Savage 》Once Upon A Time

By lovethebreeze

124K 3.8K 1.5K

I love being a pirate. I'm not going to lie. I love the life, the sea, the adventure. What I love the most is... More

The Thing You Love Most
Snow Falls
The Price Of Gold
That Still Small Voice
The Shepherd
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Desperate Souls
7:15 A.M.
Skin Deep
What Happened To Frederick
Heart of Darkness
The Stable Boy
An Apple Red As Blood
A Land Without Magic
Lady of the Lake Part 1
Lady of the Lake Part 2
The Doctor
Into the Deep
Queen of Hearts
The Cricket Game
The Outsider
In the Name of the Brother
The Queen is Dead
The Miller's Daughter
Welcome to Storybrooke
Selfless, Brave, and True
The Evil Queen


2.2K 89 13
By lovethebreeze

After so many long bloody hour sitting next to the Crocodile, we arrived at Bae' place. I'm glad I was seated near the door because I didn't waste a second to climb out and get some leg room.

"What's wrong? Is this the right place?" Emma asked him as I took a look at the apartment complex.

"Yes, it is," Crocodile responded.

"Let me guess. He's not expecting you." The Crocodile is like lice, no one is expecting him. "Well, who doesn't love a surprise?"

Emma and Henry went up towards the apartments. Rumplestiltskin took a deep breath before following them. Do my eyes deceive me or does he actually look nervous. I've seen the demon at his worst and he's never been nervous. Wait, why should I care if he's nervous? I have other things that matter the most. Like killing him.

I made sure they were inside before pulling his phone out and taking a quick pic. I type on the screen before hitting send. I hope Papa gets this. Or at least learn how to use a phone so he could respond. We could finally have our vengeance. And the Crocodile has no magic here, so he'll be powerless. He won't turn Papa into a toad or rip his heart out. The only thing close to a sword I have here is Stiltskin's cane.

"No Baelfire," Henry said as I walked inside the building.

"Because he didn't want found," I said. "If Bae didn't want to be found, he certainly wouldn't put his real name on the lease." Especially with the name Baelfire. He'd probably get picked on with the name like that. No offense to him.

Emma looked at Rumple. "Your magic globe didn't give you an apartment number?"

"It doesn't work that way," he responded as he looked at the buttons for the rooms.

"Do any of these names mean anything to you?" Henry asked as we looked at the list of names.

"Well, names are what I traffic in, but sadly, no."

Emma pointed to the apartment that was only listed as a number. "Here's your boy."

"How do you know?" I asked. "It could just be vacant."

"Gold might traffic in names and magic, but I traffic in finding people who don't want to be found. And those sort of folks don't like to advertise their whereabouts." Or he doesn't want to get picked because of his name. Not that I have a problem with it. Emma buzzed the apartment on the intercom. "U.P.S. package for 407."

The person on the other line didn't respond, he just hung up. Rude.

"Maybe you should've said FedEx," Henry suggested.

"Or pizza delivery," I added. Who doesn't love pizza? There was a small clank coming from outside followed by a crash.

"He's running," Emma said.

We rushed outside and spotted Baelfire climbing down the fire escape.

"That...That favor you owe me – this is it," Rumple rushed out. "Get him to talk to me. I - I can't run." Baelfire jumps down and broke off into a spring.

Emma looked at me. "Jax, watch Henry. I'll be back."

I raised my hands up in surrender as I watch her run. Bloody hell, I wanted to help. It's been a long time since I've seen the lad. Well, now that I think about it...wouldn't Bae be my brother? Since we both share the same mother, but not father. Huh?

And now that we're not moving anywhere, I felt my stomach growling. Haven't eaten since we left Storybrooke. I looked around the street to find a hot dog stand not that far away.

"Yum, hot dogs," I stated happily as I pulled Henry with me. "Come on, Munchkin, you must be hungry."

"Yeah, I'm starving," he replied. We ran towards the stand. I ordered three hot dogs before paying the man. I paid the man before handing Henry one of the dogs before getting the other two. "Thanks."

"No problem." I looked up to see Rumple finally making his way near. Oh, I guess I was so used to ordering our food, I got him one. I handed him the other one. "Here, no use to talking to Bae on an empty stomach."

Rumple slowly took it from me before he started to eat. While we were eating, he would glance around every now and then. Hoping that Emma's coming back at any moment with his son.

