Brightest Night || 1 || HTTYD...

By Daylight99

10.4K 419 178

BEING REWRITTEN!!! When a human loathing dragoness named Sunflower journeys a little too far from home a lim... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 1

1K 26 22
By Daylight99

"Many wondered how the warring hatred between dragons and humans began. There some theories, ideas, no clear insight as history had been changed and altered to fit the needs of those from generation to generation. To fits one's ideal and to save face from the embarrassment from past relatives' mistakes... And so the ages went by with the altering of history, very few questioning it.

But a time comes when the answers must come to light. When the truth needs to come out, all the lies ripped into the open. And it is many years later when one strange boy befriends two dragons that all learn...

How It All Began..."


Creatures of fire and death.

Bringers of chaos and destruction.


Creatures of greed and selfishness.

Bringers of hate and lies; hungry for power.

It was said that the war between humans and these powerful beasts had been going on for ages. But it wasn't always that way... Both sides had gotten along wonderfully at one point of time, years upon years until discovered the power of one of the species and decided he wanted it for his own; but his quest for the beasts' power did not come until later... At the beginning of his tyrant days, he just wanted to rule over his village, to show them that it was a mistake in choosing his cousin. For the girl he loved choosing his cousin. For killing his bastard child and parents. He wanted to rule and make everyone pay.

For revenge.

He went to other islands. Enlisting the help of other Vikings in his forming army to fight and take back what was 'his'. He claimed to be a king who was away from his kingdom on a trading trip when a clan of Vikings came and took it over. Very few questioned it and followed him after the promise of riches and life stock for their villages, all unaware that of his alternate motive.

The war waged on for a year before his cousin had fled, leaving him to the throne. After becoming king, he killed off those who helped in the war and sent back one survivor of each clan to spread the word of his reign and that if anyone dared to challenge him, they too would meet the same fate. And no one dared. He was feared. A tyrant. Anyone who stood up against him was slaughtered publicly as an example.

For years he sat on his throne and used fear as his weapon. And in those years, he started to grow bored of ruling such a small village with people who did nothing but cower and do as he said - they had no will of fighting back anymore, it wasn't fun. He began to lust for power. The thrill of watching others wither under his greatness. And so he began to seek after other kingdoms and villages, taking them by storm, gaining more power in the fear behind his name and the unstoppable armies behind his command they grew with each victory. It was bloody, but in the end, everything fell into his hands. And again, he cast fear into hearts of many, growing more and more insane as he looked for power and more villages to conquer... until one day he sailed the seas with a small army made up of his strongest, and bloodthirsty men, and came upon an island.

It was a rather round island, similar to an oval shape. It contained many interesting geological land-forms such as rocky arches and cliffs, beaches, waterfalls, streams and several large forests. A forming village could be seen if you looked closer, but still in progress. The people who inhabited it were big and bulky, fearsome-looking in their strange dress wear. They looked like your typical Vikings, but much more determined. But what was the most eye-catching was the large, majestic lizard-like beasts with wings that freely roamed the skies.

The bloodthirsty king stayed hidden for a good few days, studying the island and those creatures. The two groups seemed to live in harmony with each other, almost helping each other. Why would such powerful creatures help them? The creatures were twice, no triple, their size and could easily kill the fleshy beings! Most of them towered over the humans and a few were the size of their huts. It wasn't just their great sizes that were impressive either, it was also the variety of looks the came in, all ranging from bird-like ones with spiked tails to bulky tiny winged ones. Many displaying a variety of inhuman abilities that the king had never seen or dreamed of...

Abilities that no one would dare go against...

Something he wanted for his own...

He would be unstoppable if he had those beasts and their power within his control.

When the time came, the king gathered a few of his men and took a smaller boat out to the island, in hopes of having a 'friendly' chat. The closer they got, the more impressed the king became. It was a perfect habitat for anyone to live - perfect fishing spots, fertile land, green forests; it was perfect. He knew this would definitely be his next stomping grounds, and no one was going to stop him... But the king decided a different approach — he was going to have a chat with the leader of this island. He didn't want to draw any suspicion amongst the people, especially with them seemingly being bonded with those winged beasts. He wouldn't risk death; he was smarter than most thought.

