Family of Devils

By alucardismaster

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Summary: The short stay of two new devil hunters lead the crew of Devil May Cry to cast light upon truths tha... More

Family of Devils
Meet the twins
Demon Days
Daddies home.
Children of the past.
Wicked little things.
Loving brother

Good Parenting?

134 5 3
By alucardismaster

Disclaimer: I do not own Devil May Cry, just my OC’s

-Wendover high school 7th period-

                The bell rings in the background, dismissing the students for the day. Marlo, Chris and RoRa head out towards the hallway towards their lockers.

                “Ugh, I can’t believe that you talked me into taking AP Chemistry you little shit.” Marlo whines as she pops her neck.

                “Well, you are the one that wanted to have all the same classes, and you got to pick last year so meh.” Chris said the last part sticking his tongue out at the elder twin.

                “Oh yeah, well how ‘bout this, MMMEEEEEHHHHHHHH.” Marlo retaliates with a longer and louder noise as she sticks her tongue out at Christ. RoRa just looks at them and shakes her head, letting out a sigh. A lot of students would be freaked out by a mismatched wolf that can make human noises, well they still are.

                “So what time do we have to be at Tomlin’s house?” Marlo asked after she got done making reindeer antlers and sticking her tongue out at her brother.

                “The note said that they would leave for dinner around 6:30 or so, the sun won’t go down till around 7:20, so we can get dinner and go out.” Chris said as he stuffed his books and other supplies into his backpack.

                “Okay, but do we wanna look around the place first to get a grip on what we’re facin.” Marlo asked as she copied what Chris was doing, her locker being next to his. Chris and RoRa looked at her like she was some monster.

                Chris looked at RoRa, “Should I invoke the body snatchers clause?” Now it was Marlo’s turn to stare at them.

                “What the hell are you talking about now?”

                “Well, you never suggest recon for any job, mainly because we suck at identifying the demons by just demonic energy traces alone.” Chris pointed out with RoRa shaking her head.

                “Sorry, but I think the shock from having good pizza is affecting my brain.” Marlo scoffed and put her hand to her forehead like she was going to faint.

                Chris and RoRa just grimaced and started to walk to the school’s exit. “Hey wait.” Marlo yelped out and slammed her locker; she then burst into a sprint.

                “Hey Chris!” the twins turned to see a group of people coming towards them as they got out of the school.

                “Hey prawn, whats up?” Marlo asked when she recognized the former school quarterback and other oldies, as well as a few newies.

                “Just wanted to say congrats to your brother.” Prawn said with a smile. He was taller than both the twins and his teeth sparkled. Prawn was one of the few people who actually believed that the twins were for real when I came to demons before the infestation four years ago. He was also one of the first people who didn’t treat them like outcast.

                Chris just smirked at him, “I’ll gladly accept it, and I know that you had a little beef with Brandon.”

                “Yeah, him and everyone else.” One of the other people in the group scoffed.

                Prawn just smirked and laughed, “Actually I kinda have to thank him, and it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have brought my GPA, but still thanks for beating that little shit.” Prawn extended his head.

                “Anytime.” Christ said taking the hand and shaking it.

                “Hey, anybody wants video of Brandon getting beat down and him cowering in the principal’s office.”

                A chorus of ‘hell yeah’s’ and ‘bet your ass’ came from the crowd. “When did you record Brandon in Radcliffe’s office?” Chris asked eyeing his sister.

                Marlo pulled out her Ipod and waved it around. “I can be sneaky when I want to be, anyway gather around, I’m sure everyone wants to see.” The crowd soon gathered around Marlo and Chris as the elder twin brought up the fight video. “Radcliffe sent it to me.” She told her brother.

                The video showed Brandon and Chris bantering, well Chris throwing insults Brandon’s way, everybody laughed when Chris accused Brandon of being gay. Then Brandon charged and Marlo started to hit stop and play so that everyone could see Chris take down the football player. This earned another wave of laughter and Chris slaps on the back.

                “Damn that was fun to watch, nice going.” “Can’t believe it, you go man.” Was along some of the comments that the younger twin received.

