Underneath The Same Sky (Luke...

By dcandels

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they never knew that they would need each other so much. this story is being edited to make it better, not ma... More

Chapter 1: Does Calum Hood live here?
Chapter 2: Short for Theodora
Chapter 3: Awkwardness and Ice Cream
Chapter 4: Great. Just great.
Chapter 5: Save the Last Seat for Me
Chapter 6: Don't ever leave your buddy
Chapter 7: You'd still fall
Chapter 8: Cherrapunji Mysteries
Chapter 9: Again
Chapter 10: Twist
Chapter 11: Like the Movies
Chapter 12: Finally!
Chapter 13: You what?!
Chapter 14: Bus
Chapter 15: the F word
Chapter 16: Strange
Chapter 17: The Substitute Project
Chapter 18: I Just Don't Get It
Chapter 19: Sounds good
Chapter 20: Does that mean I get an A for your test?
Chapter 21: Wait, did I just say that??
Chapter 22: Perfect
Chapter 23: Dummies
Chapter 24: So which one requires less energy?
Chapter 25: Friday night
Chapter 26: Nicholas Sparks
Chapter 27: Epiphanies and Cookies
Chapter 28: Remedial Classes
Chapter 30: Problem
Chapter 31: We need a break
Chapter 32: Package for Teddy Aspen?
Chapter 33: White balloons or yellow?

Chapter 29: F&O

640 23 12
By dcandels


Chapter 29:

“Sure honey, but be present tomorrow okay? I can’t keep doing the register myself,” Ronda, my boss in F&O reminded me.

I nodded, “I know, I’m really sorry.” But by the time I said that Ronda was out the store.

It was a Wednesday afternoon and classes were done and now I am at my after school job. This week is the start of the remedial classes. Unfortunately, the lucky stars did not do their job well because I still have a remedial class. And surprise, surprise, it’s Math. Mr. De Leon talked to me earlier and told me that I was improving in his class (thankfully) but it’s still not enough for me to get an A+, so he suggested for me to get a tutor and join his remedial classes.

So I have no choice but to attend remedial classes if I want to get an A. As for the tutor, I don’t need to get one. I mean, I don’t want to. I’m relying on the remedial classes to get me by in class.

My thoughts were interrupted with a chime, meaning a customer went in.

“Welcome to Fresh & Organic, how may I help you?” I greeted as I move away from my seat in front of the cash register.

The customer was an old lady with pink streaks in her hair; she was staring at the racks of Manuka honey.

“Does this come in pill, honey?” she asked as she shoved the bottle right under my nose.

So that’s how I spent my Wednesday afternoon.


“You excited, Teddy?” Miss Alfred put her arm around me. I was standing outside my next class, waiting for the ongoing class to end. Today’s also the first day as a teacher’s apprentice or whatever you want to call me. Right after my last class, I go straight to my designated classroom where I shall teach History with other students.

I smiled uneasily. To be frank, I am scared out of my wits. What if I was not a good teacher and because of me they fail? I was so scared last night, I made a lesson plan. Yes, I actually made a lesson plan.

Miss Alfred probably noticed by silence so she laughed and looked me straight in the eye, “You’ll do fine. Just don’t think this is such a big deal. It’s not really.”

 I nodded then she said she had to go to another class.

I breathed deeply. She’s right. It’s not a big deal. Besides I already know these people. I did breathing exercises before I returned to normal when someone drops their arm on my shoulder. What is with people putting their arms on my shoulder today?

I looked up to see red flannel that belongs to Luke.


I was so surprised, wait surprised is an understatement, stunned, yes I was stunned to see Luke with his arm draping on my shoulder that I just stood there with my neck craning upward to see him, smiling down at me.

“Hi Teddy,” he said casually.

After what seems like forever, my brain and my mouth finally caught on. “Hi, what are you doing here?” I know my reply was rude but really, what I meant to ask him is what he is doing.

“I go here too, remember?” he chuckled at his joke. His well toned arm is still around me.

Finally, breaking out of my trance I comically slapped my forehead, “Of course!”

“Okay, okay. I’m not here to crack jokes. I’m here to ask you a question.” Wow, he’s so straightforward.

I looked at his flannel-covered arm and up to his blue, blue eyes. Sure, you can ask me any question.

“Yes? What about?” I replied casually. Well, I hope that came out casual.

The class inside the classroom was still going on and people are passing by us giving as quick glances and some are just lingering their eyes on Luke and I. I have never felt more conscious in my entire life.

Luke inhaled then he said, “What are you doing later this afternoon?”

