Untouched, Unbothered {Comple...

By psyxhedelicc

2.1K 204 66

Valentina Moretti. She's one colorful character. She moves to Italy right after high school. She goes there t... More

the move
Venice Massacre
Mystery Man
Mystery Man, Once Again
Hello Valentina.
well, buongiorno sunshine
the alfonso twins
i was sobbing
It'll be alright..
watching me?
he officially saw me naked.
you want me to do what?
we couldn't stop
she's your lady?
where am i?
what happened to you?
happy birthday
happy birthday part two
well, good morning
new house, new people
what is wrong with you?
no luca
he killed who?
luca's point of view
goodbye, baby
fucker one & two
luca fucking alfonso
i'm glad it was with you
'scoot over'
a week later
well, fuck
you're what?
he loves you
hello little ones
oh my god yes
fruit punch flavored kool-aid
damn you
the happy ending
author comments
I love you too.

blood, so much blood

25 3 3
By psyxhedelicc

Luca's POV (earlier)

Once Valentina left, I go to the basement. I walk to a cell and watch happily. Alex was in the cell. Still passed out. Once he wakes up he'll be pissed. But he's stuck. He can't get out. I laugh to myself. When Val fell asleep in my lap in that car, I had the driver take me to Alex's Position. I found him and shot him with a tranq. Along with the other three people around him. I pushed them down the stairs and locked the door. I grabbed Alex and threw him in the trunk. Once we got to the airplane I laid Val on the couch and got the lifeless Alex into a portable cell. I then laid on a couch and went to sleep.

Anyways now he's here. I wanted Val to see him die, so tomorrow, even though I don't exactly want her to leave she needs to, I'll kill him. Making it safe for her and Roberto, and Violet.

He finally wakes up. "Where the hell am I?" He yells. "You're back in Venice buddy." I smile at him. He snarls something under his breath. "I'm going to kill you tomorrow." I smile at him happily. Then he smiles back. He pulls out a gun and shoots. I dodge it before it hits me. "How the fuck did I not see that gun," I ask, exasperated. He smiles and says, "It was in my shoe." He shoots again, making me once again have to dodge it. "Stop trying to shoot me. I'm going to dodge each time." I smile. "Challenge accepted." He starts just randomly shooting at me. I dodge each one with ease. "Your good. I'll admit that. But I'm better." He shoots the gun one last time. But instead of being able to dodge it, I was being held by someone. The fucking bastard I pushed down the stairs earlier. Stella's 'husband.' The bastard searched my pockets and finally found the key. As he let out Alex, the idiot came over to me and whispered something in my ear. "I'm going to go have some fun with your girls." I tried to do something. I tried to punch him. But I couldn't. And that pissed me off. All I could do was lay there. Before he left, he kicked me hard in my stomach.

And holy fuck did that hurt.

They both left, leaving me there. Luckily earlier I told Stefano and Anna to take them and Matteo to another country and hide for a while. They were going to be fine. But I didn't like being all weak and useless, so I mustered the most energy I could. I was able to pull up the stairs, somehow, and go to the closest bathroom, which was Anna and Stefano's. They had a gun wound kit in there. I finally made it, then as I go to grab the kit, I pass out in the middle of the floor.

When I woke up, I was blinded by lights. I was going at a high speed. I could feel it. Val was saying things to me and holding my hand. I could only make out a few things they were saying. "lost, lot blood, bullet, chest, I'm here, stay, eyes open now." then I black out again.

Val's POV

As we were driving to the hospital, his eyes fluttered open a bit. My heart leaped out of my chest. His chest slowly moving again. "Luca. Stay here. I'm here. Keep your eyes open. Now. Please, Luca. Stay here." I say, he quickly closes them again. I lean on the wall of the ambulance. Praying he'll be okay. We finally arrive and I had to let go. I was crying. And I was crying hard. I had to wait in the waiting room. Tears coming out of my eyes, my body covered in blood. Many many doctors telling me I should go home and clean up. They said they'd call me when he's okay. I refused each time. I wasn't going to leave Luca.

After about four hours of surgery, the doctor finally comes out. About two hours ago, a very angry Stella and Violet show up at the hospital. After they each got their turns yelling at me, they suggested I go home and get sleep. I said not until I know he's okay. They said fine. And then stayed with me. Roberto stayed with Violet's old boss. Violet asked if she could watch Roberto while she ran an errand. Luckily she didn't ask any questions and agreed. So there we all sat. Waiting for the doctor to speak.

