Reed900: A Gay Love Story

By TheThotPolice

140K 3.8K 5.7K

Another Reed900 fanfic. Nothing really too special but I guess it's good? Idk but anyway it's about your boi... More

The Meeting
The Investigation
Shopping Trip
Mental Gayvin?
Breakfast Can Suck
The next chapter
Diner Fun
I hAvE dEpReSsIoN nOw OoF
WhY dId ThIs HaPpEn?
WAIT (for it)
I painted this
Secret Santa
Drunken Fools
Old Friends
Club Fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Christmas Party
I need help...
I Have Been Tagged Oof
Red Ryder X3
The Case Pt:1
The Case Pt:2
New Years Eve Pt 1
New Years Eve Pt 2
What Sister?
Insert Title Here
Dead or Alive?
A Questonare uwu


6.6K 209 351
By TheThotPolice

Gavin POV

I woke with a terrible headache. I looked at my alarm clock to see some pills and water and a note? I grabbed it and it said,

Dear Detective,
I went out to buy some food for breakfast, you didn't have any. I should be back soon.


I just turned over and went back to sleep only to hear the front door open. I got up and headed to the door.

"Morning dipshit." I say

"Good morning Detective, I got stuff to make food." He says

"Whatever." I say

"You have work in 15 minutes Detective, you should hurry up or we will be late." He says

"I don't care, stop calling me Detective, it's Gavin." I grumble walking to the bathroom.

Nines POV

I walk into the kitchen to make Gavin his breakfast. I decide to make him waffles because why not.

I look up a recipe and get to work. I make the batter and put it in the waffle maker. I wait for the beep and grab the perfect waffle and put it on a plate. I add some whip cream and some berries.

Gavin POV

I walk towards the delicious smell coming from the kitchen, only to see Nines.

"What did you make?" I ask trying to look

"Hello Gavin, I made you waffles. I hope you enjoy them." He says smiling to which I respond with an in audible thank you.

I sit at the table and dig in. Nines comes by with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Thanks tin can." I say, he looks at me and smiles. I look away and take a sip of coffee.

"Gavin, we have to leave in 5 minutes." He says.

"Shit!" I grab my things and rush to the car waiting for Nines before jamming the key into my car and driving off to work. I turn on the radio and Holla Back Girl comes on, and of course I start singing who wouldn't?

"UH HUH THIS MY SHIT! ALL THE GIRLS STOMP YOUR FEET LIKE THIS!" At this point I'm just screaming the lyrics, probably sounding like an idiot. I then hear a chuckle and look at Nines who is smiling.

"What are you looking at?" I say over the blaring song in the background.

"Your singing is... good." He says to which I start to heat up a little.

"Gavin, your heart rate has increased, are you ok?" He asked, "shit" I whisper.

"Y-yeah it's just h-hot in here." I say while pretending to fan myself off. He just smirks and looks out the window. I start to heat up more and put the ac on full blast.

~Le time skip~

We arrive at the station and walk in. I immediately notice Hank and Connor chatting. I walk towards the break room to get coffee and while I passed them, I looked at Connor and stuck up my middle finger. He just looked at me and glared. I put my hand on my forehead and made an L and stuck out my tongue and continued walking to get a coffee.

~Nines POV~

I walk to my desk and sit down. Connor comes up to me and starts talking.

"Hi!" He says with enthusiasm.

"Hello Connor." I say looking at him.

"How can you deal with Detective Reed? He is very rude." He says looking at me quizzically.

"He is... bearable. He can be good at times." I say to him while glaring because he insulted Gavin. Wait why do I care? He is a jerk, I shouldn't care.

I was snapped out of my thoughts with Connor screaming. "NINES!"

"Huh? What?" I said confused

"You zoned out for a minute, I tried calling you name it didn't work." He says

"Oh sorry." I say quietly

"It's ok! I wanted to say bye and have a good day! Bye!" He says enthusiastically.

"Goodbye Connor." I say robotically

Connor walks away right before Gavin comes back

"What were you talking about dipshit?" He asked

"Connor was asking me about working with you." I say wandering why he wants to know. He just nods and looks at his computer

~Le time skip~

Gavin POV

After a long boring shift, it was finally over. I get up and gather my stuff.

"You coming Nines?" I ask

"I thought you didn't want me to stay with you?" He says I immediately feel my face heat up.

"It's nice having someone cook without having to do anything dipshit." I say hoping he wouldn't notice my face. He just nodded and got his stuff and got up.

We walked to the car and drove home while I sung every song and he just chuckled. When we got home we went in and my cat came up to us and she rub up against me. I picked her up like a baby and cradled her.

"Hi baby, I missed you." I whisper while scratching behind her ear and she starts to purr. I walk to the couch and sit down with her.

"Gavin, what is your cats name?" Nines says startling me. I honestly forgot he was there.

"Her name is Cookie. If you couldn't tell, she is a Calico and she is adorable! Yes you are!" I say petting her, earning purrs.

"C-can I hold her?" Nines asked. I was startled that he asked.

"O-of course!" I say patting the seat next to me.

He sits down and I hand him Cookie and he starts petting her, earning soft purrs.

"She really likes you! She isn't usually this friendly." I say earning a look of interest from Nines

"Where did you get her?" Asks and I immediately reply

"I found her when she was a kitten about 2 years ago. She was hiding in a little plastic bag and people were just walking by ignoring her or some would look at her and laugh and keep walking. I immediately picked her up and took her to the vet and got her checked out. She had fleas, her leg was damaged and she was malnourished. I took her home and I cleaned her up and took care of her, or she took care of me." I say kinda feeling emotional.

"That is interesting Gavin." He says looking down at Cookie who was asleep in his lap.

I turn on the T.V and put on The Office, one of my favorite shows. I start to get tired and without realizing it I doze off.
Okay this was 1,089 words and also, I hope you enjoyed it. Peace out ✌🏼

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