My Mysterious Mate

By slubin

48.4K 2.2K 69

In the halls of Beckham high school, Emma reigns as the most popular girl, enjoying the privileges bestowed u... More

My Mysterious Mate
My Mornings
Going to School
Weird Day
Pack House
Weird Dreams
Finally Awake
Xaviers POV
Waking up
Coltons POV
Can't Sleep
Last Dream
Author's note
Buffett gone wrong
Rejection Failed
Pack Doctor
Just Great!
Bad Day
What the Hell
My life Sucks
I'm Done
Authors Note
Weird Day
Cold Shoulder
Story Time
This Means WAR
The End
It's over
Come back
Thank God
Authors note


880 44 0
By slubin


I watched as Emma's form vanished before my eyes. I should have been able to catch him, but he was too fast. Just when I thought I got him he gave me a smirk and zoomed off.  I didn't even know how that was supernaturally possible. Out of nowhere my wolf let out a howl as I felt a searing pain on my neck. It was where I had marked Emma, they were already doing something to her. Letting out a whimper at my mate being taken from me, my wolf yelled at me for not protecting our mate. If I wasn't lost in my lust, I could've sensed the wolf coming. If they were even a wolf, the scent was unidentifiable. It was starting to get dark but I continued my search. Turning back into my human form since my wolf was too depressed to go on, I decided to go back to the pack house. How was I supposed to tell Colton, the alpha of the strongest pack in the US, that his baby sister was kidnapped. I reached the pack house receiving weird looks and mortified faces. I realized I was still naked and some guy from the pack handed me some shorts. Thanking them, I slipped them on and asked where the Alpha was. Seeing my stressed state the guy told me he was in the auditorium, and I ran to go find him. Finally reaching the auditorium, I burst through the door oblivious to the meeting that was transpiring.



After the heat incident my mom got the pack together for a meeting. I was currently telling them that it was not an attack but to be ready at all times, if it was. Xavier had told me the day my sister was at the hospital that there would be a great war and that my pack needed to prepare. At first I was skeptical but something inside me told me to trust him, and since that day the pack warriors have been training. I tried asking other packs for help but they just laughed at me. I was supposed to be the strongest pack in the U.S., I shouldn't need help taking down some rogues. I was currently reassuring my pack that the situation wouldn't happen again when Xavier suddenly burst through the door. Thinking something was wrong I dismissed the pack and told them I would talk to them later. Signaling Xavier over to my office I couldn't help but think something was wrong. Was the war beginning already, we were supposed to have a few more months. "It's not about the war, it's about your sister," Xavier said nervously. I got up from the chair I was about to sit in on high alert. "What happened? Where is she? Is she okay? Did you do something to her? Did she do something to you?" I rushed out feeling my panic increase. I tried mind linking Emma to no avail, and I looked at Xavier expectantly. Xavier dropped to his knees in anguish, and felt something bad in the pit of my stomach. "Where is she?" I gritted out. " They took her. I don't know what he is, but he took her." Xavier said in a barely audible voice. At the mention of that, I felt something in me shift and I felt my fangs extract. Not even noticing that my vampire side came out I picked up Xavier up by the collar. I was ready to punch him but stopped when I saw a tear slip down his face. I automatically felt sympathy for him, since my sister was his mate, but quickly became mad because he was supposed to protect her. Letting out a hiss, Xavier looked up in shock. I didn't have time to explain as his face contorted in anger and he spat out," you're, you're a vampire." Next thing I know I was flung through the air with so much force. I felt myself go through my office door, and fall off the fourth floor railing. I was falling in midair when out of nowhere Xavier flashed in front of me, and punched me in my gut. There was so much force into that one punch that I reached the bottom much quicker. I gasped as I felt myself make a dent in the floor and the wind knocked out of my body. I looked up just in time to see Xavier about to land on me and I used my vampire speed to get out of the dent. Xavier landed on the floor gracefully and looked at me with so much hatred. I looked into Xavier's golden eyes and couldn't help but fear him. I was an Alpha and a vampire, and both sides wanted to submit towards him. Snapping out of my daze it was too late, as Xavier sprinted at me with inhuman speed and speared me through the wall. I let out a grunt from landing on the hard floors and we started wrestling each other. Somehow Xavier landed on top of me and started choking me. I was quickly losing my breath when Xavier was suddenly knocked off of me. I turned in surprise wondering if I also had witch powers, and did that. I watched as Xavier was held against the wall, by an invisible force, and I got up dusting myself off. Xavier seemed a little too powerful for a typical wolf. Right now he seemed crazed as his eyes flashed between golden brown and orange. He was currently struggling against the invisible force and I was looking at my hands in confusion. Maybe I was part witch. Or did that make me a warlock? I was going to test my theory out when my mom waltzed into the room with a plate of cookies. She was munching on one while staring at me and Xavier amused. I looked at her as realisation kicked in. I looked around the area for the first time and noticed I was in the kitchen. Sighing I said," did you do this." "Don't look at me like that, you were losing," my mom retorted. Alex walked into the kitchen after hearing the commotion and he froze at the scene. He seemed to take one look at Xavier then run up to him concerned.