"There were two men who had been shot tonight. Both asking for you. One of them died in surgery." I felt my heart drop. No. No! "No!" I start sobbing. I mean ugly sobbing too. "Which one is alive?" I ask crying. "I think his name is Alex?" She says. I fall to the floor. Like my body felt heavy. My heart hurt. My limbs hurt. Everything hurt. Especially my brain. I'd been through so much today. This wasn't possible.

Stella and Violet both come over to me and rub my back. "No. Get away from me. P-please." I say to them. My voice broke as I said the last word.

They looked hurt. But I'm sure they understood. I look at the doctor. She was still sitting there. Through sobs, I said, "Take me to him." So she did. He sat there. Alive. HOW?! I shot him. He had no pulse. This shouldn't be fucking happening. "Can you please leave us, doctor," I ask. She told me he was in a coma earlier. So he could hear me, but he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

So once I was alone with him. I said every profanity I could to him. I slapped him so many times. I punched his stomach. I hated this man beyond words. "I love that fucking bastard. And you just killed him. I may have only realized that now. But I knew I loved him before. I didn't get to tell him. Now he's gone. Because OF YOU. I HATE YOU." I scream at him.

My last few sentences cause me to pause. I just said it. I finally said it. I love the fucking idiot. But guess, what he's gone. Because anyone I love ends up dying. I'm so selfish. I shouldn't have loved him. But I quickly sobered up and looked at Alex. My anger rising even higher.

Nothing I can do about it. I took the knife that was still in my bra, and I slice his neck. I may have been a psychopath for this, but it's not like he didn't have it coming. I turn around and see a very horrified Violet, but happy Stella.

"YOU JUST KILLED HIM" "YOU LOVE HIM." They say at the same time. Of course, that's what Stella got out of that whole thing. I walk up to Vi. Hoping I could comfort her and get her to understand what I did.

"He's the third person I've killed. The other two were self-defense. The first time I shot Alex was self-defense. This time. It's because he killed the man I love. He tried raping me. Twice. He gets you knocked up, then abuses you. He comes into your home, threatening to take your baby away. Don't you think he deserves it?" I say. She nods. "Yes, he deserves this. But I just wish you didn't have to do it. You've been through to much." I shrug. I felt nothing at the moment. I was numb. My head didn't hurt anymore. My body didn't hurt. I felt nothing.

Luca's gone. There's no point in caring anymore. Stella, Violet, and I walk out the back doors. We were going to take the long way home. Once we were outside, I was facing the parking lot, and the girls stood in front of me. Trying to cheer me up. I was just grateful for the cold air nipping at my cheeks. It was refreshing.

But, honestly, I didn't even hear them. I saw their mouths moving but I focused on what was going on around them. The trees were swaying. There was a family coming out of the hospital with a mom in a wheelchair and a baby in her arms. Then there was a man on a stretcher. And then three men putting someone in the ambulance.

I looked back at the girls. "If I'm being honest, I didn't hear a word you just said. I was observing the scene behind you." They furrow their eyebrows and look behind them. I look back at the three men. Then I see their shoes. "Combat boots." I murmur. "What?" Stella asks. I point to the men's shoes. "They're wearing combat boots. What doctor wears those shoes?" I ask. Violet looks at me. "None, it's illegal." I point to her.

"Exactly." Then I thought back to when I visited Alex. They wouldn't let me visit Luca. Even if he was dead. I didn't care. I just wanted to say bye. But they wouldn't let me. "Guys. Follow my lead." They nod. I walk closer to the ambulance without them seeing me. Then once I was close enough, I pretended to trip. "Oh my god. Help me. I tripped and I'm bleeding a lot." I screamed. Stella and Vi ran over. "Please, you guys. Help her she's bleeding so much." Violet says. They were reading my mind. I was so thankful. They pretended to cry. All three men walk over to me.

The girls step back from me. The men come and look over me. "Oh god. She is bleeding a lot." One of them says. The other was smiling. I could see the crinkles in his eyes. All three of them stood up. "She'll be fine." And start to walk back to the ambulance. I quickly pull my knife out and get up. I run to the men and slice the two men's necks. Then the one that was laughing I stab his eye. I intentionally aimed for his heart, but before he saw me with the knife he bent down to pick me up. It was the nastiest thing I had ever done and saw. I quickly grab the knife back and put it in my pocket.

authors comments:

So I realized that this chapter is pretty short, but it's all okay. I had to split it with another chapter or this was gonna be three thousand plus words and I didn't really want that so yeah. I love you.

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