Anything You Ask Of Me: Jorda...

By Coffeeclifford

70.2K 1.4K 626

An unpredictable move from California to Boston opens a whole new chapter of adventures, friends, opportuniti... More

Greetings Blockheads/Baby Blockheads♥︎
1.[ Big News]
2.[Why Boston?]
3.[Boston bound☁︎]
4.[You're not from here are you?]
5.[Only a dream]
6.[Cheese and Wood]
7.[ Knight Brothers]
8.[I never wanted anyone like this♡]
9.[Meet you halfway]
10.[Tender gestures♡]
11. [So I hold you close to help you give it up♡]
12.[We're The New Kids On The Block♥︎]
13. [So, it's a ____? ♡]
14. [Date with a Knight in Shining Armor♡]
16. [In love♡ ?]
17.[You have my blessing]
18.[So you're dating my baby brother?]
19. [If you were beside me right now ♡]
20. ...Or he's in love ♡
21.[ My girl.♡]
22. [His kiss♡]
23. [Jordan✎♡]
24. [Kisses and Vibes]
25.[ Stay with me baby ♡]
26.[Ghosts of the past☾]
27.[Deja Vu]
28.[Naked heartbeat ♡]
30.[ Just like this♡]
32. [She can't have you]
33. [Ice cream kisses ♡]
34. [Anything You Ask Of Me♡]
35. [Cloudy thoughts☁︎]
36. [One in a million☽]
37. [Repulsion]
38. [The calm after the storm ♡]
39. [Employed]
40.[Best he's ever had]
41.[In the blink of an eye]
42.[We're gonna fix this okay? ♡]
43.[Every step she takes]
44.[Your lips pressed to my neck♡]
45.[Thank you♡]
46.[ Can't wait ♥︎]
47. [Pink & White Roses♡]
48.[It's a surprise baby♡]
50.[♡Let's Play House♡]
51.[2 in the morning ♡]
52.[All along♡]
54.[Gave him life ♡]
55.[ Happy Birthday J ♡]
56. [So many reasons to love you♡]
58.[ Need♡]
59.[Stress reliever♡]
60. The nakedness, she wears♡
61.[Cake day♡]
62.[I do♡]
63.[Knighty knight ♡]
64. [More ways than one ♡]
65.[Secretly but sincerely mine ♡]
66.[Wanna Know A Secret?♡]
67. [If they tried it again]
68.[ I know ♡]
69. [Sad Girl♡]
70.[She Is Art♡]
71.[Perfect Fit♡]
72. [Until you return♡]
73.[What's up with J?]
74.[Midnight without you</3]
75.[Two Broken Halves]
76.[Broken By You]
77.[Story Of Another Us♡]
78.[Rewinding the tape♡]
79.[Wandering Eyes♡]
80.[Coincidences like ours-♡]
81.[ Back in 92'♡]
Not a chapter but IMPORTANT
82. [Close, but not close enough♡]
83. [Are You Still Mine?♡]
84. [Risky Invites♡]
85.[ No Barriers♡]
86. [ Do I want to know?♡]
87. [ A love that he never deserved♡]
88. [5/5♡]
89. [What could be♡]
90. [ "I trust you-, I don't trust me"♡]
91. [Need you tonight♡]
92. [I want to be your man ♡]
93. [Mixed champagne and Whiskey♡]
94. [When she's ready♡]
95.[Can I Come Over Tonight?♡]
96.[Till Death Do Us Part]
97. [This Man♡]
98. [Forget About You]
99. ['314'♡]
100. [The end? ♡]
101. [Just like the good old days huh?♡]
102. I'm Still In Love With You ♡
103. [When he was her man♡]
104. [The Ashes after the Fire♡]
105. [Not the end♡]
106. [ Back to Boston]

29. [Sunkissed♡]

