Engaged to a Stranger

By karagina02

1K 54 9

-So, um...your fiancé, did he come with you?-Nick asked. Uh, oh. What to do, what to do? Say no? Say yes? I l... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Four

73 4 2
By karagina02

Jalena's POV:

I came downstairs. 

 -Your fiancé is something else.-My mother said. I smiled. 

 –It really meant a lot that you accepted him, Mama.-I said. 

 –He's really nice.-She said. 

 –He's the best. –I said. 

 –Who, me?-Nick asked, coming in. 

 –No, me.-Daniel said, running down the stairs. 

 –Hey, darling. –He said to me, pecking my cheek. I blushed. 

 –She still blushes!-My mom squealed. Daniel laughed, hugging me tight from the back. 

 –Is Olivia home?-I asked, changing the subject. 

 –No, she'll be back in a few hours. –Mom smiled. 

 –Is Olivia your sister?-Daniel whispered. –Step-sister. –I whispered back.

 –I hope you like lasagna. –Mom said. 

 –My favorite. –Daniel said at the same time as Nick asked, –Again? 

–Yes, Nick, again. –Mom rolled her eyes. 

–You are becoming my favorite.-She said to Daniel. Daniel smiled, as Nick scoffed. 

–Have a seat. –Everybody sat down. 

 -Danny, boy, will you say grace?-Mom said. 

 –I'd be delighted to. –He said. We took hands. I felt sparks from my left hand, as something kept running down my right. 

Nick was caressing my hand. 

–Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this day. Thank you for keeping us safe and healthy. Please bless this food and our words that we may glorify Your Name in everything we do and say. Please help, bless, and give to those that are in need. In Your Name, I pray, Amen.-He said. 

 –Amen.-We repeated. I never heard somebody pray so earnestly and honestly. It's like Daniel was actually talking to somebody. 

 –So you're a Christian?-Nick asked Daniel. 

 –I got saved three years ago.

 –Oh, I was Christian for all my life.-Nick bragged. 

 –But do you live like a Christian?-Daniel asked him calmly. –Do you actually think you deserve to be called a Christian?-He asked. Nick scoffed. 

 –Yes, I do. I live like a Christian should, and I deserve to be called that.-He said.

 –Nobody does.-Daniel said. Nick looked at him. –We all are sinners. Nobody deserves to be saved, to be called a Christian. Good works won't get you to heaven; you need a personal relationship with God.-He said, taking another piece of lasagna. 

 –Sweetie, can you please give me some salad?-I asked, trying to ease up the conversation. 

 –It has peanuts, honey. –He said gently.

 –Right. –I said. 

–Mom, do you have another salad? I really need to eat something green.-I said. 

 –It's in the fridge, dear.-Mom said. 

–You know she's allergic to peanuts?-She asked.

 –Of course!-Daniel said.

-I need to know how to poison her when she'll get on my nerves.-He teased. Everyone but Nick laughed. I came back and put the salad on my plate. 

–Thank you so much, Veronica. The food was delicious. –He said. 

 –I'm glad you liked it.-She said. 

 –I loved it.-He corrected. She lit up. 

 –Why, she doesn't let you call Mom?-Nick asked. 

 –Oh, she does. I just want to be comfortable with her first. –He said. 

 –Nick, how's Freda?-I changed the subject. 

 –She's good. –He shrugged.

 –How are you? I haven't heard from you since...you know.-He looked down. 

 –Veronica, would you like some help?-Daniel called. 

 –Yeah, sure.-She called back. Daniel got up, kissed my head and went into the kitchen. 

 –Are you happy?-Nick asked. 

 –Very.-I said. For some reason, I didn't even feel like I lied. I am happy. 

 –I still think you should be with me.-He said. 

 –That's not what I heard on my wedding day.-I raised my eyebrow. I took a sip of my water. 

 –I was confused.-He tried. 

 –Imagine what I was like.-I said. Nick frowned. 

 –You couldn't wait for a year?-He asked. 

 –I waited for two years. –I said.-And it got me the best fiancé, friend, future husband, I can ever ask for.-I smiled sweetly. –I love Daniel, he loves me. I'm happy. –I said. –So please stop ruining my day.-I said. 

Daniel and Mom brought the dessert.

 –Tiramisu. My favorite.-I licked my lips. –You're the best, Mama.-I smiled at her. 

 –I know, darling, I know.-She winked. Daniel gave me a plate with a big piece of tiramisu. 

 –You want me to get fat?-I asked. 

 –You already are. –Daniel teased. I gasped. 

 –Excuse me?-I asked.

 –Excuse you.-He kissed my nose. –Say 'ah'. –He said, holding a fork near my mouth. I opened it was really cold. 

 –This is soooooooooo good.-I moaned. 

 –I was teasing you about being fat, by the way.-He whispered in my ear.-You're skinny, don't worry.-He teased. I slapped his chest. That hurt... 

 -How dare you? -She hissed.

 -I love you too, baby.-He cooed. My mother giggled.

 –You guys are the cutest couple ever.-She said. I blushed as Daniel put his hand around me.

 –I have to go.-Nick said. 

 –Bye.-Daniel and I chorused.

-Say hi to Freda.-I added. 

 –Good day.-He said and left.

 –What's his problem?-Daniel asked.

 –Oh, he's jelly.-A voice said behind me. I jumped up. 

 –Olivia!-I yelled, jumping on the chair which tilted over and I fell on Olivia. Daniel got up. 

 –Owww...-She groaned.

 –I missed you too, clumsy.-She said. I giggled as we hugged each other tight. 

–Who's the hunk?-She whispered. We got up. 

 –Olive, this is my fiancé, Daniel. Honey, this is my sister, Olivia. Worst sister ever, may I add.-I said. She pinched me. 

 –I'm your only sister.-She rolled her eyes.

-Nice to meet you, Daniel.-She shook his hand. 

 –Pleasure is mine, Olivia.-He smiled. 

 –He's cute. –She whispered. 

 –He's anything but cute.-I repeated his words. 

 –I taught you well.-He teased. I laughed. When was the last time I was in a good mood? 

 -Dalena.-Olivia said. 

 –Huh?-We asked in unison.

 –Ohhh, a ship name.-Daniel rolled his eyes. 

 –How do you know?-I asked him.

 –Nieces.-He smirked. 

 –Shame, Jalena, shame. You're a girl and you don't know what a ship name is.-She rolled her eyes. 

 –Sorry, not everybody is immature at nineteen.-I fake smiled sweetly. Daniel coughed trying not to laugh. 

 –I'm gonna go sleep. –I said.-I'm really tired from the flight and everything. Brunch was great.-I kissed my mom's and Daniel's cheeks, pinched Olivia, and ran upstairs to my room. Nothing really changed from years ago. My room still had the black bed, the beige bed set, the white garland lights across my vanity and bed. The black curtains, pictured of me, my family, my dog. I looked at the picture with my dad. Tears swelled in my eyes. 

 –I miss you, Papa.-I whispered touching his face. Taking the picture off the wall, I lay down on my bed hugging the picture tight to my chest.          

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