both your ears in a buzzing tune. Ears tired and tempted to hear the other's voice, the both of you spoke up at the same time.

"You look great."

"You look beautiful."

Words uttered a little too loudly between two people. Strangers' attention now on the two of you, your face flushed.

Feigning a cough, Ushijima offered his hand to you. "Shall we go?"

Unable to trust your voice any longer, you nodded and allowed him to lead you to the theatres.

--- Stalker's POV (Date Location: Movie Theatre)

The movie theatre was packed. From the ticket counter to the snack bar, there was barely any space in the area. A great majority of the crowd were teenagers or young adults that came to see the premiere of the foreign movie, Bad Genius. Clearly, the movie trailer did its magic and was able to spark the interest of the student population. The result, however, was a mind-numbing line at the ticket counter that went past the theatre's entrance.

Luckily for the stalker group, they got their seats reserved a few days prior.

For a group who were able to reserve the whole row, you'd expect to see at least some semblance of joy on their faces.

However, none of this was evident.

Slumping over their seats, they released a unified sigh. A cloud of disappointment seemed to form over their heads as they await the start of the movie.

"You bought their tickets... I can't believe you f***ed this part up!" (Bf/n) whined while thrashing her limbs in her seat. The action making Semi lecture her about acting out in public despite having the urge to act out himself. Nao really did f*** up.

--- (10 minutes prior)

Hurriedly, the group packed their gear into the locker (Bf/n) had reserved. Changing her spy hat into one without a camera, she asked worriedly: "I heard the ticket line was brutal! How are we going to get in?"

Smugly, Nao clicked his tongue three times whilst moving his pointer finger in a side-to-side gesture. "Did you really think that I would let only those two in the theatre? Behold!" Nao exclaimed, pulling out 9 pieces of paper out of his shirt pocket and presenting said papers like a deck of cards. The words 'reserved seating' printed across each ticket in bold letters.

The group exclaimed in praise. Some had even clapped their hands in admiration at their vice-captain's quick thinking.

"I reserved the row behind them so even without the cameras; we'll still be able to get something out of this part of their date. Now... let's go!"


"Tell me again how exactly we're going to get something out of this when Ushijima and (F/n) are literally at the opposite side of the theatre?!" (Bf/n) whisper yelled in anger, bending over slightly to ensure that her glares and clear look of contempt were being directed to Nao.

"Give him a break (Bf/n), he already apologized. Even if he screwed up, he still got us in the theatre so let's just watch the movie" Gin intervened, calmly acting as mediator between the two lest (bf/n)'s anger suddenly blows over and she starts to attract unwanted attention—specifically the couple they were stalking.

With a huff, (bf/n) slumped in her seat and silently ate from the popcorn bag she shared with Tendou.

"Taking Ushijima-san's and (L/n)'s personality into account, I hardly doubt they'll be doing anything noteworthy other than being able to sit close to each other..." Shirabu quietly said before sipping from his shake.

--- Couple's POV

Nerves no longer present, they both remained silent once the movie played. Eyes transfixed unto the screen in front of them, varying reactions being expressed on your face whereas Ushijima mostly stayed impassive during the whole film—his eyebrows doing the emoting for him.

Not even sharing a bag of popcorn or a cup of soda, you both ate out of your own snacks in peace. If not for your shoulders brushing with each other from time to time, the two of you would've forgotten that you were out on a date.

No one would blame you really, the movie was great.

--- Stalker's POV (Date Location: La Petite Feuille) (AN: Bless Google translate).

The strong smell of ground coffee and aged books mixed along with the sweet scent of wood and maple tickled the nose of each person who entered the shop. The shop's walls beautifully decorated not with paintings but with rows and rows of books of various genres. The café followed a modern outlook and a rustic finish making the interior appear like a haven for exhausted shoppers.

The shop's rich taste in décor and alluring scent of coffee attracted any who passed by it, the prices, however, made most steer away. It was clearly a café reserved for those who could afford it.

Our merry group of stalkers are not one of them... well, only one of them.

