Chicago Fire, "It's Our Time...

By amongstthegreys

31.4K 476 63

After their relationship failing at first Matt realizes he can't live without Gabby and they give a second tr... More

Make You Feel My Love
A little Storm before the Big One
Its Gonna Be Okay
Love Me Like You Do
The Reminders
The Past That Haunts
New Beginings
Author's note
2 years, 14 days, and 8 hours
A Breaking Point
Little Did We Know
Nights in the City
I'll See You Again
Our Last Goodbye
Carry On
The Dark Days
It Ain't Easy
Life Goes On


826 14 4
By amongstthegreys

I opened my eyes. Had I really fallen asleep on the bathroom floor? I sat up, dizzy, nauseous, and with a pounding headache.
"Yup, still drunk.."
I leaned over the toilet and threw up again. When I was finished I grabbed a towel to wipe my mouth and then struggled to get my weak body off of the floor. When I got to my feet I looked at myself in the mirror.
"Ew, what a mess. And what's that smell? My god. Is that coming from me?"
I smelt my shirt, and my skin, both of which reeked of alcohol. It was seeping from my pores. I grabbed a make up wipe and rubbed the stale mascara from under my eyes. Then I brushed my teeth to cure the horrid puke breath. All I wanted to do after that was roll into bed and go back to sleep, but I knew Matt was out there and I couldn't let him see me like this. I got in the shower and cleaned up quick. When I was done I put on my robe and brushed my hair. Then I opened the door. Matt was asleep on his side of the bed. I put pajamas on and then got into bed quietly trying not to wake him. The clock read 4:14am. I got ready to close my eyes and I felt Matt move. He realized I was in bed. He got close to me and in a sleepy voice said "you okay?" I said " yeah, I'm good. Go back to sleep babe." He breathed in deeply and said "I love you." I waited a second and said "I love you too." He rolled over and went back to sleep, and I closed my eyes.
The next time I opened my eyes the clock read 9:48am, and I wasn't on the cold bathroom floor next to the toliet, and I didn't reek of alcohol. But I still had the pounding headache. I looked to my night stand and there was a bottle of Tylenol, a big glass of water, and a note that read " had to go to the store, be back soon. Figured you'd need this when you woke up. Love Matt." I set the note down and poured 4 pills into my hand, even though I really needed way more than that. I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the kitchen. I opened the fridge.
"Eggs, expired milk, leftover dinner from 4 nights ago, butter, and a door full of sauces. So many choices I don't know which one sounds best."
Then I headed to the cupboards.
"Seasonings, more seasonings, Cannes vegetables, ramen noodles.. SCORE!! Spaghettios with sliced franks. Anddddd... no can opener. Damnit. Ramen noodles it is."
I mashed it up and put it into a bowl. Just as I was about to cook it, Matt walked through the door with bags of groceries. My eyes lit up. He said "you're awake. How you feeling?" I said "starving." He set the bags down on the table and I said " you got food.." He chuckled an said " I did. Have you seen the fridge? Groceries were overdue." I looked in the bags and said " oh yes." I pulled out some cereal and milk. As I was focus on the cereal, he pulled a small brown bag out from behind his back. "You didn't.." He smiled and said "I did." He gave me the bag and I opened it. I said "Boston creame donuts. This is exactly what I wanted." He said "I figured." I said "thank you." I took one out and started eating it as he started putting the groceries away. I said " wait, isn't it Thursday?" He said " yeah, why?"
"Don't you have work?" I said confused. He rolled all the empty bags into a ball and said " chief gave me the shift off. So today we can do absolutely nothing. We can binge watch shows, eat all the food I just got, sleep, go out, whatever you want to do." I said " that sounds really nice. We haven't done any of that in awhile." He threw the grocery bags out and then wrapped himself around me. He kissed my neck and held me. "The next two days are gonna be about us."
I turned to face him, kissed him, then said " im sorry about last night." He said " what are you sorry for?" I choked back the tears and said " I shut you out. I knew you were just trying to help." He put his hand on my cheek moving my hair out of my face and said " gabby, you don't have to apologize. You needed your space, I understood that. I know things have been tough for you lately, I just don't want you to ever feel like you are alone. Im here to listen, to help you through, whatever you need you have me. Always."
I looked into his eyes and put my hand on his chest. This man, so kind, so beautiful, and he loves me. How did I get so lucky? In my broken mess of a mind, one thing I knew for sure is, I want to grow old with him. He is the love of my life. Even on the worst of days, I'd want him always. 

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