MINE ━ Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin ✓

By -fieldoflilies

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" Manners. Maketh. Man. Do you know what that means? " Natalie Hart is a Kingsman Agent and the daugh... More

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By -fieldoflilies

A.N. Eggsy looking at Natalie like this^^^ (I know he's looking at Hugh Jackman but go with it)

Also, anyone else miss chavy Eggsy? I miss him a lot tbh.


It was getting later in Kentucky, the sun had now set and the moon shone in the sky. Natalie was still sat in the pub but she had moved to the bar, watching the door waiting for Eggsy to walk in.

A glass of dark rum and coke was in front her, the glass being half empty already as she constantly sipped it as she waited.

She munched on some chips that the woman behind the bar gave her, on the house yet again. She kept looking towards the door, wanting the door to open and Eggsy to walk through. She couldn't wait to see him.

Her waiting for Eggsy was no longer as if on cue, Eggsy entered the pub. As soon as he opened the door, his eyes spotted Natalie. His mood instantly picked up seeing her.

"Hey babe." Eggsy walked to his girl. He wasn't sure what say, he may not have had sex with Charlie's ex but Natalie thought he did. Even though she said it was fine, he wasn't sure.

"Hey." Natalie stood up, putting her arms around Eggsy's neck and kissing him gently. She really needed her man right now. She hugged him tightly, her hands stroking the back of his neck for comfort.

"I'm so sorry about Harry, baby." Eggsy apologised, pulling away to look his girl in the eyes.

"It's okay. I've been thinking as I've sat here; maybe Ginger was right. I mean she's been trying for a whole year and he's not remembered anything. So, another day wasn't going to change anything." Her voice broke, Natalie being on the verge of tears as she spoke about it. She didn't want to let her father go, she wanted to try and try again until he remembered. But she came to realise that the Statesman had tried for over a year and nothing happened. It disheartened her a little as it should have happened earlier than this.

"No baby don't say that." Eggsy rubbed her arms up and down, kissing her forehead gently. He hated seeing his girl on the verge of being okay with letting him go. It hurt her too much to keep going if he wasn't going to change.

"We tried the first test from training." Natalie started to explain, leading Eggsy to sit at the bar with her. "And nothing. I've been trying to think of other bits from training but we don't have the resources to do them. He even heard me rant about my mum and again, nothing clicked."

Eggsy listened intently, watching his girl slowly become less like his girl as she talked. This was really effecting her and rightly so. Going from, 'not giving up on him' to 'maybe it's time to let him go'. He didn't like this at all.

"I just don't know what to do, Eggsy." Natalie started to cry, making Eggsy put his hand on top of hers, bringing it up to his lips to plant little kisses all over it. "I don't know what's worse; my dad being alive but not remembering me or thinking he was dead. Both are pretty shit." The words hurt Nat to say. The fact that thinking her dad was dead felt better than going through what she was going through right now made her feel even worse.

"We'll think of something. I'll work through the night if I have to." Eggsy said, his thumb rubbing soft circles on his girls hand, his other hand pushing some of Natalie's hair behind her ear to stroke her cheek.

Natalie looked up at Eggsy, the look on his face making her pull herself foreword so she could lightly kiss his cheek.

"I didn't get to ask. How are you doing after everything?"

Eggsy sighed, waving over the bartender.

"Martini please." Eggsy ordered. It was one of those nights.

"I'm sorry about JB." Natalie said softly. She could see by the mention of JB, Eggsy became more stiff. Talking about JB reminded him of Brandon and Roxy. He hadn't thought much about them until now, when the mission was coming along and his mind was focused elsewhere.

Natalie stroked Eggsy's arm with her fingers, drawing circles to try and keep him calm.

"We'll get Charlie, I know we will." Natalie's hand moved to Eggsy's face, the back of her hand slowly stroking his cheek. Her touch made tingles go through his face. He always craved her touch.

"For Roxy. For JB and For Brandon." Eggsy looked at his girl, determined to bring justice for his friends and dog. Natalie nodded agreeing with him. Eggsy then cupped Natalie's face with his hand, pulling her up to meet his lips with hers.

Eggsy could never get enough of his girl, her taste, her smile, her touch, everything about her made his heart feel full.

