
Autorstwa Desglizzy

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My mother is deceased.... I have no siblings... My father and I haven't spoke in years... I have no husban... Więcej



561 34 0
Autorstwa Desglizzy

Chris Brown

I'm back in California, because tonight is the big premiere of my documentary "Welcome to my Life." I invited everyone out and for the most part everybody came.

Royalty greeted people at the front door as the crowd flooded in. She wanted that job so I gave it to her. I'm paying her 50 cents an hour according to her.

I dapped up my people's as I passed thru. Before you knew it, it was time to show the film. Everybody made themselves comfortable with their drinks and snacks. I gave Royalty some juice and popcorn.

The film was starting now. I was very surprised how good it turned out! They had mini clips of everything in there, but I already know the clip that caught everyone's attention. The clip when I was speaking about the Rihanna incident. It was my first time speaking on that topic.

I shuffled in my seat, because I felt some eyes on me. I just continued to watch the scene. Everything I mentioned was in fact the truth. I've been waiting for years to address it and now here we are.

The documentary continued and by the end of it I had a sleeping Ro in my arms. I stood up and made my way to the microphone to give a little speech. I said my thank you's and drive safely before exiting off stage.

I walked outside to paparazzi everywhere. My bodyguards opened the door to my car for me while I buckled Royalty into her car seat. I made my way to the driver side before getting inside myself. I wasted no time zooming off. The whole ride home I thought about how good the turn out was. I hope some people can see me in a different light. If I could just take that night back, I would. I would never want my baby girl to be in a situation like that.

When I got to my house I got Royalty out and carried her to her room. I ran her some bath water and added her favorite bubbles.

Royalty mother and I are not together at all. Her mom found out I was the father of Ro so she immediately gave Ro to me. I have full custody. Sometimes I feel sorry for her. She's 4 and has to be around me 24/7. I'm not a female. I don't know a lot of "girly," things. I wish she had a female role model in her life, other than my mom. A lot of girls I be around are definitely not fit to be in my daughter's life. I guess I need to make a change then..

"RoRo." I picked up a sleeping Royalty and carried her to the bathtub. Her eyes immediately shot open. I chuckled.

"Were you even sleep?" I asked.

She smiled, "Yes sir, but I smelled my bubbles."

I laughed out loud this time. This girl is something serious. I took her clothes off before sitting her in the bathtub. I normally let her do her own thing in the bathtub before I wash her and get her out.

"Dad." Ro looked at me with those big eyes of hers.

"What's up?" I asked.

"It's wash hair day." She blinked twice.

"It is isn't it." I got up and got her hair products.

"You have to remember daddy. Grandma never forgets." She looked at me sadly.

"I know baby. Daddy's trying." I kissed her forehead.

"I know daddy... you're a good dad. Best dad in the whole wide universe." She threw her arms up and bubbles went everywhere.

I chuckled, "I love you silly girl."

"I love you more daddy. Bubble kisses!" She exclaimed.

She put some bubbles on her lips and poked them out for me to kiss. I chuckled before pecking her lips.

"Ok, time to wash this hair and get you to bed." I said, immediately trying to become this "serious" dad. Royalty just laughed not taking me serious at all. I chuckled and shook my head to myself. At least it was worth a shot!

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