So, upon using a smaller fishing boat the king took a small group of men and sailed to the island. Upon reaching it, he grew more determined to make it his. He and his men had stormed through the village, not caring about the fierce shouts as a few tried to stop them — his men easily pushed them away, a fight breaking out soon after. The uprising chaos drew the attention of the Island's Chief, leading him to the center of the village where he was met with the sight of a battle.

"What is going on here?" He had bellowed loudly, ceasing the fight as all eyes turned towards him; his own eyes settling on the intruders. "Who are you? Why do you come to my island and attack? What is your purpose?"

"You..." The king snarled as he pushed his way to the front, freezing when he saw who the leader was, "...You survived!"

All fell silent at that.

Eyes hardening, the Chief tensed and raised his head. "Cousin. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

The king just ignored his cousin who he had thought had died from his wounds, glaring harshly. "How did you survive? There is no way that you should have survived that blade through the stomach."

"Well I did survive, Vali," The Chief spoke stiffly, vague in reply, not wanting to set his people off. "Now I ask you again. What is it you want?"

"Now, now," The king, Vali, smiled coyly. "No need to turn hostile, Asger. We are family after all."

The atmosphere seemed to thicken in tension as Vali circled Chief Asger in a taunting sort of way. His dark eyes searching around the area as if he were taunting everyone; just daring them to step in and defend their leader. Stopping in front of his blonde-haired cousin, Vali glanced around once more, his eyes landing on one of the bird-like, spiky tailed beast that let out a small growl as it flew overhead. What a beautiful creature...

He was going to make that creature his. He was going to make all of them his. He wanted their power for his own, that much was for sure.

Setting his jaw, Asger's hand subconsciously drifted down towards the sword at his hip. He wasn't going to be fooled by his cousin's act of fault innocence, that's what caused the war to begin with. "We might be related by blood but after the attack on Gunvor I do not consider us to be family." Casting a glare towards the king, he pointed towards the water. "Begone. I do not want to deal with your petty power-hungry qualms. You are not welcomed here and if you do not leave, I will declare such a war upon you and your kingdom that not even the power of Thor would be able to help you win."

"Is that so," Vali went cold, a dark glint flashing in his eyes. So it's a war his dear old cousin was willing to resort too... "You are willing to go to war with me? I won't need to have the power of Thor on my side to win. I have an army on my side, one much bigger than your whole island."

"You might have a bigger army, but we have dragons." Asger clenches his jaw. "Now leave! Before you join your parents and child in the Realm of Helheim."

Vali froze at the mention of his family; his jaw clenching as a crazy look flashed through his onyx orbs. Yanking his own sword from its sheath, he spun around with a cry of rage. "Ahhh!!" The two mens swords clashed with sparks, both glaring venomously at one another. Vali snarling in crazy rage; "Do NOT! Bring my parents and son into this!"

Asger only glared. "I will! Your parents killed mine and your child was conceived by a forced affair with a married woman - a woman you had always lusted after for years! Then you killed her!" The two pulled away before clashing again, sharing a few blows. "You would have done the same to my wife had you not been banished!"

"I told Nora that she was going to bare my children when we were younger, but then she went and married that neighboring village's Chief." Vali struck harder. "She should have known what was going to come! But even after she had our son she defied me, still wanting to be with her lover. So I killed her. If I couldn't have her, then he couldn't either!"

"You are sick!" Asger let out a growl as he kicked out, spinning around his cousin as he tried to strike his legs with his blade. But Vali blocked it and pushed his cousin back. They ducked, kicked, slashed and clashed for a good few minutes before pulling away and walked in a threatening circle. The two shared a look, eyes darkening before they lunged, ready to attack before a freckled woman with red braided hair and startling light blue eyes raced forward from the crowd, a boy with the same freckles, hazel-green eyes and red hair on her hip securely. Behind her a fiery red and green-winged beast landed behind her, hovering protectively.

"Stop!" Her voice rang loud and clear, forcing all attention towards her as she stopped a few feet away. Her eyes were wide and almost frantic as she took in the sight before her. They almost went dark from fear when she saw who her husband was fighting. "... Vali."