                “Can you send that to me?” a lot of the others asked.

                Marlo let out a bark of laugher. “Sorry, but you can see it on YouTube, I’m putting this up tonight.” This got a lot of approvals and then they left.

                “You really put it on YouTube?” Chris asked as they walked to the local library, they decided against recon and wanted to stay there to do homework till they closed. It was 3:20 and the library closed around six, add 45 minutes to walk to Tomlin’s house and they would be just fine. Plus they could stop by Papa John’s and get a pizza for the trip there.

                “Damn straight, no one is keeping me from spreading the joy of violence against assholes.” She sung aloud and skipped for a few beats. Chris and RoRa shared a sigh and they kept on walking.

-Trish’s classroom-

                Trish let out a sigh as she looked down out the text message on her phone. The message was from Lady, just like the last 20 or so, and all of them were pertaining to the younger twin.

                “Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to tell her.” Trish mused aloud as she read the text. ‘Have you told him yet?’ it read. Lady had been bugging Trish about telling Dante about his son, Trish kept refusing to do it, even threatened the other female devil hunter when she suggested that she could tell him. Along with the suggestions and commands were ideas on what to get the twins for when they arrived. So far she has suggested a couple copies of ‘Playgirl’ magazines for each, Trish shot it down, Taking them to a bar that Lady knew, again shot down, and other ones that involved a male stripper.

                Yep, it was definitely a bad idea to tell lady, she was going to use the knowledge to screw with Dante to the fullest. Unfortunately she didn’t seem to think of the well being of Chris when she voiced her ideas, to which Trish found annoying to no end. Letting out another sigh Trish typed “no, now leave me alone dammit.”

                “Knock, Knock.” Dante said as he stood in the doorway of the classroom. “You ready to go babe?”

                Trish nodded and got her bag, then went after the red half-devil as he started down the hall.

                “I heard something interesting a little bit ago.” Dante said boredly serious.

                ‘Crap, damn you Lady!’ is what went through Trish’s head. “What was it?” she asked playing dumb, she had let out a few secrets like that a few times before; she wanted to make sure that she wouldn’t do that again.

                “I was coming out from the bathroom, which is by their lockers apparently, and it seems that they have a job tonight.” Dante said.

                “But did they mention what type of job?” Trish asked, they still had to get solid evidence that they were indeed Dante’s children, but for all they could know that they were working at some fast food joint or killing people in their spare time. The latter was a very doubtful one, but she had seen that glint of enjoyment in the twin’s eyes as the jock went down this morning.

                Dante smirked at the blonde demoness, “They said I quote, “because we suck at identifying the demons by just demonic energy traces alone.’ I also happened to catch the address of the place where they are going.” He said as he pulled out a slip of paper with Coach Tomlin written on it, along with an address.

                “How did you get this?” Trish asked confused as she reaches for the slip of paper.

                “I picked it out of Chris’s pocket as he left, didn’t even feel It.” he replied triumphantly happy.

                “You stole from your own son.” Trish stated shocked.

                “Well what else is a caring parent supposed to do, besides I couldn’t find a journal or anything to go through.” He replied back nonchalantly. Trish shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose; Dante could be more than an idiot.

                She summoned up a little bit of lightning and directed it at the offending half-devil; he let out a yelp of shock and surprise. He turned around to see the disapproving look in her eyes.

                “What?” he whined?

                “If we weren’t in public at the moment, I would shoot you.” More lightning started to crackle around her, the lights started to flicker. Dante backed up and held his hands up in an ‘I give up’ manner. “First you embarrass him with your about all the notches in your bedpost, which I am going to hurt you for later I assure you, but then you steal from him and say that it’s good PARENTING!” Trish practically shrieked the last word. The tension in the air was climbing, good thing that there wasn’t anyone else around.

                “Well at least I found out where they’re going tonight.” He offered up, the tension drops slightly but Trish is still forming her hands to the shape of handles of her guns.

                “Fine.” She growled out, “We follow them and watch them; if they show any signs of being part demons we will work on a way to confront them alright.” Dante shook his head yes and backed away from his significant other as she stalked out the school.