"That much for a cup of coffee?! How is this legal?" Tendou complained while looking through the menu, trying with all his might to find something his broke ass could afford. Sadly, the prices only seemed to increase the longer he looked.

"This is why I keep telling you not to spend your money on manga" Reon blandly states, the exhausted tone of his voice indicating how tired he was of having to repeat the same advice over and over again to his redheaded friend.

"But Tendou's got a point, even though I could afford some of them, these prices really are too much" Yamagata sighs before putting down the menu on the table. This was going to punch a big hole on his wallet. Well, everyone's wallets.

"Why couldn't that gluttonous friend of yours just crave fries? Or donuts? Or water?! Of all things it had to be this expensive café's pancakes..." Shirabu says with a click of his tongue and his camera as he secretively captures a photo of the couple seated near the shop's largest bookshelf. "Why go to a French café in the middle of Japan? Good thing the menu's got translations, else we'd humiliate ourselves here."

"Rich girl's gotta eat," with a light-hearted shrug, (bf/n) responds dryly. "Also, this only holds up Tendou anyway."

--- Couple's POV (Prior to the café)

You exited the theatre with a satisfied sigh, tense shoulders slowly easing out. It was an amazing movie, at least in your head it was. The excitement and thrill of the characters almost getting caught had you gripping tightly unto the armrests of your seat. At one point, you even dropped your bag of popcorn resulting to Ushijima giving up his to you.

Risking a glance up, you peeked at Ushijima and saw the faint signs of interest visible on his face. Although still in need of practice, having been given approval to stay by his side all these years had you developing a talent of reading the so-called unreadable ace.

"D-did you enjoy the movie?"

Ushijima answered with a nod, the spark you saw still gleaming brightly on his stoic features. This being a rare sight to see outside the universe that is volleyball, you couldn't help but smile.

"That's good!"

At that moment, your stomach growled. A soft rumble reverberating through the small space you shared making him stop in his tracks.

"We should eat" he said, boldly grabbing unto your hand and expertly guiding you through the crowd and out the theatres.

The two of you walked through the mall at a relaxed pace, hands intertwined with each other, comparing one restaurant from the other.

After going over the majority of the mall, the two of you came to a stop near the mall's atrium. The area was surrounded by rows upon rows of cafes and restaurants of different cuisines.

"Is there anything you want to eat?" he politely asks, his question, however, being carried through dead air.

You weren't there. Somewhere, somehow, your hand slipped from his and he didn't notice.

He felt panic rise within him. Although at some point he did expect something like this to happen and prepared himself for the worst, he grew anxious. Looking around, he felt the need to call out your name; his urge to do so dimming once he finally caught sight of you.

Heaving a relieved sigh, he walked towards you. Ushijima called your name, having half-a-mind to remind you about the consequences of wandering around on your own, but in the end he gave up on the idea.

Noticing your silence from his first call, Ushijima called out to you once more.

But you still didn't respond. Your attention solely transfixed to the mouth-watering picture of what could be described as an extremely fluffy pancake displayed on a café's glass walls.

Looking up, Ushijima read the sign: La Petite Feuille.

He held back a smile and very gently held your hand. Only after he gave your hand a gentle squeeze did you hear him say: "Do you want to eat here?"

Snapping back to reality, you shook your head and politely demurred, saying that the shop's products may not be to Ushijima's liking, more so since the ace follows a strict diet.

Feeling pleased that you actually took his well-being into account; Ushijima once again squeezed your hand, this time out of appreciation.

"Let's eat here" he firmly says.

Your reaction was immediate. Stars seemed to flow out of your eyes at the intensity of your joy. A pleased noise escaped out of your contained smile while you firmly gripped unto Ushijima's hand in delight.

Leading you inside, Ushijima made a quick mental note, affirming his senior's words of wisdom:

"Nothing would make a woman happier than being able to satisfy her cravings."

--- Stalker's POV

"Thank goodness they're finally talking!" (Bf/n) chirped before happily inhaling a forkful of spinach quiche into her mouth. Seeing how well the air around them looked, she could finally eat in peace—while secretly taking pictures, of course.

