The Demon's Eye

By Venus_Moon95

34.1K 669 189


Chapter 1: escaping from Dr. Kazuku
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: Finale
Message from Venus
Special Chapter- Chapter 13.5: A delicate flower blossoms
Message from VenusπŸ’œ

Chapter 45

428 7 1
By Venus_Moon95

Catya POV:


"We have to separate you from Bankotsu. If he finds out that you're pregnant things will not be good and if he finds out that we're hiding it from him.." Aname says.

"He'll kill us." Suikotsu finished.

After some strange tests and observation of my body, Aname was able to determine that I was just at 4 months.

"You're one tough girl, Catya. You have been able to engage in battles, receive damage but no damage to the baby. It's really intriguing." Aname says as she cups my face.

I didn't react to her touch. Everything felt so numb.

The images of the prior night still fresh in my head.
I balled my fists in my lap.

"What if he's happy?" I ask quietly.

Aname and Suikotsu exchanged a look.

"He won't be. Bankotsu isn't exactly the fatherly type." Suikotsu answers.

"This is for the best, Catya." Aname says just as Bankotsu walks in.


"You're my favorite my favorite girl in the whole world."

Those words broke my heart. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, I wanted to tell him the truth but I couldn't.

Without him I had nothing. Without his brothers I would be nothing.

I placed my hand over my stomach. Bankotsu pulled me to him, lacing his fingers with mine over my hand and held me close with the other.

Tonight will be the last night I can lay with him like this. Aname says that I will start growing a bump in a few weeks and must ween off of Bankotsu and band of Seven, excluding Suikotsu since he was the first one to know.

I snuck out of his room before he could wake and made my way downstairs.

"Good morning, Catya." Renkotsu says as he looks up from his papers.

"Good morning!" I say as cheerfully as I could.

"Are you alright? You look a little pale." He asks.

"Huh? Oh yes! I ate something that's making my stomach want to puke." I lied.

"Well if you throw up make sure it isn't on anything important." He says resuming his work.

"Yes sir." I say with a smile before heading to the kitchen and out the back alley door to throw up.

I walk back into the kitchen wiping my mouth and nearly ran into Mayu.

"Watch where you are going, roach." She snaps.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" I ask glaring at her with my hands on my hips.

"What the hell were you doing outside?" She countered.

"Marking my next victim." I shoot back.

She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Enough you two!" Aname's voice shouts.

We both look at her before returning our heated glares at each other.

"Madam Hiyori is going to be coming out today and I need EVERYTHING perfect sooooo Mayu why don't you go make sure everyone is doing their jobs. Catya you come with me to ready the Madam."

Aname pulls me out of the kitchen and up the stairs passing a shirtless Bankotsu.

He grabbed my elbow stopping us.

"What are you two doing?" He asked.

"Madam Hiyori is coming out today." Aname answers.

"Oh? The old bag's not dead yet?" He asked raising a brow.

"No jackass, she was sick and now she's feeling better." Aname snaps.

"Well that reminds me I need to get some stuff from her anyways. Mind if I join?" He asks releasing my elbow and resting his hand on my hip.

Aname thought it over before shrugging.

"As long as you don't mind seeing a naked old lady." She giggled.

I chuckled with her.

"It'll be about the same as seeing Mukotsu naked and that's unfortunately happened."

I perked up.

"I remember that! I forgot to tell you he was taking a bath.." I trailed off.

Bankotsu's brow twitched as he stared at me.

"Yeeaahh." He leans very close into my face.

I blushed softly and out of instinct I kissed his nose.

He smiled softly before taking the lead to Madam Hiyori's room.

"Goodness, Bankotsu. You have claw marks all over your back!" Aname exclaimed.

He glanced back at us and smirked.

"Those are from Cat. She can't really scratch so she claws and bites." He winked at me.

My blush deepened.

"Is that you running your filthy mouth, Bankotsu my dear?!" Hiyori's voice perked up as we reached the doors that lead to Madam Hiyori's chambers.

A beautifully painted green and red dragon decorated the black double sliding doors and a sweet rosy scent came from within.

"Flowers? I smell flowers!" I exclaimed reaching for the doors.

"Wait! Catya!" Aname yells after me.

I slide the door open and ran into the dark room.

Just as my excitement reached its peak I tripped over a large pink blob.

*oink, oink!* the pink blob made a noise at the same time I fell flat on my face.

Aname quickly ran to help me up while Bankotsu laughed his ass off.

"I was going to tell you to watch out for General Oink, Madam Hiyori's pet pig." She sighed pointed to big pig.

"General Oink?" I questioned.

"Yup. Since Bankotsu here is Madam's favorite, she let him name the pig." Aname explained.

Bankotsu grinned a charming boyish grin before jumping and wrestling with the screeching pig.

The pig walked over to me dragging Bankotsu in the process and started smelling me.

*oink, oink*
General Oink knocked me over and started licking my face.

"He likes you." Hiyori chuckled.