                Letting out a sigh of relief Dante follows behind Trish but keeps a distance. He was still thinking about the twins, about everything that he has learned by meeting them. There is no doubting he felt a connection with them, but the problem is going to be how to explain it to the twins, without them trying to kill him.

-          22 seacrest lane, Tomlin residence-

“So this is the place.” Marlo observed as Chris put the empty pizza box in the trash can at the curb.

“Yeah, kind of small, well then again it is the new neighborhood.”

It was true, the entire house’s in and around seacrest were new and were all small and cookie cutter type houses. It seemed outrageous to charge the amount realtors did for these places; at most they had a very small kitchen, two bedrooms and only one bathroom. It was pale beige with a white door and trim, a big window in front that allowed people to look inside to show the living room.

“So are supposed to go through the house or around it?” Marlo asked as she looked for a way to the forest behind the house.

Chris looked to and spotted a gate that was hidden by some well place hydrangea bushes, “There, it branches off the front porch.”

“Where?” Marlo asked frustrated, she had two eyes and couldn’t find it.

“On the left side of the porch that hangs out to the side, there’s a swinging gate, the hydrangea bush covers up the latch slightly.” Marlo follows where her brother is pointing and glares at the hydrangea branch. Sure enough she could see the partially covered latch now.

“Wow, I have to give credit to his wife; she knows how to hide things in plain sight.” Marlo mused aloud.

“Alright then, shall we go?” Chris said as he bent down to take the collar off of RoRa. The wolf shook her head at the feeling of freedom, and then licked the male twin’s hand. He smiled and pulled out his lighter queen of hearts lighter, flicking open the top of the Zippo he simultaneously brought his thumb down upon the striker and let a spark come out. The lighter glowed an amber color and let out a flash of light, Marlo and RoRa blinked and when they opened their eyes they saw Chris standing in front of them with a five new accessories attached to him.

On his hands were cobalt blue gauntlets that ended in claws, his boots where now covered in grieves that were a similar color, but instead of clawed feet there was a single bladed edge on top of the grieves and along the back of the heel up to the middle of Chris’s thigh. A slight chill raced through the air as the gauntlets and grieves glowed a soft blue, a visible cloud of chilling air radiated off of them.

“Arctic.” Was all Marlo whispered as she shivered a little.

On his back was a blade that was only a foot or so shorter than Chris himself, the hilt was visible a few inches above the younger twins head. The blade itself was similar to a katana in the fashion of it wasn’t that thick and the width wasn’t more than two inches, it even curved slightly. But what it lacked in that sense was a guard, it had none, only where rounded hilt suddenly ended and the bladed edges began. The end of the blade was flat, it was bladed yes, but it was pointed like other swords, the blade just ended in a flat line that rivaled the sides, and just like the sides it was serrated with sharp teeth. The blade itself was black as midnight, all except for the red lettering written in a calligraphic pattern, it read ‘Kindness.’

“Okay, my turn.” Marlo announced and produced her Zippo lighter with an ace of spades on it, the lighters were merely containers for their devil arm’s, and when activated by the twins they instantly dematerialized and released the weapons. The elder twin in one swift move opened the lighter, then struck the striker wheel. A flash of dark purple, near black in color, erupted from the lighter and when Chris and RoRa blinked they saw the oldest standing in a pose showing off her own arsenal.

On her hips where two blades, they where both red and resembled Kukiri blades, they had small handles with the end that dipped back around slightly, the blades were elongated to about four feet each, and the inner curves where serrated as well, the teeth only longer than Kindness’s by a few centimeters. ‘Colere’ was on the left blade in gold lettering, ‘Silence’ was on the other, and together they were ‘angered silence’.

Wrapped around Marlo’s waist in almost a holster belt form for the blades was a silver chain, each link had two pointed teeth on either side, excluding the last four segments that where visible up front. In each segment on the inside, a black fire whipped and flickered from the sides towards the middle, with how the chain wrapped around her waist multiple times, it seemed that Marlo had a belt of glinting studded black leather. The cold air around Marlo lost its chilling bite, and Chris’s arctic glowed a little bit brighter.