"Runa," Said man looked over and stared at the woman in a sort of awe, scanning her figure over which obviously made her uncomfortable. But once his eyes settled on the child she carried, his happy gaze turned dark and almost angry. It seemed the beast, or dragon as his cousin called them, didn't seem to like it either as it let out a growl. Especially when his gaze turned towards it. "So... You did marry my cousin after all. Such a shame."

"You... You are not welcome here," The woman stuttered, fidgeting. This man should be killed for all the evil deeds he has done. Before he was banished, he had tried to force her into bedding with him much as he had done with her friend. And from how he was staring at her son, she could tell he wasn't happy. Shifting her son, she turned her body in an attempt to shield him. "Leave. At once."

It was silent for a moment as all us glanced between the female and two males, only breaking from their trances when Asger moved to stand protectively beside her, glaring at his cousin. "You heard her. Leave!"

"Alright," Vali chuckled after a moment. Sheathing his sword he backed up slowly, holding up a hand in a weird motion which had his moving back with their own growls; obviously upset that wasn't able to kill. Vali smirked as he let eyes flicker from his cousin, Runa, and their child before settling on the dragon. "I can see I'm not wanted here. I'll leave. But no this... I will be back, and when I do, you will be sorry."

The people of the island watched as the man sent one more dark smirk before he turned and ran off, following his men down to the boat. Everyone was tense. Why shouldn't they be? This crazy man had just threatened their home and swore to be back, obviously meaning he was going to be bringing back more men to fight. 

Runa turned towards her husband, worried. "Asger, what are we going to do? We can't fight him, you know that my half-sister has sent us word of how bloodthirsty he is and the number of skilled men he has. We'll all die! You'll die! That healer said that you couldn't be stabbed again cause there's no way you'll live."

"... We haven't a choice, my love." He spoke. "He will find us either way if we ran now that he knows you and I live." Turning to his people, he rose his voice. "We will fight! We will win! We will not let that man defeat us! We might be small in number but we are skilled in fighting, plus we have the dragons on our side. Let us defend on lives! Let us defend our families! Let us defend Berk!"

The cheers rang so loudly, followed by the daring roars of the dragons, that all was deafening. All of their spirits lifting higher than the sky as a new determination filled them with the desire to fight and win. As the cheers continued, Asger looked out towards the sea where a dark ship sailed away with narrowed eyes. Let his cousin come. They'll be ready.


It happened so quickly that no one had time to react.

Roars of both beast and man filled the air before fire shot from the sky and arrows rained down. Screams and shouts could be heard from women and children as men invaded. The smell of blood quickly filling the air as the people of Berk took up their weapons and clashed with their enemies. Dragons and their riders took to the skies, evil and good colliding in inhuman forces.

A woman with red hair that was streaked with thin white strands growled as she fought furiously with her ax, shield on her arm as she used to block incoming attacks. 

Beside her was a young girl with brown hair and green-hazel eyes; much like the older woman she was dressed up in armor and fur, wielding her own shield and sword. Her brown hair was in twin braids, a beaded headband like circlet around her head. Glancing at her mother-in-law, the girl flung her shield at an incoming attacker came up behind the redhead woman - jumping up, she made quick work of the attacker.

"Thank you," The redhead nodded after having spun around to see her would-be killer full down. Spinning around she kicked her leg up and made contact with someone's jaw, raising her shield to block the fire a dragon her son had started calling a Monstrous Nightmare, she let out a sigh. Attacks were begging to be a common thing here on Berk, but she's never seen any of them with dragons of their own.

A scream had her head snapping to the right, where she saw a rather large and scraggly man pulling a young girl with a wicked gleam in his eyes. Plucking up a knife, she flung it straight into the man's heart, watching with darkening eyes as the man fell down dead. Walking over, she helped the frightened girl up. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yes. Thank you, Lady Runa." She stuttered.

Glancing down at the man, her eyes narrowed in on a symbol that was sewn on his leather vest. A broken sword with a vine wrapped around it. Inhaling sharply, Runa looked up and around, eyes taking noticed of the same symbol on the other attackers. Looking down at the girl, she gently pushed in a safe direction before turning to look at her daughter-in-law who was still fighting.

