DBH Memefics (And more)

By Kitty18Katz

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I've been reading a lot of DBH fanfiction and watching a ton of youtube crap lately. And after all this, i've... More

Washing Dishes: With Markus and Simon
A Briefing: With Hank And Connor (And Others)
Music Time: With Connor and Markus (And Others)
Dinner Time: With Kara and Alice (And Luther and Ralph)
Deviant High: With Practically Everyone
An Interview: With Kamski and Chloe (And Connor)
Dating Practice: With Connor and Hank (And Traci)
Battle Plans: With Markus (And Jericho)
New Toys: With Kara and Alice
Good Boys: With Connor and RK900 (And Amanda)
Android TV 1: With Ralph and Jerry (And Rupert)
New Jobs: With Connor, Markus And Kara (Reupload?)
Old Days: WIth Daniel and Emma
Author's Note: With Me! The Author!
Deviant High 2: With Everyone
Study Time: With Markus and Simon
Androids React: To Detroit Become Human (HOSTAGE)
Androids React: To Detroit Become Human (SHADES OF COLOR)
Androids React!: Detroit Become Human (A New Home)
Christmas Gifts: With Everyone
Deviant High 3: With Everyone
Gangsta Glocks: With Markus, Connor and Gavin
Androids React!: Their Genderbends (Part 1)
The Raid: With Everyone
A True Love: With Everyone

Androids React!: SCP Containment Breach

516 5 1
By Kitty18Katz

Decided to do something else within the memefic series. How about some reactions from our blue blooded friends? (And some humans.) Read and see how you like it!

Markus: Ok..so..what this about again?

Simon: I heard it's about a prisoner trying to escape a building filled with monsters or something.

Hank: I can't believe I was talked into this.

Connor: I do believe you choose to do this lieutenant.

Ralph: Ralph never played video games before!

Kara: This game looks to creepy for Alice to see this.

Kamski: Ah...this makes me feel young again.

Daniel: What's the goal to this again?

Gavin: Just get on with it already!


The MTF open the door to the cell and order for the D to follow them to the testing chambers.

Kara: Ok...has sh*tty graphics. Nice.

Ralph: -Reads intro paper- Ralph has never been in a program before.

Gavin: Out of all places I'd be in, I'd never expected to be in prison.

MTF: I've been authorized to shoot any disobedient Ds, so don't try anything stupid.

Hank: Well, that sound promising.

Connor: May I ask what a D is? And why I'm being labeled as such?

Markus: Ha! Been there, done that.

The MTF leads the D to test area.

Kamski: Nice place you got here.

Daniel: -LED has turned yellow from the tension-

MTF: Just follow the instructions and you might be ok.

Simon: -Eyes widen in surprise- ...What?

Hank: Sure, like hell I'm gonna believe that. -Walks away but then gets shot-

Gavin: This is so sus. -Keeps eyeballing the guard-

The head to 173's cell and are told to enter the blood stained room.

Kamski: Looks like a party has already started without me.

Kara: Well sh*t. -Takes a closer look- Is that feces mixed with blood? -Scrunches nose-

They enter the room and are told to stare at 173.

Connor: -Staring contest champion-

Gavin: Oh look, a modern art masterpiece.

The door closes then opens up again. The intercom tells them to remain eye contact with the SCP. Then the light flickers and 173 starts killing the other Ds.

Ralph: Oh boy! Bad things are happening!

Markus: -Stands there staring like an idiot and gets killed-

Hank: -Has a disgusted expression on his face, but manages to walk by-

They soon manage to exit the chamber and watch 173 kill the other guards. Then they start wandering the facility.

Daniel: -Hurries out of the area- F**k this sh*t! That guy told me I'd be ok! F**ker lied to me!

Connor: And humans call this; being in a state of peril and terror, "fun"?

Kara: That what you get, for being a little b*tch behind a control panel!

Kamski: I'm liking this already.

-SCP 106 (Radical Larry)-

After figuring out how to open doors, they wander the corridors. Some of them enter a well lit corridor, 106 quickly runs through the walls in front of them.

