(✿◠‿◠)𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞, 𝐝𝐚...

By enticinqs

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uoıʇɔıɟuɐɟ ʞıɹqop pıʌɐp More

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um hello?

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4.3K 54 5
By enticinqs

"i should be a vlogger."

liked by daviddobrik, lizakoshy and 1m others.

clairo happies
tagged daviddobrik

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user literally can't do this shit to me

user11 hotties

user1 babies

daviddobrik 💘💘
clairo bayyyybayyyyyyy

user282 awh babies

user494 oh my god ew

lizakoshy yall confusing me but i love this so much
clairo hehe ;)

i sat on my bed beside corinna, liza and kristen as they wanted to know everything about the date, all of them staring at me for answers as i sighed slightly, "i'm honestly so happy for you and david." liza said as i smiled lightly, "thank you liza, it means so much." i said as she smiled lightly, "not out of the sappy shit, tell me what happened?" liza said as i smiled lightly giggling lightly.

"so we had a picnic beside the hollywood sign, and we stargazed and then we ki- uh went home." i shrugged as kristen and corinna smirked as liza clapped her hands, "you kissed didn't you?" kristen smirked as i hesitated but then nodded as she laughed clapping her hands.

we all got in our comfy clothes and were laying in the livingroom all cuddling together as i smiled lightly, i heard some laughter and i sat up seeing david, jason and alex running into the room as i sighed leaning back to see davids standing there with a grin on my face.

"it's a girls night david." i sighed as davind laughed slightly making me shake my head, davind grabbed my hand pulling me out from u see the blanket as he lifted me out making me laugh loudly, "nope you're coming with me, i want to cuddle." he said as the others laughed, he dropped me down on the floor and i turned around to the others and the shooed me away, david grabbed my hand and dragged me away from the group.

i slipped on my slides and davids took out his camera, "so i got her out of the house." davind grinned as i covered my face, "why are you hiding your face?" he asked as i make a face at him, "i look so ugly right now." i said to him as he scoffed.

"you're not ugly shut up." david said as smiled lightly squishing his cheeks slightly as he laughed, "so i didn't want to leave the girls night but david dragged me out." i groaned and david laughed putting a hand around my shoulder as we walked towards the lift.

"we're just going to my apartment anyway." he said as i laughed lightly shaking my head, "okay whateverrr." i said dragging out my words as davind made a face, "you sound like a basic white girl." he said in a girl voice and i smiled lightly as he laughed.

"but first we're going to chipotle." he smirked as i laughed and nodded slightly, after he turned off his camera we were inside his car seconds later.

i rested my head on my arm in the middle piece as david moved his face in front of mine, i smiled lightly as david started the car, "i want a tattoo." i exclaimed and davind smirked and turned on a different street making me laugh.

"you should get david or dobrik!" he exclaimed as i laughed and grabbed his camera turning it on, "you know me too well." he said as i nodded smirking a so flipped the view finder towards me so i can see it.

"so i'm getting a tattoo." i said into the camera, "i should be a vlogger." i said and david laughed as smiled into the camera, "so we're basically at the tattoo parlour and were going to get my tattoo." i smiled giving the camera to david, i got out walking towards romeos.

we walked inside and davind bro hugged him as i smiled hugging him and saying our hellos, "so you want a david dobrik tattoo." he said as i crossed my arms over my chest as david pouted making me sigh, "YES!" he said as he hugged me making me laugh.

"i'll get a dobrik tattoo on my lip so you can't see it." i said and david laughed as i laid down on the seat, he started the tattoo and david recorded me as flipped off the camera.

i laid there as davind got his bits and he soon put down his camera che held my hand as i closed my eyes and let the tattoo finish on my lip.

i opened my eyes to see david staring at me and i rolled my eyes slightly to see him laugh lightly.

the tattoo was soon done and i looked up at david as he turned on his camera, he ran a a finger over my lip pulling it down to see the tattoo, "i love it!" he exclaimed as i laughed.

i thanked romeo and we made our way back to davids car, david set up the camera and i sighed putting on my seatbelt, "so what do you think of your tattoo." david said after he turned on the camera, " well, if we like stop being friends, it's going to be a very bad mistake but i kind of don't mind it." i shrugged as david laughed.

after talking for a bit more we pulled up to davids house and we both got out, we walked up and i david unlocked the door and rushed towards the couch running and getting under the blanket as i heard david laugh, i kicked off my shoes and david jumped in beside me.

he pulled me over his lap and i wrapped the blanket around us, i grabbed the remote turning on some netflix turning on something random, i wrapped my hands around his neck ruffling his hair lightly.

david looked down st my lips as i giggled pulling him in towards me, he pulled me back so he was on top of me with my legs around his waist, our lips moving in sync, my fingers playing with davids hair as he kissed my slowly.

butterflies frying around my stomach as i smiled into the kissing, we pulled away and i giggled as davind kissed my neck slowly but i shaky making me shut up as he install started sucking, a light moan left my lips as i tugged on his hair as we pulled away and i stared into his eyes.

"i really like you." he said as i smiled brightly, "i like you too, i mean i did get a tattoo." i grinned and he chuckled pulling me in a kiss as i smiled brightly.

what a cutie ;)
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