"Adelheid!" Runa called over. The brunette glanced over as she delivered a final blow. "Yes?"

"You need to go find Edgerrin or Asger and you need to tell him that he's back," She rushed out. Adelheid furrowed her eyebrows, what did she mean by 'he?'. She didn't understand until it dawned on her. Vali... He said he would be back. This must be his attack. Nodding frantically with wide eyes, the girl took off. Slashing away anyone who dared tried to stop her.

She needed to find her husband and father-in-law quick!

Dodging flaming pieces of wood and arrows, as well as any attackers, Adelheid pushed herself to run faster than she had ever done before. It wasn't long before she spotted the large bearded blonde man with a slightly smaller man with long red hair beside him, the two fighting a few feet away from one another.


At the sound of her yell, the man turned towards her, punching someone in the face as the girl ran up to him, "What is it, girl?"

"Runa-a... She figured out who's attacking," She panted out as she grabbed an ax from the ground and lugged it up and swung it at an incoming dragon, growling as it nearly grabbed her with his claws. Asger paused and tilted his head towards her. "Who? Who is it, girl?"

Taking a deep breath she answered, "Vali."

Despite the soot covering his face, Adelheid could see his face paling greatly before it hardened into one of hatred. Gripping his ax tighter, he started looking around. Edgerrin noticed the distress his wife and father were displaying and quickly stumbled over, wincing at the pain the deep cut on his bicep was imitating. He had gotten momentarily distracted earlier and made the foolish mistake of taking his eyes off his opponent and in doing so, he paid the cost of having a dagger slice his bicep open. Luckily, he had an arm wrap he was able to wrap around it to try and stop the bleeding.

Ugh... He was so embarrassed. Edgerrin was considered to be one of the best warriors on Berk, so t have gotten distracted as easily as he had...

"What is wrong?" He asked once he reached them.

His father ignored him as he continued searching the skies. That's the only place he could be if he wasn't on the island like his men. Adelheid was quick to fill her husband in on what she found out, and almost instantly his face darkened. She was aware of what occurred years ago, both how Vali took over the kingdom and then made an appearance on Berk declaring that he would come back and practically slaughter everyone who resided here. But there was something else on the red-haired boy's mind as he pulled his wife and father away from a few spikes that impaled the ground at their feet.

"Father," Edgerrin muttered. "If it truly is him, then how did he get dragons?"

"He would have many ways to get dragons," Asger growled, eyes catching sight of something fast zipping fast. Narrowing his eyes, he got into a fighting stance. "And none of them are good."

Before anyone could react, Asger was hit in the shoulder by a spear that sent him flying back. Adelheid gasped loudly as Edgerrin let out a shout, jolting as his father was pinned to the ground. "Father!" The couple raced forward to help him but were pinned down by a net that had round blocks on the ends. "No!"

A cold chuckle rang out sending chills down everyone's spines as all heads turned towards the sky; there stood a man on top of a dragon dressed in black armor. A long tattered cape draped asymmetrically across his shoulders and back. He looked even darker than the last time; his hair longer and messier, streaks of grey ran throughout it as well as his beard. His skin was paler with smudges of coal and dark circle circled his eyes. He had a few scratches but what caught everyone's attention was the large scar that went over his right eye; it started above the eyebrow, ran through it and over the eyelid before going down and making a curve off to his upper lip. Two other smaller ones ran down on either side as if it were made by claws...

His hand gripped his sword as he started down at everyone.

But that wasn't what seemed to have caught their attention at the moment; it was what he was on. The dragon was one they hadn't seen before. It was slimmer than most, obviously built for speed. Its eyes were almost catlike and a green shade that matched the trees and short in neck length. It had a large set of bat-like wings and two smaller ones just under its wings. It had two mobile ear-like plates on the back of its head to show its mood, a second pair of plates in between each ear-like plate, and two just behind the jaw and beneath each ear-like plate, it's tail long before ending in wing-like flaps.

Its coloring was dark. A dark black that matched the night skies and almost gleamed with a blue tint in the light of the fire that burned in the skies and huts.

It was breathtaking. A feeling of awe would fill anyone who laid eyes upon it... But also, a sense of fear.