"Here's your Martini." The bartender placed the drink in front of Eggsy on top of a napkin, making the couple separate. Eggsy looked at the drink and became confused. It looked nothing like a Martini.

"This ain't a Martini." Eggsy pointed out, but the bartender knew otherwise.

"It is over here, honey." The woman replied, going back to cleaning the glasses. Natalie couldn't help but giggle. Drinks were definitely weird over here.

"Thanks Nor." Natalie thanked the woman, who gave her a smile back.

"Anyway, how did it go with Charlie's ex?" Natalie asked, quickly changing the subject. "Did you give her more than 5%? I'll be very mad if you did." Natalie said with sarcasm, not wanting Eggsy to think it affected her.

"Didn't end up sleeping with her in the end. A finger was all I needed." Eggsy watched the words he was saying, hoping they weren't going to change Natalie's mind on it all.

"Good. You did what you needed to do whilst leaving that." Natalie looked down at his crotch. "To me." Natalie looked back up at Eggsy, giving him a wink with a slight smile on her face.

"You're very cheeky, ya know?" Eggsy teased, leaning over to kiss Natalie. His lips were like a drug to Natalie and she was easily addicted. "Seriously though, I didn't know how'd you react when I rang you. I didn't want you to think-"

"Eggsy ssh." Natalie brushed some hair out of Eggsy's face, kissing his nose. "It was for the good of the mission; to get back at Charlie and whoever this Golden Circle is. I wouldn't be mad even if you did go all the way. It meant nothing and you got what we needed." Natalie sent a smile Eggsy's way, reassuring him once more.

Eggsy smiled and grabbed the sides of Nat's face to slam his lips onto hers. Natalie smiled into the kiss, caught off-guard by his sudden movement.

"I love you so much." Eggsy told her, his eyes not ripping away from hers.

"I love you too." Eggsy leaned over to kiss her again, but something popped into Natalie's mind as she saw the time on the clock above the door.

"Shit, I completely forgot." Natalie lightly pushed Eggsy away and grabbed her phone, catching Eggsy's attention. "Can I use your phone to copy Lucy's number over? I said I would call her at some point to check on Marty."

Eggsy nodded, getting his phone out and unlocking it so Natalie could copy the number over.

"Thanks for the phone by the way." Natalie smiled at Eggsy as she scrolled through finding Lucy's number. Lucy is the friend that Natalie trusted to look after Marty whilst they took care of Charlie.

Natalie and Lucy had been friends since secondary school and all the way through college. She knew about Kingsman and Natalie's job. She never blabbed to anyone ever. She wouldn't, not when Natalie's involved.

"Couldn't let you go without one. We'd have to buy one at some point anyway." Eggsy said, putting his hand on his girls back, rubbing his thumb gently over her back.

Natalie then handed his phone back to him, pecking his lips before heading over to a corner of the pub to take the call.

As Natalie talked to Lucy, Eggsy went through the pictures on his phone, trying to think of ways to get Harry to remember. He scrolled through picture after picture with Natalie. One or two being taken after naughty times in their bed. He chuckled to himself, seeing how messy Natalie's hair was in one of the pictures, a sign she had a good time with him. No matter how messy her hair was though, she still looked gorgeous.

He looked to Natalie on the other side of her room as a smile appeared on her face as she talked about Marty with Lucy. He quickly felt the urge to open google maps on his phone and search for the nearest jewellery store. The next time he was going to ask her, he was going to get through it and have what he needed to ask her and he was going to wait till this was all over. Unless he had the urge to ask during again, which was a possibility.

"Alright, Lucy. Thanks again for looking after him." Eggsy quickly closed the map app, hearing that Natalie was almost done with her call. He went back to the photo's scrolling through one more time, landing on the picture he made Natalie's lock screen on her phone.

He smiled at the picture seeing how happy they all were, including the dogs. He started to feel sad looking at little JB, remembering he was no longer with them. But as he looked at JB, an idea suddenly popped into his head, prompting him to opening up google maps again, searching for something different this time.

"We'll see you when we get back. Okay, love ya, bye." Natalie finished her call, heading back over to Eggsy. "Marty's fine. He's eating more and seems more active, so at least somethings going our way." Natalie sat back on her stool, taking a mouth full of her drink in her mouth, sloshing it round her mouth before swallowing.