First, he surprised me by being so touchy-feely and now he is asking me what my itinerary is for the day? Is he being paid to do this?

“Later? I- I have a remedial class,” I told him.

Luke’s face was indescribable. If disappointed was a person, he would look like Luke right now. He looks almost crushed.

“Oh yeah. I remember I have a remedial class too.” He said. You could hear his voice falter.

I was about to open my mouth and ask him why he was asking when the door of the classroom flung open, almost hitting Luke and I, and out the students who are already late for their next class.

“Hey Luke,” some of them greeting and some are just giving me knowing glances.

“Well, I’ll just see you around then! Bye Teddy!” Luke removed his warm arm and waved off.

I looked at my bare shoulder and smiled weakly at him. I don’t want to say goodbye.

“Sorry to keep you waiting but the classroom is ready for your next class,” the teacher told me as he gathered his things from the table and went out.

“No problem,” I whispered.

That was so surreal.


“That’s it for today, class dismissed” My last class teacher announced and I gathered my things and hugged the books to my chest.

I ran to my locker and stuffed books that doesn’t need advanced reading and grabbed my History book and my Math book.

I’m going to have my Math remedial class first then to my History remedial class.

I went to the math remedial classroom to see it crowded already. Of course, Math has got to be the one with full students. Math is never easy and I am glad to see that I am not the only one who detest math.

I took the seat near the window and opened my book. The teacher-student was a boy from another math class. His name was Andrew. He was nice and I did understand some of the things he was talking about so yeah I learned something from him.

After a few problems and people asking him questions, math remedial class has ended and we thanked and congratulated him for a job well done. Then I hurried to my history class. I hope I am as effective of a teacher as Andrew is.

I knocked on the classroom door to see it brimming with my classmates already and a few I do not know.

I was glad to see a few familiar faces and started writing some stuff on the board.  Then explained some stuff they don’t understand and basically we were just discussing about our history lessons where sometimes I have to correct them. It was like just a friendly conversation with friends but we talk about Mao Zedong and Genghis Khan and other people involved.

Before I knew it, the remedial class and they also thanked and congratulated me. I was really pleased that they were really easy to teach and that they understand whatever I was talking about.

I started erasing the writings on the board when someone knocked on the door, I saw Luke through the glass part of the door, waving.

I couldn’t help but smile back. He was still wearing the red flannel he wore earlier and his hair looked extra disheveled today.

He opened the door and let himself in. I was still erasing the writings on the board.

“What are you doing here?” he asked as he put his books on the nearest chair.

“I go here, remember?” I retaliated, quoting him from earlier.

Luke laughed and stood up near me.  He was so tall that he made a shadow towering me as I erased.

“No, really, what are you doing here?” he asked seriously now.

I finished erasing then wiped my hands on my jeans. “I’m teaching a remedial class,” I hope that didn’t sound embarrassing or nerdy.

Luke looked surprised then his expression changed immediately, “Really? What do you teach?”

I picked up my stuff and stashed them inside my bag, “History,”

I didn’t see Luke’s reaction when I said that so I just started fixing up the classroom.

Luke followed me then to his chair to retrieve his books then he closed the lights as I walk to it to turn them off.

“Thanks,” I said as I turn the knob off for the fans and air conditioner. I stepped out of the classroom and Luke closed the door behind him.

“So do you teach anything else?” he asked as he walked next to me.

“No, I’m done for the day” I told him as I turn to left to my locker.

Luke’s face lit up, “Really? So are you still up for what I told you earlier?”

Oh yeah, he asked me if I was doing anything this afternoon.

I was about to say ‘let’s go’ in a heartbeat when I remembered I promised Ronda that I would do my shift today.

“No, actually I have an after school job,” I replied as I stopped in front of my locker and did my combination.

I looked p to see Luke with that same crushed face I saw earlier.

“Where do you work?” he asked, leaning on the locker next to mine. Oh my god, he looks so beautiful in that angle. Scratch that, he looks so beautiful in every angle.

“F&O, heard of that one?” I slammed my locker shut and put my backpack on my shoulder.


Apparently, Luke has never even been to this part of town so of course he hasn’t heard of F&O yet.

Luke and I were getting down from the bus that took us from school into the town. He insisted that he wants to see where and what F&O is so he joined me to my trip to work.

“Well, this is F&O,” I declared as I open the door and the usual chimes chimed.

Mark, an older man, who is in his late twenties was wearing the F&O white apron and pin in his black shirt, was just ringing a man’s purchases when we came in.

“Glad you’re here, Teddy! You’re twenty minutes late! You’re never late!” he said as he put a Tupperware of chia seeds in our biodegradable bag.

