The Unordinary

By elephant576

2.8K 113 16

Six high school students looks like anyone else acts like anyone else but are capable of things no one else i... More

Character 1-1
Character 3-2
Character 1-3
Character 2-6
Character 5 and Justin-7
Joseph and Justin-8
Character 5-10
The Hospital Visiter-28
The Hospital Vist-29
The Argument-30
Everything Has Changed-31
Still Unbreakable Twinship?-32
The Meeting-33
The Encounter-34
My Family Hates Me-35
Is she dead?-36
What's going on?-37
It's Dad's Fault...-38
Oh Oh-39
Calm, Taliah Calm-40
Newspaper Report
I'm Glad I have you-41
My Brother is Super Annoying-42
My Sweet Little Sister-43
Why am I Friends With Him?-44
Coming here was a mistake-45
What happened? Who did this? Where?-46
Do I have to be here?-47
That blonde girl-48
If only I could-50
You Ok?-51
Doesn't matter-52
Questions Need Answers-53
Pain, Stop-54
Where did they put it?-55
I'm Ok-56
What's wrong?-57
Argh, Stupid Joseph-59
What-60-is happening?
Breathe. Breathe-61
My Precious Crystal-62
Questions Leave!-63
Why not have two 63?
What's Your Name?-63
Beauty Turns to Chaos-64
No Butterflies Aloud-65
The Old Me-67
His face-68
No...This is my fault-69
Don't Let This Happen-70
What am I Supposed to do?-71
I wish I did-73
Be Ok-74
Why Do They Want Me to Say Something?-75
Calling my mum shouldn't be this difficult-77
Who is he?-78
Her Room-79
Are you fine with small spaces?-80
Water isn't always a friend-82
I Hope everything is alright-85
This time I am-87
I wish I could say-88
Is it possible to trust?-89
What have I done?-90
I'm just a child-93
Hot or Cold-94
I hope-95
I shouldn't-96
I Don't Think I Could Feel Safer-99
Take me-100


25 1 0
By elephant576

I had to walk into to school at my normal time 8:10. I don't really choose to arrive so early but the next bus will make me arrive at 8:50 and I don't want to be late. I am awful in awkward situations. I walk into the school and I see him. I think it is him. I could call out be I'd rather not. I pick up my pace to see if I can get closer to him and see if it is Justin or not. Well, it's either him or someone completely random because his brother could still be in the hospital. I hope his brother is ok, after all, it has been three days since his brother fell. It makes me hope it isn't Justin just for there to be a shot his brother is ok. I take one deep breath before getting enough courage to call out his name.
"Justin?" He turns around. Thank god it is. I have no idea what I would've done it it wasn't him.
"Hey, Sarah." He slows down enough for me to catch up with me. "How long was it since we last talked?"
"Thursday. Justin."
"Yeah?" How's best to tell him that there was someone yelling at his class on Friday.
"There was someone in your class yelling at your class because you weren't in." I tried to be as blatant as possible. He looks like he is going to say something but I think he is just lost for words. "Hey. So... How's your brother?" I hope that's an ok question.
"He isn't in the best shape, but I haven't even been able to see him since Thursday. I wasn't allowed to." He just shrugs as if it is the simplest thing ever.
"Can we talk somewhere in private?"
Like in your mind?
Don't do that. Did he get that?
Get out my head. Geez wh-
I am still here
I glared at him to get out that instant.
"Glaring is my job." He whines in response to my glare. "Fine let's go in that shady corridor no one is ever in."
"That's a perfect place for me to murder you!"
"Not funny!" He said whilst giving me a friendly push.
"Follow me, Justin." I motion for him to follow and found an empty classroom.
"Why are we in here?" I grabbed his arm ignoring his question and touched the cement connecting the bricks together. I feel Justin follow in my jet stream close by. I can tell he is trying to leave and go somewhere else but I am the one in control not him. I hope he's ok with me doing this. It probably will just be a bit weird that's how it was the first time I did it. When we got out I got what was coming for me.
"SARAH, WHY? TELL ME WHEN YOU'RE GOING TO DO THAT NEXT TIME!" He yelled like it was impossible for anyone else to hear him. I am surprised I'm not deaf.

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