The table was filled with a generous amount of food. Pasta, sandwiches, pastries, and cups of coffee encircled the expanse of the table. Though they grumbled at first, the rich flavours that the food provided had them swallowing their complaints and committing themselves to another visit in the future, despite Tendou's protests.

"I guess that means I'm forgiven? After all, it was my plan to make them watch the movie" Nao adds with a smug face, the foamy cream moustache—courtesy of the cappuccino he was drinking—doing nothing to cover the pride he had for his work (despite the f*** up).

"Bold of you to assume that they're talking about the movie and not volleyball..." Tendou comments making the others snort.

Finally rid of his foam moustache, Nao conceded: "true, true."

Acting like he's adjusting the settings on his camera, Tendou secretly captured shot after shot of you and Ushijima. Satisfied with the amount of images he'd captured, he placed the camera down and took a sip of his coffee. His food earning him a debt he earnestly promised to pay off or else he risks shaving his head—courtesy of Gin.

"Now that that's done... I feast!"


They finished their meal with a satisfied hum. With plates practically licked clean and cups devoid of even a drop of liquid, they exchanged meaningful glances with each other. Though they didn't utter a word, the content smile on their faces was enough to send the message.

"We're eating here again." (Everyone else)

"We're leaving Tendou behind." (Nao)

"But, but... manga..." (Tendou)

"By the way, after this what's next on their itinerary?" (Bf/n) asked after snapping out of her reverie.

"They should be hitting the arcade after this. I told Ushijima to do everything he can to win (F/n)-chan a prize" Nao said while replacing the memory card on his video camera. Apparently after taking the first bite off of his food, he had unknowingly left the camera recording. Thankfully, the video he captured was still that of the couple or else he'd suffer the consequences of wasting the camera's memory—said punishment being executed by a certain swimmer.

"A little cliché but eh... beggars can't be choosers" Tendou lazily watched the couple exit the café. Seeing this as their cue to follow, he was about to reach for his bag when he noticed that they were going the wrong way.

"Uh... I don't know if it's the strudel's fault and I'm hallucinating or are they actually going in the opposite direction?"

Hearing Tendou's words, (Bf/n) practically flew from her seat and exited the establishment. Mimicking her actions, the group hurriedly picked up their bags and left the café.

"I thought you made Ushijima swear that he'd follow the plan no matter what happens?!" (Bf/n) whisper yelled at Nao. The group walked separately in small groups, following along the crowd's pace while keeping a generous distance away from their targets.

"I did! It's either Ushijima forgot where the arcade is or your friend made a suggestion. Either way, we can only pray that they don't go anywhere that would break this good atmosphere going on..."

"Oh god..."

--- Couple's POV (Date Location: La Petite Feuille)

Even though the date went off to a rather awkward start, the two of you were now engaged in active conversation. Despite the topic mostly revolving around the movie, you couldn't stop smiling. Whether your joy came from the fact that Ushijima was talking a lot about something that didn't involve volleyball or that he was currently sporting a small piece of crumb on his cheek, it didn't matter.

All that mattered was that your cheeks hurt from smiling and you weren't complaining.

Thanks to the very detailed recounts of the movie, you were able to learn that Ushijima has never held a musical instrument in his life other than the castanets he was tasked to play as a child in kindergarten. The thought of Ushijima in child form grudgingly playing away on his castanets made you erupt in a fit of giggles.

The welcome sound of your laughter tugged the edges of his lips into a small smile which sadly for you, was well-hidden by the fork in his mouth.

Despite sharing the same situation as him of never holding an instrument, Ushijima learned that one time during elementary, you were the lead actress in one of your school's plays. A simple rendition of the classic fairy tale, Rapunzel.

Silently, Ushijima considered the prospect of seeing you act out as the princess as you were now. Immediately he regretted his decision of doing so, as the idea only left him feeling agitated, the tips of his ears gaining a faint red hue. Casually, he masked his growing agitation by taking a sip of his coffee.

