Ace For Hire // BTS Reader In...

By tokki-maknae

915K 43.7K 22.2K

Who is Ace? Besides being the deadliest hitman on the market in the underground, whose really under the hood... More

Queen for Capture Intro


13.9K 565 409
By tokki-maknae

"Tae be careful." You called out to him as you quickly grabbed the back of jacket, to pull him away from crashing into another person walking. Tae said a small sorry, but ended up weirding out the other person considering how much he was smiling.

He's been smiling since you guy's left the gun store, and he's smiling hard enough to the point where it's starting to hurt your cheeks. You couldn't help but breaking out into a smile every now and then. Feeling your chest flourish at Tae, seeing him being at his happiest.

Ever since you told him he could be the official sniper of the group, he hasn't stop gushing about it. Which was cute for the first few minutes but after he kept running into people and talking loudly about it, you were starting to wonder if your patience for him would ever run out.

"Tae I told you, I can walk home the rest of the way from here. I'll be fine by myself." You told him again in hopes that he would be too excited to tell you know.

"Nope, I wanna make sure you get home safe." He chirped while walking ahead. Taehyung still had his attention turned to you while he was walking. You pulled him by the back of his jacket again before he could accidentally elbow someone.

"Fine, you can walk me home. But you have to stay by my side, that way it's easier for me to pull you out of the way." He backtracked quickly to your side and smiled at you before walking at your pace. You were glad you said that because as soon as he was at your side, the street suddenly became more busy and crowds of people started popping up.

Suddenly you felt a familiar set of slender fingers lock with yours, you looked up at Tae's face to see what he was trying to do. As if you were the one that reached for his hand, he noticed you staring and looked between you and your hands together. Before you could ask he simply says, "It's more crowded, this way we won't get separated."

"How does that make sense-" Your mini protest was interrupted when a lady holding hands with a little boy accidentally shoved into you. She hastily said sorry before disappearing into the crowd with her child. You could feel the smugness radiate off Tae's smirk when you turned back to him, "Shut up." Was all you grumbled before reluctantly holding his hand back.

Feeling the same unknown surge of warmth suddenly pulse through you avoided looking at Tae as you both walked in silence. Anytime you thought to yourself about him kissing your head or holding hands you quickly shut it out from your head. Thinking about it as things he did for reasons other than romantic. It's not a date, no matter how much it exactly feels like one- stop thinking about stop thinking about-

"What are you thinking about [Y/n]?" Tae asked curiously while poking your cheek with his free hand.

"Nothing, just how hot and sweaty your hand is." You told him, trying to play off whatever the other part of you was feeling at the moment.

"It's probably from your hand being too cold and dry." He said teasing you. Before the conversation died, Tae randomly asks, "I'm actually surprised right now if I'm being honest. I know how you are about your privacy. So why are you letting me walk you home?"

"Yoon- Suga knows where I live, if anything I'm actually seriously considering moving somewhere else."

"Hey you could come live with us!"

"Thanks but I'm pretty sure half of the members that can't stand me at work, probably wouldn't want me to be in the room across the hall." You let that sit in before adding, "Plus the guy girl ratio would be really awkward."

"Those are good points.. then I guess if you need too, I can house you in my closet and smuggle food into my room for you." He joked as his boxy smile came back, which caused you to laugh a bit.

"I don't know if that's worse, since I'd feel like some cat you're trying to keep behind your parent's backs." You were a little grateful towards Tae for being the mood maker, considering how awkward you get around other people when you're not Ace.

Even though part of you kept thinking since you're helping him as a member you should be Ace at this moment. But you couldn't help but try to just have a normal day with someone you were comfortable being around with.

"Let's go this way. I've took this short cut before. But it's a little narrow at first." You suggested, more like told him, since you didn't give him a say in the matter. For a second you thought you felt Tae tighten his hand arounds your before you let him go. You mentally shrugged as you headed down the alleyway.

Walking down the dimly lit alleyway you walked in front of Tae since it was too narrow to walk side by side. As soon as the alleyway led into another alleyway that was wider, you moved over so it wouldn't look like he was just following you.

