Church Sex Camp

By ejhopkins

159K 1.7K 31

Not all people of faith believe that sex (even before marriage) is bad. Sex is a form of commitment, pleasure... More

Just a Few Classes Offered
Chapter 1- Required
Chapter 2- Maintenance
Chapter 3- Class
Chapter 4- Dinner
Chapter 5- Teach
Chapter 6- Breakfast
Chapter 7- Pain
Chapter 8- Water
Chapter 9- Sunday
Chapter 10- Surprise
Chapter 11- Healing
Chapter 12- Fear
Chapter 13- Confession
Chapter 14- Stress
Chapter 15- Different
Chapter 16- Rest
Chapter 17- Forward
Chapter 18- New
Chapter 19- Top
Chapter 20- Wedding
Chapter 21- Reception
Chapter 22- Room
Chapter 23- Exes
Chapter 24- Regret
Chapter 25- Home
Chapter 26- Closing
Chapter 27- Change
Chapter 28- Death
Chapter 29- Grief
Chapter 30- Resolve
Chapter 31- Mute
Chapter 33- Onward

Chapter 32- Free

1K 26 1
By ejhopkins

I was both confused and glad to see my mom here. I honestly had no idea why she was here, but it was comforting.

Not that we have a perfect relationship, I just knew that after what happened to Yvonne, I couldn't hold on to old grudges. I didn't want to.

For the longest time I felt like she was weak. She was always the follower, never the leader. She allowed my father to beat on us in the name of God,  and went along with everything he said or did. She made us feel secondary to being successful.

To her, success was being an obedient wife. Not a good mother.

But I was done being vindictive and mean. I was done blaming her, I was even done hating my father.

That was a huge weight of my chest!

I wasn't going to spend my life living in the past. I needed to move on.

"Hey, Ma. I'm really glad you came."

"Really? Well....."

I knew she was thrown off by what I said. I don't know if I've ever said that to her. Well, maybe as a small kid, but even then I couldn't be sure.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I've been distant, but I hope to change that."

Oh shit, she was crying!

"Oh honey! I'm just so happy to hear you say that."

I reached for a napkin from the holder and handed it to her. I had originally thought I'd just get a coffee, but my stomach had other ideas. I needed food, and CeCe needed rest.

I heard a notification that I had a text. My phone was in my front pocket, so when I stood, Ma thought I was leaving.

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry I'm getting so emotional. Don't go, please!"

"I'm just getting my phone out."

She looked embarrassed, but it was kind of humorous. I hadn't laughed much this past week. Well, other than at Meg, her personality definitely makes things lighter.

The text was from CeCe. They were releasing her!

"Ma, sorry, but I actually do have to go. They're letting CeCe out and I need to take her home."

"She's living with you?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You know how I feel about living in sin, dear."

Ugh!!! Maybe she and Dad should attend the sex camp, maybe they'll learn we're not doing anything wrong!

"I'm not discussing this with you. CeCe needs me. I really do want a better relationship with you, but we can't do that if you're judging me, or her."

She looked awestruck. I hated making her feel bad, but I wasn't going to let her make me feel guilty.

"I really do need to go. You're welcome to come too. I don't think you've ever even seen my house."

"No dear, I don't want to intrude. But I would very much like to come to dinner sometime soon. Maybe next week? When she's feeling.... actually, when is the funeral? We should all be there."

The funeral. I'd done what I could, but they needed CeCe to make the final decisions. I've held them off for almost a week, but it was getting down to the wire. I had to talk to her about it. That was a conversation I dreaded!

"It'll probably be a week, maybe next weekend. I'll let you know."

We hugged and said goodbye, then I rode the elevator to her floor.

When I got there, the nurse was with her. She signed some paperwork and nodded to something the nurse said.

When I walked in the sweet woman looked at me and said she was going to get a wheelchair. I wondered why, but then I remembered it was hospital policy. Damn, it has been less than a month since she had been in this same hospital after I nearly killed her with mayonnaise! It felt like it'd been a year.

"All set?"

I was getting better at the yes or no questions.


My eyes flew open and bugged out. Had she just spoken?! I walked to her side, took her beautiful face in my hands, and kissed her.

"I'm not going to push you to talk more, but even that one word from that gorgeous mouth makes me unbelievably happy."

"I love you."

Three little words that mean the world.

"Oh baby, I love you too, so much."

I kissed her again and held her in my arms. I needed her like I needed air

After a minute I heard a soft cough and realized the nurse had been at the door waiting for us. I let out a chuckle. Of course we had an audience.

"Thanks. And sorry."

"Don't you apologise for being in love. I was the same way when I met my wife. She hates PDA, but it never stops her from stealing a kiss or two."

She winked and I decided that I absolutely loved her! I had to remember to send thank you cards to everyone there.

It was surreal. I'd been thrown out of this very hospital, but now I was ready to invite all of the staff for a cookout!

She helped CeCe into the wheelchair, and told me to go get my car and pull up to the door. So that's exactly what I did. She looked so sweet wheeling up to the curb, looking a little lost, but glad to be out of that room.

I saw her breathe in the fresh air. It had rained the day before and it made the heat more bearable. Everything smelled fresh... new.

Once she was in the truck and secured, I drove to the camp. I knew it wasn't going to be easy for her, but it was also therapeutic in a way. At least I hoped that was how she would feel.

Once through the private entrance, I parked and went to let her out. I saw Meg open the front door and start yelling at me. Once she saw CeCe, her whole demeanor changed.

"CeCe?! CECE!!!"

Megan came running and practically jumped on her.

"Hey. Give her room. She's still a little wobbly from being in bed so long."

"Ooops, sorry babe!"

"It's okay."

"You're talking!!!"

My head was splitting in two.

