Fabricated Fate - A Breath of...

By CapricornSiren

15.7K 407 232

A young girl named Thalia is found by Princess Zelda and her knight at the time, Link. Taken into the castle... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Extra: Characters

Chapter 17

339 9 0
By CapricornSiren

Somewhere in an unknown area, Zelda was trapped behind bars. All alone, nothing but silence filled the air. She was unaware of how long she has been kidnapped. It could've been years for all she knew.

Letting out a sigh, Zelda's eyes started to waver. "There has to be a way out of here..." Looking around with her eyes, there wasn't even a small hole she could escape out of. Her heart dropped, feeling like she was slowly losing hope. "Link... Rowan... Thalia... I hope that you three are alright..."

"You don't have to worry about those pawns." Letting out a gasp, Zelda saw that Ganondorf was in front of the bars.

Zelda narrowed her eyebrows, glaring at Ganondorf. "You still never explained why you have kidnapped me. What do you want from me?"

Ganondorf hummed, a smirk appearing on his face. "You know about the blood moon, right?"

Zelda looked confused about the mention of the blood moon. "Of course. What about it?"

"Do you know why such a thing exists?"

Zelda wasn't sure why he was mentioning the blood moon, it wasn't making any sense to her. "Do you know why it exists?"

Ganondorf's smirk only grew bigger. "It's a great extent of my power."

Zelda gasped, putting her hand over her mouth. "You're the cause of the blood moon?"

Hearing Zelda's shock made Ganondorf start laughing. "Yes! I'm the one behind the blood moon! Each time it rises into the sky, my power enhances!"

"But... What are you trying to accomplish with it?"

"I'm trying to have my power reach its max to take over Hyrule. It will be ready within four days."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"I was getting to that part, Princess. You have the power of the triforce. I need your power to help me gain the ultimate power. Once the blood moon rises, that's when you will pour every ounce of your power in me."

Zelda shook her head vigorously. "I refuse to help in something so pompous, you evil man!"

"You can't refuse me. And do you know why?" Zelda swallowed, not wanting to hear more of what he had to say. "Because it's your fate."

Trembling in place, Zelda clenched her hands, shaking in anger. "It is not my fate! You're lying! It's not my fate to help some man with evil intentions! Hylia would never allow me to do such a thing!"

"This is Hylia's answer. Lead the way you say..." Ganondorf let out an evil laugh. "This is the way! You will help me in my goal to gain tremendous power! Yes, you! The princess of Hyrule!"

"I will not help you! Kill me if you must for I will not do it!"

Ganondorf didn't let his smile disappear, knowing she would say that. "I'm not going to kill you, Princess. On the other hand, I will kill the Hylian Champion, the duke, and your dear friend if you don't do as I say."

Zelda grunted, her eyes full of fear. "You wouldn't..!"

"Oh, I would. I won't hesitate to do so. But if you stop resisting, then nobody has to die. Doesn't that sound much easier?" Zelda went silent, not wanting to say a yes or no, feeling frustrated at herself. Ganondorf smirked, putting his hands behind his back. "I'll be back to check on you later. Don't go anywhere. Wait a minute, you can't!" He mocked while letting out a laugh. His footsteps sound distant until Zelda couldn't hear them any longer.

Zelda hung her heard low, confused on what to do. She knew that Hylia wouldn't want her to do this, the goddess couldn't possibly be asking her of this.

Zelda didn't want to help Ganondorf with his plan at all. But he would kill her friends if she didn't. Feeling conflicted, she banged her fist on the floor repeatedly. "Why, Hylia?! Why must this be so difficult?! What should I do..?"

Once again, Zelda felt the pressure of holding many lives in her hands. In this case, it was her friends' lives she was holding. It was stressful enough that she held every person's life in her hands. A tear fell to the floor as more kept dropping. Quiet sobs echoed through the cell, Zelda did not raise her head. Agony was running through her body.

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