Nostalgia ||Kellic

By EternalRainbowsXo

1.2K 94 58

"Please don't hurt me," I begged, fearful for what might happen. "I'm just a kid." Beaten. Battered. Bloody... More

Chapter 1: Phone Call
Chapter 2: Expose It To Me
Chapter 4: Finding Out About Mike
Chapter 5: First For Everything
Chapter 6: "Wake Up"
Chapter 7: Frantic
Chapter 8: Precious
Chapter 9: Introduction To Hunter
Chapter 10: Revelations
Chapter 11: Beaten
Chapter 12: Hunter's Flashback
Chapter 13: Tears
Chapter 14: A Brief Encounter
Chapter 15: Controversial Behaviour
Chapter 16: Let's Talk
Chapter 17: The Restaurant Scene
Chapter 18: End

Chapter 3: Beds

117 10 4
By EternalRainbowsXo

I awoke to the smell of freshly cooked food. Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes with the back of my palm getting a sense of where I am. Soon enough though I realize that half of the cover was crumpled up and a pillow had been slept on; then it hit me. I'm in Vic's bed.

"Good morning Prince Charming," Vic says as he walks into the bedroom holding a plate of food and a cup. "I made you breakfast, I know you like egg, beans and chips," he continued as he handed me the plate and placed the cup on his desk.

"Viccy, can I ask you something?" I ask propping myself up on my elbows.


Taking a deep breath I say, "Why do you do everything for me?" Vic looks at me with confusion written on his face.

"Because you're my best friend and you mean the world to me." I smile pulling him down next to me as I rest my head on his shoulder before I started eating.

I pick up a chip with my fork and put it up to Vic's mouth. He gladly opened his mouth allowing me to feed him it, Vic looked down at me watching as I giggled over his cuteness, he playfully tapped the bridge of my nose as he leaned down stroking my arm comfortingly.

"We're gonna need to get ready soon if we're still taking Copeland to the zoo." Vic stated as he began to sit up.

"You're right, but can you give me a hand getting up please?" I asked, holding my hand out, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Our hands collided as our skin rubbed together. Without thinking, I pulled Vic down on the bed as I fall back myself with Vic landing on top of me on all fours.

I stared up at him, getting lost in his eyes. "S-sorry." Vic stuttered out climbing off me. He held out his hand for me to grab, this time I did standing up straight.

"It's okay, my bad," I reassured him. Wow Kellin what a way to make an ass of yourself.

"Kells, what are you thinking about?"

I was pulled out of my thoughts by his raspy yet soft voice. "Huh, oh. It's nothing." I replied back.

"Okay...." I sweetly smiled towards him hoping to break the awkwardness. Great move- now he thinks you're crazy.

I quickly paced past Vic, walking out the room. "Kellin!" Vic's voice called sounding rather confused.

Once I stood in the room where my daughter was, I closed the door behind me allowing myself a moment to breathe and collect my thoughts.

"Hello, Yes we're nearly ready. Okay see you soon...goodbye." I overheard Vic say.

"D-daddy," I heard my 2 year old say as she sat up in the cot. I walked over to her, kneeling on the floor stroking her soft hair.

"Yes princess?"

Copeland's eyes lit up when she heard me talking to her. "I want mummy." She said giving me flashbacks back to that night she kicked us out.

Carefully, I lifted her out of the cot and placed her gently on her feet. "Mummy's gone on holiday for a long time, so we're staying here."

Copeland giggled as she fell back on her bottom with her arms flapping about uncontrollably. "With other daddy?" She asked staring into my eyes.

That confused me. "What do you mean by that, princess?"

There was a knock on the door followed by a voice. "Kells, is everything alright on there?" I heard. Shit!

Quickly, I looked at Copeland and came up with somewhat of an excuse. "Yeah, just getting Copes dressed." I answered.

"Okay, I'll just get the bag ready and meet you outside." Replied Vic.

"Sound like a plan." Silence filled the room as the front door clicked open then shut slightly. "What colour do you want to wear?" I asked my child.

"Blue! Blue!" She repeated excitedly. There was a sky blue dress hanging on the door handle with white roses as decoration.

"This one?" I say holding it towards her. Copeland nodded playfully kicking her feet in happiness. I briefly got her dressed and grabbed her bottle along with a carton of black current fruit-shoot and my phone.

"Ready sweetheart?" She just nodded in response grabbing ahold of my hand as I led her downstairs to be met by Vic, who was holding a backpack over his shoulder.

"All set?"

"Yep and not a second to late," I mocked. Vic laughed as we headed to his car. When we got to it, Vic opened the boot, throwing the backpack in then traveling over to me.

I strapped Copeland in the car seat giving her the bottle as I moved to the passenger seat. Placing my seatbelt on, I stared blankly ahead; thinking as we drove off.

"Penny for your thoughts."

"I'm just thinking about the future, for Copeland." I say looking back at her, watching as she giggles.

"She's going to have a great one, I just know it." Vic replies. I turned back to face him, Vic still focused on the road.

"What makes you say that? It's not like she has a mother figure or female role model anymore."

Vic pulled into KFC's car park, stopping the car. "But she has you Kells."

"So. She's not going to come and talk to me about her problems and boy troubles or anything like that." I say cutting him off mid sentence.

Vic turned to face me, taking my hands on his. "Listen, you're a fantastic dad and brilliant role model. She's lucky to have someone like you in her life and I know you're going to be there when she needs you, because that's what you're like. You're kindhearted, brave, clever and don't get me started on you physical appearance."

Tears built in the corners of my eyes hearing him say that. "I don't want her to grow up without knowing her mother." Vic's fingers comfortingly caressed my knuckles making me feel safe.

"Then she won't. Don't worry about the future because everything's going to turn out alright. Remember that you've always got me, I'll be your shield and protect you, even if I do get a few scratches along the way." I laughed as I wiped the tears away.

Vic pulled me in for a hug with my head resting on his shoulder. My right arm extending out to grab Copeland's hand. My eyes still watery as I smiled at her whenever she gently tugged my hand.

My gaze fell upon Vic's lips for a few moments taking in its gorgeous shape and pure pink colour.

"You feeling better?" I nodded.

"Yeah. Thanks." I say as I pull away from the both of them, sitting back in my seat. Vic started the car and the three of us traveled on our journey to the zoo giggling and laughing during the car ride.

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