Falling skies

By giBrezniczky

2.2K 83 12

In Detroit there's a high pobability, that you will eventually find a cime. A crime you need for your detecti... More

At home
The new job
The morning after
Wrong decisions
Tough talk
New beginnings
Mission impossible
Break from the world
At Hank Anderson's house
First pictures of the war
The Mission
Violence and blood
Time of glory
Moment of sedation
What you destroyed
Two boys one problem
Need to work
New problems
Glass castle
House delivery
What's up with the creator
Cardinal birds
The first cracks
Back on track

Family lunch

97 2 0
By giBrezniczky

"What the heck Ralph? Why are you here? I could get in serious troubles for helping you." you whispered why closing the door behind you.
"Ralph didn't know. Ralph didn't want to get you into any trouble. Ralph just wanted to thank you for your help." the injured android panicked.
"Okay, okay... Ralph. Keep calm. Connor is inside, we are watching a film together. If he hears you he might inform the police." you whispered. Ralph shook his head.
"Oh, that's not good. No, that's not good. Ralph doesn't want to get caught." Ralph turned around and ran on the hallway, but then turned back, and walked back to you. "Ralph just wanted to thank you. Ralph is really thankful. Here, take this. Check it when you are alone." Ralph said and then ran away.
You looked at the small object in your hand. It was a black pendrive. You put it into your pocket and went back to the house.
Connor looked at you curiously. "Who was it?"
"Just someone who got lost in the neighborhood. No one important." you said and sat back to the couch. You missed the very end of the movie, because you already saw the credits roll.
"What do you want to do now? Would you fancy eating out? We can call Hank too." Connor asked and looked at the clock.
"The more the merrier. Call him. I'll go, put away the food, I did in the morning, so it will be good for tomorrow." you said, and you felt that your heart is pounding.
You imagined for a moment a nice dinner with just you and Connor. Your face heat up at the thought. You knew that it's impossible for a human and an android be together, but, you craved it.
"Is there something wrong? Your heart rate and pulse just increased." Connor said and stepped closer.
"No... It's nothing."
"I can run a diagnosis on you, to check for the possible reason." He smiled.
"It's not needed. I know the answer." you said and stood up and ran to the kitchen. When you were there you put away your food and poured a glass of water for you. You drank it, and you felt that your face is becoming less and less red.
"Are you mad at me for something?" Connor sneaked behind you and asked.
"Wha- No, no, no, it's nothing."
"Since this morning you were acting weirdly. If this is still about the morning accident, I can assure you that I saw nothing."
"No, it's really not about that." you shook your head. "Let's go. Can you order a taxi?" you looked at Connor.
"I already did." he said and lifted your coat. "Shall we?" he asked as he helped your coat up on you.
You both went outside and you almost immediately saw as the taxi pulled up.
You sat in and then Connor followed.
"I call the Lieutenant up." he said and you saw his LED flickering.
"Hello lieutenant! It's Connor."
"What did that brat do?" you heard the lieutenant's voice faintly from Connor.
"No, lieutenant! It's me, Connor."
"What did you do?"
"I didn't do anything. I wanted to call you and ask if you would like to have lunch with me and (Y/N). We are in a taxi."
"Are you living together or what? Leave me alone on my day off Connor!" Hank said grumpy.
"As you wish lieutenant, but I would like to inform you that this lunch would be on me. The Cyberlife pays for all of my spending."
"Alright boy. I get ready in 30 minutes. Pick me up. But you better take me somewhere fancy."
"Understood lieutenant. On my way." Connor said and you saw his LED go back to blue. "I managed to convince him to come with us. I finished the phone call." he said and turned to you.
"I am actually impressed how much do you know about him. I think I would have failed to convince him." you smiled.
"I am programmed to find the best approach to every social situation."
"They did great with you." you said and then looked out from the window. The streets were still wet after the previous rain. The skies had dark clouds hiding the sun, but everything was really bright. Then you saw something falling. It didn't look like rain at all. It was snow. It was a bit early for snow, but it made you happy. The best part of living in Detroit is this. That there's snow.
You watched the little snowflakes falling down and then immediately melting as they reach the ground. But you knew, that it meant, that something will change. You felt it in the air, and you felt it in your bones.
"You like when frozen waterdrops are falling from the sky. Did you know, that there was a research in 2025 about snowflakes, that they are not completely different, most of them have the same structure, but according to the humidity of the weather, the water freezes on them and makes them different."
"It's like humans and deviants." you said without thinking it through.
"How so?" Connor asked, and tilted his head. You saw that his LED is yellow.
"Well, deviants are claimed to have feelings. Most of them act out of fear or anger. Just like humans. We act because of our feelings. Humans and deviants look the same, feel the same, yet everyone says that we are different. When it's really just the environment that changes us all."
"When you say it like this, I guess you are right." Connor said, but you saw that his LED was yellow and it didn't seemed like it will turn back to blue.
"Is something bothering you?"
"I think no. I just discovered some malfunctions when I'm around you." he confessed then turned away from you.
"Is it something I can help you fix?" you asked but he just shook his head.
"No. It's not your assignment." he said.
Then the taxi arrived at Hank's house. He was already waiting outside.
The car pulled up next to him and he sat in. Connor needed to come closer to you, so Hank could sit in.
"What took you so long?" Hank asked, and you knew, whatever came over Connor to make his confessions, it was over.
