The Lost Ones // Cameron Dall...

By SincvrelyShae

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In which a girl who has faced many struggles in her life meets a guy that helps her love again. Copyrights @... More

Chapter 1: Progress
Chapter 2: The Call
Chapter 3: Bad Idea
Chapter 4: Special
Chapter 5: Something New
Chapter 6: Nuclear Bomb
Chapter 7: Hopeless
Chapter 8: Placid
Chapter 9: Numbing Pain
Chapter 10: Confliction
Chapter 11: Prayers
Chapter 12: Inevitable
Chapter 13: Placid
Chapter 14: Serene
Chapter 15: Bliss
Chapter 16: Secrets
Chapter 17: Inexplicable
Chapter 18: Shocking
Chapter 19: Missing You
Chapter 20: Wanted
Chapter 21: Madness
Chapter 22: Consistent
Chapter 23: Safe Haven
Chapter 24: Decisions
Chapter 26: Relief
Chapter 27: Special Occasions
Chapter 28: Free?
Chapter 29: Warrior
Chapter 30: Shock
Chapter 31: Astounded
Chapter 32: Blessing
Chapter 33: Big Question
Chapter 34: Official

Chapter 25: Letting It All Out

3.3K 105 14
By SincvrelyShae

"Emelia, just breathe. You look amazing and everything's gonna be alright." Cameron wrapped his arms around me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder.

My breathing was becoming rapid just thinking about being face to face with my mother, the one who helped ruin my teenage years. I've probably looked in the mirror fifteen to twenty times, wanting to look my best to try and convince my mother that she didn't ruin me, which was a complete lie.

The small sections from the side of my hair were braided and pinned to the back while the rest was in loose beach curls. I've ran my hands down the sides of my black skinny jeans with holes on the knees about five times and fixed my black and white baseball tee. I changed my shoes about three times until I finally decided on my black and white high top converse.

"I'm so nervous I feel like I'm gonna throw up." I whined, biting my lip.

Cameron spun me around and held my face, "I'm gonna be there every step of the way, don't worry." He assured me, rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

I nodded and took a deep breath, inhaling through my mouth and exhaling through my nose, "Alright."

He smiled, "You look beautiful."

I blushed, butterflies filling my stomach, "Thank you."

He grabbed my hand and intertwined them together, "You ready?" He asked.

I nodded and sighed loudly, "As ready as I'll ever be."


"Oh my god, I can't do this." I groaned, my chest feeling heavy as we stood outside the house I grew up in.

Cameron wrapped his arm around my waist, "You got this, I believe in you. Come on." He encouraged me, walking up the steps that lead to the door.

My hands were shaking and I continuously took sharp inhales, "I'm so scared." I murmured as we stood Infront of the door.

"Don't be, you're gonna be fine." He kissed my temple before ringing the door bell.

My heart raced as I heard footsteps behind the door, causing me to grip Cameron's side. He rubbed my side in comfort, keeping me close to him. My heart was beating so fast I thought I was gonna pass out.

The door swung open and there she was, the woman who had given birth to me stood before me with a bewildered look on her face.

"E-Emelia?" She whispered as she walked out the door, the screen door slamming shut.

I took in a sharp inhale, "Mom." I said in a shaky monotone voice.

She threw her hands up and covered her mouth, her eyes becoming glossy, "I can't believe it, w-what are you doing here? You told me you wanted nothing to do with me." She asked quietly.

I nodded, "And I meant that but I need to speak to you and ask you some things to give myself, hopefully, some closure." I spoke a little calmer.

She nodded eagerly, "Yeah sure, um come inside." She turned around and opened the door.

I looked up at Cameron who have me a sweet smile, rubbing my lower back as he lead me inside while following behind me. My mom lead us into the dining room, bringing back so many memories.

We sat down on the tall black chairs that went with the black table in front of us. Cameron sat down beside me and my mother sat across from me. Cameron placed his hand on my knee, letting me know he was there.

"If you don't mind me asking," My mom spoke, turning her attention to Cameron, "Who's this?"

"He's my friend, Cameron." I introduced him.

He nodded and smiled, "Nice to meet you." He respectfully said.

"Likewise." My mom gave him a soft small.