"That's great, but I think I may have thought of something to help get your dad to remember." Natalie became intrigued. She sat foreword, wanting Eggsy to continue. He told her the plan and she immediately agreed to do it. Anything was better than nothing.

"Thanks for the drinks, Nor. Keep the change." Natalie placed a few dollar bills on the counter before her and Eggsy left hand in hand.

Natalie followed Eggsy to try and get what they needed and what they needed being a puppy. Eggsy's idea was to use the 'shoot the dog' at the end of Kingsman training to try and reboot Harry.


Natalie and Eggsy walked into Statesman, Eggsy holding a little Cairn Terrior puppy. It was similar to the dog Harry chose in his training, a dog he called Mr Pickles. Natalie loved that dog when he was around, he always kept her smiling when she was sad. He passed away before Mr Pickles could meet Marty, Natalie pictured them playing around together. She always thought they'd be a couple of jokers together. Sadly she'd never get to see it.

"You think this is gunna work?" Natalie hesitated outside Harry's room, her arms wrapped around her stomach as her nerves almost got the better of her.

If this didn't work, she'd have to let him go and she didn't want to do. She needed him to remember more than ever.

Eggsy stopped, turning to his girl to peck her cheek. He too hoped this would work as he didn't want Natalie to go through what she would have to go through if Harry didn't remember. He feared there was no turning back for her if that happened.

"Let's find out." Eggsy sent Natalie a smile, wanting her to keep her optimistic. Eggsy then pushed the door to Harry's room open and the couple walked in.

The lights in the room came on and woke Harry up. Once Harry saw the couple and dog, he jumped back his bed. Surprised by the fluffy thing in Eggsy's hands.

"It's all right. Don't panic. Just thought we'd bring you a little leaving present." Eggsy nodded to the dog in his hands.

Natalie's nails were in between her teeth as she watched Eggsy walk closer towards her dad. She stood at the door, hoping and praying this worked because she knew if it didn't, there was not much else they could do. She'd have to leave him be.

"What do you think? He's lovely, isn't he? Do you wanna hold him?" Eggsy asked Harry. Harry smiled, holding his arms out to take the little puppy away from Eggsy.

Natalie took a deep breathe, knowing what was to come. The smile on her father's face as he held the puppy warmed her heart but also broke it at the same time.

Eggsy then took a gun from his pocket and held it up to the dog.

"Do you think I should shoot him?" Eggsy asked quiet menacingly. Harry noticed the gun and jumped back, pulling the dog closer to his chest and away from the gun.

"Are you quite mad?" Harry exclaimed, his hand now firmly round the little puppy's body. He seemed in a panic state, not wanting anything to hurt this innocent puppy.

"What? What's the problem?" Eggsy followed Harry round as he circled his bed to get away from Eggsy. Harry seemed to be in a state of panic, which was a good thing? Right?

"No, you'll have to shoot me." Harry shouted.

"Shoot you? Oh I will shoot you." Natalie was kinda glad Eggsy wasn't like this in real life, in fact he was the opposite. Just this little taste scared her slightly.

"No. No one's sick enough to shoot a puppy." Harry was backed into a corner, Eggsy still holding the gun firmly up ready to shoot the dog.

"Well, what about you, Harry?" Eggsy's voice was now raised, something Natalie wasn't a big fan of. It reminded her of the few arguments they had together. Obviously they were resolved as quick as they started but still, Natalie hated it when Eggsy shouted. She wasn't never good in arguments. "You were sick enough to shoot a puppy! Do you remember?!" Eggsy pushed, wanting Harry to stop and remember the people that were in the room with him.

Natalie stepped foreword, seeing as her father started to look around the room like he was watching something. He shielded himself from whatever he could see, then he stopped. His face looking like he was trying to remember, like he was remembering.

Natalie begged and pleaded that he was remembering. She couldn't let him go. She needed him to remember.

Harry froze looking at Eggsy firmly.

"It was a blank!" Harry shouted. Natalie's heart almost jump out of her chest. He was remembering. It was working.

"Yes Harry, Yes!" Eggsy wanted him to continue on.

"It was a fucking blank!" Harry shouted louder, looking between Eggsy and Natalie. Natalie's eyes filled with tears as he looked at her with his eye. His eye was different from before, like he knew her. "I would never hurt, Mr Pickle!"