Hiyori was a beautifully aged woman. Her grey and white hair pinned in a bun and her light brown eyes shining brightly with amusement.

"So," Hiyori clapped her hands before removing her kimono, "who's giving this old bat a bath?"

"Nope!" Bankotsu riled up the pig and jumped into a low stance, ready to bolt.

General Oink charged at Bankotsu who ran around the room before snatching me and running out.

"Hey! She supposed to help me!" Aname calls out.

"Not anymore!" Bankotsu answered as we ran down the hall with the giant pig chasing us.

I couldn't contain my laughter as we ran around the tavern. Bankotsu was laughing and grinning, tripping and falling, as if he had no worries in the world. It amazed me how intimidating and scary he could be yet so charming and silly and cute.

He had a smile that could light up even the darkest parts of my soul.


Aname POV:

"Ugh! That Bankotsu is such an immature child!" I complained while I mixed oils and flowers for madam's bath.

Madam chuckled behind me as she sank into the steaming water.

"It's nice isn't it? When he can be carefree and goofy without any worries. Being the leader of a group of murders I'm sure can be stressful and he's still a child himself so figuring out what to do must weigh on him quite often."

She was right. Even though he could be way too carefree and childish he was still a powerful and frightening mercenary. He was smart and clever, way beyond his years.

But that didn't mean he didn't have any flaws.

"How far along is she?" Madam asked suddenly.

I accidentally knocked over a bottle of essential oil.

"W-what? Who? What are you talking about?" I ask nervously.

"Catya. She has a different aura about her. Her skin is glowing, her hair has more shine, her hips have widened and her breasts have gotten larger." She says.

I blinked at her.

"Is it obvious?" I ask.

To me she looked the same. Small, petite and oh so cute. She had a beautifully curved body with a narrow rib cage, tight flat stomach, good sized breasts and a plump butt.

She had the body a lot of the girls here dreamed of having. But with her pregnancy she was bound to start showing and soon.

"I run a brothel my dear. I know a pregnant girl when I see one. So how far along is she?"

I set down the oils.
"She's almost 5 months. 4 and a half I think." I answered.

She sighed, "Does Bankotsu know?"

"No. Should we tell him?"

"Ha! Not unless you want to remove that dead baby from her as you did Mayu and all the other girls who fell pregnant."

"Yeah.." I mumbled remembering all the times I've had to help remove stillborns and birth healthy ones.

I remembered Mayu's baby. She wasn't even two months when she miscarried. Bankotsu has kicked her so hard in the stomach, he broke two of her ribs and had a concussion from the fall down the stairs.
But she was still in love with him. She still aimed to be his wife and mother to his children, but due to the miscarriage and her profession as a prostitute she most likely won't bear a child again.

Oh Catya..
what should we do with you?

"Huh?" A open jar caught my attention.

'Madam's mushrooms?'

An image of Bankotsu flashed through my head as I picked up and examined the empty jar.

"That damn Bankotsu!" I yell out, slamming the jar on the small shelf.

"What is it, dear?" Madam asks.

"You're favorite just stole all your mushrooms!" I growl.

Madam just laughs as I storm out. That animal probably ate them by now.

After a bit of searching I found Bankotsu in the stables behind the tavern, in the hay, with Catya underneath him.

His mouth was firmly attached to hers as his hand was tucked between her legs.
Her hands were tangled in his long hair with her legs laid straight out slightly spazzing in pleasure.

The sight of pure pleasure on Catya's face stirred something in the pit of my stomach. My sex clenched as Bankotsu lifted his head to open the hoari just enough to reveal her chest.
Her breast were full and plump, sitting high on her chest. Light pink hardened nipples standing out against the white cream of her skin.

I licked my suddenly dry lips. Every fiber in my body told me to push him off and take over.

'I wonder how she taste's...'

Bankotsu began untying his hakamas to pull out his cock, hard and ready to mate.

'Fuck..' she held down a groan.

She couldn't deny the attraction she felt for him as well. How she missed feeling his hands roam every inch of her body. He was an asshole but damn did he know how to please a woman. It didn't help that he was utterly sexy. His body toned and hard, ready to fight. His face that could make any woman weak to her knees. His voice so masculine and strong. His power, like nothing she has seen before.

She shook the dirty thoughts out of her head before yelling out, "HEY! BANKOTSU YOU FUCKING THIEF!!!!"

Bankotsu groaned before quickly concealing himself and pulling Catya's hoari closed.

"Cock block!" He yells back.

I grab and pull his ear, pulling him off of Catya.

"You think you can just walk into someone's room and take shit?!" I yelled as I started hitting his head.

I knew this did absolutely nothing and it was like being hit with pebbles to him but I didn't care! He made me so angry!

Catya sits up, hay in her uniquely colored lavender hair.

"What did you do?" She asks him. Her voice soft and sweet, her eyes looking at him with such innocence.

I couldn't understand why she looked at him like that. Why she put him in such high regards.

He looked down at her.

For a second I saw it. That look in his eyes.

She really is his weakness.


Enjoy the update!❤️

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