“Didn’t Ronda tell you that I would be late? I had to attend remedial classes today. I’ll take over,” I told him as I put my bag under the counter and put on my plain F&O white apron and pin.

“Thank you for patronizing our products! Come again!” Mark handed the bag to the man who was busily chattering on his phone. I called in after him a “Come again!”

I finally took notice of Luke who was standing near the counter, smiling fondly at Mark and I. He sometimes creep me out. Luke, I mean, not Mark.

“Well, time for my other job.” Mark announced as he removed the F&O apron and pin and put it in his small cubby under the counter.

“Oh Mark, this is my friend, Luke.” I told Mark before he leaves.

Mark looked up from his cubby and smile at Luke, “Nice to meet you.” Then he shook Luke’s hand.

“Nice store you got sir.” Luke told him politely. I smiled at Luke, he is so polite.

“You tell that to Ronda. I don’t own this place.” He said as he gave us both a wave and went out the door.

As soon as Mark left, the store was quieter and you could hear the instrumental playlist Ronda insisted that we play all the time.

“Well, this is still a nice store,” Luke countered, staring at the different produce.

“Thanks! The morning shifts keep this tidy and it is up to us to leave it that way,” I told him as I got out of the counter with my white apron and suddenly feeling insecure. No one from school except Roxette has seen me in my day job uniform.

Too late to back out now and return behind the counter’s safety.  I grabbed the nearest stool to put some new organic shampoo bottles.

I heard Luke shuffled next to me, “Let me get that for you,” he grabbed the bottles from the box and he started putting them in the shelves without using the stool. He was so close to me I could hear his rhythmic breathing and smell him. I think he is wearing a Calvin Klein perfume.

“Thank you but you didn’t have to do that,” I told him after he finished putting the bottles.

“It’s okay my little doughboy,” he chuckled after he said that then disappeared in an aisle.

What? Doughboy?

“Doughboy? Why did you call me that?” I asked him. I’m not mad; I’m just really curious why on earth he would call me doughboy.

I followed him to the aisle he went to and then he pointed at me then he chortled.

I looked down with confusion written all over my face and realized he was talking about my white apron that reaches up to my ankle that only the lower part of my beat up lace up boots were showing.

So I was the Pillsbury Doughboy.

I looked up and saw him still chortling.

“I’m not a doughboy!” I said indignantly.

“But you are! You belong in a pancake packaging,” he laughed harder this time.

“Doughboy wears a chef hat, so I can’t be Doughboy,” I told him and went inside the other side of the counter so he would stop laughing at my ‘Doughboy’ costume.

“Aww, don’t be mad. Doughboy is cute. That means you’re cute,” he said as he walked towards the counter and put his elbows down

He was wearing that boyish smile with his boyish hair and his boyish clothes. Resisting is pointless. I don’t care if he called me cute, I still didn’t say anything so he would feel guilty about calling me Dough boy.

“Is my little dough boy mad? You know, you’re cute when you’re mad,” he said, leaning forward. I can smell his soap and his CK perfume.

Resist the urge to kiss him right then and there, Teddy. Whoah! What am I thinking? Kissing him? And right there during work? What has gotten into me? Clear your mind Teddy and stop thinking of such deluded imaginations.

Luke was still smiling that Colgate smile and I was still scolding myself mentally when we were interrupted by the loud sound of the chimes. Thank you, customer.

The customer was a blonde boy who was about 13 or 14. He was looking around the aisles and he picked up a bottle of organic hair dye. His mother probably ordered him to buy it.

I got up from my cash register spot and went up to him, leaving Luke behind.

“Welcome! How may I help you?” I asked him nicely. The boy stood up and he gawked at me for a while with that awkward silence when Luke coughed loudly and I was relieved that the boy stopped staring.

“Uhhm, do you have this in brown?” he stammered as he handed me the box of hair dye. In the box, there’s a smiling model with red hair.

“Of course, it’s right here,” I got the box with the smiling woman with brown hair.

“Uhm, did I say brown? I meant purple!” the boy blurted out.

“Oh no big deal, sweetheart,” I told the boy who was frantically looking around but me.

I got down on my knees to look for the purple hair dye. But so far, we only have blonde, different shades of brown, red and blue.

I got up and dusted my knees, “Sorry sweetheart, purple is out of stock.”

The boy didn’t look disappointed at all. He just shrugged, “I’ll take the blonde,”

I smiled and grabbed the blonde box for him and went up to the cash register where Luke was waiting patiently with a bored look on his face. Serves him right for wanting to come with me.

