Bruce Wayne: The Fifth Maraud...

SelinaBloodstone13 tarafından

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The title talks for itself, sorry suck at discriotions. Oh and Bruce is Harry's distant uncle and was not abl... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: What's wrong with Bruce?
Chapter 2: The News and the Olds
Chapter 3: The Convicted Dog
Chapter 4: Say what now?!
Chapter 5: What happened to you?
Chapter 6: Fly away
Chapter 7: Reunited
Chapter 8: What the-?!
Chapter 9: The Minister of Magic
Chapter 10: The powers
Chapter 11: Gringotts
Chapter 12: The Revelations and Training
Chapter 13: Meeting in Diagon Alley
Chapter 14: Back to Hogwarts
Chapter 15: Welcoming feast and Sorting
Chapter 16:Suspicions
Chapter 17:Memories
Chapter 18: The Unexpected Friendship
Chapter 19: Hell of a day
Chaper 20: Quidditch
Chapter 21: First Love, First Kiss
Chapter 22: The Sightings Part 1
Chapter 23: The Sightings part 2
Chapter 24:Unpleasant Uncoveries
Chapter 25:Unforgetable winter part 1
Chapter 26: A Before Christmas revelation
Chapter 27: Christmas ball
Chapter 28: Patronus Charm
Chapter 29: Turn of events
Chapter 30: window to the past part 1
chapter 31: Window to the past part 2
Chapter 32: Window to the past part 3
Chapter 33: The traitor
Chapter 34: Truth

Chapter 25: Unforgetable Winter part 2

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SelinaBloodstone13 tarafından


"C'mon Draco!" exclaimed Harry as he and Hermione pulled the blond up to the ice

"Guys, I don't think it's a good idea" interjected Draco desperately trying to fight his panic attack

"Nonsense!" exclaimed Hermione teasingly "You are just scared because you never ice-skated before!"

"I'm not scared!" protested Draco but his startled yelp gave his two friends a different answer

"Relax Drake," said Harry "It's easy, we will teach you and I assure at the end of the day you will be skating like a pro, isn't it so 'Mione?"

"Yep!" exclaimed the girl, and they pulled the blond to the ice.

"Watch what we are doing and you will learn" said Harry as he and Hermione guided Draco through the ice

"One two three, and one two three, and one two three..." Hermione started to count to pit Darco at ease.
Soon enough the blond Slytherin was more or less gliding on his own under the carefull watch of Harry and Hermione.

"I DID IT!" exclaimed Draco happily

"Yeah, but pay attention to where you are going!" exclaimed Harry second before all the three of them fell nose first to the snow, they all erupted with giggles and laughter the next moment.

Staff room

"They seem to have fun" commented Diana

"I'm surprised one of your students is participating in all of this" said Zatanna to Severus

Severus sighed but didn't say anything

"Kids do be careful!" yelled Remus

Everybody answered okay, except for Harry, who's glare could be seen and felt from a mile.

"He doesn't look pleased with you" commented Clark

"We just have a misunderstanding, that's all..." replied Remus weakly

Bruce only rolled his eyes since he already knew why

"This brings a lot of memories..." was the only thing that Severus said

Remus couldn't help but nod, and Bruce silently agree. And so, along with Clark, they were swept into a wave of memories...

"C'mon Sev! You will be fine- I promise" said Lily while she and Bruce pulled Severus to skate with them

"Isn't this dangerous?" He asked

"Nope, " said Bruce "I charmed our skates so that once we step on the ice we would only harden it, but it wouldn't affect us"

"That helps..." answered Severus still unsure when suddenly a Hufflepuff boy bumped into them making all of them fall on the ice painfully.

"Watch were you skate" said the Hufflepuff as he started to stand up

"It was you who bumped into us Kent!" yelled Lily as she helped Severus up, Bruce was still on the ground fighting the dizziness that came after the sudden interaction.

Suddenly he noticed that someone reached out a hand to him-it was Clark but he wasn't looking directly at him. This was a huge surprise.

"Here...let me help..." he mumbled as a rosy blush suddenly covered his features

Bruce, remembering his anger and resentment towards that boy, shoved the hand away and stood up on his own "I don't need help from someone so close minded as you Kent!"  he said stubbornly.

The next moment Remus and Sirius, aparently trying to imitate some kind of ice waltz and faling miserably, were passing by but with such speed that Bruce was barely able to step aside and once he did he was completely caught off balance and was about to fall on the hard ice again if it weren't for the pair of two strong arms that kept him steady by the waist.