“You just wanted to bring out Xela out to piss me off Arctic.” Chris said as the cold air around him grew frigid, a feeling of malice to it. The two devil arms where originally brothers in the sense of a great rivalry between the two, needless to say that rivalry hadn’t ended when the twins had killed them. The weapons both had handed over their souls willingly in the aspect that they would be used often in a battle.

Marlo let out a chuckle, “Nope, but it did kinda feel a bit nippy don’t ya think?”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, shall we continue now?” Chris mumbled.

“Not yet,” turning to RoRa, the elder twin held up her hands. “Libere.”

With the saying of the single word, RoRa’s eyes began to glow, the swirling fur of black and white pulled away from each other, as if splitting away from each other, which was exactly what was happening. RoRa’s body started to lose the form of the wolf and was now two glowing orbs of white and pure black, with exactly one speck of each color on the opposite sphere. The orbs went to Marlo’s outstretched hands and soon they were forming the shapes of handguns. After a few seconds of forming the glowing orbs no longer glowed, and where no longer orbs, instead in their places where two Mauser C96 handguns with extended magazines, the one in Marlo’s left hand was pure matte black with writing in white cursive script that read ‘Rod’. The other Mauser in her right hand was pure white with black cursive script that read ‘Ran’, both the names where etched on the magazine well in front of the trigger.

“You ready?” Marlo asked while placing both guns behind her back and onto the belt that was on the red leather trench coat, with just a little demonic energy all their clung to them.

“Yes, shall we.” Chris responds heading forward towards the porch.

“Yes, we shall.” Marlo states catching up to her younger brother.

Both sister and brother vaulted over the fence at the back of the porch and onto the walkway behind it. Walking along a cobble stone path they made their way around the house and finally found a pathway that led into a decent sized forest.

“You feel that Mar.” Chris asked with a little sneer, a glint behind his eye would reveal to anyone that he seemed to enjoy the feeling of darkness and avarice in the air. The female twin looked at her brother with the same glint in her eyes and a shit eating grin.

“Bet your ass, so how ‘bout a little competition?” Chris cocked an eyebrow and the sneer became a little smirk. Marlo’s competition usually ended with someone either hurt, or doing something she didn’t want to do, I.E laundry, cleaning, cooking, and looking after people or things, hell anything that required work.

“That depends, what is the nature of this competition?” his sister just looked at him and grinned some more.

“Whoever kills the most demons before the end of the song will be declared the winner, and the loser has to watch the kids tomorrow while John and Maggie are out of town.”

‘As expected.’ Chris thought, “Alright then, but we both have to agree on the song.”


“Anh anh, not so fast, no firearms, sorry RoRa.” A low whine that could barely be heard let loose from behind Marlo’s back.

“That’s not fair, you no it’s part of my routine.” Marlo whined, she hadn’t expected Chris to actually throw down more rules, but she should have learned by now.

Chris crossed his arms across his chest, the claws not even affecting him as they scathed across his forearms. “Either you agree to my turns or no competition.” He stated firmly. Marlo stared at her brother for a minute, fuming while trying to think of some way she could protest.

But after a minute or so of fuming she gave up. “FINE!” she barked and quickly turned on her heels, “But I’m keeping RoRa on my back, after the song is over I’m blasting the fuckers back to hell.” Chris only silently chuckled while following his still fuming sister, he knew that she could take out more than he could due to her long range weaponry, RoRa, and he also knew he was screwed if he let her use them. Sometimes his sisters laziness and cocksure led her to her downfall.

*********** Across the street in Dante’s car. ********

“I think that concludes it.” Trish states after watching the little show that the twins had put on for no one in particular.

“No doubt about it.” Dante says meekly under the stare that Trish was giving him. She seemed to be both thrilled and spiteful at this new revelation that without a doubt concluded that the twins were indeed her lovers children.

Trish stared at him some more, then let out a harsh sigh and slid back into the passenger side seat.

“So how do we approach them now is the question.” She stated aloud.