Ushijima observed you quietly, his heart welling up at the sight of you mumbling dreamily to yourself when the pancakes you were craving for finally arrived. With an amused glint in his eye, he watched how stars poured out of your eyes when you tested the spring of the pancakes with your fork—the metallic object bouncing gently against the fluffy pastry. When the food finally entered your mouth, Ushijima couldn't help but smile at the appreciative hum you emitted.

Feeling his attention on you, you forced yourself out of your reverie with a light slap to your cheek. The action made Ushijima tilt his head, "Was it not to your liking?"

"N-No! Wait I mean yes! Wait... no! Ummm...." You mumbled frantically. With a deep breath, you allowed yourself a moment to collect your thoughts.

"T-The food tastes delicious, thank you. I just wanted to ask if there was some place you wanted to go next."

Ushijima pondered briefly before an idea came to him; however he resisted the urge to speak and simply shook his head.

Oh you weren't having that.

You weren't too dense so as not to realize that this date's itinerary wasn't planned by Ushijima. That was too good to be true.

At first, it was just your pessimistic mind speaking but after noticing the clear signs indicating that the date was aimed to satisfy the both of you (mostly, you), it became clear.

"It can't be Tendou... so Semi-senpai?" you thought to yourself, unaware of the fact that the Semi, your most respected upperclassman, was actually just an innocent bean with a sharp glare.

You hummed thoughtfully, trying your hardest to decode the enigma that is Ushijima Wakatoshi until a thought came to you.

"I read in a sports magazine that Asics released a new line of designs this week. Do you want to check it out? I also think that this is as good a time as any for me to get volleyball shoes of my own. Despite not actually playing, I think I should at least look the part."

You held back the urge to fist bump into the air when Ushijima's eyes widened, his cheeks sporting the faintest signs of a blush while his eyes sparkled brightly. You would be lying if you said that he didn't look precious right now, 'cause dammit, his innocence was blinding.

"I guess that settles it then!"

--- Stalker's POV (Date Location: Mall Arcade Asics Sports Shop)

"It's annoying how we worked our butts off making this date great for them and yet there they are! Looking happier than they ever did during the rest of the damn date" Gin sighs heavily. His hand roughly massaged his temples, a weak attempt to contain the growing irritation he was brewing for the couple in the shop.

"Honestly, I'm not even surprised..." Kawanishi shrugs light-heartedly.

Due to the shop's open layout, our merry group of stalker's dismissed the idea of entering it or else risk getting caught. Although the design was advantageous for the store and its customers, it was the worst kind of design for such a large group of people such as theirs. Also, taking into account the system in which the workers functioned wherein upon entering their establishment, they would practically latch unto you like a leech, they concluded that it was safer to stay a generous distance away and do their business there. Thankfully, the shop had glass walls.

Although slightly disappointed with the choice of location, the group remained committed to their job. No longer within the sanctuary of the mall and the security of being able to stay hidden with the crowd, the group had to work strategically. What with the store being located outside the mall and out to public, should they get caught, there's no telling what could happen to them.

Separated into groups, they positioned themselves in varying locations around the store to ensure that they get the perfect shot for every image or video they captured as well as avoid rousing the suspicion of the public crowd.

The group are separated as follows:

Kawanishi, Gin and Nao, stood the furthest away from the group. Though not too far that their cameras wouldn't be able to get a good view of the couple inside, it was far enough to ensure that their captain's murderous aura couldn't be felt by either you or Ushijima.

The second years excluding Tendou, namely: Semi, Reon and Yamagata sat casually at a public bench located at the opposite side of the store. Smart phones out of memory and Semi already feeling too lazy to keep this going, they simply sat back and enjoyed the show.

Finally, (Bf/n), Tendou and Shirabu stood closest to the shop. With their cameras boldly out in the open, they acted like a harmless group of teenagers who were engaged in a heated debate about which of them held the better camera or which of them took a better photo. Thus explains the shameless act of actually taking a picture—with flash—in public.

