too good to be true ? (johann...

By alyssaarosas

41.9K 877 229

it's a complicated love story :) More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
part 14
not a chapter ;) vv important
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32

chapter 20

1.1K 20 5
By alyssaarosas

like what exactly are you trying to say johnny , we are both looking at eachother at this point then he began to say "annie remember when i said i wanted to have kids with you .. i nodded my head he then said when do you want to have them when do you feel is the right time to have them i looked back at my ceiling i don't know johnny i haven't really thought about the whole idea of kids yet... It was quiet for a second then johnny finally said well what about this since we only have a year at this college before we graduate what about we both get jobs we save up our money we buy a nice house in a nice neighborhood we settle down and then we get married later on into our relationship and then we have kids . i looked at johnny and said so you've planned our future already ? he smiled and said of course i did it's honestly a pretty good idea johnny .

he smiled and layed back down and said ann's ? ya johnny ? would you be down to go with me to a family trip ? wait are you serious johnny ! 

of course babe i've told them about you i've been dying to meet you !! i'd be honored to go with you johnny !! but when ?

next week my parents are dying to meet you , johnny i would love to go .. he pecked me on the head and i snuggled into his chest i opened my eyes one last time to see johnny wide awake like he'd been thinking about something i sat up and started to play with his hair what's wrong johnny he looked at me and sat up as well .

annie remember when i asked when you wanted to have kids ? yes why. well because annie i've been meaning to tell you this but i see a future with you i see us getting married and having a nice house .. i wanted to get a job to save up for a house after college so we can both move into our own little home but i wanted to know how you felt about that before i think about baby names . I laughed at his stupidity and with that we both fell asleep.

it was around 5 am when i woke up from a horrible night mare i don't want to go into detail just yet tho johnny was still asleep tho i didn't want to wake him and i knew that there was no possible way i was gonna go back to sleep so i removed johnny's hand off my body i put on a sports bra on with some leggings i grabbed  my ear phones and some water i was gonna go on a run to the beach .

i had allot on my mind what if johnny's still talking to kenzie ? what if he still had feelings for her why are my feelings for john so strong ? before i knew it i was at the beach it wasn't to far from the college i took off my shoes and walked closer to the water it was still dark no one was around just me the music and the water i put my stuff down and pulled up my leggings and put my feet in the water it was freezing cold i ran away from the water then i got a flashback to when me caleb and hayley would do that . I miss called more and more everyday tears streaming down my face my feet starting to get warm the cold wind hitting my hair somehow it felt good i posted a picture on snap chat of the water and the time once i clicked post a couple minutes later i got a text from johnny.

johnny ❤️// annie leblanc get your butt back home right now !

annie ❤️// no mom .

johnny ❤️// i'm on my way .

annie ❤️// ugh             

i put my phone in my mini back pack and continued on looking at the water .

about 20 minutes later i heard the sound of a skate board i turned around to see johnny running towards me now so he doesn't mess up the bearings on the sand he had no shirt and some shorts  .

what in the world are you doing her mrs leblanc? johnny said .
oh nothing just thinking you know he chuckled and shook his head .
how are you not cold !! he asked
when i'm thinking i don't really feel any type of pain or coldness or hotness i know it's weird but .. why did you come ?

he gave me an are you serious look , because my best friend / lover had left me alone in bed and i just thought you went to someone better like asher or i don't know i just wanted to make sure you were ok then i went on my phone to see that you were here so i wanted to make sure that you were ok you know .. i kissed his cheek i don't know what i would do with out you johnny ..

he looked at me and i looked at him we were both leaning ....

hehe i'll try to update more .. i'm grounded rn so expect allot more next week or this weekend maybe - xoxo alyssa ❤️

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