The Indominus Rex and A Girl...

By belaserednickis

748K 22.8K 5.7K

[Edited] ------ Isabella Evans is a 19-year-old girl who loves animals, especially reptiles. She always had a... More

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Sequel is Out

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34.1K 956 578
By belaserednickis

I looked at the trees in front of me in shock. I was stuck, my arm and head inside the caged with four Velociraptors, one of which just licked me. My eyes almost fell out of their sockets at this. I could hear Blue making a weird sound as he licked me, almost like a purr of sorts.

"Umm, can you stop. If someone sees us, they will freak out like I am freaking out right now," I say in a panicked voice. If Owen comes here and sees me like this, as if Blue was going to eat me, he would never let me ten meters close to the enclosure.

Blue cocked his head to the side and puffed out air, making my hair go up. He then chirped and started pushing my shoulder with his snout. After a few nudges and pushes, I was free, falling onto the dirt on my butt.

"Ouch, this is going to leave a mark," I murmur to myself, stand up, and cleaned my butt. "Thanks, Blue," I said to the Raptor warily. He chirped before running off as if nothing happened.

"Oh, you are still here, Bella, good," I hear Owen speak behind me.

"Yeah, well, you know me, love dinosaurs so, I stayed, here, watching them," Awkward.

"Well anyway I came to take you back to the main park, it's getting late, and I don't think you know your way," I looked to the sky and saw the sun had already set, but there was still some light.

"True, true, I only arrived today," I nodded and walked over to his jeep. "Thank you again for letting me see the Raptors. You don't know how much that meant to me," I say after I step out of the car once Owen dropped me off at the place he found me.

"No problem. Whenever you are free, you can come and visit me," He waved and drove off. I sigh, then look around; the place was almost deserted. Obviously, people at this time are probably eating dinner or sleeping. There were couples here, a kid there, but excluding them, there was basically no one.

I took this opportunity to walk around more freely without bumping into sweaty people. All the stores and restaurants were closed, as well as the dino attractions. I didn't mind because thankfully, I wasn't hungry yet. But I did remember one thing that I could spend some time on.

I looked around the park for a door to the place I really wanted to go right now.

Mosasaurus Feeding Entrance: Employers Only.

Found you. I know I might get in trouble, but if I don't touch or break anything, I think I'm good.

The door wasn't even locked – to my surprise – so I got inside the corridors with ease. There was a thick glass wall that separates the passage to the enclosure the Mosasaurus was in. This way, the staff could have a look at the pool from afar. I wish it were here right now so I could look at it, but the enclosure was enormous, so my chances were slim.

I walked up the stairs and got inside some sort of large chamber. It looked like they would bring the dinosaur here and maybe take care of it. Like tranquilize and take care of its injuries. Inside the chamber, there a deep pool of saltwater, about ten meters wide, and I don't know how deep.

I looked over the pool and noticed that it was connected to the much bigger, exterior one, so I needed to be careful. My eyes wandered around the cave, looking for anything that would pique my interest. There were some turned off panels, medical kits, lots and lots of buttons, and some big signs telling not to get close to the water and stuff.

My eyes went back to the water and saw a long ramp that ended after a meter or so. Being the curious and sometimes stupid self, I walked closer, taking a few steps into the water and getting my shoes wet. Good job on getting your socks wet. I scolded myself. I have never sinned this badly.

Incredibly the water was at a cool temperature. It wasn't hot nor cold, just perfect. Thank goodness, or I would've lost my toes. Traumas that make me hate cold water. I walk a bit deeper into the ramp over to the edge where it goes down deep, then continues to the underwater hole.

The light from the large chamber reflected the moving water onto the ceiling, making those mesmerizing light reflections. I don't know how to explain it, but I think you understand me. I got so caught up looking at the ceiling that I didn't notice I was still walking until







Since I was wearing clothes and shoes, it took more than a few seconds to reach the surface because of their weight. Once I did, I tried my best not to splash water, as it would indicate something fell on the water and was struggling. The perfect and easiest prey for the aquatic beast.

To say I was scared shitless would be an understatement. I fell in the enclosure of the freaking biggest reptile ever! Instead of it being the T-Rex's enclosure where I could climb a very tall tree, no. I had to fall into the water and somehow end up three meters away from the ramp. Just great.

The word three and meters may seem small, but the distance wasn't, I can confirm that right at this moment. And let me say that I'm not that good of a swimmer to start with as I get tired pretty quickly. I swam doggy style – the swimming way – not the sex position – know your context – over to the ramp but froze when I heard huge amounts of water splashing behind me. I'm so dead.