"Yes, dad!" Natalie shouted, pushing him for more.

"He died of pancreatitis!" Harry kept shouting, but as he looked down at the puppy in his hands he calmed.

Eggsy lowered his gun with a small smile on his face. He remembered Mr Pickle so surely he must remember Natalie and Kingsman.

"You're not Mr Pickle." Harry looked up, sharing eye contact with Eggsy.

"Eggsy." Harry showed a small smile on his face as he saw Eggsy. Tears fell from Natalie's eyes, he remembered, god damn he remembered.

"Hello Harry." Eggsy couldn't hold it in any longer so he stepped foreword and stood on his tippy-toes to give his old mentor a hug.

Natalie cried seeing the two men she loved the most share a hug, Harry now fully knowing who he was and everything he did.

Harry noticed another figure in the room and shifted his gaze towards Natalie. Natalie froze, Harry's eye of love and care met Natalie eyes of love and desperation.

"Natalie." Harry smiled, finally recognising his own daughter.

Natalie couldn't stop the tears flowing as he said her name. She covered her mouth as she sobbed, walking up to her father and pulling him down for the tightest hug she could.

"I'm here, darling." Harry rubbed her back, placing a gently kiss on the top of her head. Natalie cried more into his shoulder once he called her 'darling'. She'd missed him calling her that so so much.

Eggsy almost cried himself, hearing  and seeing how relieved Natalie was to have her father back. His smile was wide seeing the two hug like no one was watching.

"I missed you so much." Natalie whispered into her dad's ear, not letting go of him. She wanted to hug him forever and ever, not wanting to let him out of her sight.

She held her father's face in her hands, taking every wrinkle and every hair in. He was alive. Her father was alive and he remembered her.

Natalie smiled at her dad before looking down at the little puppy in his arms and scratching his head.

"Valentine." Harry's eyes widened. "He has to be stopped." Harry panicked, not knowing what happened after he was shot. He still thought they needed to stop him.

"No, it's okay. It's okay." Natalie shushed her dad, placing her hands over his arms and rubbing them up and down. "We stopped him." Natalie looked back at Eggsy then back to her dad. "I killed him. I killed him for you." Natalie admitted. Harry seemed pleased with his daughter, pleased she finished Valentine herself.

"We have a lot of catching up to do." Eggsy stated, still stood behind Natalie and her father, not wanting to interrupt their moment.

"Well well." A voice came from the door, a voice that could not be mistaken for anyone other than Merlin himself. "I suppose I should cancel that taxi." Merlin stood at the door, hands in his pockets. It was obvious he had listened to the whole thing and strolled in when he the moment with Natalie came to an end.

Natalie wiped tears away, seeing Merlin stood at the door.

"If you don't mind. Merlin." Natalie smiled as Harry remembered everything. She looked at Eggsy, her smile being all she needed to do to say thank you.

"Welcome back. Galahad. " Tingles went up Natalie's arm as Merlin called her father that. It had been a year since he last used the name and she couldn't wait for him to get back into business with her father by her side. Almost like the old days, with the addition of Eggsy.

"Let's get you suited and booted. No Kingsman should look like that in a hurry."

Harry smiled at Merlin, nodded to Eggsy and gave his daughter one last kiss on the head before being lead out for suit fitting by Merlin. The dog was still in his hands, looks like he has a new dog to look after.

As the door closed with Natalie and Eggsy still inside the room, Natalie let out big deep breathe, like she had been holding it ever since they found out Harry was alive. She smiled to herself, turning to face Eggsy in order to praise him like never before. His idea saved him and she couldn't think of anything that would be remotely near to how thankful she was.

She was so close to letting her own father go when Eggsy swooped in and saved the day. He's like Iron Man but cuter than Tony Stark. Only just though.

"Has anyone ever told you you're the best thing ever?" Natalie asked Eggsy as she slowly walked up to her man, taking his hands in hers.

"Once or twice." Eggsy said cheekily. Natalie shook her head, wrapping her arms around his neck, her face now inches away from his. Her fingers played with the hair on the back of his head, her nose brushing his ever so slightly, like an Eskimo kiss.

"I fucking love you so much." Natalie swearing always made Eggsy smile. It never sounded right coming out of her but whenever it did come out he fell in love with her all over again.