As soon as you moved, Tae grab you by the upper arm a bit roughly and jerked you back behind him. You looked up at him, ready to fight back, but noticed he's eyes were glaring at whatever was in front of him.

Following his gaze, you see a dark figure a few feet down the alleyway staggering your way. Feeling the hairs on the back of your neck prick up suddenly you grabbed Tae's sleeve. "Let's go a different way." You said quietly while the other guy in the alleyway started to yell random slurs while swinging a wine bottle around.

"Tae, I said let's go a different way, away from the drunk guy come on." You jerked his arm in the same way he did to you, but he didn't budge. You looked up at him again to see his eyes blank, as if his brain went on auto pilot. The drunktard was starting to get closer than you'd like.

Looking back at you gave up on trying to keep your voice down, "Tae!" You yelled his name out sharply. At the same time you said his name, the drunk must've dropped his drink since the sound of glass being crackled opened echoed out loudly.

Tae's whole body flinched when he heard the glass break, and his breathing got ragged, like he was forgetting to breath for the past five minutes. Reaching around his front you grabbed his other arm and used all of your strength to dragged him out of the alleyway. Once you felt like you weren't both going to be attacked by some alleyway hobo, you stopped walking and glared at Tae. "What happened?"

"Huh?" He asked, as if you just woke him up from a daydream.

"You froze back there, I said what happened." You asked, well more like barked in the way you were talking to him in quick snaps.

"I don't know.. I saw the guy and I got worried he might hurt you. But when he got closer I don't know." Tae's voice grew softer the longer he spoke while he rubbed the back of his neck.

"But when the glass broke you reacted to it."

"I'm sorry [Y/n].. I don't remember what I was thinking." You saw him look away while casting his eyes downwards. He's lying.

Giving up, since you figured there wasn't any benefit in yelling at him you started to walk again. "Let's just go before any other drunk person get's thrown out of a bar and into the alley. Where's your house?"

Tae looked at you surprised then his face turned into confusion, "My house?"

"Or wherever you're currently living." You slowed your pace to let him catch up and when he did he still asked you while still being confused, "Why?"

"I'm walking you home. After what I just saw, I think you might need me to walk you home instead of the other way around." You simply told him before walking again. Tae signed in defeat knowing he couldn't argue with you before giving you directions.


"Is this Jin's 12th safe house?" You asked him slightly serious as you both walk up to a house gate.

Tae laughed at your reaction to seeing another new house instead of the last one you were at where you helped them study. "Nope it's not."

You were about to laugh a bit at what you said yourself. Until Tae added in casually, "It's the 29th safe house he has."

"29th?" You asked him again with your eyes widening in shock. Tae chuckled under his breath at your reaction while typing in a key code on the number pad next to the gate. "Jin buys up property when it's cheap then sells it when the property value goes up, but he' kept a few houses here and there."

You were still in shock even when hearing that. If anything it sounded like Jin was playing real life monopoly. But if he's able to buy and sell this much. Why is he bothering with BTS when he can just buy a whole gang and call it a day instead. You shook your head a bit side to side, making yourself drop whatever questions you have altogether.

Tae opened the gate after the key pad made a high pitched beep. Holding the gate open he stood there before turning his head back to you. "Thanks for today [Y/n], you don't know how much it really means to me. I'm also really sorry about earlier, I just-"

"Tae it's fine really, there's probably a reason for what you did. But you don't have to explain yourself to me." You reassured him. Giving him a quick smile you turned to leave.

As soon as you did, you heard footsteps runover to you, looking back you were face to face with Tae again. He blinked a few times before taking his jacket off and putting around your shoulders, "Take this it's getting colder. Get homely safely, and text me when you get home, okay?" He sounded like a mother worrying over their kid going to school for the first time.

"I will, but you don't have to worry about me too much I can take care of myself."

"I know that. But I can still worry about my friend [Y/n]." He smiled at you before going back inside the gate closing it. "Bye [Y/n]! Remember, text me or I won't be able to sleep!" He yelled through the gate before turning around to go to the front door.

You smiled again but more hesitantly this time. You couldn't help but think that you had to make it clear that you weren't friends. The way he called you a friend made your heart close up painfully, knowing that as much as you wanted too. There was no way you could be normal friends with all of them.