“Well, we could just go up to them after they get done.” Trish stared at Dante with a bored expression. “What?”

“Do you really think, that going up to two children who haven’t heard hide nor hare of their father all their lives, while they are armed, and telling them that your are most likely the only surviving family left and that you want them to come along with you, unarmed I might add since we left the weapons back at the hotel, is the greatest idea in the world.” The tone was that of scolding a child, a very stupid child, and it was layered with scorn at some parts.

“Geez, I get it, rip my head off while you’re at it why don’t ya.” The red devil hunter said defensively, ‘what the hell is up with her, must be PMS.’ He thought to himself.

“I say that we wait till either one is alone, I’d prefer Chris, mainly because he seems to take after Vergil in the practical sense.”

“Then what?” Trish gave him an ‘are you serious look.’

“We talk to him, or her, depending on which one is available when alone.”

“Fine, but I say that we at least take some devil arm with us, like you said they may not be happy to see me.” ‘If they believe us.’ Dante thought absently.

“Alright, then we’ll – hey do you hear that?”

“Hear what? Oh wait I hear it now.” in the background the sound of heavy drum play was coming loudly obscure from the woods. “Wonder what their party is like.”

“Well then,” Trish said and opened the door to Dante’s rusting dark red ’67 charger, “Why don’t we go find out.”

“Hey,” the half-devil said as he opened his door and got out. “I thought you said not to confront them.” Trish turned her head and stared back at him.

“Yes, but I never said we couldn’t watch them, after all it never hurts to get to know the people you are about to work with.” She then continued to walk towards the house the twins walked by a few minutes ago.

Dante sighed and closed his door and briskly walked after the blonde demoness. “No since in arguing, only be digging myself a deeper grave.”

******** back into the woods with the twins. *************

“Come on baby keep it down,” Marlo sang aloud to the ‘Asking Alexandria’ song as she and her brother surveyed the demons that were clustered around them. There were about thirty or so of them, a third of them being floating skulls that if heard through the music where cackling. The remaining ones looked like corpses dressed in robes and carried around scythes.

Without warning two of the scythe wielders jump at the twins with their weapons raised, Chris ducked down low and put his hand upon Kindness’s hilt, whilst Marlo merely grinned wildly and put her hands on her hips. Before the demons could think, Marlo had spun around in a circle and sliced through their heads with Colere and Silence. She stood in a crouching position similar to runners pose, both of her Kukiri style blades where held in her hands turned away from her, a mad gleam in her eyes. Dust settled down onto the ground as the bodies disappeared falling over.

“That’s two, better step up little bro, don’t want you falling behind.” She chided, then felt a whoosh of air above her back.

“That’s four, do keep up.” Marlo looked to her right, there standing was her brother with his long sword held in his right hand, with four of the demons, similar to the ones she had killed, staggering to the ground, then turning to dust.

“Jackass.” Marlo mumbled while spinning silence in a reverse circle and then slashed an approaching demon across the chest, it falling to dust as its arms went wide dropping its scythe. She then did a back flip and dodged an approaching skeleton head, its cackle getting louder. “Hey you wanna get killed that’s fine with me, but get in line.” She then did another spin and took out three more demons.

Chris was working on his own little predicament with the demons, well more along the lines of lazily swinging in a continuous arch and catching them. “That was number eight.” He shouted aloud as he turned in a reverse roundhouse and cut a demon across its chest, leaving behind a trail of ice. The ice spread across the demons chest and soon it let out a cry as the ice froze its limbs solid. It gave another cry as the ice over took its head, without looking behind him, Chris summoned a dagger and willed it at the popsicle demon, it shattered as the dagger hit its frozen chest.

“SHUT UP!” was the reply, then a loud war cry followed by a half dozen demons going flying. “That was number nine.” Chris smirked at his sisters reply, screwing with her was fun.

A demon skull came flying at Chris, he simply threw a dagger at it and it soon disappeared, turning in a semicircle Chris stuck out both arms, one holding Kindness and the other he used Arctic’s frozen claws, and cut across three more demons with the claws, the ice soon spread but the demons couldn’t cry out because Kindness cut through each of them through their shoulders.