"We were already in the taxi, when he called you, so I can assure you that it has nothing to do with us." Connor said politely.
"Hank! Could you please huddle yourself up a bit?" you asked, and hoped that this would make more place for you. Of course you miserably failed. To your comment, he just pushed Connor more at you.
"But you are so small sweetie!" he said smiling evil.
You gritted your teeth, but didn't asked again.
The ride felt like an eternity to the place Connor chose. It was uncomfortable, both the seats and the quet situation. Why is it that when you are alone with Connor you can act almost normal, but whenever someone is near you hold back. And it's all unconsious. And now here's Hank and everything went from natural to awkward in a moment.
You secretly glanced over to Connor. He made it no secret that he was looking you. Like he was analysing you, or trying to look into your head.
You hoped androids couldn't do that, but a part of you, buried deep inside you would like to tell him how you felt. You were never good at having secrets. Sooner or later it will all turn out, and it might not be a happy ending if it does. You knew that. And yet, you couldn't make yourself do it.
"We arrived. Now get out!" you said sternly pushing the boys towards the door.
"Wait you crazy lady!" Hank shouted at you.
Connor said nothing just reached for the door handle. As he opened the door they both almost fell out from the car.
After they got out safely, Connor held out his hand so he could help you get out in your heels safely. You smiled at him and took his Hand.
"Am I getting some sort of vibe here? Are you really living together or what?" Hank asked as he watched the scene. Connor shook his head a bit.
"I don't see what you are implying to, lieutenant."
Hank laughed as he turned around and walked in a different direction that the restaurant was, where Connor took us to.
"Never mind. I already got my answer. Good luck son." he said and waved to us.
"Lieutenant! Did you changed your mind  and you are not coming with us?"
Hank didn't answered that question, just walked away. You looked at Connor panicking.
Will the to of you now be eating together? You were terrified.
Connor seemingly noticed it, and decided to have a friendly approach.
"I am sorry, that I failed you. You said the more the merrier, but I couldn't make anyone else come with us. And I'm not calling Detective Reed. We have a pretty unpleasant bromance going on." Connor said and held his hand out. "But I am sure that we will have a great time, just the two of us together."
You smiled at him. You were not disappointed at all. You were in fact happy. You decided that whatever it takes you must tell him how you feel, today. You looked at the clock as a final countdown. It was 1 pm. You had 11 hours, to prepare, confess and get an answer. At the moment it seemed like plenty of time but soon you realised that it's less than you thought.
You took Connor's hand and walked with him to a restaurant, that was called, The Crabs.
When you arrived, he went to the reception desk and said that he had an appointment for 3 person, but the 3rd one probably won't come.
You saw him making the transaction to the other android, and then came back to you.
"(Y/N), please, follow me." he said and then led you to your table.
He took out a menu and then gave it to you. He sat down in front of you.
"What will you order?" you asked forgetting for a moment that he is in fact an android.
"My sytems don't require any edible materials to function." he said, but pointed at a good in the menu anyways. "In case, I was human, and this would be considered as a date, I would order this two person plate. Afterwards one hot and one cold desserts, like a brownie and ice cream. And to drink, I think the best would be something with dihidrogen-carbon-dioxid. That would make a person's stomach lighter, so the amount of food wouldn't be unpleasant." this was all he said, but you were only listening until the d word. Then it all fell apart.
You looked at his brown Iris and got almost completely lost in them. When he finished you needed it to ask.
"Is this a date in your opinion?" you asked.
"It can be considered as one." he said but quickly get over that topic. "So? Did you chose?" he asked.
"Well, I'm not a hudred percent sure how I should respond. Could we talk about this?" you asked but Connor shook his head.
"About your order?" he asked innocently.
"No, about the other, other thing." you said. You saw his LED go from blue to yellow and then to red. It was the first time you saw it, but it was just for a moment. Afterwards you weren't even completely sure that it happened.
"About the dihidrogen-carbon-dioxid? It's a wide spread molecule, that is in many sodas. It is a carbonic acid by a more common name, but with this denomination, it can be easily confused for phenol. It is-"
"No, not that! And please Connor, if it has nothing to do with my work don't ever talk about chemistry to me again." you whined out and put your head to the desk.
"May I take your order?" an android asked.
You wasn't feeling well. You needed answers, but you didn't confessed and Connor didn't help you with any of that.
You just stood up and walked away. You needed to go a place well known. You needed some place safe, where there is no Connor to make your head all fuzzy, and where is noone else to ruin the moment.
You knew exactly where you needed to go, but firstly you needed to do a stop at the liquor store.
After a bunch of drinks later, and with a paperbag in your hands you went to the place where you knew you would be never kicked out of.
You rang the bell, and you heard familiar steps coming to open the door, and something fall. Then you heard a familiar voice swearing, then the door opened, and there you were standing in front of a familiar face.
"Gaaviiin!" you whined and then fall into his apartment.

*Author's note*
Hahaa! I love this cliffhanger. And I think I will love to read this back tomorrow, when I get up and don't remember any of it. It's really like I was hungover every morning. My head is aching, I hate all the light coming in my window, and I don't remember what I wrote the previous day.
And I don't even need alcohol for that! 👸🍷

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