

46.1K 2K 1K

Sequel to Issues More



1.1K 49 33

Setting: Le George, Four Seasons George V, Paris, France

Vaulted ceilings mixed with the classic Parisian art and the high windows overlooking the marble Orangerie to set the atmosphere of the Le George Mediterranean restaurant right outside of the lobby of the hotel. Everyone was exhausted after last night, so they had gotten a late start to their day, opting to catch brunch before an afternoon of events. Fashion Week was coming to a close and soon they would all be heading home, so they were trying to relax since it was one of their last days. Well, Demi and Muse would be heading home. After last night, Demi wasn't too sure about Cristo.

Muse was thrown into a giggling fit as Cristo held up a small piece of a baguette and said the name of it in French. Demi was all for Cristo teaching Muse French but right now, all it did was cause Muse to giggle at how it sounded because Cristo was one of the only people who spoke French to her. Clara and Nicholas did but they weren't around that often. Demi thanked God that she was wearing her new Chanel sunglasses because she didn't want anyone to see her getting misty eyed. Cristo was an amazing father, he really was, but she just wished he was around a little bit more. Maybe that was her being selfish, especially on the heels of their last fight, but this entire summer it had felt like Cristo was a weekend dad. And watching the way that Muse and Cristo interacted with each other made Demi want to stay here and be with him, but she was under contractual obligation. She had to get this album started. Money wasn't a problem but if she didn't have to pay a fine, she didn't want to pay one.

"Cristo, are you happy about the reviews of the shows?" Kris asked as Muse climbed back over to Demi's lap, reaching for her orange juice. Demi grabbed the cup from her and let her take a few sips so that she wouldn't get her outfit dirty. Cristo had dressed her in a gray sweater over one of her favorite pink dresses since it was a little chilly outside, and Demi had braided the front of her hair back because having her hair in her face irritated her.

"Definitely. It went a lot better than I expected and it feels good to know that all of my hard work has paid off," Cristo said, leaning back in his chair and wrapping his arm around Demi. She didn't shrug him off because she didn't want to cause a scene, so she just leaned back a little more and broke a croissant in half for Muse to munch on.

"So, are you done in Paris? Because I really miss your pain au chocolate. Demi and I have tried and failed to make it," Kendall chuckled as Cristo shrugged a little bit, causing Demi to silently roll her eyes.

"I think I have a few loose ends to tie up around here and then I'll be done," Cristo said but Demi wasn't paying attention to him. She watched as Taylor entered the restaurant and made a beeline for their table, dressed in a simple pink sundress with white heels. Her hair was in a straight, asymmetrical bob and the color of the dress really brought out the bronzey tone of her skin.

"Hi, I'm sorry to interrupt your brunch," she greeted as she made it over to Cristo then knelt down to whisper something in his ear. Cristo nodded and leaned over to kiss Muse's cheek, then kissed Demi's as well before he stood up.

"There's something I need to take care of if you'll all excuse me," Cristo said before he followed Taylor out of the restaurant.

"Demi, is he not joining us to take the kids around the city before we have our last events?" Kris asked as Demi shrugged and used a cloth napkin to wipe around Muse's face.

"Mommy, I can do it," she whined, taking the napkin from Demi and using it to wipe her entire face as Demi chuckled then looked back at Kris.

"I don't know, you'd have to ask him," Demi answered as Kim raised her eyebrow, looking back at where Cristo and Taylor had exited, narrowing her eyes before putting her attention back on the conversation at hand.

ddlovato: sunrise on the darkest day 🌞
Liked by cristoghesquiere, diannadelagarza, and 9,789,643 others
haileybaldwin: a fashion icon!
khloekardashian: ugh she's so cute I wish I was there with you guys 😭😭

Setting: Four Seasons George V, Paris, France

Kris decided that Demi needed some "alone time" with her husband so she had insisted on taking Muse to go sightseeing with them before their evening events. Muse had thrown a bit of a fit but Stormi and Chi had thankfully coaxed her along, and Demi was all but forgotten about once they left. Since Muse was gone and Cristo hadn't returned from wherever he went with Taylor, Demi had ordered her favorite wine up to her room and drawn herself a nice bubble bath. Yes, she was in Paris and she should probably be exploring and taking the city in with her daughter, but right now she just wanted to relax for a little bit. Once she got on a plane to go back home it would be time for her to get back to work and God knows she needed to be in the right mindset to do that.