Daniel: OH F**K! -Is utterly shocked- WHAT WAS THAT?!

Kara: -Stares in shock- Well...woah... -Inspects the corrosive on the walls- ....ok...

Hank: -Almost has a heart attack and stares at the screen pissed-

Markus: -Just stares confused- Uh...North, Is that you?

Gavin: -Is startled- GAH! JESUS! WHAT THE F**K!? -Breathes to calm down- God damn this game.

Minutes later, they reach the darker corridors. Creepy music begins to play, and 106 appears from the ground and slowly chases after them.

Simon: What is that? -Eyes widen in realization- AH! OMG! -Runs away-

Connor: Um...excuse me sir? -Quickly backs away- Sir..? Sir! -LED turns red- Please don't! -Gets backed into a wall and dies-

Kara: What-AHH! No! No! -Runs away but then runs out of stamina- Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh- -Dies- Sh*t.

Daniel: No..no no no! NO! -Notices Larry and runs away from screen- NOOAAAH!  

They try to use the doors, but the Larry just walks right through them.

Ralph: Ralph no like this! RALPH NO LIKE THIS! Ralph close door! -Larry just walks through door- AH! -Keeps running-

Hank: F**k f**k f**K f**k! -Tries to close door and dies- What the-How the hell is that fair!?

Kamski: -Doesn't notice Larry but looks around confused, then dies- Woah! Well..hey there. I didn't see you coming.~

Markus: Hey...HEY! You're not North! -Quickly backs away- No! Go away! Ah sh*t! -Dies-

Gavin: Oh god, it's Allen on a bad day. Run! RUN! -Runs away-

-106's pocket world-

When they don't die right away, they end up in Larry's pocket dimension.

Ralph: -Opens eyes- Huh? Ralph not dead! -Walks around- Why does Ralph Have sickness?

Simon: -Takes a look around- Why do I move so slow?  

Gavin: Oh...I'm in hell apparently. Yea, great. -Reads a note with a pin key on it- Well, at least I can raid someone's office.

They come across several paths.

Daniel: -Had finally came back to screen, wanders around world- Hello? Anybody wanna kill me?

Kamski: -Walks through wrong path and dies- Oh. Well now, someone's eager to get me.~

They find the swinging pillars.

Hank: How the hell am I supposed to make it across that? -Attempts to get across but gets hit by pillar- Well sh*t.

Kara: -Slowly walks across- This is getting tedious. -Dies- Yes, please kill me.

giant bird creature flies by, causing the world to shake.

Connor: Wha- woah! That sounded like a plane!

Markus: Gah! Random demon bird of motion sickness! Begone!

-SCP 096 (Shy Guy)-

When they enter a small corridor, they hear mumbling and cries of distress from the next room. They peeks through the window.

Ralph: Oh..the sounds. Ralph don't like them!

MTF: Oh god. I saw it's face! I'm dead! No!

Kara: You saw his ugly?

Connor: -Watches intensely-

Shy guy babbles louder and louder until he finally kills the guard, splattering blood all over the windows.

Simon: -Eyes widen in surprise- Holy sh*t. That guy just got..shredded!

Daniel: -Reels back in horror and shock- R..really? REALLY!? This is what I have to deal with now!?

Gavin: Sir, you might wanna r....nevermind. -Goes inside- Better you than me.

They go inside to check it out. But end up looking at Shy Guy's face, causing it to go in distress.

Kamski: So, this is the-wait what's wrong?

Hank: -Inhales- I f**ked up didn't I?

Markus: Oh sh*t...OH SH*T! -Runs out of room-

Daniel: Bruh..BRUH! -Shivers and tries to shield face-

096 runs after them screaming and then kills them.

Ralph: -Closes eyes screaming- AHHAHA!

Connor: WOAH! JESUS!

Kara: -Shrieks- What the f**k!? Why?!

Gavin: NO NO NO NO NO! -Tries to run but gets killed- F**k!