Breathing in as much air as I could to float, I turned around, and boy, I wish I had aquaphobia. I could see the shadow of the Mosasaurus swimming over to me underwater. It was massive, bigger than people at the grandstand see. I'm so dead and didn't even start my job. I saw the shadow swim underneath my body and close to the ramp.

The reptile's back bumped into me, dragging me along with it. The panic flowing through my body was surreal, and if I weren't basically on the things back, I would be drowning.

"Please don't kill me," I said out loud but didn't scream, afraid that it might kill me in an instant or someone would see me and kick me out from the park. For some odd and weird reason, the creature somehow heard me because it stopped swimming. It just stopped.

With my shaking body, I turned around and stood up, using my hands to stabilize myself, leaving me to stay on all fours. Again, not the sex position. I looked over the giant reptile I was on to just genuinely understand how massive and powerful this animal is. Holy moly.

I began walking over to the ramp but stopped when I noticed his head was there. Shit. It noticed my halt in movements as it began to squirm and moved backward, knocking me down. I fell onto the water once again, off the creatures back, and desperately swam up. Once on the surface, I took a deep breath and looked around to find the reptile's mouth.

"Ah!" I yelp when I felt myself being lifted from the water and thrown over to the edge of the pool onto the dry floor and coughed out water. I looked back to see the Mosasaurus's snout peeking out of the water and blew some water before it dove down and swam away. "This is going to leave another mark," I groaned, feeling my sides where I landed on ache.

"What do you mean you rode the Mosasaurus?!" My brother shouted through the phone, making me pull it away from my ear. "Do you know that it could've eaten you in one bite!"

"Of course, I knew that, but I got distracted because I was too fascinated and curious. I know it's stupid, but that led me to fall into the water. You know how distracted I get sometimes," I rolled over my right side, placing an ice pack on my left side so the swelling wouldn't be too much as I lay on my bed. "Brother, you don't know how scared I was. It was huge, the biggest thing I've ever seen. It's supposed to eat anything smaller than itself that he could find on the surface, yet it threw me out of the water."

"I can't even imagine what you went through. I knew I should have locked you in the basement, you just can't stay safe," I laugh at his remark. Few days before I left, he said if I didn't promise that I would stay safe, he would lock me up in the basement. He said he would set up a nice bed, a big TV, a refrigerator filled with snacks, everything I would need to live until the job was over. Talk about being overprotective.

"I miss you, big bro."

"I miss you, little sis." We continued to talk about my day until I fell asleep.


"I'm up! I'm up!" The sound of the alarm blasted inside my room, scaring the sleep out of me. "Stupid alarm," I slammed my hand on top of it to stop the annoying sound.

I change my pajamas into some leggings, and a white shirt with a safari-like a jacket around my waist in case it was ever needed. As a usual precaution, I made sure every part exposed to the sun got a decent coat of sunscreen. A message appears in one panel, saying that I should go to that pyramid-like building in the center of the park. It didn't say that, but you know, the name isn't really of that importance.

My way there was filled with people and children running around, loud noises, screams, and the damn tropical humid heat. Once I finally made it to the building, the doors opened automatically, revealing many other small attractions inside. A 'dig up fossils' for kids, on the wall cinema with the history of the dinosaurs, and my favorite, a to-scale hologram of any dinosaur, the person next to the panel chose to be displayed.

"Um, excuse me," I hear a female voice next to me speak. I turn to her and face a redhead woman, her hair going up to her shoulders, contrasting with her light-colored eyes. "I'm Claire, and you must be..."

"Isabella, but you can call me Bella," We shook hands.

"Well, Bella, follow me so I can show you the more interesting area where science happens," She walked into the crow of people into a glass corridor where scientists were making science. I think I like her already.


New chapter yay! (Picture above of the water reflecting)

I saw that you guys liked it, so I wrote this chapter for you guys. Just some 'warning,' I guess: when you read the chapter, it may be all like descriptive and nice and what not, then it just becomes a bit shitty. There is a reason for that. I may be writing it with my head full of ideas and inspiration; then I go to sleep. When I continue writing I'm most likely in class so not a lot of inspiration.

From the story's statistics, I have 11 readers! Wow! I posted this story just a few days ago and there lots of people. Thank you so much.

One of you commented on Blue being male and that in the movie Blue is female. I know, but I just decided Blue would be male because of the story. I'm not being "yeah, I know, I'm not stupid, this is my story I do what I want," (I hope). I just though for the story it would be better if some dinosaurs were male. I also commented a spoiler-but-not-really that the Indominus will be a male.

I know this chapter was short but I just wanted to get posted for you guys. Thank you so much for the couple of views, votes, and comments in so little time. If you made this far into my A/N (idk how it's called) you are the single coolest person ever.

I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought and 'see' you next chapter.

Nov 13, 2018

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