653 13 2
By Coffeeclifford

*Inside Ava's dream*

Ava found herself standing in the center of a large evergreen field. It was a beautiful setting, with sunshine beaming on her just right. It seemed as if nobody was there, but herself. Proceeding to explore, she walked for a few minutes until she noticed a familiar person standing at a far distance. Tall, handsome, chin strapped beard, full embodied lips but couldn't figure out his identity as it appeared blurry. He was dressed in a full tux, with a yellow rose tucked in the chest pocket, standing idly as if he was waiting for something. She decided to take a closer look and this time walked with a purpose to find out the identity of the person. Her heart beat with anticipation and worrisome as the distance between them decreased. She gasped when she realized it was Jordan! She recognized those chocolate brown eyes anywhere, but they seemed off, almost lifeless. They stared into nothing, as she neared closer and closer. "J-Jordan?" she said with uncertainty. No response or movement whatsoever. Her eyes scanned him deliberately, paying attention to the smallest details. Including the small splatter of red inside of the yellow rose that was secured inside his pocket. Ava tilted her head in curiosity, observing this rose. Suddenly, the small droplets of water that had landed on it, pulled her out of her interest. Slowly looking up, she realized that dark clouds had closed in over the sun, creating a gloomy setting. The air grew colder as droplets of water fell from the sky within a few moments, starting off as a drizzle, then a shower and then hard pouring rain. The water made it difficult for her to see but she noticed that Jordan had not flinched an inch. Instead, he was very still, his eyes remained open and lips formed into a tight line. No expression. Blank staring. Numb. It scared her more than she thought. "Jordan, why aren't you moving?" She pleaded as she placed her hands on his shoulders and tried to shake him, in hopes of getting a reaction. "Ava" a soft murmur caught her attention. "Jordan" she answered desperately. His eyes had regained a little bit of life inside them as he spoke again. " I'm so s-"

*end of dream*
Ava woke up with a slight gasp, her chest was heaving, still a bit shaken up by that disturbing dream. She felt a tightening in her chest, her dreams were never taken as a joke as her mother had always told her that they scare her, since it appeared that some of them did come true.  She immediately felt almost suffocated and hot. There was not much room inside the tent but knowing that Jordan was only centimeters or less away from her, allowed a sense of relief for her. She needed to take off her hoodie, and that she did. Slowly rising from Jordan's body, she sat up, grabbing the hem of the fabric, pulling it up and over her head. Jordan stirred in his sleep and eventually was awakened"Baby?" he mumbled softly as he rubbed her eyes. "Go back to sleep Jordan, I'm ok" she assured him in a gentle tone. "You sure?" he asked, his voice still groggy from sleep. "Yes" she answered. Her mind currently stuck on that other Jordan. ' Other Jordan?' She thought to herself. 'This one seemed a few years older but could it have possibly been him?' . The look of distress on his face kept replaying in her mind, almost haunting her and a loud sigh escaped her lips. " You had a bad dream of somethin'?" He continued as he reached for her trying to pull her down with him. She nodded in silence because right now, she didn't want to think. It was dark but he could make out her answer.She wanted Jordan to just make her forget about everything with sweet nothings and his tender affections. "You wanna talk about it?" He continued as she allowed herself to be pulled into his bare warm chest again. Ava felt uneasy, so uneasy but Jordan's soft lips leaving sweet kisses on her forehead, washed away that feeling little by little. " No I don't" she admitted as she closed her eyes and tried to snuggle close into his chest. Jordan somehow perceived her slight discomfort and squeezed her a bit tighter. The thought of losing him was now haunting her mind. A slight whimper escaped her mouth and this did not go unnoticed by Jordan. "Instead of thinking about it, you could tell me, maybe that'll help" he whispered and she shook her head. He sighed and nodded his head comprehending her. Ava's lip quivered from uneasiness and Jordan realized he needed to think quickly, she was not in a good state at the moment. Tenderly, he leaned down to capture her lips with his warm ones, he could feel the small vibrations of them fade into the kiss. Ava felt immense relief when Jordan kissed her like this, full of affection and tenderness. All her those images of her haunting dream washed away in that kiss. Feeling herself getting lost in him, she let him guide her, away from everything. When they pulled away, she smiled and thanked him. "Thank you for what?, it's my role as your boyfriend to give you as many kisses as needed" he said and she chuckled. Ava drew lazy circles on his chest, feeling adventurous, she traveled her hand lower and gasped. "What?" He said and giggled, Thankfully, they were in pitch blackness and he could not see her bashful face that was now painted with a rosy complexion . "You're not wearing a shirt" she recalled and pulled her hand away. " But you can't see me baby" he teased. " I can put on a shirt if it makes you un-" he added and she immediately interrupted him." No no it's ok". Ava remembered what that torso looked like and could feel her cheeks heating up once more. "It's just me remember? " he assured her. She didn't want to admit it out loud but she very much enjoyed the skin contact between her cheek and his pectorals. She began to feel sleepy once more and he sensed this. " C'mon baby, let's sleep, it's still dark out" he suggested and she agreed. They assumed the same position they were in and eventually fell asleep again.