“Songs over Marlo.” Chris remarked as it changed to ‘the final episode.’ By the same band. A loud cry of frustration was the reply. “How many did you kill?”

“Eleven.” She remarked coldly, then put Silence on her waist and pulled along the clear segments of Xela’s chain. The chain uncoiled rapidly from her waist, Marlo then snapped her wrist towards five demons in a half circle in front of her. The side tips ripped the demons to shreds as the flew in an arc, leaving behind tendrils of black fire in their wake, thus setting the demons on fire, no dust remained in its path.

She looked at her brother, he stared back with a wide closed mouth grin, “I got twelve.”

“DAMMMITTTT!” Marlo cried aloud, she turned around and slashed a demon that was approaching her from behind, it fell to dust as a cry echoed outward.

“So, I guess that means you’re looking after the kids tomorrow by yourself then.” Chris said smugly, then turned and axe kicked a demon on the head, the bladed back of the grieve cut the demon from head to groin, nearly severing it in two. The ice spread outward and consumed the demon, it fell backward and shattered to pieces on the ground.

“Don’t remind me, how many are left.” The twins looked around them to count the remaining demons. Three scythe wielders remained, the rest where all floating skulls.

“I’d say about 17 in all,” Chris said, then cut an approaching demon across the legs, it fell forward and landed face first, Chris then stepped on its back and spun Kindness in a half circle to where its flat tip was pointed downward. Putting both hands on the hilt, Chris then drove the flat end downward onto the demons head. It crushed the head and severed it, no cries came out as the body turned to dust.

“Make that 16, care for a little hellfire windmill.” Marlo looked at her brother and grinned.

“Certainly little brother.” She said in a mockingly polite tone. Chris rolled his eyes and turned his back and pressed it towards Marlo’s. “Okay you fuckers, I’m pissed off now and you’re the ones who are going to suffer my wrath.” She announced menacingly, then raised her hand clutching the end of Xela and started to spin it in a clockwise fashion.

The chain started to whirl around the twins low to the ground, the black fire tendrils slowly combining along the entire chain length. Soon the entire chain was alight with the black flame, and as it spun around faster and faster, rising higher off the ground, the flame started to shape into a circle of black fire. The air around the chain began to heat up extremely, then soon the fire spread outward from the circle, and it seemed to be alive as it went for the demons.

Chris watched with a satisfied glee as the fire engulfed the floating skulls, their cackles seemed to blend into screams as they burnt to nothing, no dust or ash. But soon the heat got to him to, looking up he saw the fire starting to encase his sisters twirling arm and running down towards him. He couldn’t help it, being used to Arctic and all, he was definitely someone who was used to the cold and enjoyed it immensely. Heat on the other hand was something that was only tolerated at oven and stove temperatures, and in moderation at that, Arctic always provided its chilling cold even if inside Judith, the Zippo.

“Hey Mar, I think they’re dead now. Could you please stop.” Marlo snorted aloud and slowly stopped spinning Xela.

“Pansy.” She scoffed at him when the chain finally stopped and rested on the ground.

“Yes, yes I know, how bout I use Arctic on you tonight to see if you like my treatment.” A hollow chuckle radiated out from nowhere, the twins knew that it was Chris’s devil arm from past banters. A low growl radiated as well, the chains of Xela rattling slightly, the heat in the air raised.

“You wouldn’t dare.” Marlo warned, her brother knew that she despised the cold, anything cooler than 80 degrees and she started to complain, luckily enough Xela provided the same control over temperature from inside Deuce that Arctic did from inside Judith.

“You never know, now let’s be on our way, curfew is up in an hour and twenty minutes and it’s a forty minute walk back home.”

“Fine,” Marlo snapped her fingers, “Form.” And with that Xela, along with Colere and Silence disappeared in a purplish haze, a now reformed Zippo lighter was hovering a foot away from the elder twin’s face. Marlo snatched it up, “Your turn.”

