The Alphas Baby (undergoing m...

By jawslean

1.1M 25.7K 2.4K

Penelope Rivera is a nice quiet girl who has respect for everyone and everything but what happens when she fi... More

The Alphas Baby
Birthday Mistake
Goodbye For Now
Secrets Never Stay Hidden
Hearing There Mistake
Finding Out
Disaster Struck
Taking A Chance
Just A While
More Surprises
Sea Of Lies
The Results Are In
I'm A What!?
The Heat
White Cloth Isnt For Me
Save Me
Family Trip
She's back
Crawling For You
The End

Run Penny

20K 675 15
By jawslean


I kept running , I felt my the rain hit my fur as I ran so fast , I couldn't stop my wolf was in control , I wasn't , I felt as I was leaving my body slowly slipping away from my own body.

"Penelope !" River yelled from a distance which made me run even faster. I felt a burning sensation in my stomach & on my sides, I collided with the a tree & everything went dark.


"Penelope" I kept yelling , where on earth could she be ! . Then her scent hit me & I quickly followed it .

i contacted my beta, "quickly get some of the men of the pack over here & shot now it's an emergency !" I demanded in my alpha voice.

"Yes sir." he said.

As I ran deeper in the forest I saw a blood trail , I followed it praying it wasn't penny's. Then I saw her lying on the ground breathing softly, the passed out & was naked.

"She shifted." I said to myself.

"PENELOPE WAKE UP PLEASE WAKE UP !!" I yelled crying , I wrapped my jacket around her & scooped her up in my arms. I felt the blood on my hands it was coming from her sides of her belly. I panicked and quickly ran to the house as I was running I bumped into my pack. Shock was written all over there faces. Then rouges came out as soon as we were heading home to save penny.

"Marcus get Penelope to the pack doctor I'll be there in a while, Andrew & Luke you stay with me , the rest of you go ! " I demanded as we three shifted.

"Looks like we got us some trespassers." one rouge said.

"Haha I guess they don't know the rules." one rouge who sounded to familiar wait I knew that wolf it's one of the packs daughter she ran away with her boyfriend a few days ago !

"Dally listen it's me River , do you remember me ?" I asked hoping she said yes.

"No I don't and my names not dally is anabelle." she said as she came closer and started growling.

"Attack ! " One of the rogues yelled. as we ran towards them.


"Ahh!" I yelled out in pain.

"Penelope it's okay." my mom said wiping my forehead with a cold cloth.

"Mom my babies are they okay?" I asked as she stayed silent.

"Mom !" I yelled worried.

"Yes baby there fine the doctor just had to run some test real quick you were bleeding from your sides." she said as a tear rolled down her face.
I sighed in relief. "Mom?" I asked.
"Yes? " She asked.
"How's vianna?" I asked worried.
"She's with Bianca sweetie." she smiled at me as I sighed in relief again. I wanted to ask my mom where was river but I couldn't , I was too hurt to even think about where was he & what he was doing , but I wanted him here with me holding me , with vianna I wanted our family together , but he always finds a way to mess up. i thought as tears started falling down my face.
"Sweetie what's wrong don't cry." my mom said wiping my tears.
"Where's River?! " I almost basically yelled. I couldn't take it anymore my wolf carved his touch & so did I.
"His in the living room waiting to come see you , you want me to get him? " she asked as I nodded my head slowly.
"Penelope baby !" River practically ran in here & hugged me & kissed me as much as I loved it i had to pull away.
"Why would you kiss her?!" I almost yelled.
"She came on to me baby I swear I would never hurt you like I did before I love you so much , she came on to me I tried to pull her off but I couldn't." He said with so many emotions I couldn't tell what he was feeling.
"Baby?" I asked. As he looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. I couldn't bare to look at him like that. I grabbed his face & I kissed him as if he was air. Our tongs were fighting for dominance , i felt my wolf wanting his so bad, I pulled apart before things got too too heated.
"I love you." he said as he kissed my forehead.
"I do - " I felt a sharp pain. I screamed out in pain it hurt so much I couldn't bare it.
"Doctor ! " River growled. He ran in here and saw me in pain as River was holding my arm.
"The babies coming." the doctor said.
"What but I'm not even- ahhh!" I screamed.
"Okay penny I'm going to need you to push right now , River hold her hand & penny squish it every contraction you get count to 3 & breathe out." the doctor instructed as I nodded my head.
"Nurse !" The doctor yelled as she ran in with a bowl of warm water & other things.
"Okay one , two three push ! " The doctor said as I pushed and yelled out , god it didn't hurt this much with vianna.
"Ahhh!" I yelled.
"Push !" He said as I kept pushing.
"Okay your doing great just one more big push & you'll be done." he said as I pushed with all my strength & I heard the crying of my baby.
"It's a boy!" The doctor said as I smiled.
"Ahh!" I screamed in pain.
"Penny I'm going to need you to push again!" The doctor demanded as I shook my head no I couldn't anymore it hurt too much & I was tired.
"Penelope push the baby out right now !" River demanded in his alpha voice & he knew I hated it . I started to push with all the strength I had left. I heard another cry of my baby.
"It's a girl." he said as I smiled. I felt myself falling asleep I was too tired.

*4 hours later*
"Penny wake up baby." I said a few hours later. She woke up & saw me holding both our babies.
"I want to hold them baby." she said sitting up. I passed them to her as tears of joy left both our faces.
"There beautiful." I whispered as she nodded & looked at me & I have her a quick peck on the lips.
"What should we name them?" I asked.
"Let's name the girl annalise & the boy Austin." she suggested.
"Sounds good to me." I smiled as she kissed my lips.
"Imma go get vianna." I said as penny smiled at the name of our baby girl.
"Okay hurry baby." she said as I smiled and walked out.
"Vianna baby." I said as she came running with colors in her hands. I chuckled & picked her up.
"Daddy how's mommy feeling?" She asked.
"Wanna see your baby brother & sister" I asked as she nodded quickly & happily , I smiled big & kissed her cheeks.
We walked into Penelope's room & saw the pack there & they were congratulation us as I smiled.
"Mommy I wanna see adi & austi." vianna said as we were surprised cause neither of us have told anyone the names.
"How do you know there names baby?" Penelope asked.
"I heard you guys all the way to my bedroom." she said. that must of been impossible because the doctor was a few miles away. Penelope & I both looked at each other as I put vianna next to her mom. This must be impossible it's too soon. I said in my head.
Vianna may be the next alpha , the first female alpha in our pack. I smiled to myself.

Okay so sorry I haven't been updating school has just been omg horrible so much work I swear 😒 anyways there's a picture on the babies on the side 😍💕 & I promise I will update more (: !

Follow me on Instagram @jovelynn.xox

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