The Audacious Hero [SLOW, GOI...

By DanielDudzik9

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Alopeoreni. It's a world, which could only be seen as a paradise. Alopeoreni. A world filled with mystery as... More

Introduction; World and all locations.
Chapter 0 - Prologue
Chapter 1 - Eplon Minister

Chapter 2 - The Roar of War

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By DanielDudzik9

Dazed by what had just happened, I run out of the room and look around. Eplon Minister seemed to be in a good condition. Well, if you exclude the panic that is. My mother had fainted from shock along with several other mothers. People my age that had their speciality as farmer or any kind of laborer job were on the floor shielding their heads. On the other hand, people that had specialities for attack and defense decided on what they were going to be doing. Defense would focus on evacuating survivors of the town to the Eplon Minister and defending the building itself, whilst the attack decided to investigate the crash site and rampaging war cries. 

I on the other hand was already sprinting to town, determined. I am not letting this roll out like the dream I had... No I am not letting this happen! I grab a stick I found on the way to town and made sure I held it nice and firm, ready for combat at any time. Though, I do not think that the stick will do much; it should at least be sturdy enough to eliminate some damage by blocking if I were to be attacked. Upon arriving to the town I look around. I halt to a stop. No one to be seen... I would try continue onward however a massive building had collapsed blocking my way. Ideally I would have the way unblocked but there is always that little thing blocking you from your goal. "I'll have to take a detour through the burning houses." I mumble to myself, confirming my plans. Off I go into the scorching hot buildings.

After some intense maneuvering through the roar of scorching hot fire, I finally ended up at the source of the chaos. I see a black rock, meteorite I'd assume... Why would it land dead on center of the town? This can't be a coincidence. I look at the meteorite again and notice 1 shady figure emerge. No, 2 of them. 3? No, 4. The number continued increasing until it reached 100. A 100 shady figures stood proud and tall in the crater where the meteorite had landed. A voice broke me from my shock. "Human." I stagger a bit as I back away. "Human." I'd continue backing away until a loud voice brought me to the floor as I trip over a bit of remains of what used to be a house. "HUMAN! Tell us where your leader is, before we decide to put an end to that puny life of yours!" I see the figures start to float up from the crater. T-they were flying! One approached with a long sword in hand which seemed to be glowing in a weird way. "I-I won't tell you anything!" I cowardly scream at them, with fear overwhelming me. I put my stick up and put a stance, knowing it's futile to resist but I can't let them do this. Next thing I know, I get knocked to the ground by a hilt of a sword. "ANSWER ME HUMAN. TELL ME, WHERE IS YOUR LEADER?" He roared in fury, as he pointed the tip of a sword towards my throat. I back up slowly and attempt to parry the sword... 

Which resulted in a success, but the stick broke! I sprint away managing to squeeze through the tiniest cracks through walls, making it hard for the figures to follow me with their armor and swords... Ah crap, I completely forgot that they can fly! I look up into the sky as soon as I am out on the other side of town. Relief, they didn't follow me. Then I felt something grab me. My heart stopped. Until I realised it was the blacksmith asking me for help and offering a sword. "Please... Save us! Please! I offer my sword, just save us!" I heard the desperate pleas of the blacksmith. "I-I'll try..." I muttered as I took the sword. At that exact moment, a shady figure from the group decided to come flying down from the sky wielding a weaker sword. His figure was much more scrawny, he must be the weaker of the figures. "Who are you guys?!" I shout at him. "Warlocks. We seek blood. We want all of your blood. YOU WILL GIVE US THE BLOOD. And you won't get a choice." The warlock spat out in pure psychopathic tone. "You know... people like you really make me angry. I wouldn't mind ending YOUR life instead." I mock him. He charges towards me pretty fast.

I hear my sword break as I get a scar carved into my chest, blood gushing out at a tremendous speed. I close my eyes, trying to withstand the pain. I'm going to die, aren't I? It's all going to be for nothing, everything will be destroyed. I open my eyes and see the same scene as from that exact dream. The town is on fire and those eyes, staring deep within my soul. I feel my sanity deteriorating. "I.. w-will come back and I will get you." I manage to squeeze out, before spitting out blood and falling unconscious. I swear I will get you back for this...

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