"I bet you a week's lunch that they're talking about the science behind the creation of those volleyball shoes" Tendou quipped as they continued their pretense.

"Ha! Coward! If you really want to make a bet, you should bet that they're talking about literally anything else other than shoes and volleyball" (Bf/n) taunted.

"Tendou-san's just taking the easy way out since he's too broke to afford lunch for the rest of the month."

"Wow thanks for the support team mate. I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome."

--- Couple's POV (Date Location: Asics Sports Shop)

Not one to disappoint, you and Ushijima were engaged in a very heated and detailed argument regarding which of the newly released shoes would be best to use in a game.

"But wouldn't that be too heavy? I understand that it has better traction but I swear that once you start playing, you'll start to feel that extra weight"

"That may be true but you have to admit this is better than what you're suggesting. Those may have better cushioning but the traction on those shoes is inferior to this and it looks a lot less flexible than what I'm used to wearing."

Not one to back down, you listed out the benefits the shoes offered to its user. Ushijima, however, simply made his case and quickly defended the shoes he had selected.

The workers could only watch in confused silence and awe. In the sidelines, they silently wrote down everything you and Ushijima were spouting. Earnestly taking your words into account should the time come that a knowledgeable customer with special needs arrive and they needed to cater to such needs.

Feeling that the conversation was near its close, one of the workers slowly made their way towards the both of you.

"If you're going to list down the benefits for ankle support, I will not be hearing any of it. Why not just suggest I use shoes with high-tops and get it over with? You know I am not a fan of added support if it'll only lessen the quality of my play even if by a hair."

"Just because you're a special player doesn't mean you're not prone to ankle injuries! Need I remind you of our practice match with the local college?!"

"That has nothing to do with my ankles and you know it."

"You landed on the ground with the faintest of errors and you ended up with a sprain! Say all you want, your ankles need the support! Like everyone else does, but more so you, since you jump all around!"

At your words, Ushijima scoffed indignantly, face contorted in a manner that expressed how insulted he was from your remark. If you weren't so deep into the argument, you would've noticed how uncharacteristic of an action that was but in the end, it went over your head.

The two of you didn't really begin with such a heated argument when you entered the store. It all started when a worker asked the two of you what you preferred. Ushijima said he preferred shoes with better traction even if it'll add more weight and you said shoes with good cushioning and less weight with better support is best.

And... that was when the argument began.

Take note that the worker simply wanted to know what color the two of you had in mind or if you were both planning on buying a matching pair of shoes as couples. Not once did he think that it would instigate a war of words.

You were just about to list down the benefits of ankle support like Ushijima taunted you to do when a worker interrupted you.

"Dear customers, while we are happy to know how knowledgeable you are of our products, might we give a suggestion?"

The two of you faced the man with rage-filled eyes that seem to ask "why are you interrupting us?"

"Although it isn't part of the newly released line of shoes we have in display, we do have this model that gives great cushioning, traction, and ankle support—minus the high top, of course. But it's older than what is currently here, if you want, I could get the model here before you so you can discuss it as well." The worker managed to spout his pitch whilst sweating profusely.

Finally realizing how much you and Ushijima argued over shoes, you exploded into a deep shade of red. "Crap I forgot we were on a date" you mentally face-palmed yourself. Embarrassment consuming you as you stood stiffly in front of the worker you assumed to be the manager. You knew the man was waiting for an answer but you couldn't say anything, the shame riding you of your ability to speak.

Thankfully, Ushijima had more balls than you—figuratively and literally.

"She's also looking for shoes of her own, but let's see that model too."

Clearly ecstatic with closing the argument between the two of you, the manager happily replied: "Of course! Of course! The model I am suggesting has a version for both genders and is actually quite popular with couples. So the young miss can also choose the model I will be bringing if it would be your choice. I take it that the two of you are planning to buy a matching set? If not, then I am sorry for overstepping my boundaries."

Hearing the word couple, you flinched. You were about to answer his query in the negative when Ushijima spoke up.

"Yes we were..."

Cue your soul leaving your body in 3... 2... 1.