They hired me, not with the intentions to make friends.

You started to pull on the ends of your hair out of frustration. You should've never treated today like a hangout. Because now you wish you could've called him a friend too. It's probably better to stay like Ace around them.

As you did, Tae called out to you again, "Wait [Y/n]!"

You turned around to the voice just in time for Tae to have caught up to you. "What?" You asked him, thinking it was better late than never to start acting around him as work partners and nothing more.

He fumbled both physically and verballing as he fiddled with his fingers before awkwardly asking, "You know your sweater has a rip in the back right?"

You looked over your shoulder to check the rip, expecting a small tear in the sweater. Forgetting that it was a knit material, you saw a massive rip instead, the woven knit coming undone from only a single thread being cut. "Shit, I really liked this sweater too.." You grumbled to yourself as you further inspected the damaged done to your favorite top.

"I have a sewing kit inside, if you want I can fix it for you." Tae offered you optimistically, hoping you'd say yes. Luckily you did, but you had no other choice really, seeing as you didn't have the kit or skills needed to save your sweater.

"Yeah, if you can that'd be great- wait you have a sewing kit?"


"You've never been in a boy's room before have you?" Tae asked you teasingly as he caught you looking around his room with curiosity from his peripheral vision.

".. No." You turned your head away to hide the fact you turned pink at the question. You couldn't help it, Tae was right, but you also had trouble keeping your eyes in one spot as he had random things around his room. He had pictures of paintings here and there on the walls while small figurines decorated the tops of furniture.

The room felt so normal for someone heavily involved in dealing with illegal business. As far as you could tell, their wasn't a weapon in sight, just evidence of Tae's personality in the room. You sat on Tae's bed with him siting a couple spaces over from you.

You glanced over at him as he held your sweater in his hands. He widen his eyes innocently as he analyzed the rip closely, holding the threaded needle in between his pressed lips as he worked on it. You looked down at the shirt he gave you to wear while he operated on your sweater.

It was a dusty pink t shirt that was very oversized to the point were you could drown in it. You rolled the sleeves up a bit so they rested above your elbows, but the length of the shirt ended above your knees. The shirt was baggy but you found it to be more comfortable that way.

You watched him again as he was focused on weaving the needle gently through the sweater. The way his fingers delicately worked made sewing look like an art form on it's own. He's clearly down this before, multiple times even, based on how experienced and at ease he looked while working. Your eyes were brought to his lips as his tongue ran over his bottom lip in concentration.

Never knew sewing could look this hot. You caught yourself off guard, coughing quickly to clear your throat out at your sudden inner comment. You knew Tae was good looking, no hetero, but in further explanation you thought he had full on heartthrob visuals to him. Between his naturally long lashes and the beauty mark adorning the tip of his nose, you didn't know which feature was the most attractive about him.

Not that you thought he was attractive or anything.

"[Y/n] you're blushing." Tae suddenly called you out as he softly chucked at your current state. He was absolutely infatuated with how you looked in one of his shirts, constantly fighting the urge to just smush your cheeks.

"It's just hot in here." You played it off poorly, stifling another chuckle from Tae.

"Oh sorry, should I just leave the room then?" He looked over at you while asking. Deepening his voice for a seductive effect. The same way Jimin did at the arcade, which totally back fired since you easily made him flustered in a heart beat. You found Tae's awful attempt at seduction still cute in a pitiful way.

Rolling your eyes teasingly at him, you say, "Seduction doesn't work on me. At least from you and the other members it doesn't." You finished telling him in a triumphant hum.

"Meanie." Tae jokingly pout glared at you before giving his attention back to his knitting skills, "If you're bored [Y/n] you can play games while you wait. The snitching for this rip is a little more complicated so it's gonna take longer." Tae nudged his head towards the side of the room towards the Tv stand and a play station.

Taking him up on his offer, you grabbed a pillow as you slid off his bed. Turning on the tv and game console, you set the pillow down on the carpet before sitting on it. You plopped down into a w sitting position, with your knees bent as your legs turned out behind you.

Unknown to you, but just like you, Tae couldn't help but watch you as every small movement or action strummed at his heart strings. Feeling himself began to turn red, he distracted himself with your sweater.