"Ah, the Bricco Pernice, a classic," Cristo said, coming into the bathroom holding the bottle of wine that room service had apparently delivered as Demi stared him down for a little while before averting her glare. "I know the owner of the company. We went on a wine tour when I was visiting Italy."

"Nice," Demi deadpanned, because she didn't really care.

"Demi, I don't want to fight with you," Cristo said as he started to take off his clothes.

"So you wanna strip for me instead?" Demi couldn't help but laugh at the determined look on his face as he discarded his Calvin Klein boxers. One of the perks of modeling for Calvin Klein was that they never stopped sending you underwear. Cristo and Demi were set for life. They could wear a new pair once a day and throw them out when they're done and they'd still have enough underwear to last them a lifetime.

"I'm trying to join you," Cristo said, causing Demi to sit up and move her legs so that Cristo could sit across from her. He poured them both a glass of wine and dramatically clinked their glasses together before relaxing against the edge of the tub. "Like I said, I don't want to fight."

"Then stop making me mad," Demi huffed, rolling her eyes again when she saw Cristo try to stifle his laugh. "What?"

"You look just like Muse when you do that. I'm sorry, you guys are literally twins. I just can't believe it sometimes," Cristo said as Demi slowly nodded her head.

"She's growing up right before our kind of feels like you're missing it. At least this summer it did," Demi admitted.

"I know...I love my work but I love Muse more. I'm still trying to find a balance."

"Well, maybe you need to try a little harder...and set some boundaries for yourself and the people around you," Demi responded, hinting at the little Taylor situation. Demi understood how easy it was for personal assistants to cross the line but she just felt like Cristo had never drawn the line in the first place, and he needed to.

"I don't want to fight."

"We're not fighting. We're having a conversation. Why do you keep saying that?" Demi questioned, finishing off her glass before setting it on the floor.

"Because I'm trying to remind myself and remind you that I just don't want to fight. It feels like we've been apart for so long and now we're finally together. I don't want to spend this time having a stupid argument that we'll forget about in a few days," Cristo explained.

"Well, then what do you want to spend this time doing?" Demi questioned with a raise of her eyebrow.

"I think you can guess, ma cherie. But if you need a little bit of a hint..." Demi jumped in surprise as Cristo's fingers flittered across her wet slit, abandoning his wine glass to get a taste of something that was much sweeter.

Setting: Charles De Gaulle Airport, Paris, France

"I love you very much, princess, and I'll see you in a few weeks, okay? Don't forget to call me before you go to bed so that we can sing our special song, okay?" Cristo said, holding Muse in his arms as she nodded, flashing him that bright smile that was just like her mom's as the flight attendants finished bringing everyone's luggage aboard the private jet.

"And be good for mommy, okay?"

"I am good!" Muse protested as Cristo chuckled and lightly tickled her tummy.

"I know, princess! But you have to keep being good and I'll have a surprise for you when I get home, okay? Je t'aime beacoup, my princess Muse," Cristo cooed, kissing both cheeks as Muse giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You're not gonna say it back?" he said as she pressed her face into his neck and shook her head. "You're not gonna say it back, princess? I can't see that beautiful face of yours?"

Muse shook her head again as Demi folded her arms over her chest.

"I know, princess, I wanna come home too. But I'll be home soon, I promise. Okay? I'll see you soon and we'll talk every day until then. Je t'aime beacoup," he reassured her as Muse pulled her face out of his neck and looked at him with teary eyes.

"Je t'aime beacoup," he lightly tickled her sides, causing her to break out in a smile as she sniffled. "I'm gonna tickle you until you say it."

"No, no!" Muse protested, already breaking into a fit of giggles as Cristo tickled her stomach. "Je t'aime beacoup."

That was something that she could say perfectly because Demi and Cristo said it to her all of the time.

"Go with Lovey, sweetie," Demi said as Cristo set her down. Muse ran to Kris and they both got on the plane before Demi turned to Cristo.

"Demi, I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I should've just stayed with you this summer. That was my fault. Just finish what you have to do here then come home to us, okay?" Demi said. It had been on her mind all day and they had been cordial with each other these last few days, but Demi had just never gotten to tell him that she had definitely overreacted about him not coming home.

