Sunny Side Of Hell

By themagicalpants

52K 1.5K 259

Theodora thought that her life was over when she died, but little did she know her death was only the beginin... More

Author's Note


6.1K 237 57
By themagicalpants

When Theodora opened her eyes she was surrounded by the color grey. Everything was grey. The walls were grey, the ceiling was grey, the bead she woke up in was grey, even the pajama like clothes she was wearing were grey. Grey was all Theodora could think of until there was the sound of a throat clearing by a grey door she hadn't seen yet, from a man that she could only describe as grey.

"Miss Theodora Green," the grey man said in a soft, yet commanding voice.

"That is me," Theodora whispered in a hoarse voice.

"If you would follow me," the grey man said, "it is time for your final decision."

Theodora looked at him with a look of confusion, but followed the grey man. What is a final decision, she thought. The grey man and her walked down a grey hallway towards another grey door. Grey seems to be the theme of this place, thought Theodora. She wondered why she was here yet asked no questions, something about the atmosphere of the place suggested that even talking was not allowed. The place was strange. It felt big, yet smotheringly small, it felt neither good nor bad and had an air of being a serious, yet carefree place. Everything about where Theodora was felt neutral.

They walked through a grey door and into another room. In the room sat four chairs, three right next to each other facing towards a singular chair. There was nothing particularly interesting about these chairs, they were plain white and had almost a plastic look to them. The walls and floor were, surprise, grey, although they seemed to have a different texture to them. Everything about the room Theodora was in screamed efficiency. The grey man motioned to the lone chair. Theodora sat down and then watched as the grey man left the room.

Theodora sat there for a moment, her mind trying to catch up with everything that had happened. After a few minutes a grey door that she hadn't noticed before opened and three men walked in. The three of them were absolutely stunning.

"Evening guys," one of the men said greeting the others. He was the least handsome men in the room, although that wasn't much considering all the men in the room where extremely handsome. His hair was short, like he had shaved it down to the skin a few months ago and let it grow out a bit, and it had a strange shine to it. He was tall, yet was the shortest of the three, and was muscular but lean. If you had seen him in your regular life he would look like a complete fuckboy, but in this setting he seemed normal.

"Evening, Jonathan," another one of them said. The only way Theodora could describe him was light personified.

The third man, and the man Theodora paid the most attention too just nodded his head. He seemed too absorbed in the file he was reading to even look at her or the other men. Theodora could not help but look at him in awe. It was almost as if something drew her to him. His pouty lips almost begged for her to kiss them, his curly hair looked like the softest thing she would ever get the privilege to touch and she so desperately wanted to run her fingers through it, and his face was so angelic that it almost seemed to sing to her.

The three of them sat down, Jonathan in the middle, the light man on the right and the angelic man on the right.

"Theodora," the light man started, "do you know why you are here?"

Theodora shook her head.

"Well then, what I am about to tell you is going to be rather difficult to hear, and I am sorry." He took a deep breath before continuing. "Theodora, you have died."

A small gasp escaped from Theodora's mouth. I can't be dead, she thought, it was just yesterday that I was up walking around my classroom talking with students and making brownies for Heather's stupid party. But then it all came flooding back to her. The surprise visit, the struggle, drowning, the peace. I am dead, she though finally, accepting it. "I drowned," she said, feeling a sense of relief.

"That is correct," the light man said. "You are now in Purgatory. Jonathan here next to me is the keeper of Purgatory. That man, next to Jonathan, who is so rudely ignoring us, is my son Lucifer, the keeper of Hell. And I am God, keeper of Heaven." He paused a moment for Theodora to fully understand what was happening. "This is your final decision, a time where the three of us determine based on your actions on earth where you will reside for the rest of eternity."

"Ok" Theodora said. Nothing about this process seemed strange to her, it seemed natural.

God looked down at the file in his hand. A small sound of confusion came from his throat. "Now this is strange. Jonathan, have you look at this file yet?"

"No, let me take a look." Jonathan looked at the file for a minute, and also got a puzzled look on his face. "Hey Luce, what do you think?" Lucifer continued to ignore them.

"Well," God said. "I see why they called us in. Theodora, it seems that you are a special case. We cannot determine where you go. Your file is blank where it should say your decision." God said, sounding confused. "I don't know quite what to do with you..."

"She's coming with me." These were the first words Lucifer said. His voice was like liquid fire. It enveloped Theodora's whole body in a burning kind of warmth. She could already tell that it was going to be her new addiction.

"Well now, that seems a little excessive. We don't know if she has done any Hell worthy thing. It hardly seems fair that-" Jonathan was cut of by Lucifer giving him a look so sharp that, if looks could be objects, it would be the finest knife anyone had ever seen.

"She's coming with me," Lucifer started looking straight at Theodora with eyes that seemed to penetrate her soul, "because she is mine."

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