*COMPLETED*Love and War( A Co...

By TheVampsRebecca

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Have you ever fallen in love?? Has the relationship been filled with love or war?? Jane clifford is seventee... More

Love and War( A Connor Ball fan fiction)
Chapter 2- Finding Out!!!
The First Night!!!
The First Date!!!
Meeting Everybody!!!
Moving Out and Moving In!!!
Settling in!!!
Movie Marathon!!!
Girls Day Out!!!
New Friends!!!
The Second Date!!!
Telling The boys!!!
Introducing Connor's Family!!!
Stay The Night!!!
Arranging the Date!!!
The Suprise Date!!!
Good and bad news!!!
Girl Talk!!!
Shopping and Pain!!!
Sorting the Fangs!!!
Getting ready for the parents!!!
Parents arrive!!!
Mother/Daughter talk!!!
Asking about the date!!!
Getting ready for the date!!!
Spending the day with Connor!!!
Night at Connor's house
Talking to Cicely!!!
Back to the vampiro!!!
Mother/Daughter Fight!!!
Explaining Everything!!!
Talking to James!!!
Connor's story!!!
Back at the vampiro!!!
Getting Ready For Club Fang!!!
Club Fang!!!
The Vampiro!!!
Birthday Bash!!!

Parents talk!!!

250 5 2
By TheVampsRebecca

Hayley's Pov:

I couldn't believe that Jane was dating Connor and that she didn't have the nerve to tell me or jeremy( her father ). I don't want Jane spending time with this boy. The fact that he is keeping secrets from her shocks me the most. If they were dating sure Connor would have told her everything so that they could have a happy and honest relationship. Back to the point though Jane should come to me and talk to me if she is having trouble with the boys or Cicely. I am her mother after all. I just can't believe that my daughter, who tells me everything, didn't tell me she had a boyfriend. At least she dumped him, that was the right thing to do.

I was in the car on the way to Bridgit's house( Connor's mom ) with Jeremy to talk about everything that's going on. It's hard for a mother when her daughter doesn't tell her things. That is what parents are for. We were in the very warm car for twenty minutes before we arrived at Bridgit's house and we pulled into the cobblestoned driveway. We both stretched and got out of the warm car and locked it.

" Are you sure you want to do this honey? I mean what if Bridgit doesn't know about any of this." Jeremy said as calmly as he could.

" Yes im sure. I've made my decision. We're doing this today. Now come on and grow up." I said in a snappy tone because he was acting like a child and I didn't need this right now.

I linked my right arm in his muscley left arm and we strolled up to the front door. I reached for the doorbell with my left shakey hand and rang the squeaky doorbell. I heard a rustle of movement from inside the house and the oak door was opened. Bridgit stood there in a messy oversized apron which was covered in filthy blood and meat stains. She was about to pull me forcefully into a hug but I reached out and touched her boney arm to stop her from getting me dirty.

" Hayley, Jeremy. Come in, come in." Bridgit said and she ushered us inside. We came in and she took our coats for us and hung them up on a rather loose peg which hung on the wall beside the door.

Me and Jeremy both followed Bridgit in step to the kitchen but she blocked our way, stopping us from entering the rather big kitchen.

" No, no you can't go in there. It's a bit messy at the moment. Go into the sitting room. I'll be with you in a minute. Just let me clean up. Ok." Bridgit explained and I nodded and turned the other way towards the sitting room.

Bridgit's pov:

I was in the kitchen cooking some lamb for dinner and putting fresh blood into empty bottles which I got from hunting earlier today. I was almost done when I heard the doorbell ring and I knew who it was. I could get the scent of vanilla and the scent of the sea. It's Hayley and Jeremy and I know why their here. They want to talk about Connor and Jane. This isn't good and it wasn't on my list of things to do today. I let them in and sent them to the sitting room so I could clean myself up before I had to sit before them and talk it out.

Jeremy's pov:

We came inside and we we're rushed into the sitting room which I had to say was quite rude. That's no way to treat your guests. I walked into the sitting room with Hayley not too far ahead of me. She sat down on the armchair which was by the fire and I sat beside her on a stool and took her hand in mine.

" Are you worried?" I asked while kissing the back of her delicate hand.

" No im fine. You?" Hayley said in a bit of a rush that my ear had to strain to hear what she had just said.

" Im good thanks." I said and I grinned.

" What's so funny? This is a serious matter Jeremy. Now cop on." Hayley snapped at me which I had to say hurt. She's been treating me like a child since we arrived in London and Im 45 years old, like seriously.

" I am being serious if you haven't noticed." I said back with a hint of attitude in my tone.

" Don't be so cheeky Jeremy. I just want you to stop acting like a ignorant teenager. Ok Jeremy." Hayley said and she was about to rub my hand but I pulled it away from her and out of her reach. I looked away from her too. She acts like my mother at times, I don't think she acts like my wife at all.

Hayley's Pov:

I wish Jeremy would quit acting like a ignorant, annoying teenager. I wish he would just act his age. He can see that im tense about all of this so why can't he just grow up.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Bridgit came in with a smile as big as the sun on her face. She set down a silver tray on the golden brown coffee table and sat down on the sofa across from me and Jeremy.

" Tea and biscuits." Bridgit said in her happy everyday tone.

" No, no thanks." I said to her and her smile disappeared.

" Sure, i'd love some." Jeremy said and he took a cup of tea in his right hand and a digestive biscuit in his left which got Bridgit's smile back onto her face.

" We need to talk to you about something. It's very important." I said and she looked at me worringly and her smile faded again. What was she worried about, I hadn't told her anything yet.

" Its about Connor and Jane. I don't know if you'll like this." I explained to Bridgit who had her hands in her lap and was looking steadily down at them.

" Well you haven't told me yet so you may aswell start." Bridgit said and she looked up at both me and Jeremy and glared down at her hands again.

" Ok here it goes. Well, Connor and Jane were dating, me and Jeremy didn't have a clue about this and then she tells me that Connor is keeping a really big secret from her which I find highly rude of him. No offence Bridgit." I explained to Bridgit and she looked shocked at what I just said.

" Well, im quite offended that you said that about my son, but he could have his reasons." Bridgit said and she sternly looked at me.

" Well anyway, wait, did you know they were dating? Bridgit I can't believe you. Why didn't you tell me, you knew what happened between her and Daniel. How could you?" I shouted at Bridgit at the top of my lungs. My own best friend, in the entire world, didn't bother to let me know that my daughter was going out with her son for months now. Why would she do this?? I trusted her.

" Hayley, it's not like that. Just let me explain." Bridgit said in a shakey tone.

" Why should I? You lied to me and didn't tell me that my daughter was dating your son. You knew everything that happened between her and Daniel. This is why I don't want her dating anyone unless I give her permission. You know how strict I am Bridgit." I explained harshly, I almost had steam coming out of my ears.

" Im sorry. If you would just listen to what I have to say, maybe we can sort this out. Ok." Bridgit said very calmly but she also had a hint of sadness in her voice but I didn't feel sorry for her.

" Im not listening to anything you have to say. Im leaving and never speak to me again and keep Connor away from my daughter." I snapped at Bridgit. I was very angry right now with her and I didn't care about how harsh I was being on her. I turned and marched toward the front door of her house when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.

" Give her a chance and don't take your anger out on Connor. It's hardly fair." Jeremy said and I turned to look at him. Then out of rage I smacked him hard across his smooth soft face and he stumbled backwards holding his cheek as he shouted in pain. At that moment I vanished through the doors and raced away in the car from Bridgit's house towards the vampiro at full speed.

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