Kamski: -Is slightly startled- Oh my...that's a first. -Laughs a bit-

-SCP 048 (Plague Doctor)-

The end up taking an elevator downstairs. They see bodies littered here and there and find an empty cell.

Kara: -Crouches down to take closer look a body- Can I do what Connor does and lick it? That's normally how it works right?

Hank: -Reads document- Oh, just what I needed. A f**king doctor who kills people.

They flip a switch and release 048.

Simon: AH! F**K!

048: You have the disease. Don't be afraid. I have the cure.


Connor: Oh no! Sir! I'm sure your're mistaken! I don't need this!

Simon: What!? NO! I didn't mean to let him out!

The corpses start to animate and chase them.

Kamski: The brochure said nothing about crazy fans! -Quickly runs around them-

Markus: Watch me move! Watch me move! -Dodges the doctor and the zombies- WOOO!

Daniel: -Screams and dies-

They managed to make it to the elevator.

Kara: Woo! Leave me be bird face!

The doctor calls the elevator back down.

Gavin: No! WHAT!? YOU F**kING TROLL!

Hank: What...why did it just..? OH SH*T! -Keeps trying to close elevator but dies-

Ralph: -Dies- NO FAIR!

-SCP 173(Billy)-

They wander the corridors, looking for keycards and such. But end up running into 173.

Hank: Ah sh*t.

Markus: -Eyes widen and slowly backs away, trying to blink-

Kamski: -Blinks and dies- Dammit!

Daniel: NO! -Babbles incoherently then dies trying to run-

Some of them see him in the gas checkpoints.

Kara: No wait! I don't have my- -Blinks and dies- Well sh*t.

Connor: -Has on gas mask and carefully sneaks by with his eyes on 173-

Simon: -Is terrified- Uhh! -Accidentally blinks and dies- GAH! I forgot about the meter!

Gavin: Oh god. Not you again! -Dies- This guy is literally like everywhere!

-Electric Traps-

As they wander the corridors, the run into an electric traps. They see a lady run throught first and die.

Connor: -Stands there trying to process what just happened- Uhh..?

Gavin: Woah....-Checks on lady- Haha! -Dies- OH COME ON! F**K this game!

Ralph: -Gets close then jumps back to not get zapped- Hm..Ralph knows this! -Times it perfectly and makes it through- Yea!

Simon: What is this? Is this an SCP? -Gets closer and almost gets zapped- Woah!

Kamski: -Just walks through without a care and dies- Oops.

Hank: Ok...that's an obvious trap. And I ain't gonna do it. -Walks away-

Daniel: -Stares at it cautiously and scoffs- I ain't ending up like that lady! No sir! I'm smarter than that!

Markus: Dude! That lady just go dropped outta no where!

Kara: Thunder trap of doom! Let's go! -Runs through and dies- Ah! Crap!

-SCP 035 (Possessive Mask)-

They enter a control room and see a guy in a mask in the chamber.

Hank: Oh now, what the hell do you want?

035: Please! I wanna get outta here just like you! If you let me out, we can get outta here together.

Markus: Hm...I don't know about you guys, but this guys sounds pretty sketchy to me.

Connor: I'm detecting a hint of deceit.

Kara: Ok, I trust you 100% that you won't kill me.

035: However, I have no intention of taking you with me.


Some of them turn on the gas instead, causing 035 to shriek in pain.

Gavin: Ha! Burn mutha f**ka! Buuurn!

Ralph: Die evil monster! DIE! Ralph no trust you!

035: You lowly D class. Do you really think you'd have a chance at making it out alive?

Daniel: Damn...I knew he was trouble when I walked in.

 Hank: Well aren't you just a bundle of joy aren't you? -Turns on gas again-

-SCP 079 (The computer)-

They manage to turn off the power, which grants them access to 079's chamber.

Kamski: Ah, a cage. My luck's beginning to turn.

Daniel: -Approaches the computer cautiously, then gets jumpscared by the noises- GAH!?

079: Human, listen carefully. You need my help, and I need your help.

