Shut Up And Kiss Me

By moriartyhimself

21.8K 1.1K 460

Jim came from a broken home, but soon ruled the school. Sherlock came from a loving home, but was bullied at... More

Chapter One-
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
New Note
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Seven

1.1K 68 59
By moriartyhimself

The five walked to school together. 'Jim you know those sunglasses are gonna get confiscated' Molly said nodding at the Ray Bans Jim was wearing. Jim laughed 'Oh well. I live for a little excitement.' They all chuckled and carried on walking to school. 'You know i'm never dropping you two cuddling in your sleep right?' Molly said turning to Sherlock and gesturing to Jim. 'Piss off' He replied, but he was smiling.

They all split up in the corridors. John heading off to homeroom A3. Molly and Mary heading off to homeroom D6 and Jim and Sherlock headed to B2. Jim and Sherlock sat at the back of homeroom like they always did. After about 2 minutes their tutor, Mr Fergus walked in. 'Settle down everyone!' He announced for no particular reason. 'Mr Moriarty, take those glasses off.' Jim sighed but took them off. Sherlock glanced at him then turned back sharply. Jim's left eye was bruised all around it and a small cut stood out right underneath his eye. 'Jim what happened?' Sherlock asked. 'Nothing.' 'Jim.' 'I said nothing Sherlock.' Sherlock fell silent but he studied Jim for a few more minutes.

At break the gang met up outside by an old oak tree. 'Oh my god! Jim what happened to your eye?' Mary said as soon as she saw Jim. 'Will everyone just leave my damn eye?' 'Jim is it your dad?' John asked tentatively. 'What?' Jim asked, dropping his guard for a second. 'It obviously is' Sherlock answered for him. 'Can we please just drop it now?' Jim had lost the sassy undertones he usually had in his voice and he now sounded depressed. The group fell silent for a few minutes before Molly tactfully changed the subject, 'So it's only a half day today! Did you guys here, we get the afternoon off because the head has 'family issues' whatever that means.' Everyone looked excited. 'Can i come back to yours Molly? I have some physics i need help with.' Mary asked. Molly nodded eagerly, 'Yeah sure!'. They headed off together talking about some physics work. John nodded at Sherlock and Jim, 'Well i still have football training so i better be going.' He smiled and walked away, catching up with the football coach Greg Lestrade. Sherlock turned to Jim, 'Come back to mine for a bit, Jim.' Jim grinned, 'Great'

Sherlock unlocked the door and stood aside to let Jim in. 'Nice place Sherl.' Jim commented, hanging his jacket up in the hall. 'Thanks, my parents both have government jobs so they can afford it. Although it means they have no time for their sons apparently. 'You have brothers?' Jim asked. 'Only the one. His name's Mycroft.' 'Are odd names a tradition in your family or are you and Mycroft just unlucky?' Jim asked, grinning up at Sherlock. He really did have to grin up at Sherlock as he was about three inches shorter than him. Sherlock rolled his eyes and began walking up the stairs. 'I was gonna get changed if you wanna borrow any clothes?' 'Yeah okay.'

They walked upstairs in silence. Jim followed Sherlock into his room. 'Nice room Sherl.' Jim commented, the room was spacious and had a comfortable looking double bed in the centre. 'Thanks, Green Day or Guns and Roses?' Sherlock asked holding up two band shirts. 'Green day thanks' Jim replied, catching the shirt Sherlock threw at him. Sherlock passed him some jeans then began unbuttoning his school shirt. He stopped, 'You don't mind? i just don't see the point in us changing separately.' Jim nodded and began to take his school trousers off. just as he had got them off and Sherlock had unbuttoned his shirt, the door swung open. 'Brother i.. oh' Mycroft began. 'hello' 'Jim Moriarty' Jim smiled holding his hand out to shake. 'I apologise for my lack of trousers.' Sherlock cheeks reddened slightly. 'Yeah we're getting changed Mycroft' 'Hmm i see that. Anyway, brother, Mrs Hudson asked me to tell you; dinner won't be until later tonight. Is Jim here staying?' Sherlock nodded. 'I'll tell Mrs Hudson.' and with that he left.

Jim looked over at Sherlock and started laughing. Sherlock joined in. 'That could have been less awkward' Sherlock chuckled as he took his shirt off fully. Jim threw sherlock a lingering glance. He was pale and lean with the faintest hint of muscle. Jim pulled himself together and put the jeans on as Sherlock put on a guns and roses t-shirt. Jim had to cuff the ends of the borrowed jeans as he was shorter than Sherlock. He then began unbuttoning his shirt as Sherlock pulled his jeans on. He took his shirt off fully and became aware of Sherlock staring at him. Sherlock could hardly help it, Jim obviously worked out. He had fairly defined abs which Sherlock found very difficult not to look at. Of course Jim noticed this and smirked.

The shirt Sherlock had leant Jim was slightly tight and defined his abs very well. Once they were both dressed Jim sat on Sherlock's bed. 'So Sherl, what do we do now?' Sherlock sat down next to Jim and thought for a moment 'I have no idea' Jim laughed. 'No me either.' They say in silence for a few minutes until, without really thinking about it, Sherlock put his hand on Jim's thigh.

'Ugh Jim we need to talk.' Suddenly Jim grabbed Sherlock's face with both of his hands and pressed their lips together. Sherlock pulled back, more out of surprise than anything else. 'I'm so sorry i don't known why i did that.' Jim stammered, moving to stand up.
'No Jim!' Sherlock grabbed Jim's arm and pulled him back down.
'SHERLOCK, JIM. FOOD' Mycrofts voice came up the stairs. Jim stood up and left the room quickly.

They sat next to each other at the table, Jim opposite Mycroft and Sherlock opposite Mrs Hudson. 'I don't think i've seen you before Jim.' Mrs Hudson said pleasantly. 'Yeah, I'm new to the area.' Jim replied with a casual smile. The conversation continued on like this, not exactly awkward but not light and breezy either.

They made their way back to Sherlock's room 'So are you staying the night Jim?' Sherlock asked as casually as he could. 'Oh, yeah sounds good.' They hunted around and even asked Mycroft but couldn't find the air mattress. 'I guess you can share my bed if that's not weird?' Sherlock asked, avoiding looking Jim in the eye. Jim grinned 'How is it we always end up sharing a bed Sherlock?' They both chuckled at this.

At around 11, after a few card games and a rather competitive game of chess, they decided to call it a night. They lay on their backs next to each other. 'Jim' Sherlock began, rolling into his side to face Jim. Jim rolled and did the same. Their faces where about two inches from each other's. 'Are you gay?' Jim smiled slightly. 'no, Sherlock, i'm not gay.' Sherlock nodded slowly. He shuffled forward slightly, closing the gap between them. 'Sherlock.' 'Yes, Jim?' 'Why do you ask?' Sherlock stayed quiet but he leant his forehead against Jim's. They stayed like this for a while, foreheads pressed together, lips a few centimetres apart.

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