"Meg, can we go inside now?"

"Oh! Yeah! Duh, sorry. Here, I'll get the door for you."

CeCe looked at me with a questioning look and I could tell she was wondering what Meg was doing there.

"She's staying with us until her plane leaves, just two more days."


She wasn't saying much, but what she was saying was to the point. Now, if only Meg followed suit, not the traumatic mutism, but a little less talk and more agreeable.

I laughed to myself and got another look from her. I just nudged my head towards her best friend and she nodded in understanding, or was it agreement. Either way, she got it.

After we went inside, she went straight back to the bedroom and said one word, 'shower'.

"How about a bath? I can get it started, you could grab a bite to eat while it's filling up."

She nodded and went to the kitchen.

After the bath was ready, I found both girls in the living room on the couch. They were hugging and had silent tears in their eyes. I was about to go in, until I heard Megan talking.

"I don't want to go. I shouldn't leave you right now. How will I get through this without you?"

"I'm okay.... go...... I love you."

That made Meg burst into more tears and CeCe held her tightly.

God, she was so strong!

I walked in and sat on the ottoman, facing them. I reached out and took a hand from each of them in my own.

"Meg, we're here, whenever you need anything. She'll be just a phone call away. Plus, this was the plan, remember? To split up the camps. It's obviously not how we originally planned it, but you'll be okay. You handled the camp without CeCe for over a week, you can do this."

She squeezed my hand and coughed out a laugh.

"You're such a sap, E."

That made us all laugh and I was very glad to have her there at that moment.

"Angel, your bubble bath awaits you."

She smiled and hugged Meg one more time, before walking to the master bath. I desperately wanted to join her, but I knew now was not the time.

"E? I'm trusting you here. You'd better take care of her, or you'll have to deal with me."

I couldn't tell if she was serious or joking, I guessed it was a bit of both.

"I promise you, CeCe will be well cared for and very loved."

"You're such a fucking sap."

Holy shit! I've never heard her swear and it was amazing! She's such a pixie of a person, sometimes I forget she's an adult! I just laughed and ruffled her hair. She did not like that!

I ran to my room and locked the door to escape her wrath.

"You're so lucky CeCe just came back! Any other time and you'd be begging for mercy!”

It was like living with my sister, Mary, all over again. Well, maybe without the death threats, Mary was more a 'peaceful prankster'. Finding joy in the small things that make people eventually laugh. She played the long game. Always.

Megan, on the other hand, didn't seem like the kind of person to plan elaborate pranks. I was wholeheartedly convinced she was a willing participant, but not the ring leader.

That being said, she was not one to be pushed around. She was strong in her own way, and ruffling her hair was a definite no-no. Which is exactly why I did it.

"What exactly did you do to make her threaten you? ..... Actually, nevermind. I don't want to know."

CeCe came out of the bathroom in just her robe. It had only been a few minutes, so I was unsure as to why she wasn't in the bath yet.

"Did I make the water too hot? Too cold? Too..... ummm... something else?"

She gave a small smile and held out her hand to me. I was shocked, but only for a second. I put my hand in hers and walked with her, back towards the tub.

"CeCe, wait. Are you sure? I mean I know taking a bath together doesn't necessarily mean sex, but I don't want to do anything that will make you feel uncomfortable...... Oh wait! You talked a minute ago! Not like you hadn't talked at all before, but it was more. Ummm... so does this mean you're feeling better? Even if it's just a little."

"Eli. Get in the bath."

Now, growing up I had never cared for taking orders from others. It was one of the main reasons I built the camp grounds. So I would be dishing out orders, not taking them.

But I have to say, that that was the type of command I would submit to anytime, anyplace.

"You wanna undress me, angel?"

She looked up at me, as she sat on the edge of the tub. Her eyes said more in that moment then I had heard from her in a week. It was magical.

With skilled hands and the occasional shaky breath, she stripped me down to a state of complete nakedness. So I pulled on the belt of her robe and allowed it to fall to the floor.

She sat in front of me in the tub and I realized why she wanted me there. She needed human connection. Which I was more than willing to offer.

It was a contradiction of emotions for me, so I was sure the same went for her. I felt free of worry, even if it was just for a few stolen moments. But there was also the intense need for captivity. To be held captive in each other's arms. To feel secure.

CeCe had her head resting on my chest as I ran my hands up and down her arms. She raised her head to look me in the eyes and I was lost.

My hand went to her face and she closed her eyes to the feel of my finger tips on her cheek. I leaned forward and brushed my lips on hers in a chaste kiss.

She pushed up and kissed me back.

It soon became heated. She turned and skillfully straddled my lap. My erection bobbed against her belly, aching for her heat.

"Are you sure? You've been through..."

She didn't let me finish my thought. Instead she hungrily kissed me and sank down onto my stiffness.

It was heaven.

The water began to ripple with our movements. Carefully I used my foot to open the drain. I knew it would get cold quickly, but I also knew we'd be out of there soon anyway. It had been a long week!

Sure enough, the water was barely any water had escaped when we both fell apart. The built up tension had begged for release.

CeCe collapsed on to my chest, her head buried into my neck. We sat there for a minute, just collecting ourselves.

"Come on, let's jump in the shower for a second and clean off. Then I need food. I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

She nodded her head and started to stand. But I pulled her back down for a quick kiss.

"CeCe, wait. Later, we need to talk. So much has happened, and as much as I would rather just not think about it all, we have to."

With a sad look, she closed her eyes and nodded again. Then we stood and rinsed off in the shower. It was quick, but refreshing. We both seemed to feel better after, and when we went out of the room, Meg was sitting at the kitchen table. She was stifling a laugh and it was obvious she knew exactly what we had done in the bathroom.

"Have a nice bath?"

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