Chris shook his head, “Thank you for your services,” he talked to his gauntlets and sword, the gauntlets and grieves radiated slightly but the sword stayed quietly. He snapped his clawed fingers, “Form.” Both sets of weapons returned to their storage cell, Judith hovered in the air, Chris plucked it from its hovering space and pocketed it.

“Let’s go.” Marlo said putting an arm across Chris’s right side, Chris wrapped his arm across Marlo’s shoulder as well.

“We’re off to see the wizard.” The younger twin sung aloud merrily.

“The wonderful wizard of OZ.” Marlo chimed in a tone. A warning chill went through their spines at the same time, both brought down their arms to Marlo’s back and grabbed a form of RoRa.

Spinning in circles they each raised the guns, Rod in Marlo’s right hand, Ran in Chris’s left hand, they stood next to each other and used the other’s balance to counteract their own. They placed the end of each of RoRa’s forms in the eye socket of the demon that had tried to sneak up behind them. It’s arms where raised up, both hands clutching it’s scythe, it stopped and let out a noise when the barrels were jammed into the empty sockets.

“Bulls-eye.” The twins  said in unison, then they pulled the triggers.

******* Dante and Trish. ********

“I’m glad you suggested avoiding the truth till later.” Dante remarked as the simultaneous flash of gun fire erupted from the little clearing that he twins where standing in, the demon falling to the ground, but turning to dust before it ever reached the dirt.

“Yes, I’m glad I told you, that way I can shoot you first.” Trish remarked boredly.

“WHAT!?” Dante yelped rather loudly, Trish’s hand immediately came up and covered the red devil hunter’s mouth, she put her other hand up and raised a finger to her lips and shushed him.

They both looked back at the twins, but if they had noticed Dante’s outburst they didn’t show it. Instead Marlo had said something in French quietly and the wolf, RoRa, had reformed. RoRa barked and then got up on two paws and seemed to wrap both of them in a hug like embrace.

Dante gently pried off the demoness’s hands from his mouth, “its fine, besides their leaving right now anyway.” Trish glared softly at Dante but turned her head when the sound of clapping and drumming erupted from the direction of the twins.

“Oh Mickey you’re so fine, you make me wanna blow my mind, hey Mickey.” The twins sang aloud, and started to dance, well sort of. They we’re both arching sideways to the left, then the right, and kicked each of their legs outward stiffly and repeated the step with the other leg, walking forward slightly. RoRa seemed to be shuffling along similarly to the twins, her tail wagging to and fro with a pause in between each swing.

“Well that’s random.” Trish said amusedly.

“Yeah,” Dante chuckled watching them, “But you have to admit, they got moves.”

Trish nodded her head, “That they do, that they do.” Then a vibrating feeling came from the pockets of her leather pants, sighing she extracted her cell phone and opened the home screen.

Seeing it as the number of her fellow demon huntress Trish sighed and hit the accept call button.

“Yes Lady, what is it?”

“Well, ah hehe, you see I have something to tell you.” Trish stiffened and her eyes narrowed.

“What happened, did the shop get destroyed? Are you hurt? What about Vergil and Nero? Are they okay?” worry was starting to wash over her.

“No, no it’s nothing that serious.” Lady responded impatiently. Relief flooded Trish’s body, her shoulders slumped a little.

“Well then, what is it.”

“Well you see, um, I kinda sorta, ahahahaha, it’s a funny story really.”

“Spit it out Lady.” Trish growled, Dante had started off toward the car after the twins and RoRa had left the clearing.

“Well you see, itoldVergilandNerothatDante’ssonwasgay.” Lady said hurriedly.

It took Trish a few seconds to understand what her supposed best friend had said, when it did come to realization she held her phone away from her and looked at it in disbelief.

‘Maybe I heard her wrong.’ Trish thought.

“Okay you did what.” Trish asked after putting the phone back against her ear.

Lady let out a sigh, “I, *sigh* I told Vergil and Nero that Dante’s son was gay.”

Trish stared at her phone again.

“Um, Trish, you there?”


Alucardismaster: so what do you guys think, leave a comment or review at the end, please favorite it, vote, or follow, (if you want) ;p


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