I love You More and More Ever...

By GleeForever213

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This is the second book in the New Girl series. Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or any songs or characters, I on... More

Cleaning Pools and Sunburn
Wal-Mart and Water Balloons
Trip to SC!
Family Reunion
Family Reunion Part 2
Meeting Brenda's SC Friends
Bored and Babysitting
Back to School!
Hit and Run
Recovery and Meeting
Leaving the Hospital
Who Is Who?
Win or Lose?
It's Not True
Authors Note
Pajamas and Spongebob SquarePants
Christmas Again!...Already?
Another Author's Note!
Family Photos!
Free Time!
Last Day Together
Sequel Info!


796 24 2
By GleeForever213

Third Person POV

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Ryder, Jake, Marley, Finn, Rachel, Mercedes, Quinn, and Puck were sitting in Brenda's living room. Brenda was laying on the floor playing with Sandy.

"So, how are you and Sam?" Mercedes asked. Brenda looked up at her, and noticed the others were looking at her.

"We're great! We have a few fights every now and then, but other than that, we're good." She answered, giving Sandy her pacy, which she spit out.

"Have you been giving him cuddles?" Puck asked in a girly voice.

"I will smack you. Shut the hell up. And yes, I have been giving him cuddles."

"Um, what do you mean by cuddles?" Finn asked hesitantly.

"We cuddle, what do you think? Ya know what, don't answer that question."

"He is like a big teddy bear with abs!" Mercedes said. Everyone looked at her. "What? We had a summer fling remember?"

"Oh, right."

"Yeah, he loves to cuddle, and I don't complain." Brenda said. She stood up and picked Sandy up. She sat in the recliner and rocked back and forth.

"Okay, we're going to go swim while you girls talk." Ryder said. The boys got up and walked outside.

"How long have you two been together now anyway?" Marley asked.

"9 months."

"Wow. That's a long time."

"Yeah, I hope it lasts longer." Brenda said.

"I think it will. He really loves you. And you love him." Rachel said.

"Yeah, I do."

"Speaking of Sam, where the hell is he?" Mercedes asked. Brenda shrugged.

"The hell if I know. He's upstairs somewhere. I saw him walk by here before y'all got here with a bag of candy, and I haven't seen him since he went up to his room." Brenda said. She put Sandy in her play pin and sat back on the recliner.

"Oh Lord. That boy will be jumping off the walls in a little while." Mercedes said shaking her head. There was a loud thump.

"Okay, either he fell off his bed again or he's jumping off the walls." Brenda said laughing. She started to get up but was interrupted by the sound of footsteps running down the steps. She looked up just in time to see Sam fall down the stairs again. He got up quickly and ran into the living room.

"Hey girls! What'cha doin'? Where are the guys? Outside? Okay, I'm going out there with them." He started to walk, no run out of the room but decided against it. He speed walked back into the living room and sat on the couch, jumping up and down. He was shaking while he talked. "So what are y'all doing? I'm incredibly happy right now! I'm bored though, where's mom and dad? Where's pa? Is dad at work? Oh, wait. Yes he is! I love my hair, no I love elephants. They're just big and fat and funny looking. What'cha doin'?" The girls looked at each other. They could not understand one thing he just said, well, Brenda could, but the only reason is because she talks fast.

"Um, nothing. Sam, have you been eating to much candy?" Brenda asked.

"Huh, no. I ate the whole bag. Damn, I need to exercise so I don't get all fat and stuff!" He got up and started doing really fast jumping jacks. After a few seconds he gave up and sat down on the couch .I saw that Quinn had her phone out, recording everything. "So what have y'all been talkin' 'bout? Where are the guys? Swimming? Cool, that's awesome. I hate cutting grass. Dad makes me cut grass." A door slammed shut and the boys came back in." I want to go to the Zoo, but Lima doesn't have one, which I think is really stupid. I love tigers. They're all roar and stuff and they have strips. So do Zebras! Zebras are awesome. So are monkeys, elephants, tigers, oops already said that, lions, and cheetahs. Cheetahs are fast. They're like, zoom, zoom, zoom! Hyenas sound like they laugh when they bark. Why do they sound like that? It's really weird." He kept going on and on about how weird Hyenas sound. The guys looked at the girls and Puck asked,

"Is he like, high or something?"

"No, he's not high, he is hyper though."

"Okay, well, we're gonna leave you to deal with...that. Bye!" They practically ran out the door.

"Screw y'all then!" Brenda yelled out the door.

"Hey B, where's Stacy and Stevie and mama and Donna?" He talked fast.

"They went to the park."

"Oh cool, I love the park. I like climbing trees. Monkeys climb trees. Monkeys are awesome. I want a monkey. Gorillas are fat. I once saw a video on YouTube of a monkey sitting in a tree. He stuck his finger up his ass then smelled it. I was like ew. He must have thought it was rank to because he fell out of the tree after smelling it." Sam said, swaying back and forth on the couch. Brenda laughed and sat next to him. A few hours later, Sam had calmed down and was crashing hard. Mary, Donna, Stacy and Stevie had just gotten home from the park. Brenda was laying on the couch, Sam between her legs, his head on her stomach. She ran her hands through his hair. Mary was shocked when she saw them like that.

"Hi mom." Sam mumbled, moving around a bit.

"Are you sick again, Sam?"


"He was hyper earlier, now he's crashing hard." Brenda answered, as Sam's breath evened out, signaling that he was asleep. Donna grabbed Brenda's phone and took a picture. She gave it back to her and Brenda smiled at the picture.

"How much candy did he eat?"

"Okay, so, don't blame me, but he walked passed me up to his room with a bag of candy. Marley, Quinn, Rachel and Mercedes got here right after he went up stairs. About an hour later, Sam came running down the stairs, falling in the process and started talking about all kinds of crap. Then, I asked him how much he ate and he said he ate the whole bag." Brenda said. "Quinn got half of it on camera. I'll get her to put it on Facebook or something and I'll show it to you." They laughed.

"Okay." Mary ruffled Sam's hair and walked up stairs.

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