"You better be careful" said Clark as he kept Bruce close

Bruce felt his cheeks heat up wich had become more evident once he turned to face Clark and their faces were inches away from each other.

At that moment some kind of electric force went through them which nobody could describe but in disappeared as suddenly as it came when Lily yelled for Bruce to go back to the castle.

Clark still remembered the warmth of Bruce's body against his own, his heart swaying with happiness as he remembered what it was like

Severus and Bruce however had a mix feeling about this, on one hand it was a sweet and bright childhood memory on the other hand in involved people who would betray them later on.

The kids were still playing and soon another group of teens had joined them, it was Dick, Ginny and Luna.

"I think I will join the fun"  said Bruce out loud and flew off Severus' shoulder into the direction of the kids, but tried to be careful so that Remus wouldn't notice him.


"Finally decided to join us Wingie?" teased Sirius as tried to glide over the ice

"Shut it Paddy." replied Bruce as he landed on Harry's shoulder "Now, do exactly as I taught you kid"

"With all pleasure!" Harry replied excitedly and soon enough he was doing a deadly back flip. This both surprised and puzzled many eye viewers, especially Dick.

"Wow!" he exclaimed, trying to sound as genuine as possible "how did you do that?"

"A friend of mine taught me" Harry replied simply "if you want I can teach you also"

"Nah, I think I'll pass" said Dick "I don't want to break any bone while trying to do that"

"As you wish" Harry shrugged and glided into the direction of the girls who were standing on shaky legs over the slippery ice.

Dick looked into his direction thoughtfully only Batman knew this kind of moves, along with the League of Shadows...but neither was possible, right?

Unfortunately Clark, Diana and Zatanna had come to an equal conclusion, they looked at each other and came to a silent agreement that they needed to have a talk with the kid.

The next day

Harry, Hermione and Draco still were not able to get over the excitement of yesterday's little adventure, they promised themselves that they will defenetly do that again.

Currently Harry was showing Draco the marauders' map and was explaining it's functions. Hermione also listening with genuine curiosity.

However, things weren't as jolly as they seemed,  Hermione still remembered how  Harry glared at Professor Lupin. If things will continue like this they will start having serious problems with DADA and she needed that subject for her O.W.L.s . She already had a plan hatched, in order to leave Harry and Professor Lupin alone, all she needed right now was an excuse to bring it to action...

Suddenly their conversation turned to Hagrid, and her head clicked.

"Hey, we still need to visit Hagrid and help him with Buckbeak" she said the boys looked at each other and realized there was no other options on how to spend the day so the agreed.

"Great, I'll go to the common room for my jacket, I'll see you outside" she stood up and left the Great Hall but instead of turning into the direction of the common room she went to the staff office...

A few moments later...

Once they were outside they saw Lupin standing infront of them, his back turned to them. As the teacher heard the noise he turned around slowly and upon seeing the three teens smiled "Oh it's you, I'm glad you came"

Harry glared at the hated professor but didn't say anything

"We did" said Hermione as she galnced at Draco

"But unfortunately me and Hermoine can't go because we promised Hagrid to help him with Buckbeak's problem" Draco said comming up wih a lie on the spot

"So how about you and Harry go out for a walk" said Hermione as she shoved Harry into the teacher's direction

"NO! No no no no no! I'm not going anywhere with him!" Harry yelled angrily and was about to storm off when Hermione suddenly casted a spell and he suddenly realized that he can't go any further than four steps.

"Don't worry the spell should wear off soon" said Hermione with a sly grin on her face "or maybe not, it depends" she shrugged

"I believe you don't need this for now" said Draco as he took Harry's wand

"Draco...'Mione..." Harry said warningly

"Oh but you look at the time!" exclaimed Hermione as she turned to Draco "We need to go" and they both left, leaving Harry and Professor Lupin on their own risk

'What am I suppoused to do now?!' Harry thought when suddenly he remembered 'Wait Uncle Bruce and Sirius!' he turned around in the direction were the two animals were but soon realized that they were gone, apparently they left once they realized Lupin was there 'Cowards!' Harry thought in frustration.

"Umm..." came  Lupin's voice behind him "shall we go?"

Harry huffed but didn't say anything and just kept walking forward, but before they could go further away from the castle Harry raised his voice loud enough to be heard inside "Draco, Hermione I know you are still there! And I asure you that when I come back I will make your lives a living hell!" he warned as he stormed away with Lupin next to him.