You scrolled through a list games before picking one with an icon of a silver and orange 'o'. "That's overwatch, it might be hard for you if you never played before." Tae commented from behind you on the bed.

"Yeah, but the characters look cute so how hard can it be." You replied with as you joined in a match. The screen lit up with multiple "Heroes" to play from, you picked a hero who was a girl with a giant robot.

"You picked, she's my main I play as her with Jungkook all the time." Tae's voice was suddenly next to you as he took a seat next to you. As he sat with his legs crossed next to you, Tae said with a slight brag, "I'm kind of a pro at playing her."

"So it must be really easy to play her then." You told him smugly as you played the game by shooting at other people outlined in red. Tae dramatically gasped as he stared at you in disbelief. Without looking you reached over with your closest hand to close his mouth gently, pushing your fingers against the bottom of his chin. "Careful Tae, your jaw might lock up if you hang it open."

While you were busy getting lost in the game, Tae grabbed your wrist from the hand against his chin and pulled you backwards. You yelped out a bit in surprise as you fell onto your back, you closed your eyes as your head gently tapped against the carpet. Once you reopened your eyes, you were met with Tae's piercing gaze.

But more importantly, you were met with Tae on top of you, caging you slightly as he pinned you down. He had both your wrists in his hands as he pinned them against the floor slightly above your head. Tae had one knee pressed against your outer thigh while his other knee was in between your legs, making it harder for you to kick him off with just one leg.

Not that you were going to fight him, since you were still out of it from his sudden action. Your breath hitched a bit as he stared down at you. The corner of his lips pulled into a very smug smirk before asking you mockingly, "I thought seduction didn't work on you, or at least from me anyways."

"I-I don't." You stuttered clumsily, as you felt your heart start to hammer away inside your chest. Your face bursting into intense shades of red as Tae lower his face closer to yours, close enough for his bangs to gently brush against your cheeks.

Tae bit at his bottom lip while his eyes darted away from yours to your lips. The background noises of the game playing became muffled out as you could only hear your own heart beat pounding away in your head now. "Tae." You hesitantly whispered his name as he brought your lips closer to yours.

You shyly closed your eyes, anticipating a kiss. Until you both heard the door to the room slam open. "Taehyung! Didn't you hear me.. call you.." The voice suddenly drown itself out when they probably saw what Tae was doing. Taehyung moved himself away from you quickly.

As if you were snapped out of a trance, you followed in his pace while sitting up. Meeting eyes with Jungkook who was standing in the doorway of Tae's room. "Uh.. were you guy's in the middle of something?" Jungkook asked as he slowly back out ready to close the door.

It was hard to tell who was more embarrassed right now out of the three of you. So you took it upon yourself to make an exit. "I was just leaving." You told the two of them before grabbing your sweater off the bed.

Quickly darting past Jungkook, you left the room and the echoes of the front door signaled the two males you'd left.

"Taehyung what were you doing?" Jungkook asks his hyung, crossing his arms as he leans comfortably against the doorway. As if he had a right to pry into what the two of you do together.

Gathering his composure, Taehyung threw his head back as he comb his hair back with his fingers. "I just wanted to mess with her for a bit." He lied easily to Jungkook before holding up the game controller, "Overwatch?"

Jungkook fought the urge to play and shook his head before pushing himself off the door frame, "Can't, I have a lot of chemistry homework to do." Jungkook turned away but stopped mid pivot, running his tongue along the inside of his bottom lip, he asked over his shoulder, "You okay Taehyung?"

Catching a glance back at him, he could see Tae stare off with a blissful look written on his face before replying half heartedly with a nod. Jungkook left it at that as he closed Tae's door behind him, he felt guilty about barging in on you two. But he'd felt an unfamiliar relief in it as well.


"That's why Taehyung, we're not friends. Strictly business partners." You paused before whispering to yourself, "Shit that doesn't sound right either.." You left your house early in the morning to go back to see Tae. After you texted him you got home safe, you decided it'd be better if you were less personal with any of the boys. Especially after that night's close encounter.

