Messed Up Life |Toroda2nd|

By Toroda2nd

147 12 0

For Abbi,a 16 year old plus sized girl,life was well...okay,had the usual teen drama and she was enjoying it... More

The beginning
Almost There
As It All Starts
School Is Not So Cool
School Is Not So Cool (pt2)
La Good Life
Effects of La Good Life
Cliché Teen Romance
Author's Note
Little White Lie

Moving day

15 2 0
By Toroda2nd

Well,today is the day.
The day I get to leave my somehow amazing life with good friends and memories behind.
I did not even manage to convince my parents to leave me behind or to even spend some time with my friends as we previously planned.

But what can I say or even do? it weird that I have a bad feeling about this whole moving business? What if they magically lose their jobs or the new house burns down or they cannot afford the life that they want so badly...

"Okay just stop with the negativity" I say to myself.
Then I continue to remove my pictures on the wall and into a small box.
Yep,I'm surely going to miss this house.

Dad already sent the moving truck to the new house and all that is left to do is pack the last of my stuff and leave...

Carrying the box to the front door,I bump into my dad and we have a staring competition for a while. We stand like that for about 2 minutes until he lifts his hand tucks some loose hair strands behind my ear and rest his palm on my cheek and smiles at me.

I find this a bit weird because ever since our small argument I've been trying to ignore him and answering in short answers where needed.
"I know that you don't like this idea of us moving away but I'm sure you'll see that it is for the best...Riverview has the best schools,the people are friendly and there are entertainment centers and malls which I'm sure you'll love,you may not agree with our decision now,but im sure that as time goes by,you and Mikey will adapt." He says.

He turns to leave but I stop and hug him.
"It's okay,Dad . If you think that it is for the best then it probably is . And I guess I overreacted a bit last time,I'm sorry " I say burying my face in his chest.

I pull away and smile at him . He takes the box from the floor and leads me to the car where Mickey and Mom are taking pictures.
We take the last family pictures in front of our old home, check the whole house to make sure we are not leaving anything behind and then hit the road...

We've been singing for three hours straight and telling stories about our funny and embarrassing childhoods and I can already feel my throat starting to get itchy.
We stop by small city to buy some food,relieve ourselves and stretch our legs then back into the car...

The first few hours are fun and all but then everything quietens down and we end up listening to mom and dad's conversation which I must say is boring as hell.

I fall asleep as we pass by Colin's Town which is a further four hours away from Riverview.

I slept for at least an hour and by the time I wake up the sun had already set and Dad has parked in front of an impessive looking motel.

But I wish we chould have left earlier to avoid such stopping in unknown places.

We book for the night have a quiet dinner and head for bed.
The stench in the rooms is stench of awful I feel like puking just as I walked in.
And from the look on mom's face,I'm guessing thier room is not even better than ours.
We decided to take a walk while the room gets aired out . We walk to a 24 hour arcade near the motel. Mikey and I run for the games as Mom and Dad go into a cafe. We spent an hour there and then head to our parents.

For the first time in like...forever they are chatting and smiling. They actually look like teenage lovers...
Well,I guess this drive is going to benefit them more than I actually thought.

I hope it stays like this forever.
We walk back to the motel but as soon as we enter we are greeted by the smell but it just turns out that they just decided to spread manure in their garden which just turns out to be on our side.
Trying to ignore the foul smell we go to sleep in our respective rooms and wait for morning.

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