Inside the Castle

Draco and Hermione quickly stepped aside from the door

Draco took a deep breath and looked at Hermione "He seems mad" he stated

"I know," said Hermione with a solemn expression which then turned into an enthusiastic grin "but we are doing for his sake! And that's what matters!"

Draco rolled his eyes "Yeah, more like for the sake of your O.W.Ls" he said

"Oh please," said Hermione baffled "as if I am that self observe-" she turned to Draco who raised an eyebrow as if telling her that he wasn't buying it
"Okey,  maybe there is a little of self gain also, " she admitted "but mostly it's for Harry!"

Draco shook his head with a knowing smile on his face "Whatever you say... Now, while we are on our way, could you please explaine to me about that summer job at your parent's dental emporium?" he asked as they both went to the library in order to actually help Hagrid

Hermione sighed "For the last time Draco, its not an emporium- it's a dental clinic!"

In the Halls

"Have you seen Harry anywhere?" asked Clark as he saw Diana and Zatanna

They both shook their heads

"Where could he be?" he asked himself.

Then the three of them decided to go their last option- the library. There, they saw Draco and Hermione along with Dick, Luna and Ginny.

"Hey there" he greeted the teens almost hesitantly since it was the first time in months that he stepped closer to Dick

"Good day, sir" greeted Hermione as she looked up from her book "what brings you here?"

"I was looking for your friend, Mr. Potter actually, do you know where he is?"

Draco and Hermione looked at each other and shook their heads simultaneously "No, sir" said Hermione

"We didn't see him" said Draco

"Well," sighed Clark as he tried to concentrate his attention on the floor rather than on Richard who was glaring wholes through him "if you will find him tell him I wanted to talk to him"

"We will" said the teens before he left.

As the teacher disappeared behind the book shelves, Hermione and Draco excused themselves from  the second year trio and went out of the library, not noticing that Diana, Zatanna and Clark, who just joined them, were standing around the corner.

"Let's see where Harry is..." Said Hermione as she took out a piece of parchment from her pocket

"Where did you get that?" exclaimed Draco

"I took it from Harry while he wasn't looking, he wouldn't mind" said Hermione  "Now, will you do the honors?"

Draco sighed "Now he will definitely have our heads...." he took out his wand and placed it on the parchment "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good"

Clark's eyes widened he remembered that spell, he suddenly became stiff

"What is it?" asked Zatanna

"I know that spell" he said bewildered

"Now is not the time," said Diana as she gestured towards the two teenagers going into the direction of the exit "let's follow them"


"We will have to invent a way to keep you and Harry away from each other throughout the whole Christmas night but this point might prove to be tricky" brainstormed Dick as he looked at Ginny

Luna nodded "Even so, there must be a way...don't you have anything in that belt of yours that can do anything about it?"

Dick took out his utility belt and showed them the capsules "No, " he sighed "the only useful thing I had was a smoke bomb but I doubt that it'll help..."

"What does this one do?" asked Ginny as she took out a purple capsule

"That's-" Dick couldn't finish his sentence since Ginny  had started to fiddle with the container causing it to suddenly opened revealing a black mask.

"Wait!" exclaimed Dick "That's it! How come I haven't thought about it sooner?!"

Ginny and Luna looked at him dumbfounded "What?"

"The masks!" He exclaimed

On the bridge

Harry wasn't dealing well with this arrangement at all. He wished he had his wand,  or at least a baseball bat, in order to get rid of Lupin at least somehow.

"So," came Remus' soft voice "What you've been up to lately? "

Harry didn't answer, nor did he spare a glance in his direction. Remus sighed "Harry," he began "I know what I said that night was wrong but you have to believe me that I regre-"

"Liar." said Harry harshly "If you really regretted it you would've at least checked on me"

"But Harry I couldn't," began Remus "there are circumstances that I can't control-"

"Oh please, don't you dare to start with the 'I'm a werewolf so I can't take care of you or even see you' speech" interrupted Harry as he rolled his eyes in frustration

Remus was shocked to say the least, he thought Harry didn't remember that but he did remember the actions that took place when his parents died, so he shouldn't be surprised.

"It's not only that," continued Remus "Dumbledore said that you were placed with-"

"A muggles-magic-hatting family!" yelled Harry, Remus was about to interject to say that he was exaggerating but Harry interuppted him "And let me tell you- no! Being locked in a cupboard, starved, bullied, and humiliated by wearing hand me downs from my cousin is in no way an interpretation of a loving family!"