"Don't worry. Emma's really good at catching people," Henry reassured him.

"Well, my son's been running away for a long time now," Rumple said. "Now I have a feeling he's equally adept at it."

"Well, at least we found him, right?"


I bit into my hotdog, not caring that I'm about to talk with my mouth full. "Finding someone you love? Best feeling in the world, isn't it?" Until someone decides to take that away from you.

Stiltskin got the other meaning and slowly sighed. He pulled out ten dollars and handed it to Henry. "Henry, you mind grabbing something from the market? I'm quiet famished."

Henry nodded before grabbing the cash. "Sure." Then he proceeded into crossing the street.

Once he was out of view, Rumple finally looked at me. "Little Raven -"

"No," I cut him off. "I don't want to talk to you for this entire trip."

"I get that you're angry with me -" I scoffed "- but you need to understand that I've brought you here for your own protection."

"Protection against who? Cora? What's Cora gonna want with me? The only person you're trying to protect me from is Papa." I threw my wrapper away. "Or is it for yourself? Did you bring me here to show Bae that you're a changed man? That you actually took care of someone who isn't your kid for the past 28 years? Like you said, he's been running from you since you abandoned him. One buggin' talk isn't gong to make the lad want to be with you again. Much less want to be your son. Running from you, is actually the smartest thing he's ever done. Which is something I should be doing, right now?"

Wow, the Crocodile is actually speechless for once. Henry finally came over with a few drinks in his hands.

"I didn't know what you wanted so I got you water," he said as he handed Stiltskin the bottle. He gave me Mountain Dew. "And I got you Mountain Dew."

I gratefully took it from him. "Henry, stay with the Crocodile. I need some air."

Henry looked at me confused. "But we're outside."

"Ok, I need some air alone." Henry understood and nodded. I started walking away from them until I turned the corner. I started taking deep breathes as I placed my palms over my eyes. God, why am I crying? I pulled the phone out and dialed my number. Please, pick up. Please, pick up. "Papa."


After my call with Papa, I felt a little better. At least he knew how to answer the phone. Papa wanted to know if I was alright and asked where was I. I told him I'm in New York, which he responded with what the bloody hell is that? I did feel a bit better talking to him though. He told me to take care of myself and the first chance he gets we're going to get our revenge, which caused another pang in my chest.

I made to wipe my face and went back towards the apartment building and waited in the lobby with Rumple and Henry. I made sure Henry sat in the middle of us, but there was a very tensed silence between the three of us. Only two of us being the cause. Rumple kept bouncing his knee as we kept waiting for Emma.

"Why are you so nervous?" Henry broke the silence. "When I found my mom, I was excited."

"Because I have the benefit of a little experience," Rumple said. "I know that things don't always happen the way we want them to."

"Sure, but in my book, it says that you can see the future. Why can't you just look and see what's going to happen?"

"Well, that ability is complicated. I didn't always have it. And then when I did... Well... It's maybe not the gift one would expect. Seeing the inevitable can be a terrible price."

"But you wouldn't have to worry about stuff. You'd just know."

"But that's the great trap. The future is like a puzzle... with missing pieces. Difficult to read. And never, never what you think." The door opens and Emma came inside, but no Baelfire. We all stood up. "Did you find him?"

"Sorry. Your son..." Emma trailed off. Her eyes went towards Henry before looking back at Rumple. "Got away."

"Great. He's not here. Can we go now?" I asked. I want nothing more than to head home.

Rumple shook his head before he went towards the intercom and began pushing all buttons. I guess we're not leaving then.

"Gold, wait. What are you doing?" Emma asked.

Finally, someone was nice enough to unlock the front door. Either that or they were tired of the excessive buzzing.

"I'm finding my son," Rumple said.

"He's gone," Emma rushed out. Why is she in a rush to leave?

"But he lives here. He'll be back, and I'll be waiting."

Well, if we're going to be here, I might just help. When we arrived at Bae's apartment, I pulled a bobby pin from my hair and started to pick the lock.

"Stop. You can't just break in," Emma told me.

I didn't remove my gaze from the lock. "Tell that to the thousands of houses I broke into."

"He might not come back."

"Finding people is what you do, Ms Swan. I'm simply going to assist you. There may be information in here. Who he is, what he does, who he loves," Rumple pointed out.

