The Lucid Life: Book one

By XXXArticWolfYT

30 7 0

A magical Girl with all powers in the universe, will she use it for good or deny everything and use her magic... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four

Chapter 5

5 1 0
By XXXArticWolfYT

I had a look of fear in my eyes, How had she found out to? I mean i understand Carter But why her?.

"H-how?" I asked

"I could figure out when you were fighting me, no one could have as confusing power relations. I mean really? Gaming, Healing and water?"
"Usually that's not an even rare combination, It's absolutely Impossible if you weren't THE ONE you'd obviously have to not be A wizard...." She said 100% sure she was right.

She looked up and smiled at me.

"It's an honor" She said happily

I was confused why was she honored i mean i'm like every other 7th grader here.

Except, not, i'm apparently more powerful and stronger.

"For what?" I asked i for one thought i was just fishing for compliments when i had said that.

"For fighting me, You spent your Air trying to fight me, i will always be grateful." Aniyah said still smiling.

"How else did you find out?" I asked

"Your form, when you went Game mode, You were Awesome i'm pretty sure if it weren't for the crowd i would have stared at you longer, You were wearing a beautiful Purple cloak with Trimmed cuts at the collar, and for shoes you were wearing Long skinny dark black boats, For hair you had Long Purple and Dark black hair, your eyes were a punishing and torturing purple."

Aniyah said in awe.

I changed forms? Everytime i played i had look like the same pixelated copy of me.

"Well, as much as i'd like to hear i think We should go." Carter said grabbing at me and staring at the crowd of kids.

I looked back at the crowd and had saw a lot of happy and crying faces.

Me and Carter had run up to the 5th floor and locked the door behind us.

"I know its a bad time but, would you be willing to tell me if we do like quests and stuff like that?." I asked

"Well, yeah if you have time to, class her doesn't really matter if you are strong in power." Carter said

I couldn't really say im powerful in power but i could say i'm a bit strong, but then again do i have any proof since, i just pushed anthony but he was a normal school bully.

"I think, i'll hold up on a quest since, i'm really new to this whole magic powers thing." i said

"You don't have to worry about that you can always take an easy quest, and if there isn't any take a friend on a hard one." Carter said obviously trying to hint me that he would like to go on a very difficult quest.

I gave him a really good stare with blinking.

"Fine." I said

"Fine what?" Carter asked

"I'll go on a quest with you." I said

"But why? Would you do that?" Carter said with a smirk

"Don't make me regret this more than i already am." I said threateningly

"Then that means we are off to a good start!" Carter said happily

I couldn't help but show just a slight smile.

I went downstairs and looked for a slightly difficult quest.

"Miss?" I asked the Administrator

"Yes." She said

"Do you have any slightly difficult quests?" I asked

"Well we do have one, but it's more than slightly difficult, we have had multiple students come back from the place but none had even said they had completed the quest, but of course here! Take it!" She said Shoving the paper into my hands.

She threw me into the elevator and had pressed 5.

I was going back up, with a horrifying quest in my hands.

What would Carter think of this? Would he be excited? Or scared?

I walked inside the room.

"So? Did you get one?" Carter asked

"Well, it isn't the exact one you wanted but it is one." I said

"Well then, show me!" Carter said obviously excited for a quest.

I showed him the paper. It was aged and it looked fake,

500,000 junes

My mouth had opened in awe at the amount of money.

"I didn't know they paid us!" I said

"Well, it isn't us, but it's the school..." Carter said normally

My mouth then closed.

I wasn't as excited anymore.

I then got the paper and asked where do we have to find them?" I asked

"In toronto" He said pointing at toronto on his map.

Toronto it isn't far from us i mean not That far. We live in Los Angeles.

"But we don't have to pay for flight our school has gained enough money to pay for our trip, as long as we have our Quest paper with us we can go anywhere the quest is for free." Carter said still normally

"Have you ever taken and difficult quests before?" I asked carter who was now spaced out

"Huh? Oh yeah, plenty" Carter said

"Well? Shouldn't we start packing?" I asked

"OH YEAH! I forgot about that! We have to hurry the plane closes at 5:00 pm

And its 4 right now!" Carter said in a rush

We both had took only 5 minutes to pack one shirt with one pants.

We ran down the staircase and rushed to the desk again

We handed her the paper and she had scanned it and Gave us a thin gold paper.

It was literally gold, i had stared at it for five seconds then i held it carefully in my hand as i ran to the front of the school.

I don't even know how i had missed it, it was in plain sight.

Carter had helped me into the plane we had 1 minute to unpack our stuff then the plane had took off, we were fifty, sixty, sixty-two, one-hundred feet in the air soon i'd say one-thousand feet.

I had just left my school, in a first-class airplane.

I had never been in such hosplity it was a glorious sight, and every now and then i saw a woman creep up behind the curtain that divided carter, me and the pilot

I was wondering if she'd ever come over and ask us if we wanted something to eat.

I was really embarrassed so i asked Carter to ask her to get us food.

He wasn't excited too but i and found a way to blackmail him into it.

"Fine," Carter gave in

"But don't get any ideas that i'll do this for you all the time."

I smiled brightly

"Thank you Carter" i said honestly

The woman had seen Carter hand gesture her towards him.

"Y-yes?" The Woman had asked

"Could you please get us two Mar'a chons?" Carter said

I stared blankly at him, i didn't understand what he said, but then i realised i had blacked out.

"We meet again Chosen One" the strange voice said

"Who are you?" I asked

"I am the one who sent you here..." The voice said again

"Dad?!" I asked stupidly

"NO! You idiot! I'm the one who sent you here!" The voice said

"Mom?" I asked again very stupidly

"Okay, obviously you're not getting the point that i'm not your parents." The voice said more dull

"Well, If i can find a way out of my brain i'm letting everyone know who you are!" I said trying to sound threatening

I heard one snap of fingers and I was back in my seat Carter was sitting beside me and the lady was standing next to him. 

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