I walked into the kitchen after hearing some commotion, and what I saw shook me to the core. It wasn't the fact that Xavier was held up against the wall by some invisible force, it was the fact that his eyes were flickering from gold to orange. His true form was about to come out. Panicking I rushed to his side and tried calming him down. It wasn't working and I knew only his mate could calm him down. Looking around I asked a puzzled Colton where Emma was. He looked at me sadly and said," Someone kidnapped her." Me and Colton's mom said in unison," WHAT!". I looked back at Xavier who was giving me a pleading look and said," I can't control it much longer". I nodded and told Colton's mom who was now crying to get something of Emma's. She snapped her fingers and in her hand replacing the plate of cookies was one of Emma's shirt. She was about to grab it when suddenly she was flung across the counter into the cabinet. I looked at Xavier who losing more control as his eyes flickered from orange to red, and I muttered a curse. This was why he stressed Emma and Xavier needed to mate. I saw Colton advancing towards Xavier and I told him to go check on his mom. He reluctantly agreed when all he wanted to do was rip Xavier's throat out. Remembering the chants I was taught to become Xaviers mentor, I whispered a few words in a dead language. Xavier convulsed as I chanted the dead language repeatedly, and finally Xavier fell unconscious and slumped to the floor. Next time his words won't be enough.



I woke up groggy and opened my eyes to see a glaring Alex. I frowned in confusion and then everything came back to me. I let my anger get the best of me and hurt my mates family. She would kill me right now if she knew what happened. I looked up to see Alex looking at me with a blank face. I could tell he wanted to blow up. "Do you have any idea, what could of happened if you exposed your true form," Alex said in a calm voice. Now here comes the yelling I thought. " YOU COULD HAVE DESTROYED THE ENTIRE PACK, NOT TO MENTION THE ENTIRE CONTINENT!" Alex screamed. I waited for him to go back to his calm state but it never came. "YOU COULD HAVE PUT THE WHOLE WORLD IN DANGER. I KNOW YOUR MATE IS MISSING BUT AT LEAST YOU KNOW SHE'S NOT DEAD, BECAUSE MY MATE WAS THIS CLOSE TO DYING BECAUSE OF YOU!" Alex exclaimed. "I'm not always going to be there to stop you, and if you don't mate with Emma, sooner rather than later... consider us all dead," Alex said finally going back to calm. " It won't happen again", I stated. Alex looked at me as if he didn't believe it and said,"get yourself cleaned up. You were knocked out for a week,"then he walked out. I combed my fingers through my hair and went to go take a shower. I looked into the mirror and looked at my disheveled figure. I clearly held to much power and risked hurting others, if I didn't gain control of my powers. I needed Emma to balance me, but she was kidnapped and nowhere in sight. If I didn't mate with Emma soon, there really wasn't going to be a next time.


I was now fully dressed and headed downstairs to grab some food. I hadn't eaten in a whole week. The place seemed to be too quiet as I looked around, and I was getting anxious. What if I hurt my mates mom and she died, or Colton is trying to kill me and this is his plan. Hearing faint voices in the living room, I went to go check it out. I found Colton and his mom sitting on the couch while Alex and his mate, Katy talked to them. Everyone looked at me as I entered the room and Alex stood up by my side. His mate frowned at the gesture and pouted her lips. Colton cleared his throat and I was prepared for the insults that were about to be thrown at me. "So, I've been thinking over the past couple of days, and after having a conversation with Alex, I have came a conclusion," Colton began. "Which is?" I said with a raised brow. "I will give you a chance to explain what you are and why you came into our lives, before I tear you to shreds,"!Colton said calmly. His mom patted his shoulder and said,"what he means to say, is that we know you're not a normal werewolf, just like you've probably concluded WE aren't normal werewolves." I looked at their calm expressions and then to Alex who was nodding his head encouragingly. With a blank face I answered," I have to tell Emma first before I tell you guys anything." " Tell me what exactly," an angelic voice said behind me. I whipped my head around at my mates voice to see her poised against the door and eating a bag of Doritos. She licked her fingers and stared at me expectantly. "I'm waiting," Emma said impatient.

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