Cure To Bloodlust (Tododeku)

Galing kay Xiariadragneel

293K 11.4K 6.4K

Its just the normal My Hero Academia fun but with a twist, Tododeku twist and just another teensy-weensy twi... Higit pa

(33) Unknown
(37) "It's about Izuku"
(38) Blushing
(39) He's Fine
(40) Fangs
(41) Useful
(42) hugs make everything better
(43) Was it that obvious?
(44) Struggling
(45) Not Me
(46) close
(47) breaking biche
(48) Trust
(49) Epilogue: Dorks in Love
(50) Bonus

(30) Awaited explanation

5.3K 200 180
Galing kay Xiariadragneel

Midoriya POV

I just finished having dinner with the others and I was now back in my room sprawled out on my bed in the dark, my small reading lamp the only current light source giving the room a warm eerie glow.

Things were falling in to place, totally out of my control and against his previous intended will ...but now 

I rather not drink from people, but now I have a 'volunteered' blood servant er....... donor.

I just needed Hisaya's vampire medical advice but now she's flying out here next week end.

Which leads me to something I should have done a long time ago. The minute All Might entrusted me with his secret, his power, his legacy and the legacy of others before him.

Pushing myself under my cover and switching off my light. I made up my mind.

I'm gonna tell All Might Tomorrow.


Normal POV


last night's determination short deteriorating.

He was freaking out.

He was calm This morning, in a good mood even, he got up early this morning and visit the mail department and his package was there. He feft so relief.

They didn't talk nor did the other see him but he saw All Might this morning looked like he was out jogging and the realization of what he would have to tell him today totally weighed on him.

If anything All Might would have right to be angry with him if he did but—

"Oi Deku! Take the damn paper!"

meekly grabbing the paper that was apparently being shared out in class from Bakugou, he sighed.

Right ..he was in class.

He couldn't properly talk to All Might till after school, so he should try to relax for the rest of the day. Midoriya glanced back at Todoroki who was writing down something, actually paying attention. He was the only one who knew of Midoriya's situation...well most of it.

The thought was a bit selfish but he would appreciate it if he could have have the other there for support when he told all Might..but that would defeat the whole purpose.

Yes he should have told All Might before, but the only reason he h as no choice but consider it now because he needs answers from Hisaya and she can't give him it if she doesn't know the whole story, the whole story being the reason for  his sudden 'late' development of a quirk and change of anatomy.


Lunch came pretty quickly, especially Midoriya was lost in his own mind not really paying attention, which didn't seem to go unnoticed by some of his friends.

"Midoriya." He turned around balancing his lunch tray in his hands to lock gazes with his blood servant.

"Todoroki hey." Izuku tried smiling knowing full well what was coming judging by the the others worried expression.

"Hey...I know I must sound like a broken record but, are you okay you looked sorta bothered all morning."

"I'm fine, really it's just..."Midoriya bit his lip as they both sat down opposite each othet. He knew just leaving it at "I'm fine" would just make the other more worried so just decided to add some extra information.

"—its just my cousin's coming to Japan next week a-and I'm just a bit nervous at meeting them again is all."he giving a nervous chuckle trying to play it off, Todoroki look like he took the bait as his face visibility soften.

"Oh —I'm sure it'll be fine." Todoroki attempting to reassure him.

Trying to lift both their moods, Midoriya look around for any approaching or straining ears.

"A nervous but giddy smile plastered between freckles.

"Hey I got my package this morning!" He whispered to the the other.
Todoroki looked confused a second but then quirked his eyebrow questioningly.

"Blood?" He mouthed softly.

"mmmm." Izuku hummed eagerly.

"That's good then." Was all Todoroki said before they fell into silence as rhey began to dipped into their meals, (I'm sure you can guess what they are)....a weird one...its wasn't uncomfortable or awkward just felt like somethings were left unsaid but the words right on the tip of the tougue, for both parties.

He was kinda expecting the Todoroku to be a bit more... excited or happy? He didn't know, maybe he was just expecting or over thinking  to he's never really seen Todoroki excited anyway...or maybe he is and its just hard to tell.

'damn it,  here I thought I could read him well. Midoriya sigh inwardly sinking in to their retained silence untill Iida and Uraraka joined them shortly after.


All Might was currently waiting in teachers lounge where he and Midoriya usally meet for Little chats and what not which is why he was here. While he was checking up on the kids' training for their provisional license exam in gym Gama, Midoriya briefly approached him asking to meet him after class. His expression looking like it was fight to stay calm but clearly lased with worry, he quickly scurried away before all could ask anything leaving him no choice to wait here and Lounge for answers.

Midoriya was doing so well, what could possibly have him so worried now? His mind didn't have to wonder fir the worst anymore when he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." he answered firmly but lightly, the doors slowly pushing open to reveal none other the his green head successor.

Midoriya sat across from him for a while now head down and hands clutched tightly on his knees his eyes not meeting his since he entered the room.

He was getting worried now.

"Young Midoriya-"

"please don't hate me."The younger suddenly mumbled, finally raising his head eyes glassy and more then nervous.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. You entrusted me with your biggest and most important secret, your power and I couldn't even give you this. I-I just didn't think it was important it has never been, I was just always a sad excuse to both species—

'both species?'

"—and also too .. maybe ...I was just denying who I was and I just didn't know how to say something thats way way less then normal then being quirkless...well maybe not 'NOT' normal but just unheard of and—"

"Young Midoriya please, calm down your mumbling again and I don't understand what your talking about.

