Ben 10 reader x rwby disconti...

By Wargeg

82.6K 741 457

Y/n has been a hero as long as he could remember after stopping his most deadly enemy with his two best frien... More

Bio(updated again)
The start
Bro time
New freinds
New problem
Feild trip
Y/n again
Y/n 1000 part 1
Cat problems
One will Death(plus volome 4)
True power
How it staredted
Secreat out
Vampire night
Y/n 10 k part 2
Blake point of view vol 4 part 1
The original idea of your death
Big chill
What ive done befor death
Chibi ( the ex )
The true story of alfie
Chibi( a tie )
Telling them
(Chibi)My worst fear
Chibi( metting blakes parents)
Its a mad mad Y/n world after all
Chibi( pancakeday)
The nightmare(chibi)
Lost chapter
The hard truth
Lets do the time war
Part 2
Chibi ( your alive)
Going to Blake
Find a penny (chibi)
I burn
Im a kitty kat( chibi)
What the!!!(chibi)
The truth( chibi)
Rage broke(chibi)
I wonder(chibi)
I forgot
Im batman(chibi)
Another story how you died
Sex or food (chibi)
Grimm busters(chibi)
Share a coke( chibi )
The clone
The real Y/n
I got bored guys nigh2(chibi)
Guys night 1(chibi)
Ghost( chibi)
Go to Yang.
Other world Y
What team F/laas gear wold be in the game
Other world B
Other world W
Other world R
Camp camp.(chibi)
Elementary my dear Ari(chibi)
Supporting a friend
Road trip( chibi)
The father
The Scar ( short)
8k readers
Is that RWBY amd how it really happened
May the 4th(chibi)
Fight intro for Y/n
Its over 9000 readers
Call my wife(chibi)
Red dot( chibi)
Then when now(chibi)
When did it come out(chibi)
Shiroooo (chibi)
Scary movie(chibi)
Royal wedding(chibi)
Do not hate( chibi)
Baby on fire(chibi)
Ears( chibi)
Why are we(chibi)
Team mom(chibi)
100 news( with a chibi)
The band(chibi)
What if blake
Not weak mind(chibi)
What if he stayed dead
A child( chibi)
Battle of the bands
This isn't a car(chibi)
Angry unicorn(chibi)
Different ex same villain
Special team( chibi)
It's on( chibi)
The race(chibi)
You will get it(chibi)
What if(chibi)
4th of july(chibi)
That was cold(chibi)
Thats sad(chibi)
Raise grades up(chibi)
Jurassic grimm park(chibi)
F/lAA dreams( chibi)
Win or lose( chibi)
News for volume 6
They like me(chibi)
What's going on(chibi)
Cop Y/n (chibi)
Cop Y/n 2( chibi)
Vol 1 recap( but in chibi)
Dream daddy(chibi)
I like trains
RIP Stan Lee
Stand still( chibi)
I tried( chibi)
Just be you(short)
Yang please(chibi)
Christmas part 1
Christmas part 2
Christmas part 3
Christmas end
I quit( its a chapter)
Spoiler( chibi)
Im scared( chibi)
A heads up
What they did
Punch hard(chibi)
Not just a huntsman( slso called take)
Play his game( also called over)
Rain( chibi)
Game cheat blush(chibi)
This is gonna be canon(spoilers)edit
New bugs
Reboot( not a chapt but read)

Big bad wolfer( special)

112 1 0
By Wargeg

Ruby Pov

Ruby: what's going on why dose Ozpin want us to bring all our gear in the middle of the night.

Weiss: I just want to be in bed.

My team and Jnpr went to the main Hall and Ozpin gave us an important task.

Ozpin: everyone as I know Halloween is tomorrow I have bad news professor Zuniga(Ari)and Professor Ransom(Alfie) are dead.

We were all shocked and what happened to Y/n is he ok.

Ozpin: they left me a note saying it is the red moon on there home Y/n acts like a wolf but here we have no idea and I think I know what he has become he has become a-ahhhhhhhh!

The lights turned off and Ozpin laced there on the floor dead and we heard a howl.

Yang: you don't think?

Blake: I'm afraid so.

Weiss: wait where's Cinder?

Ruby: she was with me still in the room. Yang, Blake go to the dorms protect Cinder Weiss you are with me.

Weiss: what are we going to do?

You: tranquilize Y/n.

Jaune Pov

Jaune: oh man oh man oh man.

I was with Pyrrha saying oh man a lot but she helped me calm down a bit.

Pyrrha: I just don't know what we'll do since Y/n is our friend.

Jaune: all we have to-.

A growl went  behind us.

Ren Pov

Me and Nora were walking and she was worried she was saying what we'll do when we find Y/n or if we see a boy and we did it was our team but then a growl up above it was Y/n and we were angry so we weren't going to hold back but we lost.

Blake Pov

I checked on Cinder she was still asleep.

Blake: she's still asleep.

Weiss: that's good I don't know what we'll do if we fight Y/n.

Blake: I don't know but we'll have to do if we- Weiss?

Weiss was behind me but now she's not I heard something and then something grabbed me.

Ruby Pov

Ruby: Yang where are you? Don't you know horror movie rules?

I was walking around with my crescent Rose being careful I had but some hands were behind me and.

Ruby: Y/n!

You: everyone failed. I really thought at least one could have survived.

Ruby: wait what is going on?

Ozpin: this was a training exercise.

Ruby: Ozpin you're alive.

Ozpin: it seemed like a good idea when mr. L/n told me about it.

Ruby: then where is everyone.

You: they're in the cafeteria eating pizza and drinking sodas, and happy birthday babe.

We went to the cafeteria and everyone was ok and eating pizza.

Yang: oh you guys are here great.

Alfie: wait no one survived thought at least one person would have lived.

Weiss: I really wondered who thought of this idea.

Ari: oh it was Y/n.

Everyone: what?

You: uh... look a distraction!

Everyone was distracted except me and my team.

Yang: you are dead.

You: crap.

We chased Y/n with our weapons.

Chibi skit

You: echo echo clones it's skeleton time.

Happy Halloween everyone in the past present or future and happy birthday Ruby.

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