I punched a few numbers and scanned the box. “That’ll be twelve dollars,”

The boy handed me a twenty dollar bill and gave him his change.

“Thank you for patronizing F&O, come again!” I told him and handed him his bag,

He took the bag from me and he just stood there. As in literally stood there.

I’m starting to freak out a little inside, “Is there a problem, sweetie?”

I did a quick glance at Luke who was looking at him weirdly and confusedly too.

“What’s your name?”

I was taken aback with the question. I stopped wearing my name tag during work hours because turns out I was the only one in the entire employees of Ronda who wears one.

“Uhh, I’m Teddy,” I replied them smiled awkwardly at the boy.

“And what’s your phone number?”

Too bowled over to speak, Luke jumped in and told the boy that his mother was waiting for him outside.

After the boy left who waved and smiled at me, that left Luke and I with awkward silence.

“Well, that was creepy,” Luke said, walking towards the aisles of fresh vegetables.

“You said it!” I agreed as I read the inventory book.

“Why did you call him ‘sweetheart’?” Luke’s voice sound faint but I was sure of what I heard.

“It’s the policy. Call them different terms of endearment.” I said nonchalantly. It’s true. Ronda said that we must always address customer a term of endearment. That only applies to people who have children. So they will realize how nice we are and might buy our products. Those were Ronda’s words, not mine.

“Then why must it be ‘sweetheart’?” Luke questioned.

I couldn’t help but giggle, “Then what should I call him?”

This time Luke appeared in front of me, no longer wearing that boyish smile.

“I don’t know, you didn’t have to assist him. He knows what he’s looking for,” he said as if he was the boy.

To be completely honest, this conversation is as useful as pointless pencil. Why are we even arguing about this? It’s tiring.

I was about to reply, something different so we didn’t have to talk about it.

“What if it was a teenage boy? Or a maniac or something?” he questioned.

I stared at him for too long. His features were hardening as he waits for my answer. Is Luke jealous?

Slowly, a smile crept to my face. Then Luke’s face started softening again.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t even barge in to your work or anything,” Luke apologized. He looked away from me and started walking away.

“Where are you going?” I hollered.

He grabbed his backpack from the floor and slung it over his shoulder. “Back to the dorms, I just remembered that I have homework to do,”

I was too preoccupied of what was processing in my head that I didn’t call out or anything to Luke.

Luke is so cute when he gets jealous.

I smiled to myself and found myself humming as I rearrange our products in their shelves.


“Hello, F&O, this is Teddy Aspen,” I answered the phone after its third ring.

The line was silent for a moment then static, “Teddy dear, this is Ronda, your shift’s over, you can lock up now, sorry about the noise, there’s no signal here, Edward, put your foot down! Okay, Teddy bye sweetheart!” then click.

I smiled and removed my ‘dough boy’ uniform and pin and put on my gray cardigan over my blue and white striped top and oxblood pants.

It was already seven thirty in the evening and I need to get on the seven forty five bus. I double checked everything and finally locked the door and pulled the steel cover for the entire shop and locked that too. I got up from my knees after locking the steel cover and saw a huge figure standing just a few feet away from me.

I let out a loud scream and realized that it was just Luke with his impish smile then he burst out laughing.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh or scare the hell out of you,” he laughed and touched his stomach.

“First Doughboy and now this, what’s next?” I said angrily and stomped off.

This time I really am angry. He scared me to death; I really thought he was some kind of loose serial killer/psycho like in the movies. Then he laughed as if finding my fear entertaining.

I walked briskly and pulled my cardigan closer. It was a windy night and the moon and stars were out, it was like a spotlight.

I heard Luke cuss then he ran after me and blocked my view. “Sorry Teddy, I didn't know you’re going to be so frightened,”

Luke’s face was filled with concern and worry and apologetic if I might add.

I really can’t stay mad at Luke or at anyone for that matter. Even if he did scare me to death. But I refuse to give in to his puppy eyes and elfin grin.

I narrowed my eyes at him, “What are you still doing here anyway?”

Right now, we are at the middle of the street, just three blocks from F&O with only few people walking and fortunately no cars to run us over.

“I waited for you,” he said as a matter-of-factly.

“Why on earth would you do that? Did you wait outside?” I asked him.

Luke shrugged, “This doesn’t look like the friendly environment you should be walking on at night,”

Luke looked tired and sleepy. Well, he did wait for three hours.

“So you’re ready to go home?” I asked him. I can’t wait to flop on my bed and sleep soundly tonight.

Luke returned to his normal manner then grinned at me, “No, I have a better idea! Do you want to eat out?”