Eggsy leaned his forehead against his girl's, closing his eyes to take in her scent. All their worries about Harry were now gone, he was back and he could help them with Charlie. Natalie didn't have to worry anymore, he was back and alive.

Eggsy leaned down, catching his girls lips with his. His tongue ever so slightly brushing against her bottom lip, his hands interlocked behind her back pulling her closer towards his body.

The couple came out of the kiss both with big smiles on their faces.

"Thank you, Eggsy. This whole thing with my dad, with Kingsman and with Charlie has almost broken me multiple times. Then with the whole thing with Tequila I just, I almost punched a wall. If it wasn't for you being here, I'd of lost it a while ago. You keep me grounded and I can't thank you enough." Natalie almost teared up praising Eggsy. She loved him so so much. He was her rock, her best friend, the man she loved more than anything. He was her forever.

"I'm only that way cause of you. You opened the world to me, made me believe in myself when not many people did. You never looked down me, not because I am taller but." Natalie laughed, a tear managing to escape her eye. "Because of where I came from, people wouldn't give me a second chance. You and Harry did. I love you to the moon and back baby."

Eggsy's words melted Natalie's heart. He always praised her, always and everyday but the way he was saying them was like he would never get to say them again. Even though that wasn't the case.

Natalie pulled Eggsy's head back down, connecting their lips again. Everything about Eggsy made her not want anything else in this world. Now with her father back all she ever wanted was her father and her boy, with the addition of Marty.

As they parted again, Eggsy's words got stuck in his mouth as he looked at the beautiful girl in front of him. He could never get over how beautiful she was and how he landed the love of this beautiful lady. He would never understand it.

Now seemed like a good time to ask the question he'd been dying to ask for a while. But as he thought about it, he realised now Harry was back, he would need his blessing. Well, he didn't need it but he wanted to respect Harry as Natalie's father by asking him if it was okay. Come to think of it, Harry doesn't even know the two are together together. He was presumed dead when they got together.

"Just for the record; I love you to pluto and back." Natalie smiled, wanting to out do his 'love you to the moon and back'. She planted a soft kiss on Eggsy's cheek, lingering there for a few extra seconds.

Eggsy looked into his girls eyes and for a split second, he thought fuck Harry. He needed to do this now.


"We should get back to my dad." The two spoke at the same time.

"Sorry, you go." Natalie waved for Eggsy to continue. Once again the words stuck in his throat. Soon the whole 'fuck Harry' went out of his head as his brain kicked into gear. He wanted to have his blessing and he wanted to have a ring. He'll just have to wait.

"It can wait. We should check on Harry though." Eggsy intertwined his fingers with his girls, leaning foreword to give her one last kiss.

He will ask her at some point. When he's fully ready and it's not just a spur of the moment thing. He wanted to ask her properly and traditionally, blessing and all.

The couple shared a smile before Natalie lead Eggsy out of the room, his hand still firmly in hers.


Eggsy, Natalie, Merlin, Harry and Whiskey were now all sat in a booth in the pub. It was daylight now, letting Natalie know just how long she'd been awake. She didn't feel it though, she was working on adrenaline.

Natalie, Eggsy and Merlin sat across from Harry and Whiskey in the booth. Natalie, Eggsy and Harry had pints of beer in front of them and Whiskey funnily enough had a glass of whiskey. Whereas Merlin had a good old cup of Rosie Lee. Rosie Lee being tea.

Natalie knew Whiskey from the last time she was here, but as she remembered, she wasn't a big fan of him. He always seemed, off with her for some reason undisclosed. Maybe it was because of her and Tequila or he was just a big moody pants. Either worked.

Harry wore a Kingsman suit making him look more the part than he did in his pyjamas's. Natalie smiled seeing him almost back to his old self. The eye patch was a bit of a off put, he was almost there though.

The couple explained to Harry everything that happened with Charlie, The Golden Circle and with Kingsman. Hearing about everything; how Kingsman was obliterated in one night, losing Roxy and Arthur, it all made Harry more determined to get back into the field. He thanked the gods both his daughter and Eggsy weren't caught in the explosions. He didn't know what he'd do if his daughter was lost, especially when she thought he was dead.

"Now that we've finished with the debrief, Harry, here's couple of welcome back gifts. First up." Eggsy held up a brand new Kingsman watch for Harry.