Midoriya sighed deciding to just explain after.

"I'm... I'm a Va..... Vampire."


"....a Vampire?..."All Might questions flatly, eyebrows knitting in obvious confusion. " you..mean like Vampires in Movies that..suck your blood and stuff?"

Midoriya nodded solemnly."sort of."

"um...are you serious?" Toshinori really didn't know what was going on, he's never heard of something like this, it was the concept like teen movie or what kids these day call fanfiction or something. He was just joking right? The kid's acting was really good, like he was about to usual.

Midoriya frowned trying to read his mentor's face, from which he didn't seem to be getting or specifically believing.

Sighing He grabbed his bag off the side of the couch from him earning a questioning attention from All Might.

Midoriya pulled out a small but wide thermos after rummaging through his bag. "My favorite food is pork cutlet, it taste really good..I like food in general I'm not particularly pickey but.." Midoriya began with a sad smile on his face as he began opening the Thermos pulling out one his pint of blood, the cute ones with the straw thingy, type A if youvwant detail.

".....but it's a necessity for me like everyone else."

All Might at lost for words.

Even more so when Midoriya open the package simply sipping from it as if were just juice, his eyes widening when His student wiped his mouth of the stain of red, mouth opening in a nervous smile revealing his fangs.

All Might still said nothing, making Midoriya worried, his stomach felt heavy. buy he continued on, none stop, not that Toshinori stopped him or said anyway, telling him everything about his childhood his family, his life style..his disability. But by the time Midoriya got around to telling him about what happened in school, how he almost attack Bakugou he was a crying mess. And All Might still said nothing.

He dropped his head, hiding behind his hands even as the tears fell and messed up his face, his fangs disappeared a whike ago.

"I-I'm Sorry" Izuku sobbed He felt so disappointed in himself and All Must be too-

There was a sudden weight besides him on the chair and then he found himself building pulled into the other's chest, in to a hug.

"A-All Might?" Midoriya sniffled.

"Forgive my boy, I heard everything you said I was just abit Shocked is All."

"Also sorry if this seems rude but your 'vampire' heritage or what you called it, can't it just be a family runny quirk it's not to far off when you think about something like One for All." All Might asked a little toi thoughtfully.

Midoriya stared wide eye at his teacher. .

"Your not mad?" ..

"huh no my boy, I'm a bit though disappointed you didn't say it before but it's not being worth being mad over, plus One for All is my secret but being a .. vampire that's still kinda weird to say—anyway being a vampire is your whole family if not a whole specie's secret isn't it?"

Midoriya nodded dumbly not knowing what to say but All Might continue anyway.

"And I don't want you to feel bad about who you are but it's really sad to ses that you were born different the the minority percent of two species, I only had to deal with one."

Midoriya starting crying again, his heart filled with relief and joy, All Might gladly comforting the boy in a fatherly hug . (DAMN RIGHT ITS FATHERLY! DADMIGHT 4 THE WIN!)

After getting Midoriya to calm done All Might also too excitedly asked a few questions, Midoriya still abit in awe at The retired hero's understanding, his previous question with a " Vampire are different species to Humans and were around Way Waaaaaaay before quirks even existed or atleast that what the family scrolls say.

This whole situation was quite of a learning experience for the blond but then it dawn on him as to why Midoriya chose now, which lead to the green head to continue his story from earlier where he lost control that day and almost attack Bakugou and drank from Todoroki who graciously actually encouraged to do so and is now his blood serv- dooner.

All Might seem to take the information pretty well, putting unspoken peicess together.

"Then did you find out what causes your sudden increase of appetite and how to deal with it if it increases again.

"uh the first part I might have an idea why but I'm sure, as for the second part well...." Midoriya gulped the nervousness returning, he's another hard part. " You see..I need your permission."

"My permission for what?"

"The tell some about One for All."

"..............Is it your mother?"

"N-no ..its my cousin she's like a vampire doctor and I asked her for help but she's knows there's something I'm not telling her that may pertain to why my body's acting up. She can't help me if she doesn't know the causes so I made deal with her. Do this..tell you...then tell her."

"okay. Tell here."

"—w-what!?" Midoriya was shocked at All Might quick fire decision.

"I said it okay, this is the only way right and— hey don't go crying again."

"haha I'm sorry.

They talk awhile again, Midoriya telling him more about his family and cousin Hisaya until All Might told him he should return to the dorms now it was already 6:15. Midoriya got off the chair All Might walking to the door his face red and stained but a genuine smile on his face. Though it dropped a second later replace with guilt.

"I'm sorry All Might.. I'm always causing trouble and now this I'm such a hassle aren't I, I'm sure sometimes you wish you picked an—"

"No I don't. And I've told time and time again why, what I've seen in you. So for now just remembered that I've never regretted and I know I never will and One day you'll know it was all Worth. Got that Kiddo"

"Y-yes." Izuku stuttered smile returning and chest swelling with pride.

"Then Good Night My boy."

"Good Night." with that Midoriya rushed down the now empty halls, shoulders and mind refreshingly lighter, now all that's left is ofcourse focusing on training for the exams next week and sorting out to meet with Hisaya on Saturday.


In one of the sentences I was actually going to write "All Might quirked an eyebrow in confusion—" but then I remembered All Might in his skinny form ....doesn't have fucking eye brows eyebrows lol ..also this chapter is way long then usual, 2k words plus but I just want to get this subject out of the way.

And I was killing me to hold back naming this Chapter "Father son Talk." or something alomg the lines...but I digress.

See you Next time!

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