
By Asgardian_Kitty

247 0 0

Heather had just moved into a new neighborhood, and by neighborhood, I mean she moved into a small area where... More



8 0 0
By Asgardian_Kitty

After about three weeks of training with the others, Heather finally came out of her room. She went up against EJ, which was a bad idea but EJ wanted her too, so as you could imagine, it did not go well. When she walked into the room, she had an ice pack to her cheek over a large bruise on her cheek. I honestly don't know what's wrong with her, because she bruises so easily when it comes to certain things. Flick in the forehead? Bruise. Kick to the stomach? No bruise. Ever so slightly shoved? Bruise. LIKE WHAT THE HELL! All EJ did was shove her by the cheek and she got a bruise! Weakling.

"How," LJ questioned, "on Earth, did EJ just pushing you, give you a bruise?"

"I don't know," she shrugged, "I'm really weird when it comes to bruising. Slylor knows this. She once flicked me in the forehead and I got a bruise. And like, other times you could kick me in the stomach and I won't bruise."

"Maybe you should get EJ to check that out?" I questioned.

"He already is, and for now, he's kinda baffled by it," she sighed and plopped herself down on the sofa between LJ and I. "Anyways, what have I missed in The Walking Dead?"

"Not much, the new episode just started," Ben replied, flopping over the sofa and sitting beside LJ. Once the episode was finished, I shoved Heather towards LJ, making LJ and Heather look at me.

"Move ya' ass over. I don't need your heat," I stated, making Heather laugh and LJ look at me weirdly. I put my hand over his arm and just sucked his heat for a second making him pull his arm away and no longer needed an explanation. "Okay, so I have an idea that might make everyone either hate me, or love me." Ben and LJ gave me a weird look and Heather just sighed. "Truth or dare. But, everyone's gotta play. I don't care if they don't want too." Heather just muttered an 'oh god' while the other two had large grins on their faces and within ten minutes everyone was in the living room sitting in a circle.

"You've made a grave mistake, guys," Heather started, shaking her head, "you don't understand the capabilities that Skylor is able to achieve during a game of truth or dare."

"We'll be fine, Heather. Don't worry about it," Dark replied, brushing her off. And within twenty, probably five minutes, they will learn that Heather is right. I can't wait for some of them to realize what a monster I am. Also how much Heather and I will do without really thinking about it... I can already see a lot of bad things happening.

     "So why do we have to do this..?" EJ sighed, crossing his arms and taking a seat between Heather and I. I just smiled at him and cleared my throat.

      "I'm so glad you asked," I started, though no one heard me, as they were talking. I narrowed my eyes and spoke louder, "I'm so glad you asked!" I practically yelled, getting everyone's attention. I smiled again and looked around at everyone. "You have to do it because Heather and I need to know boundaries of how willing a lot of you are because we're still fairly new here. And because we also want to know the stupidest shit we can make you do before you guys want to kill yourselves because you realize just how fucking stupid you are."

      "And this is where you learn that Ben has no line that he won't cross," Dark replied, looking at me. Ben just shrugged and gave me a grin.

      "Who goes first?" Sally questioned, hugging Mr. D. I thought for a moment before just saying that she should go first since she was youngest and we go from there. Her eyes lit up and she looked around the room, humming a tune trying to pick the right person. Though she just turned to Heather and smiled. "Truth or dare?" Sally excitedly asked.

      "Uh... truth?" Heather replied, though Sally smiled and just lifted up Mr D. and asked if she liked him. "Of course. He's the best beat on the planet." Sally just smiled and swayed back and fourth in her seat. Heather smiled and looked around, "Let's see... uh... Jeff. Truth or dare." Jeff being Jeff, he went with dare, which made Heather smile a devious smile. "I dare you to kiss the person you love the most in this room. And don't say you don't love someone." Jeff tried to drown but the best he could manage was a weird smiling frown. He got up and walked over to a mirror before kissing it and sitting back down. "Fair enough, I didn't specify you couldn't kiss yourself." It continued for a while like this, not much really happening until it landed on me. I grinned evilly and turned to EJ. He chose dare, which was a dumb choice on his part.

     "I dare you to kis-"


      "Kiss Heather damn it! You chose a dare you can't back out of it!" I crossed my arms and glared at him, though he just looked at me, before making a loud sigh. "And It has to be on the lips!" I stated before he moved his mask up. I saw Heather glare at me, her cheeks growing red and as EJ moved his mask up, I could see his frown. Though, he pulled Heather towards him and kissed her as I dared him too. I chuckled to myself and smiled, "my dreams are starting to come true..." Ben and Dark chuckled to my right and EJ just glared at me before readjusting his mask.

      The game continues for about another hour or so and not much happened. Well, Heather got dared to eat an entire cheese spray can, EJ chugged an entire bottle of vodka, Masky and Hoody kissed-ships are sailing people!- and, because I'm assuming that a few of them won't let Heather live down who she likes, Jeff made Heather kiss Liu, Herobrine, and Ben. Actually, now that I think about it, a lot of the dares were geared towards Heather... huh. I guess she's just one of those people. Sucks to be her.

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