"... I told you I would return, Asger," His dark raspy voice spoke, drawing most of everyone's eyes to him. "I thought you would've been more prepared. Did you honestly think that you could defeat me that easily that you didn't bother to strengthen your men? Strengthen the line of defense you have?" Vali's eyes darkened as he glanced over at the redheaded man and his wife, the two holding snarls on their faces, though the female did have a hint of fear in her eyes. "After I left I went out and sought out the power of these beasts. I knew that with these powers... I would be able to get rid of you once and for all. But... I decided that why should I take only you down? With all these creatures at my hand to use, I could rule the world and no one would be able to stop me. So, I made it my mission to gather as many as these beasts as possible...

"It took a few years, longer than I had wished, but I got what I wanted. On the last island with these things, I can across a species I've never seen before. It was fast. Faster than anything I've ever seen. It used the night as its shield and used a strange purple flame that caused so much destruction. And to my surprise... Purple lightning surrounded it as if Thor himself had transformed into the beast and were calling it to his command. I knew that I had to make it mine at all costs,"

Vali walked further up it's back as he snarled at his cousin.

"It was a task impossible, and one so dangerous that I lost more than half of my men in the attempt of catching it. It was smarter than any of us had thought it would be, far stronger. It outmaneuvered us for a year before I finally had enough and went get it myself. It proved once again why I wanted it, putting up a fight greater than any of the other beasts. It was only when it struck me down, giving me this-" Vali pointed to the scar on his face. "-That I fully realized it's power. A king of dragon's, fit for a king himself. As I stared into its eyes, I felt that I was staring at Lightning and Death itself. It was then I made my move, I wrapped my arms around its neck and cut off its air supply, not caring for its struggles until it gave out. I took it back to my ship and changed it up, and trained it once it had awoken. It took awhile, but I eventually broke it's spirit and will for freedom. I call it... The Furious Night."

Adelheid stared at the dragon in pity. The poor creature didn't deserve this life, none of them did. A dragon should have its own choice on whether its want's to be free or have a rider. Looking at the creature, she thought over the name Vali gave it. Furious Night... Fitting. It was dark as night and has, or had, the personality of a furious warrior. 'Furious Night. Furious Night... Fitting but not quite. It's more of a.... a Night Fury.'

"You are cruel!" Edgerrin growled as he pulled at the netting, taking note how the bricks holding it budged a little. Luckily, he was the only one to notice. He knew that his wife was to busy staring at the dragon - she had always been fascinated by them. Wanting to learn more about them, sketching them. She's the one who gave most of the known names to them. He wouldn't be surprised if she renamed this creature.

"You call it cruel, boy. I call it being motivated and using any means to get what I want," The king sneered in distaste before staring at Asger with pure hatred. "I think it's time for your reign to end, cousin. I have waited more than thirty years for this way and as much I would like to draw it out, I've been in enough battles to know that the longer you wait, the more there is a possibility for to fail. Deathspitter... Plasma Blast."

Adelheid's and Edgerrin's eyes widened as a purple glow started to form at the back of the dragon's throat.

"No!" Adelheid screamed.

"No, no, no, no. No!" Edgerrin started yanking at the net. "No! STOP!! STOP IT!!!"

Vali just tusked as he watched the seen in front of him. Asger grabbed the spear in his shoulder, ignoring the pain, and pulled. It was painful, but he wasn't going to die like this. Not in front of his family. Gritting his teeth, he pulled at the spear and felt it starting to move. The dragon seemed to hesitate as it gazed down at the people, the purple flickering slightly as it thought of defying orders. It didn't want to do this. But his "rider" would punish him greatly if he didn't.

"Stop! Please!" The redheaded male pleaded, Adelheid crying.

Looking down at the creature just as Asger pulled the spear free, Vali grew angry. It was resisting his order! Kicking it in the head, he growled; "What are you doing?! Take. The. Shot!" That seemed to work slightly as it shuttered. "Take the shot! Otherwise, you're dead!!"

"No, no!"

Closing his eyes in regret, the dragon let the plasma blast grow and travel up his throat.

"No!" Edgerrin screamed.