Morning arrived within a few hours as the small bit of sunlight peeking through the crevices of the tent awoke Ava. The sounds of birds chirping filled her ears. But it sounded like nobody else was awake. Her eyes adjusted to the brightness of light beams and as soon as they did, she noticed the heavenly embodiment of a man that she had been laying on all night. The light was beaming down on Jordan in all the right places. His chest rose deliberately with every breath as his hand lied on his lean and toned stomach. Slowly, she turned her head and peered up to see Jordan still fast asleep. She was in awe, he was just as beautiful in the morning light as he was under the moonlight. Ava wanted to kiss the pout that was currently on his face but she resisted the urge. Jordan looked immensely peaceful in his sleeping state, she couldn't find it in herself to wake him up. 'Was it just too good to be true?' she often wondered, still trying to wrap it around her head that she's dating him, that she's here with him. She only hoped her dream meant nothing and that it was only her small doubts and insecurities getting to her. Ava lied there with many thoughts roaming in her mind, this whole idea of a relationship terrified and excited her beyond belief. Jordan was starting to mean a lot to her, more than she could have ever expected to care for another person. She adored her mother and godparents ,but Jordan was inch by inch slipping into the crevices of her heart, which she thought nobody would ever get to. Perhaps, it was how fragile he was both emotionally and physically or the way he made her feel with simple gestures.

Ava watched in silence as Jordan slowly fluttered his eyes open, those chocolate orbs coming into view. It took him awhile to adjust them to the sunlight as Ava remained seated in the corner of the tent, since she had crawled out of his grasp to let him sleep better. Jordan's eyes searched for his beloved girl, a lazy smile formed on his face when he found her. Using his elbows, he lifted himself up and spoke. "You're an early bird". Voice filled with grogginess from sleep but also deep and raspy. Ava shrugged and smiled shyly. Her eyes scanned over the beautiful sight in front of her.Hair disheveled , pouty cherry red lips and a body kissed by the sun. 'Fuck' Ava thought to herself. ' You can't be real'. The sight made her mind wander to other places, places that were a bit mischievous thanks to the duvet only covering his lowest half. He was no doubt quite the stunner and she was more than certain that his beauty from the inside was staggering. "Baby?" He said trying to get her attention and chuckled. " Umm I-I" she stammered trying to find something to explain her obvious staring. "Liking the view?" He teased. "I've seen better " she teased back and chuckled as his mouth hung open pretending to get offended. " Just kidding, I really haven't " she said almost embarrassed making him laugh. " There are few things I find beautiful Jordan" she added as he watched her curiously waiting for her to proceed. " The sky and you" she finished and looked deeply into his eyes. Jordan felt a small blush grow onto his cheeks and bit his lip. " Okay you win" he says and she giggles while shaking her head. " I meant it though" she admitted. " But I'm suppose to be telling you all those things" he whined and pouted his lip. " Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't compliment you the way you do for me" she assured him and he shook his head in disbelief."You are truly one of a kind baby" Jordan praised.

I'm wide awake, drinking iced coffee and I'm going to attempt to escalate this story a bit further with a few chapters.💓 I already worked on a few scenes I need to incorporate into here but all at its own time. For example, Ava and Jordan's first time 😉 It's going to be so so so so good , trust me!😌🙌

Also thank you for 3k reads💓💓

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