"I will. I'm going to try my absolute best to wrap it all up this week. I'll be home by the end of next week tops," Cristo said as Demi nodded and walked into his embrace.

"You need to shave," Demi giggled after he kissed her, rubbing her hand on the side of his face.

"What, you don't like the rustic look?"

"No, and neither do you, you freak," she chuckled as he kissed again her.

"Je t'aime beacoup."

"Je t'aime beacoup."

Setting: Rose Hills Memorial Park, Los Angeles, CA

Trey clutched the bouquet of red roses that he had picked up from one of those street vendors who sold every kind of flower imaginable – and oranges for some reason – before exiting his car and locking the door behind him. It had rained last night since his sneakers made a squishy sound against the wet grass as he made his way towards the back of the cemetery. There were no remains actually buried but there was a plaque there that represented him and Demi's son. They had both been convinced that it was a boy, even though the baby wasn't developed enough for him to tell. Just to help with the grieving process, Kris had suggested that they do some kind of funeral for him, but when it was actually supposed to happen, Demi had tried to kill herself. While she was in treatment, Trey completed the project, and he let Demi know, but he wasn't sure if she had ever come to visit.

Trey had. He visited every year on the anniversary of her miscarriage, and sometimes more than that, and just reflected on life. That miscarriage had changed a lot. It had been a defining moment in his life, the moment when he truly lost the Demi. Since he had been invited to her wedding by his fiancé – that was still weird to him – they had tried to keep in touch as friends but as the years went on, all communication dropped. He didn't see her at a lot of the industry events anymore, and according to news sites, it was because she had taken a break from the spotlight to be with her family. But that was three years ago and she was still kind off of the scene.

Trey continued his trek up the small hill, fiddling with the flowers in his hand as he finally made it over the small hill and near the gate where the plaque was. But there was someone else already there. And judging by the shiny dark waves that tumbled down her back and the Louboutins that had a clump of dirt stuck to the heels, it was Demi.

Trey approached her quietly, not wanting to startle her or disturb her, but he hit a particularly wet patch in the grass, and the sound caused Demi to stand up and turn around.

"Trey..." she said, almost in a whisper, and she looked exactly the same.

She was nearing thirty, but he couldn't tell. He had always wondered how she had managed to survive a cocaine addiction and come out looking better than before, but he never asked her about it. It seemed like a rude thing to say. She was dressed in a classic black bodycon dress, probably something expensive that was designed by her husband, and her body had filled out a lot more. Pearls were secured in her ears and even though she got Lasik years ago, she was actually wearing a pair of square framed glasses.

"Demi, hi...I didn't know you came here," Trey said, setting the roses down on top of the plaque as Demi tugged at the sleeve of her Burberry trench coat.

"I don't...usually, but I've been thinking about him lately so..." her hand ghosted over her stomach, and Trey wanted to ask if she had been thinking about their son because she was pregnant again, but it really wasn't any of his business.

"I haven't heard from you in a while. We should catch up," Trey suggested, knowing that he was probably going to get shot down just because that's how Demi was.

"Um," she was probably trying to find an easy way to let him down. "I actually should get going. I have to go pick up my daughter..."

Her phone let out a ping in her pocket, so she pulled it out, her nose scrunching up as she read whatever notification had popped up before slipping her phone in her pocket again.

"Actually, catching up sounds great. How about Nobu?" Demi asked with a smile on her face as Trey playfully rolled his eyes.

"You know I don't eat raw fish. Did you drive?" he asked as Demi fixed her Givenchy purse on her arm.

"No, my driver dropped me off. Do you mind if we ride together or should we just pick a place and I'll meet you there?" Demi asked, her head tilting to the side a little bit as she weighed the options.

"I'll drive you. Come on," he said, placing his hand on the small of her back as she smiled at him, then looked away when he caught her staring. He helped her into his Audi R8 and turned the heat on just the way she liked it, watching her get comfortable in the car before he drove off.

hollywoodunlocked: trouble in paradise or what? Cristo Ghesquiere, famous designer and husband of Demi Lovato was spotted leaving a strip club with an unknown female in Paris. Lovato was in Paris with Cristo and their daughter Muse during Fashion Week but left after Fashion Week was over while Cristo stayed behind in Paris. Clearly, we've uncovered the reason why.

Demi's out! Trey is back!!! we're getting into the good stuff now!

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