--- Stalker's POV

When the couple finally made a decision and ambled their way towards the cashier, the others began to regroup. No longer seeing the need of keeping their cameras hidden, some returned the borrowed equipment to (Bf/n) while the others gave up their memory cards to her. The task of printing out the photos and sending copies to each of them as bribes... er, source material, was given to her—clearly with her skills, she was the best one for the job.

"I really wish we could follow them home..." Tendou and (Bf/n) whined. Clear signs of disappointment emanated from their bodies into what seems like a makeshift cloud of sadness.

"It can't be helped. Although there was that mishap in the theatre, we all agreed that their trip home should at least be kept private" Reon said while giving each person a consoling pat on the shoulder.

"But it's usually when the date ends when things go intense..."

Well, (Bf/n) had a point.

Although slim, like almost zero, they couldn't deny that it was still a possibility. More so now that Ushijima decided that it was time he did something out of his comfort zone and took a risk. It also helped that the couple had been sporting this sweet, lovey-dovey cloud of love around them to the point that it was making even Shirabu nauseous. Unaware that this sweet cloud of love was actually a sulphur-ridden, war-like air that enshrouded the two of you when you were both arguing over shoes.

"Then I guess that's all the more reason to give them privacy, don't you think so? After everything that happened today, I'm sure this won't be the only date that they'll be going to so let's at least allow them this" Reon pointed out with a benevolent tone. Ever the Benkei he was, the pouty duo could only nod and lift themselves up with the motivation of stalking the two on a future date.

Hearing the familiar sound of a chime, the group quieted down. Silently, they watched the couple exit the store with satisfied faces, the unmistakable sign of excitement still evident in their faces as the two droned on in whatever topic they were talking about. Probably volleyball... no, it was definitely volleyball.

"We should go" (Bf/n) thought to herself.

As if able to hear her thoughts, the group moved as one and ambled towards a nearby bus stop. No longer burdened with the duty that is stalking their friends on their first date, some of them talked about their plans for the rest of the day whereas the rest simply remained quiet.

Lost in thought, (bf/n) started listing down mental notes on how she would handle the task that was handed over to her. "I guess I should check the quality of the images first. Then, there's organizing the files, deleting useless photos—I should start with Reon-san's and Yamagata-san's first for that. After that, I'll-!"

The world seemed to move progressively slower. Lost in her own world, the noises around her could only be registered as a buzz as the object that caused this stir within her moved closer. It didn't take her long to recognize that familiar shade of metallic black finish, the car's brand proudly reflecting off the sun as it moved closer.

"F***!" she exclaimed in her mind, unaware that she had actually voiced out her distress.

This was because it wasn't just a car. It was his car.

With Miyagi being in the countryside, it was much more common to see vehicles that were clearly made more for its utility and ease of handling large amounts of cargo. That was why it was easy to narrow down to which family—person—that luxurious brand of sedan belonged to. And out of all the people (Bf/n) knew there was only one.

Acknowledging her distress, the group halted in their tracks unknowingly causing much more stress for her than they thought since she was squeezed in between the hulking group of teenagers.

Throwing all rationality out the window, she moved. With one hand, she flung Tendou out of her way while yelling: "MOVE, B***H!"

With that, the others behind her and next to Tendou moved out of her war path. They watched her in confusion as she ran at full speed towards the couple they had been trying to hide away from all day.

Getting his bearings straight once more, Tendou asks the group, "what in the blue hell was that for, and why is she homing in on the people we were supposed to hide from?!"

"The binder must have finally robbed her of oxygen to her head." Kawanishi replied while the others merely shrugged.

"Works for me, 'cause if that's not it, then she might be crazy." Tendou looked on the she-hulk as she ran like crazy.

Indeed, she ran. She ran as fast as her legs can take her.

But there was only so much a human could do. Even in the height of her adrenaline rush, there was no way she could keep up to the speed of a car. Panic welled in her bounded chest when the car came to an abrupt stop near the couple. Her worst fears slowly forming a cloud over her mind as she frantically tries to come up with some plan of action.