"Okay, enough with the bullshit. I need to know one thing before I start spilling out questions." I blurted out while leaning forward on the table.

She looked a little taken back but nodded, gesturing me to continue.

"Are you still with him?" I bounced my leg anxiously.

She looked down at her fingers and sighed, "Emelia.." She began.

"Just answer the question!" I exclaimed.


I scoffed, shaking my head at her ignorance, "Wow."

"Emelia you don't understand," She sighed.

"No I really don't understand how you can still be with a man who fucking ruined your daughter!" I seethed, "Please enlighten me."

"After I had Emery, I couldn't let him go. He was supporting me financially believe it or not. I'd be on the streets with your little sister without him." She said calmly.

"You could've gotten a damn job! I suggested that a million times while I was living here." I exclaimed, slamming my fist on the table making her and Cameron jump.

Cameron gripped my knee tighter, drawing circles on my leg to try and calm me down but it wasn't helping.

"It's not that easy, Emelia. I tried,"

"Not hard enough!" I hissed.

She sighed loudly, putting her face in her hands.

"How could you let him do that to me? How could you let him hurt me like he did?" I asked, my voice beginning to croak as I felt tears fill my eyes.

My mom shrugged, "I don't know, I was always drunk or high. I was a horrible mother, trust me I live with it everyday and I-"

"You live with it everyday?!" I screamed, sliding out the chair and standing up.

"Babe," Cameron stood up, attempting to reach my hands.

I put my hand in his face and backed away, "I have fucking nightmares every night ever since I left this hell hole! You watched as he beat me right in that living room. You knew what he was doing and you never fucking helped me!" I screamed, slamming my hands on the table.

Tears trickled down her cheeks while they poured down mine. My chest felt so heavy, it felt like a cinder block was sitting on my chest.

"How could you still love that piece of shit!" I screamed, in one swift movement I knocked everything off the table sending it crashing to the floor.

"What the hell is going on here?!" That deep familiar voice that has been haunting me for years bursts through the door.

My head whipped towards the door and I balled my fist up, my chest rising and falling rapidly, "You!" I growled, running towards him and immediately letting my fist collide with his face twice.

He stumbled back in shock while Cameron grabbed me and pulled me back, "Emelia, stop!" He shouted as I tried pulling away from him.

"Let me kill him!" I screamed, trying to push Cameron away but he gripped my wrist and pinned me against the nearest wall.

"Stop!" He demanded.

"Emelia, honey please calm down." My mom cried as she clung to him.

I shook my head, "This is all his fault! Why me?! Why'd you have to beat me senseless for no got damn reason?!" I shouted, still pinned to the wall by Cameron.

"He's changed!" She yelled in his defense.

"Why are you always defending him!?" I screamed, finally getting out of Cameron's hold and storming over towards them.

"You never chose me! You never wanted me! I was better off dead and you know it! I wish he would've killed me but instead I'm left with these horrific nightmares from the nights you'd torture and beat me because you just fucking felt like! I've tried killing my damn self but failed! I've been going to therapy ever since I left but nothing's helping me!" I turned and pointed to Cameron, "If it wasn't for that boy right there I'd be dead!"

They stood and looked at me in shock, tears trickling down my mothers cheeks while they poured down mine. My face was burning red and my eyes stung.

"I hate you!" I seethed at him, "I hate the both of you, but you especially!"

I stormed into the living room and knocked down at their 'family' portraits, sending them crashing and breaking to the ground. I kicked over the table, knocking down and breaking all the glass ornaments displaced on it. Screams left my mouth every time I knocked something down.

Hands wrapping around my waist stopped me, I knew it was Cameron. He turned me around and hugged me tightly into his chest, his hand on my head and his other arm wrapped around my waist tightly. I broke down, my knees falling limp as I fell to the ground in Cameron's arms.

I cried loudly into his chest, gripping his shirt in my fists. Cameron rocked me back and forth while leaving small slow kisses on my forehead, the top of my head and temples. I could hear my mom crying behind Cameron as well but her tears meant nothing to me.

A little voice, a girls voice to be specific, interrupted our crying. Once I heard it I knew exactly who it was, making me lift up from Cameron's chest and look at her.

"Mommy? Daddy? What happened and who's that?" She asked extremely curious.

It was my little sister, Emery.

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