The blast was just inches from firing, glowing brighter than before. Asger started forward, spear in hand and aimed at Vali, ready to release.


The dragon opened his eyes and fired, just as Asger let the spear go. A whistling sound filled the air as the plasma blast rushed forward and hit Asger; exploding in a fiery explosion. All eyes stared in horror as the blonde man was hit, splatters of blood flying as he flew back into a house. It was silent for a moment as Edgerrin and Adelheid started in wide-eyed terror. It was only broken as the younger male let out a scream of pain and sadness.


His scream was joined by Runa's who had just arrived in time to see her husband get hit. The woman fell to her knees, tears falling as her son finally broke the net and rushed to his father's side; Adelheid close to him as he did. Runa got back up and rushed over, chanting "No" over and over as she knelt beside him.

Edgerrin swallowed thickly as he stared at the gaping hole in his father's chest. It was burnt and gushing blood. The lifelessness in Asger's eyes told Edgerrin that he was dead. Runa's loud sobs rang through the quiet battleground as she placed his head in her lap, brushing his face. Adelheid pressed her face into Edgerrin's shoulder as he took his father's hand.

This wasn't supposed to happen!

Asger was supposed to retire and be surrounded by family before dying of old age.

A gurgled laugh sounded behind him. Edgerrin froze before turning his head around, eyes landing on Vali who lied on the ground, spear sticking through his chest. Blood dripped down the side of his chin as he stared at the family in a sickening pleasure. "So... This is how it ends, huh? Do we kill each other? At least I go-got the last laugh...." He coughed up more blood. "I'm glad he's dead. No-ow the rest of you can feel what I-I felt when that bastard put my family t-to death... Feeling nothing but h-hatred and revenge..."

With that the life faded from his eyes, leaving him staring blankly at the family.

It was then a wave of raging anger-filled Edgerrin. Something that he never felt before in his entire life. With clenched teeth and wild eyes, the man sprung up from his spot and locked gazes with the black dragon that killed his father. The creature backed away nervously as it glanced between the two dead men and the one that was glaring at him venomously.

Edgerrin snarled viciously as he dashed forward and grabbed a sword off the ground; "ARRGGGGGGGHH!!!"

His battle cry filled the air along with a slicing of air, but only air. The dragon managed to dodge at the last second and jump into the air as the human screamed in rage again. "I'LL KILL YOU!!!" The male chased after him as it flew higher, trying to escape the enraged being. "YOU'RE DEAD!!"

The dragon shot up in the air, letting out a roar of pain as something sliced into his shoulder. Glancing over he saw it was the human's sword. His eyes lingered on the blood before a renewal of anger and hatred filled him. If this human thought he could defeat him with a puny piece of metal, he was wrong. He should just kill. Kill him like he should've done with the other two legs. Staring down at the painting male who glared up at him, he let out a snarl.


He wouldn't kill.

Not yet.

But this would be the start of a battle he wouldn't win. He'll be sure of that...

Edgerrin watches in rage as the black dragon sped away. Fists clenched as he let out another roar; "I WILL FIND YOU! AND WHEN I DO, YOU WILL PAY!! I, EDGERRIN COLBURN HADDOCK, SWEAR THAT ALL OF THAT KIND WILL PAY!!"

And that was how the battle between dragons and humans began. Edgerrin band all dragons from Berk after he became Chief. Slaughtering those who stayed behind which enraged many more. The man grew to be like Vali. Filled with hatred and revenge as he hunted down the dragon his wife called a Night Fury. It wasn't long before word of the dragon of Lightning and Death spread through the now free kingdoms and villages, and many began the manhunt for the beasts. All for different reasons...

Adelheid grew weary of her husband.

The once kind man she knew now replaced with an angry, revenge-seeking man who was hardly ever home. She had to watch as her sons followed after their father in their hatred for dragons, along with the villagers. And as she grew older, she watched as battles between Vikings and dragons occurred more and more, many dying or either side. She died of a broken heart, but still holding onto the hope that one day... one day the dragon and human race would get along again...

... One day.


Author's Note: For those who have been reading this story on Wattpad instead of Quotev, I would like to tell you all that the story is now finished and I am re-posting the revised chapters on here. Enjoy!

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