Unable to formulate something coherent, she decided to leave things to strength. If she could out-power four growing athletes in their youth, she could at least take on one adult man. "Tackle him to the ground, it is" she decided.

"STOP!" she yelled loudly, more towards the car door opening than to the couple who was looking at the car parked in front of the both of them freezing them in their tracks. The door to the driver seat opened and (Bf/n) swore she could see the face of the ogre, his hand tightly gripping around the handle of his club.

With an intense glare and a burning aura, he spoke: "What's with the outfit?!"

Yep, you guessed it.

It was your strict, over-protective brother.

"NOOO!" (Bf/n) yelled and with all her strength she lunged her body unto him in hopes that she could tackle him to the ground and grant the couple at least a minute to escape.

Only, it was her who fell to the ground.

And a thought came to her: "Wow this must've been how (F/n) feels everyday with me. Damn what is this guy made of? Freakin' rocks?!"

Seemingly unfazed by the light tap that came to his chest, he moved his attention back to you.

"What are those?!" he yelled, glaring pointedly at the sliver of thigh skin you were baring to the public.

"U-ummm... thi-thighs?" you answered with a weak voice.

"I know they're goddamn thighs but why the hell are you wearing something from our dad's competition?! And not just the thigh highs, your skirt, your shoes, your blouse, even your damn handbag!" Frantically, your brother attempted to cover up the brand names of your outfit, by folding creases here and there and everywhere. Seeing that it won't work, he decided that caging you with his body was a better option so he pulled you behind and manoeuvred you towards the car. And with one successful push, he pushed you inside the back seat.

"I don't care what outfit you wear, how much skin you show, or who you are on a date with, but at least dress yourself with fashion from one of our dad's affiliates, this is a disaster!" he said to you but before you could even utter a response, he continued on. "I have three complete outfits there from dad's new line," pointing towards several designer paper bags, "they haven't unveiled them to the public yet, since he wanted your opinion on them first as it will be for the teen line, choose one, mix and match, I don't care, just change." He then closed the car door on you, after explaining how to make the windows be tinted so no one can see you changing.

"And you!" he said, pointing a finger at Ushijima.

"I hate you."


"Just cause."

Ushijima could only blink before he meekly nodded in response. He didn't know what to say, his mind blanking out and unable to form a proper response or retort that would make your brother retract his words. The only thing he knew was it was best not to anger him any further.

"Good of you to accept that... And you, (Bf/n), get in the car, help her change, but knock first. We're going to have a lengthy discussion on which fashion lines we're connected with so if you ever pull this stunt again, it would bring customers to us, not our competition," (Br/n) sharply said to (bf/n). He knew that after giving out such a warning, the female wouldn't make any attempts of fleeing. That would only add oil to the fire. And he was right, (bf/n) did as she was told and with a heavy sigh, she got up from the pavement and opened the door to the back seat of the car where a nervous-looking (F/n) was trembling like a Chihuahua still fretting over which outfit she should change into. Her eyes pleading with (bf/n) to help her.

Tiredly, she got in and slouched unto the seat, taking one of the bags from you to look the outfits over.

"Well, I did say that things get intense when a date ends but seriously must his timing be impeccable in crucial moments!"

Unbeknownst to them, (br/n) is currently engaged in complimenting Ushijima in his choice of wardrobe, despite the hatred he had for the man, he had good taste in fashion, namely, their line of it.


 A/N: Just a reminder since I've been receiving some messages asking me about the story's timeline. As of the moment, the story is not aligned with the Haikyuu-verse you guys know of--that timeline being Hinata and Kageyama functioning as first-years in Karasuno.

Currently, the time in this story is the year before that. Which is the year wherein Hinata and Kageyama were still middle-schoolers.

Now that that's dealt with, I once again (and will endlessly be doing as long as I make these stories) would like to THANK you guys for supporting my book! Your votes, comments and follows mean a lot to me and it really brightens up my day whenever I get the chance to read them so truly, I thank you guys.

I hope you guys enjoyed the story! ^^

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