"Brand new, advanced software can hack into anything with a microchip." Harry took the watch, looking over it before placing it around his wrist and tightening the strap.

"No present from my own daughter?" Harry joked slightly. Natalie liked the joking of Harry, made her feel like he was becoming more him as the seconds went on. What she didn't know is if he would find what she about to tell him funny or not. Only one way to find out.

"Less a present more of I need to tell you to get it out the way so I'm not keeping anything from you." Natalie started, her hand finding it's way to Eggsy's thigh. She rubbed over it gently as a way to calm herself.

Eggsy liked the touch of his girl, almost too much. He had to take a breathe to keep himself from being turned on.

"Dad, me and Eggsy are dating." Natalie blurted out making Eggsy turn his head to her in surprise. He had no idea she was going to announce it this way and he was scared of what Harry would say. Would he approve? Would he not want them together?

Natalie watched as her father processed this information, looking to Eggsy to see his reaction.

"We have been for over a year. It happened just after I killed Valentine." Natalie explained, her gaze still firmly on her dad.

"Thought as much." Harry said, looking between the pair he had just found out were dating. Natalie and Eggsy looked at him confused. How did he know? He was 'dead' when they got together. "I saw the looks here and there, it was obvious. You could have picked worse to be fair."

Natalie and Eggsy looked at each other than looked back at Harry. They weren't sure if he was accepting or not.

"Is that a Harry answer for 'I'm fine with you dating my daughter'?" Eggsy asked being on the edge of his seat.

"It is." Harry nodded. Eggsy was a good man and he knew he could trust him to look after his daughter. He'd been looking after her whilst he couldn't be there and Natalie still wanted him, so he can't be horrible.

"Thanks dad." Natalie smiled, placing her hand on top of her dad's on the table. Harry sent a smile, not wanting her to think he didn't approve.

"Just don't hurt her and we won't have a problem." Harry warned Eggsy. Eggsy nodded, sure of himself that he would never hurt her.

"I however did you get a present, I made you these." Merlin handed a box to Harry. Harry opened the box and took out his very own, specially made Kingsman glasses. The lens that was over his right eye was blacked out, matching the eye that was missing after Valentine.

Harry smiled, taking off his eye patch to try on his news glasses. Natalie's breathe hitched, seeing the state of where his eye used to be, instead of his eye it was just scrunched up skin. Harry put the glasses on and double checked how they worked for him. He liked them.

"Thank you, Eggsy. Merlin." Harry nodded to the pair, thankful for both of their presents.

"How do I look?" Harry asked, wanting to make sure he looked like he used to.

"Like some faggot begging for an eye fucking." A Statesman agent called Moonshine, stood up from a table near them. Natalie rolled her eyes, Moonshine had always been an arsehole.

"Now, why don't you get out of our bar before I take the other one out too?" Natalie was so close to jumping over Eggsy and punching this twat in the face.

"Now, is that any way to welcome a visitor from out of town, Moonshine?" Whiskey asked, a little warning look was sent Moonshines way as he asked. He didn't want Moonshine to pick a fight with the Kingsman three, they would take him on no problem.

"Okay. Suck my southern dick, bitch." Moonshine leaned down and swore at Harry. Harry wasn't too keen on what Moonshine was offering.

Natalie was itching in her seat to piss this guy off.

"Oh I don't think that will be necessary. Good day, sir." Harry was cool and collected, grabbing his Kingsman umbrella and heading for the door.

"Well, what are you ladies waiting for?" Moonshine asked, his hands on his belt buckle. Natalie shrugged her shoulders sarcastically, seeing her father stop in front of the doors of the pub.

"Manners." Harry said, bolting a lock on the front door shut.

Natalie smiled at Moonshine, knowing what was to come next and she was excited to sit back and watch as it happened.

"Maketh. Man." Harry continued locking two more locks on the door. The agents that were with Moonshine stood up, wondering what he was muttering on about.

"Do you know what that means? Then let me teach you a lesson." Almost like the memory had been stripped directly from his brain, Harry curled the handle of his umbrella around a beer glass and chucked it towards Moonshine. The pub fight when they first met Eggsy ran through Natalie's head. Man he was so bad-ass back then.