“Wow! This is really good!” Luke exclaimed as he took a big bite.

We were at a small diner that specializes with New Orleans dishes. It was just seven blocks from F&O and Luke was disappointed at me for not even knowing this amazing place.

I looked at Luke’s plate of Po’Boy, that’s what it says on the menu and found my stomach grumbling.

Luke heard the growl and laughed. “Have a bite, Teddy!” he took the Po’boy and motioned for me to take a bite. I couldn’t resist, my order the gumbo hasn’t arrived yet so I was starving.

Luke was still holding the Po’boy waiting for me to take a bite. Oh well.

I took a bite and it is amazing!!!!

“Told you,” Luke smirked at my expression.

After a while, my order came and there was small talk while we ate.

“Are you coming to the prom?” Luke asked after he had his seconds.

I was silent for a while. I am a part of the prom committee which means that I’ll be behind the scenes and quite honestly, I’ve got no time to fret over my dress, my hair, makeup, and of course my date. So I decided not to go.

But I didn’t tell Luke that. I don’t want him to see me as some weirdo who skips the prom so they can make the prom possible.

“Probably,” I said at last.

Luke eyed me then he said, “You’re not sure?”

I looked at my gumbo, “I don’t know. Proms aren't really my thing and besides I’m gonna be busy,”

“Busy with what?”

“I’m part of the prom committee so you know how heavy my duty is,” I shrugged and ate my gumbo. It tastes like heaven.

“So you’re going to create the prom but you’re not going to enjoy it?” Luke said that as if I what I’m about to do is the most outrageous thing to do.


Luke is starting to become like Roxette. Just a few days ago, she was giving me a speech about ‘once in a lifetime experience’, ‘you’re gonna regret it’, ‘what stories are you going to tell your grandchildren? How you blew balloons for the prom?’ ‘you don’t have to worry about your gown, I’ve already decided for you’ stuff.

I was relieved and a little disappointed that Luke didn't press on the subject. I was half hoping that he gives me speeches like Roxette did and I was also half hoping he drops the subject which he did.

Now, there’s just silence between us and also munching and chewing.

“Well? What about you?” I asked before I blew my soup.

“I don’t know, I might go there without a date,” Luke said in between munches.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud, “You? Luke Hemmings? Without a date? For prom?”

Luke frowned slightly then he smiled, “Must you always talk with question marks at the end?”

I grip the edge of the table. Get a hold of yourself. This is not ladylike, Teddy. You’ve never guffawed in a public place before and especially not in front of the boy you like. Get a grip, Teddy!

Finally, after what seemed like forever, I finally composed myself, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh.” I put on my serious face and pinched my thigh really hard so I would stop the urge to laugh.

“It’s okay. And yes, Luke Hemmings might go to prom without a date.” He confirmed.

This time I didn't feel like laughing, I felt bad. Why would Luke go to prom without a date?

“Why not? I’m sure there’s a girl on your mind that you want to ask to prom,” I told him. And I want to take it back. The mere mention of the word girl, the green eyed monster takes over me.  I don’t want to hear about another girl or a girl who’s going to have Luke all to herself for a night.

Luke looked straight in my eye and said, “There is. But I don’t know how to ask her. I want it to be grand, you know,”

“Then what have you got in mind?” Never mind the green eyed monster. I really want to know how Luke will do it.

“I’m not telling,” he smiled enigmatically before resuming to his Po’Boy.


“I had a really fun night,” I told Luke as he walked me to my dorm house doorstep. There were a few lights on but the rest were as still as a statue.

“I did too. And I really am sorry about scaring you. It wasn't intentional.” Luke smiled as he run his fingers through his hair. His other hand stuffed in his pocket.

“It’s okay, you made it up with the dinner,” I smirked at him. He felt really bad for scaring me that he paid for the dinner and the bus fare.

“Only gentlemen do that,” he winked at me playfully.

“Sure they do. Good night Luke,”

Luke smiled and stuffed both of his hands in his pocket now. His flannel flapping with the strong wind.

“Good night,”

I turned away and turned the doorknob when Luke coughed.

I turned back and he was still smiling, hands in his pockets then he said, “You sure are one hell of a girl.”

Wow can u imagine luke saying that to you then he ruffles your hair and kisses you on the forehead? Oh my god I would die.

I also cant believe that I’ll be 17 in just a few weeks!!!!!! Oh my god. Ok whatevs.

Here’s an update because I came up with something. I did this just two days before my math midterms so if you love me, pray for me.

And if you love this, vote for it.

 I love you all.

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