I Hate You✯Klance

By xKxLxAxNxCxE

53.3K 1.2K 2.9K

Long story short, Lance and Keith are friends with benefits. Fuck buddies. Whatever you want to call it. But... More

✯2-Lance's house
✯4-No Sleep
✯7-Stupid Feelings
Oof, sorry + Q&A
I'm Sorry + [Please Click]


3.3K 124 198
By xKxLxAxNxCxE

Ack! I'm so sorry! My writing keeps being delayed! Welp. Um. Also, you guys are crazy! I get like 70 notifications in the morning! I'm not a morning person! Welp.
:・゚ *:・゚ *:・゚ *:・゚:・゚ *:
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Date: Friday, Time: 6:40am

Keith groans as he washes his face and looks in the mirror. Yeesh. All he saw was trash.

He messed with his hair until it looked decent and kind of fluffy. He tied it in a small pony tail. Good enough, he thought. He walked out of the bathroom and down the hall to his bedroom. It was a complete mess. Looking through his closet, he chose to wear a red shirt, a black leather jacket Shiro gave him, his ripped jeans, and a gray beanie he found laying around. Meh. Looks good enough. The raven haired boy wandered out and knocked on his younger brother's door.

"Cole? You done, bud?"

Cole opened the door and looked at him with a cold, expressionless face.

He was wearing black jeans, a light blue shirt, and his purple and white jacket.

"Can I just stay home? I'm done with school."

Keith rolled his eyes and grabbed Cole by the hood, dragging him to the kitchen.

"Want anything to eat?" The older boy asked, looking through the refrigerator.

"Nah, I'm good."

And with that, the two boys headed out.

»»————- ★ ————-««

"Just stay close," Keith said.


They walked through the halls warily, Keith keeping an eye out for Marcus. He saw them come around the corner and tensed up. The older boy put a hand on Cole's shoulder and could feel him shaking a bit. The 4 boys continued to laugh together, heading for Cole but stopped and turned quickly as they saw Keith who was glaring at them.

The two Kogane brothers then headed to class.

"I'll see you later ok? Don't go far from here."


"I'm only a few classrooms down. Ok bye."

Keith ruffled his hair, causing it to stick up and out of place. Cole glared at him and turned around, walking into class. Keith looked around, spotting the bullies. He glared at them one final time and walked down the hall.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Lunch time.

Keith opened his locker, to find that he didn't pack lunch. He groaned, his stomach rumbling. Cole had left to sit with a few people he knew. Mr. Thace had held him back for a few minutes after class so the hallway was empty.

"Hey kitten~" He heard a voice say.

He turned around, rolling his eyes. Oh right. This guy. The guy who's brother is bulling my brother.

"What do you want Lance?" He snapped.

Lance's smirk only widened.

"Are you still coming over tomorrow? My parents won't be home~"

"Uh I don't think so."

"Why not?"

Keith just turned back around, putting his binders in.

"Kitttteeennnn!~" Lance whined, hugging his waist and rubbing his face on Keith's shoulder.

Keith slammed his locker shut, shrugging Lance off.

"Marcus has been bulling my little brother!" He barked at him, his eyes burning with a fire Lance never knew was there. Keith instantly regret saying that, his promise with Cole broken.

Lance looked surprised, "What? Marc? That can't be right."

"Well Cole had been coming home everyday with black eyes and bloody noses!" Keith yelled at him, getting all in the Cuban male's face.

"Marcus would never do that! Your brother is lying!" Lance shouted, not backing down.

"Cole would never lie about something like that! Your brother is the one who-"

Lance slammed Keith against his locker, pinning Keith down.

"Don't you dare insult my brother or I'll mess you up!"

"I'm not scared of you!" Keith screamed back.

"Is that right now?" Lance said, smirking.

Keith's face turned pink, he knew that smirk.

"Well why don't we go somewhere a little private and I can show you how scary I can be~"

Keith pushed him off, hoping that his heart would stop beating so fast.

"Whatever Lance. Just-, " he sighed, "just talk to your brother."

"Fine." Lance said, disappointed that he didn't get to do anything with Keith.

"But tomorrow, you're gonna be all mine~" He said.

Keith's face turned beet red and he left to go buy some food. Lance was gonna be the death of him.

»»————- ★ ————-««

"Seriously?!? I left you alone just for lunch and this happens?!?" Keith shrieks with anger.

Cole had another black eye. His skin looked as if it would be permanently purple and blue.

"They were watching and waiting. After you left I went to the library. The rest is history. Dragging me out. Beating me up. Do I even have to explain?"

Keith sighed, "I thought you went to sit with some friends!"

"Friends? What's that?"

Keith groaned and put on his shoes, "Come on."

"Where are we going?"

"To his house."

Cole froze, "We can't-"

Keith grabbed his brother and dragged him out, "You don't have a choice."

Cole sighed and climbed on the motorcycle.

»»————- ★ ————-««

They got there pretty quickly. It was like Keith's anger fueled the bike. They climbed off, taking off their helmets. Keith went up to the door, ringing the doorbell.

The door opened, revealing a young woman with short hair and glasses.

"Hello! Can I help you with anything?" She asks in a cheery voice.

"Um- can I talk to Marcus?" Keith asks, hesitantly.

She raised an eyebrow, "How do you know Marc?"

"I go to school with him- My brother- um." Keith didn't know what to say, he recognized this girl as Veronica, Lance's older sister. What was to say? Oooooh you're brother is bullying my brother! That wouldn't end good.

Veronica looked at him weirdly and called for Marcus.

"Do you want to come in?"

"Um sure." Keith motioned for Cole to come too. He hesitatingly follows.

Inside they sit on the couch, Veronica sitting to the side of them in a chair. Today the household wasn't were noisy, the children must've been out with friends or something. Footsteps could be heard and Marcus came halfway down the stairs. He took one look at Keith's fiery face and went back up.

"MARCUS!! COME DOWN HERE!!" Veronica yelled.

Marcus slowly came back down, not making eye contact with the Kogane brothers though he could feeling Keith's glare practically burning into his skull. Keith sat there looking at him with pure disgust and anger.

Lance came down shortly after.

"What's with the noise- Eyyyyy Keith!"

Keith looked at him, "Not now Lance!" He said through gritted teeth.

Marcus sat down in front of them, head hanging low. He knew what was about to happen. Cole just stared at him, sadly.

"Well?" Veronica said, tapping her foot impatiently.

Keith took a deep breath, trying to be calm, "Marcus here," he spat out his name like poison, "has been beating up Cole."

Veronica looked shocked, "Is this true Marc?!?" She said angrily.

He just nodded.


"I-" Marcus cut himself off. He was still looking down, hiding the fact that he had tears in his eyes. He didn't know how to explain it, it was complicated.

"If you don't have anything to say, go to your room!"

Marcus got up, walking to his room.

Lance stared at them all, still in disbelief that Marcus had done such a thing. Their Mama had always told them that being rude to others was horrible and that they should never treat someone like that.

"C-can we just go now?" Cole said in a quiet voice, tugging Keith's sleeve.


They got up and thanked Veronica and headed for the door. Lance stopped Keith before he could go.

"Sorry for doubting you."

Keith smiled, "Nah, its fine."

Lance smiled back, "See ya tomorrow then!"

Keith rolled his eyes. This guy.

»»————- ★ ————-««


🎶I got 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-  hours of sleep and I feel like shit~🎵

That should be a song. I should think of more lyrics 😂

Anyway, thanks for reading and um byeee~


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