Harry swiped his umbrella across a table, chucking the beer glass towards Moonshine, but unlike the last time, the beer glass missed Moonshine. Natalie followed the glass as it passed by Moonshine's head and headed for the window near them, but Whiskey managed to catch the glass before it hit the window.

"Oh shit." Natalie muttered, looking back towards her dad. This wasn't a good sign.

"Now, are we gunna stand here all day or are we-" Before Harry could finish his sentence, a guy from the side cut him off by punching him in the face, slamming him into the bar.

Natalie wanted to jump up, knowing her dad might be in a spot of bother. But she waited, hoping he would become Harry Hart: Kingsman Badass again. She watched as the cowboys threw her father round with him trying to fight them off, but they were better than him right now.

"Whiskey, do something." Natalie pleaded with her old friend, wanting him to stop this fight before her dad got hurt. If he didn't do anything, Natalie was ready to help him out.

Whiskey sighed, seeing Harry being held up against the bar by a guy with the Kingsman umbrella. Whiskey got up, got out his lasso and chucked it round Harry, pulling him away from the fight and onto the floor nearer the table.

"Well, pick him up." Natalie and Eggsy rushed down to Harry, helping him to sit in a booth next to theirs.

"Now that's not what I call a Kentucky welcome. Manners. Maketh. Man. Gawain, you wanna help me translate that for em?" Whiskey smirked at her, his grip tightly on his lasso ready to throw it again.

Natalie kissed her dad on his forehead before standing up next to Whiskey. She never wanted to kick a guys arse more than Moonshine's right now.

"My pleasure." Natalie smiled at the rude men, leaving Harry with Merlin and Eggsy.

One of the guys headed for Natalie, but Natalie dodged his punch and used her hand to slam his head into the table that the boys were sat on.

Whiskey whipped his lasso around, catching a knife that was about to fall near Natalie. Natalie leaned back, allowing Whiskey to whip the lasso round in the air, before wrapping it around a guy and stabbing him with the knife.

Another man ran at Natalie making her jump back on top of the table the boys were sat on.

"Sorry boys." Natalie apologised to them, ducking to dodge a punch before dealing a kick to his chest back. She then jumped on the guy, wrapping her legs round his neck, moving herself round to pull the guy to the floor, landing on her feet at the end.

Eggsy watched as his girl beat the shit out of these cowboys. A smile appeared as he watched her take on a man almost twice her size and winning by kicking him to the floor. He was in awe of her, just like he was in that first pub fight back in England and that was before he properly knew her.

Eggsy had never been more attracted to and more turned on by anything in his life. His girl was a grade A bad-ass.

He watched as she elbowed one guy whilst kicking another coming from another direction. She then grabbed both their heads and smashed them together, leaving them lying on the floor.

She then slid across the floor through another guys legs, punching him in the bits as she went past. She stood up behind him and used him being bent over in pain to whack his head on the side of the pool table in the middle of the room.

Whiskey finished the last guy off, using his whip wrapped around a chair to knock him out the window.

Natalie stood straight, her breathing heavy after the fight.  But it wasn't over just yet. One guy got up and headed for Natalie. Eggsy wanted to shout to her that one was still up, but she seemed to already know as she elbowed him straight in the face. She did that without looking away from the front door.

"Just like old times, huh Gawain?" Whiskey teased, pressing a button on his lasso to call the thing back into it's holder.

"You and I remember our old times very differently." Natalie said to him, walking back over to her pint and gulping down half of it. The taste of the beer soothed her throat.

"Oh yeah, there's no Tequila this time to save your ass." Whiskey nudged the girl, remembering back when Tequila saved the girls life by putting his own on the line. Something Whiskey never agreed with.

Whiskey was never a fan of Tequila having a thing for Natalie. He was all about 'the more pussy the better'. Only once was he ever tied down by someone, never again.

"Golden Circle, proudly presents." A cheery voice came on the TV behind the bar. The name grabbed Natalie and the boys' attention, The Golden Circle were them people Charlie was apparently working for.

The boys stood and joined Natalie and Whiskey at the bar, their focus mainly on the TV.

"You alright?" Eggsy whispered as Natalie watched the TV. Natalie nodded and gave him a smile, telling him she was fine. "That shit was amazing." Eggsy kissed her cheek, making her giggle.