Emma shook her head before coming up to me. "No, don't do this. There are things called laws."

"I'll just plead the fifth," I mumbled.

"I'll be lookout," Henry said. I gave Henry a thumbs up while he went around the hallway.

Emma shook her head as she looked at all three of us. "No, I...You could get arrested."

"Then my son will have to testify against me, and we will be reunited," Rumple pointed out again before I successfully open the door. I motioned for him to go first, which he did.

"Gold. Come on, please. We really shouldn't be here."

"I don't think he's listening," Henry said.

I shook my head. "He isn't." Then I raised my brow at Emma while Henry held Rumple investigate the place. "And what's the matter with you, lass? You've broken into plenty of houses before." I patted her arm. "Lighten up."

I went toward the kitchen and started looking there. Well, not really looking there, just seeing if Bae has anything to eat. That hot dog didn't really fill me up. I smirked in victory when I found a pudding cup and took it.

"You find something, dearie?" I heard Rumple say as I grabbed a spoon and made my way back to the living room.

Emma looked like a deer caught in the headlights as she held a dream catcher. "Nothing. Uh, it just looks like a dream catcher."

"Yeah, well, if it's nothing, why are you still holding it?" Emma didn't say anything. "You're lying to me."

Emma put the dream catcher back. "Just get back to looking, okay?"

"No, no, no. You saw something. Tell me."

"You don't know what you're talk -"

"Tell me!"

I slowly put my putting cup down and went over to Henry. "Hey, Munchkin, why don't you go wait in the bathroom?"

Henry looked up at me. "But I can help -"

I gave him a look. "Wait in the bathroom." I knelt down and whispered in his ear. "I'll tell you everything that happens later."

Henry nodded at me before leaving. I grabbed my putting cup again and sat on the couch. If these twats are going to argue, at least I get a front row seat. And if some cussed words were thrown, then Henry wouldn't hear it.

"There's nothing here. The guy's a ghost," Emma lied.

"Well, you think me a fool? You're holding back. I want to know what, and why," Rumple pushed.

"I'm not holding back -"

"Did he tell you something?

"Gold -"

"Did he tell you something?!"

"Nothing. He didn't say anything."

"But you talked to -"

"Don't put words in my mouth -"

"Tell me!" You know a good person would try and stop this, but...I really don't want to get up and I'm not done with my putting cup. "You tell me, or I'm going to make you tell me."

"You don't have magic here." True.

"Oh, I don't need magic." Also true. Rumple took a threatening step towards Emma.

"You really want to do this?"

"Do not push me."

"Don't push me."

"We had a deal! A deal! No one - No one breaks deals with me!" Now I wish I was back in Neverland so I could imagine this pudding cup transforming into popcorn. This is better than TV.

The door suddenly opens and this guy ran in. "Hey! Leave her alone."

Baelfire. Oh, my god, he's gotten so big. Not big like - like fat. Big as in grown up. He's actually a grown up.

Rumple stood there, frozen in place. "Bae...You came back for me."

Baelfire shook his head. "No." He pointed at Emma. "I came to make sure you didn't hurt her. I've seen what you do to people who break deals."

You and me both.

Rumple shook his head. "Please, Bae, just let me talk."

"I have no interest in talking to you. You can go."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Get out of my apartment!" I almost flinched.

Emma slowly walked up to Bae. "Neal..."

Wait, Neal?

Bae held his hand up. "Emma, I got this."

Wait, they know each other?

"You two know each other," Rumple finally said. So, that's why she wanted us out. "You two know each other. How?" Should I get involved?

"You sent me chasing after him," Emma lied again.

"No, no, no. Stop it! You're lying. How do you two know each other?!"

I heard Henry coming from the bathroom. Oh, shit, Henry's still here.

Henry looked just as confused as I did. "Mom? Wh-What's going on?"

Emma pulled Henry into her as I stood up and went next to Rumple.

"Who's this?"Bae asked. His eyes didn't leave Henry's small figure.

"My son," Emma responded.


"Is that Baelfire?" Henry asked curiously.

Emma moved his hair away from his face. "I need you to stay in the other room for a little while longer, okay? Come on."

Emma tried to lead Henry out of the room, but Bae had his mouth open. "Wait. H-How old are you?"