You carried in one hand a bag with the jacket and dress he gave you on the night of the club. Figuring that when you give it back you'd be able to tell him explicitly that he shouldn't expect you to treat them like friends. After the incident with Suga you've felt like you just went soft on all of them. Which brought you to the conclusion on how now you needed to remind them who you really are, and yourself.

Since you've been careful high schooler [Y/n] for so long you were forgetting how you really are suppose to be around them. You were lost in your own internal monologue on your borderline identity crisis when you bumped into someone.

You quickly apologize, but it was almost like they didn't even know they bumped into you. It was a slightly bulky looking guy in a suit, the kind you'd see as bodyguards for pop stars or politicians. He was too busy being on the phone to even know you were right next to him.

Walking past him you looked over your shoulder to get another glimpse at him. You noticed an unusual 3D cube tattooed onto the back of his neck, barely peeking out over his collar. After that encounter, you turned your pace into fast walking bordering on sprinting.

You saw the house come up in your view down the sidewalk and ran the rest of the way. Going up to the house you noticed the gate was open slightly. Looking around for anything that stuck out you pushed the gate open all the way. You did one more quick glance over your shoulder.

When you did this time, you another person in the same suit across the street. You would've stayed to see if they had a cube tattoo but you took the smart way and went inside closing the gate all the way quietly.

Walking up the path to the front door you rang the door bell twice. You looked back again, feeling your senses spike with panic noticing the guy in the suit was right outside the gate. Staring at you through sun glasses. Before you could do anything the door creaked open.

You turned around to be face to face with Jin, well an out of breath disheveled mess of a Jin. "[Y/n]? Why," He paused to catch his breath, while doing it he stepped out and closed the door behind him. "What are you doing here?" You looked behind again, this time there was no one outside the gate. Which only gave you a bad feeling.

"I'm returning Tae- V's stuff, why are you out of breath?" You asked noticing the way he was trying to control his breathing. But the rapid rise and fall of his chest gave him away. You also noticed that his white button up had sweat stains, and although his sleeves were rolled up past his elbow, they were soaking wet.

"Exercising, Taehyung's not here he went out with the others for a mission. But I'll tell him you dropped it off thanks." Jin avoid your eyes as he reached for the bag. You looked down at his hand, grabbing his wrist you brought it up to your face.

"Your hand looks raw, skin only gets this red if they've been washed to munch," You scrunch your nose up as it began to stung from an all to familiar smell from his hand. "Have you've been cleaning? Your hand smells like it was soaked in bleach for an hour."

Jin's eyes widen slightly, as he retracts his hand away from you. "Exercising and cleaning are go stress relievers for me. So if you just give me the bag [Y/n], I'll let you be on your way."

"Oppa, is that it? Theres more youre hiding from me, isnt there?" You asked while staring into his eyes, noticing how he got nervous under your stare. Dropping an Oppa to make your tone sound more darkly, as if you were saying you were in control whether he like it or not. Jin gulped while his eyes flicker away from yours, he was fidgeting with his fingers by furrowing and unfurrowing them.

"It's none of your business [Y/n]." You were taken back a bit from his suddenly menacing tone, you didn't show him you were thrown off, but you ready to go toe to toe with him if he wanted to be threatening. "Be a good girl and leave-"

Both of your guy's attention was drawn to a yell from behind the door. You looked at Jin and then at the door knob. "[Y/n] don't-" Jin started to yell but you shoved past him, busting the door open.

You don't know what you just walked into. If you thought the smell of bleach was pretty strong coming off of Jin, you just proved yourself wrong. There were at least six bottles of bleach open on the floor with towels scattered around stained in various shades of red. Jin stood behind you, watching you intently on how you would react.

A few feet in front of you was probably once a lavish living room set up. You say once because against the couch of the floor was a boy biting his teeth in pain while a girl was knelt next to him. He was probably bleeding considering the small pool of blood around his side and the girl. The girl was pressing a towel against his side. But that wasn't what bothered you.

What bothered you the most was the dead body laying face down in the living room. The white carpet was slowly becoming more stained in scarlet red blood. It wasn't seeing the dead body that bugged you. But the familiar suit he wore.

Taking a step into the house, you could see it perfectly on the back of their neck.

A cube tattoo.

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