Remus didn't know what to say, he thought Harry was being loved and cared by his family. He wanted to say something but the words just wouldn't come out.

Harry laughed bitterly "Oh, why am I still trying? You didn't even bother to come and check on me and tell about the magical world in all the 10 years of my life there" angry tears were rolling down his eyes "you know whats worst?  You didn't even bother to question the circumstances of-" Harry bit his tangue he couldn't talk about Bruce's and Sirius' cases much less in front of him.

Harry shook his head "Never mind, you wouldn't understand anyway..." he looked at the clock tower and saw that the spell Hermione put on them must've already worn out, he took a deep breath and made a specific distance between them to make sure of his deduction .

He made a few more steps when an old memory suddenly flew into his mind

"Remus, meet your godson- Harry" said James proudly as he presented the baby to the werewolf

"Godson?" asked Remus "But I thought Sirius was Harry's godfather"

"He is" said Lily "but we and James talked through about it and..." she trailed off letting James continue

"Since you and Sirius are going to get married, we thought that it would be only fair to have a unofficial position as his godmother. What do you say?"

Remus looked at the tiny boy in his friends arms and saw how his little chubby hands were reaching out for him as he made inaudible sounds. Remus chuckled "Well, since Harry doesn't mind about it..."

Harry shut his eye tight fighting back the tears that were threatening to come out, he looked at Remus over his shoulder and, with full menace in his voice, said "From this moment on I want you to forget that you ever had a godchild" and left.

Remus was left there as if thunderstruck his legs felt weak and he soon lost his balance, his head hanged low as his eyes filled up with tears "Why...?"

On the way to the forbidden forest

After Harry's conversation with Remus,  he had spotted Bruce and Sirius who apparently had seen everything but kept their distance. They looked around and as they reassured themselves that nobody was there they turned back into humans.

Harry glared at them "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked accusingly, his voice holding a flare of betrayal

"Harry we-" Sirius began but was stopped by Bruce who put a hand on his shoulder

"We didn't want to see you hurt worst than you already were" said Bruce as he used his neutral tone with the teenager "you could've told him about Pettigrew in a moment of rage which is something we don't need right now"

"But I didn't tell him anything!" yelled Harry "And you just saw that!"

Bruce's face turned serious  "Yes, but now he suspects something and that would bring us trouble" Bruce took a deep breath as he continued "Anyhow, we should concentrate on the task at hand and not blind ourselves with emotions. Now, is not the time"

Harry glared and his two guardians pushed them aside running off into the forbidden forest. To make sure they wouldn't follow them he put on his invisibility cloak (that he had shrunk) out of his pocket, enlarged it, and put it on.

He ran as fast as he could rage filling his body and giving him energy to run further and further, but by the time he stopped and sat on the ground he felt all the pressure on the world upon him, his eyes filled up with tears and began to cry.

Somewhere further away

"Where are we?" asked Diana

"We are in the forbidden forest, it's one of the most dangerous places in the area" replied Clark

"Wait, and they still placed a school here?" asked Diana bewildered when they suddenly came to a stop

"What is it?" asked Clark but Zatanna shushed him and pointed into the direction of the kids

The three adults looked at each other their eyes wide with shock

"Wait, does this mean...?" Zatanna trailed off

"He didn't know" finished Clark
Hufflepuff common room 8.00 pm

"Hey Cedric! Have you heard the latest news?" asked John 

"Hmm?" asked Cedric as he turned away from polishing his broom "What news?"

John sighed as he mumbled along the lines "Of course you wouldn't know..." only to shake his head from his upcomming frustration and said "The ball that Dumbledore talked about will be a mascarade ball!"

Cedric looked puzzled "But the headmaster hadn't mentioned anything about it"

"No- he didn't, but I did find this!" he took out a huge blue sighn with golden letters 'HOGWARTS HOLDS A MASQUERADE BALL THIS CHRISTMAS'

"this would be so cool!" exclaied John  completely submerging into a whole new set of plans "Me and my girl could wear pair costumes and pretend to be some famous celebrities! Or maybe even characters! No! One of the teachers..."

Cedric choose not to hear the rest of his friend's brainstorming and simply reset his task on polishing his broom, but his thoughts were flying somewhere else.

'It would've been good to know what would Harry wear...' he thought

(A/N at the end I changed my mind, but here's a little sneak peak that I will use for the next chapter 👇.Enjoy and don't forget to share, vote, and comment )

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