"Don't answer him."

"How old are you, kid?!"

I glared at him as Henry spun around. "Eleven! Now, why is everyone yelling?"

Bae froze before he looked at Emma. "He's eleven?"

Henry looked at her. "Mom?"

I looked back between Bae and Henry. I furrowed my brows when I barley started noticing their similar features. Henry's got Bae's hair color, his eyes. The nose.

"Oh, my god," I breathed, eyes wide.

Bae pointed at Henry. "Is this my son?"

Henry shook his head. "No. My dad was a fireman. He - He died." He looked at Emma. "That's what you t - told me. You said..." Henry looked back at Bae.

"Is this... my son?"

Emma grabbed Henry's face with her hands, unable to look at Bae, and whispered, "Yes."

Bae, you are the father.

Bae placed his hands over his mouth, obviously shocked. Henry slowly backed away from Emma before leaving through the window. We stood there for a while before Emma followed him. Bae went after then, but Rumple stopped him.

"Baelfire..." He started. Bae shrugged Rumple's hand off him. "Please, please. All I want is a chance to be heard."

 Bae motioned to the door. "Get out and take..." His eyes finally found mine. His breathing hitched in his throat. "Cassandra."

Rumple didn't seem to notice. "Look, you came back to protect Emma, to show that she had lived up to her end of her bargain with me."

"And now she has. You can go."

"No. Our deal was for her to get you to talk to me. If you truly want her deal to be have but one choice. You have to talk to me."

Bae slowly nodded. "You got three minutes."

He motioned Rumple to another part of the room. Leaving me completely alone.

"I guess...I'll just sit here then."


You know these past three minutes, I have been doing nothing but think. First, it was about how I could kill the Dark One. Then chest began doubting myself. The ache I would feel if I do it. If I could really kill the Dark One. I know I should because of what he did to Papa and Mama, but...things have changed.

"You really enjoy those putting cups, don't you?" I heard behind me as I grabbed another cup. I spun around and saw Bae standing a few feet away. I smiled as I walked up to him.

"Baelfire," I breathed happily as I hugged him. "You've gotten so old."

"And you look....exactly the same," he joked before we pulled apart. "What are you doing here? The last time I saw you -"

I cut him off. "I know."

He leaned against the wall. "How are you here? Pan was pretty dead set -"

"He let me go. That little twit actually let me go."

Bae looked surprised. "He actually let his Lost Girl leave?"

I gave him a look. "I'm not his Lost Girl."

"You're still wearing his ring."

I looked down and glanced at the ring in my hand. One of the many I have. I just couldn't bring myself to throw it away.

"It's pretty," I responded lamely as I changed the topic. "So, are you coming back with us?"

"Back with him?" Bae asked before shaking his head. "No. I can't."

"You should go easy on him, mate. The Dark One is only here because he wants his son back. All of this is because of you, so he and Emma made a deal." I crossed my arms. "And if you want me to be honest, he wasn't that bloody bad of a father. I'm sure he mentioned taking care of me these last 28 years."

"Which I didn't believe because that man isn't capable of taking care of someone. And you have a father, Cas."

"But he wasn't with me when the curse hit." I sighed. "Papa and I were separated before the curse. I lived with a few friends until it came. Then, only then, was it your father who took care of me. He treated me as if I were his one. He gave me clothes, food, we had family game night every week. And this is without magic. Sure, he still scared people. Yeah, he makes deals and threatened people who broke them, but when it came to Jax Gold, he cared for her more than anything in the world. He actually beat a man with his cane because the man put me in the hospital."

"But those are cursed memories. They were never meant to exist in the beginning."

"True, but once the curse hit...he was still taking care of me. Even when I was being a complete ass to him. He wanted nothing more then to create the bond we once had before I started hating his guts again. Another reason why I'm here. He wanted to reunite his family. He wanted it back. The Crocodile back then wouldn't have cared. That man in front of you does." I walked towards the living room. I gave him a look. "And this is coming from the pirate who wanted to kill him."

Yeah, you heard right, wanted. I spotted Emma climbing back in the room.

"Hey, you ok?" She asked.

I nodded. "I am. I think you're right, lass." Emma gave me a confused look. "I don't think I could kill him."


A/N: Not gonna lie, this is a boring chapter.

*Not edited.*

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