"A few weeks ago, an engineered virus was released contained in all varieties of my products. Cannabis, cocaine, heroin, opium, escalate and crystal meth. Some of you are already infected. And this is what you can expect in the coming days." The woman, who introduced herself as Poppy, explained as she stood below a sign with her name and company on it.

This Poppy seemed too sickly sweet for Nat's liking.

"Stage One; The victim develops a blue rash." Natalie froze as she watched the woman show the blue rash. Her breathe caught in her throat, it was the exact same blue rash Tequila had developed.

Natalie found it hard to believe that Tequila would go near drugs, she always thought he was just a alcohol sort of guy. But maybe her leaving changed him a bit.

"You alright?" Eggsy whispered to her, placing his hand on her shoulder as he saw her demeanour change as they watched this Poppy talk.

They then watched as Poppy went through the other symptoms; the second stage being a dance mania and the last stage being paralysis which eventually ended in death.

Natalie gasped, her grip on her beer glass loosening, letting it fall and smash on the floor. Eggsy pulled the girl away from the smashed glass on the floor, not wanting her to get cut by the glass. But Natalie's focus was only on the TV. All she could think about was Tequila.

"Is she alright?" Harry asked, his attention grabbed by the sound of smashing glass.

"I dunno. Babe?" Eggsy tried to get her back to earth, but all Natalie could think about was Tequila.

"But I have good news to the millions already affected. It doesn't have to be this way. I have an antidote." Poppy smiled, holding a little bottle of yellow liquid. An antidote? Good, that meant Natalie could save Tequila.

Poppy clicked her fingers, revealing Elton John behind a pane of glass in his own little room. He too had the blue rash, just like Tequila. At least he was alive still.

First Beyonce was taken by Valentine and now Elton; another one of Natalie's favourites held by the enemy.

"That's Elton John." Merlin couldn't believe the sight. "He's been missing for weeks, maybe months." Merlin informed Harry not knowing if he knew that already. As Harry watched and listened he kept the corner of his eye on Natalie, making sure nothing else drastic happened to her.

One of Poppy's workers then fed the antidote to Elton, making his blue rash go away.

"Oh my god." Natalie's breathing was on the edge of panic, realising the danger Tequila was in if she didn't get that antidote. She wasn't going to let him die.

"Natalie, you look pale." Whiskey looked over her face which was indeed a little pale. Whiskey thought he could see something the others didn't; Natalie still cared deeply for Tequila. He scoffed in his mind, 'of course Eggsy loved a woman who was still in love with Tequila.'

Whether he was right or wrong, only Natalie could answer.

"Tequila." She whispered, shrugging off Whiskey, and ignored Eggsy's call for her to run straight to the door of pub, undoing the locks as quickly as she could. Once they were unlocked, Natalie sprinted into Statesman to warn Ginger, who she secretly hoped saw the broadcast too.

"See that? She wouldn't do that if she felt nothing for him. I'd keep an eye on them if I were you. Like magnets." Whiskey tried to stir the pot, looking straight at Eggsy. He knew he could use the whole Tequila/Natalie thing to mess around with the new boy toy, so didn't want to miss the opportunity to be a bit mischievous. He was just testing the waters, really.

Eggsy shook off his comments. Even if she still felt something for Tequila, he knew it was nothing compared to what she felt for him. She was allowed to care for him, they were still friends. She was allowed to care.

With the Poppy revelation, the situation just got a whole lot more serious. Natalie couldn't let Tequila die, not from this. Not if she had anything to do about it.

Natalie didn't like to acknowledge it but maybe, just maybe, there's something still there for Tequila.


A.N. Sorry this is long, my plan for this chapter seemed shorter than it actually is.

So, Harry remembers! Yay! But now Tequila is in big danger. Natalie does not like that one bit.

You already had the usual Taron gif, so here have a Channing Tatum/Tequila gif instead.

(How Tequila looked when he saw Natalie and Eggsy together^^^ poor boi)

Thank you all for your votes and comments so far, it makes me smile seeing them. Thank you!

I do have a Natalie/Tequila thing in the works. I'll publish it when I'm done with GC.

This book WILL NOT end after GC just so you know. I have A LOT of plans for future Neggsy, no matter what the third Kingsman film is like. I'm excited to write them all.

-Emma x

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