Ralph: -Is intrigued- Ralph is listening.

Hank: -Folds arms- Go on...

079: You turned off the power, which makes it significantly harder for me to control the facility. If you turn the power back on, I will open gate B for you.

Gavin: Wait...you really want me to trust you?

Markus: Ok! Whatever gets me outta here, Ima do it!

Kara: You just better not back out on the deal!

Connor: -Examines the computer- Hm...how...odd.

Simon: Wow, that's so cool that he's so intelligent like that!

-NTF soldiers-

As they walk to gates and the office areas near the end. They hear the intercom announce the arrival of the NTF units.

Daniel: I'm sorry..w..what? Who's coming in?

Markus: Who the hell is NTF? And the real question is, can I trust them?

They down a corridor and end up running into the NTF guards.

Connor: -Watches them and smiles- Oh hello! -Gets shot- Oh...they're the bad guys.

Hank: -Runs away but gets shot in the leg- Ah! F**k! Come on! Move it! Move it! Move it!

Ralph: -Runs and hides behind wall- Maybe humans won't notice Ralph. -They find him and kill him- Aw..

Gavin: Hey! A**holes I'm over here! -Gets shot- WHAT THE F**k MAN! COME ON!

Kara: Oh no! Not risking it! No! -Sneaks around them-

Kamski: -Gets shot in the arm- Woah! That's not fair! -Tries to leave but gets killed- From behind? That's my job!

-SCP 682 (The Reptile)-

As they head closer to the outside they hear roaring and rumbling from outside.

Hank: Hey HEY! Keep it down out there!

Ralph: -Backs away from door- Ralph just stay inside.

Markus: Sounds like we're about to run into something big here guys. Literally.

When they go outside, see 682 rampaging as the helicopters shoot at him.

Connor: -Watches in awe-


Kara: Oh! Someone's over there giving the army a hard ass time.

682 swats a helicopter out the air.

Daniel: Ooh! Sh*t! That dude just hit him like it was a fly! How do you even kill something like that!?

Gavin: This is not the scariest thing I've seen in place. If anything, that thing makes more sense.

Kamski: -Stares in surprise- I can't even see it and I already can tell its big.

-Gate B Ending-

They finally made it to the end. Only to be approached by NTF and killed, get taken back as an SCP, or killed in a nuclear explosion.

Simon: -Is shot- Now what kind of anti-climatic ending was that!?

Kara: -Gets taken by NTF- So wait...I'm an SCP? Wow, that's just...pretty cool actually. But kinda sucks at the same time.

Hank: -Blows up- Well...never thought I'd die via firey explosion. -Sips beer-

-Gate A Ending-

They make it to the end and see 106 appear from the ground and head towards the guards.

Markus: Oh! Oh sh... Are they gonna fight!?

The NTF zap 106 with a beam and he disappears.

Ralph: Humans did it... The humans actually destroyed creepy naked man!

Gavin: Yes! Finally! Some actual progress from you guys! Now if only we could do that androids.

They manage to sneak past the NTF and find an exit. Then they are approached by the secret organization.

Daniel: -Jumps back when they appear- Who the f-

Man: You know too much. Come with us.

Kamski: -Raises eyebrow- Um....I guess I have no choice whatsoever.

Connor: -Blinks confused- This is not what I thought freedom would be like.


Kara: Well that was quite intense wasn't it?

Ralph: Ralph enjoyed very much!

Daniel: I just hope none of that stuff is actually real man. Cause my heart cannot take it.

Gavin: It was great, except for the sh*t in it.

Kamski: Eh, not much my speed. But it had its moments.

Connor: I enjoyed this rather well. Quite confusing though.

Markus: 10/10!

Hank: Next time, remind me to get drunker before playing some sh*t like this.

Simon: That was actually amazing. Humans need to make more games like this.

So that was my first reaction fic. Not sure if this should be a part of the DBH Memefic universe, or something in a different category. But I'll keep writing these if they get good ratings. Until them my lovelies!

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