Beauty And The Beast (A Raura...

By LoveliestWonderfill

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Ross Lynch was a monster inside. Sometimes he could control it. Other times it just came without warning. He... More

Chapter 1: Is He Really...?
Chapter 3: The Castle
Chapter 4: You're Invited
Chapter 5: I Promise
Chapter 6: The Gathering
Chapter 7: Protecting Laura
Chapter 8: Tragedy
Chapter 9: I Can't Lose You Either
Chapter 10: Nightmares
Chapter 11: Into The Magic Garden
Chapter 12: I'd Die For You
Chapter 13: After The Chaos
Chapter 14: Epilouge

Chapter 2: Researching

3.8K 135 33
By LoveliestWonderfill

Laura's POV:

I slowly entered through my front door and into my home. I looked around. The living room lights were off, but the little glow of the lamp in the den was shining. I kicked off my shoes and set my bag on the recliner.

Laura: Dad. I'm home.

Dad: I'm in the den. 'he calls back'

I walked in the direction of the den. I poked my head around the corner and saw him at his desk. He was looking down at some photos and documents. He had his reading glasses on. He looked up at me and gave me a crooked smile.

Dad: Hello. :)

That fake smile of his. I knew inside he was missing mom. I felt bad for him, but I knew there was nothing I could do.

Laura: Hi.

He turned back to his work.

Laura: So, what are you studying this time?

Dad: I am studying the legend of 'Sasquatch'.

I nodded my head. See, my father was a person who studies old myths and legends and stuff like that. He just studies them. Sometimes he even explores a bit and travels the world to find some more evidence in the creatures he studies. I wonder if he's ever heard of The Wolf Boy.

Laura: Hey, um... dad?

Dad: Yes sweetie? 'he says taking off his glasses and looking up at Laura'

Laura: I have a question.

Dad: Alright. I'm listening.

Laura: Have you ever, heard of someone called, 'The Wolf Boy'?

Dad: Oh sure. He is one of my most top cases. At least in the top ten!

Laura: Really?

Dad: Oh yes. I have many documentaries of him.

I raised both my eyebrows in surprise. Wow. So apparently he is a big deal.

Dad: Why all of a sudden so interested?

Laura: Oh, no special reason. I was just, reading a book in the library today and, he was mentioned as an old legend.

Dad: Yes. You'll probably find him in a lot of those books. He's quite popular.

Laura: May I... please, see some of the documentaries?

Dad: Sure. What for?

Laura: I just, want to learn a little more a bout him.

Dad: Well, I guess it's alright. Just please don't loose them or destroy them. They're part of my work and I'll need them later.

Laura: Okay.

My dad scooted his wheeled chair out a but and opened the drawer at the very bottom of the shelf. He sifted through some papers, 'til he pulled out a small folder. He then brought himself back up and handed me the folder.

Dad: Here you go.

Laura: This whole thing?

Dad: Yep. I told you . He's popular.

I just shrugged and took the folder.

Laura: Thanks

Dad: Sure thing. Have fun. :)

I nodded my head, then left the den. I trotted up the wooden stairs and into my bedroom. I quietly shut the door behind me. I walked over to my own small desk and placed the folder flat down onto it. I sat down on my chair, then opened it up. Pictures, drawings, charts, maps, everything was in here. I took out an old article. It was a bit dusty. I brushed it off and looked down at the headline. WOLF BOY SIGHTING. I set this small article aside, then took out a small photograph. It was a bit blurry, but I could just make out the head of blonde hair behind the trees. I gulped. Was I right? Who I met today, was that The Wolf Boy? I set the photo on top of the article, then looked back down at the folder. I saw a larger article with a photo of the wolf boy. It wasn't real, it was like a drawing or a painting almost. I stared down at it. I couldn't believe it. This small portrait, was of the same boy, I had saw only a while ago. Same blonde hair, same hazel eyes, same body figure. Same, everything. I glanced down at the words in the article. I started to read through it. I read the article, and was shocked by my results. It said;

The Wolf Boy is an old legend of a teenage boy who claims to be half boy, half monster. He hasn't been scientifically proven to be part wolf, but because of his uncontrollable anger, he is known as The Wolf Boy. He is known to be one of the most heartless, cruelest, most disgraceful things in the world. He has been know for his fiery red eyes of anger. That signals he is about to attack. He has no heart, and anyone who is to find him, should shoot him on sight.

My heart, literally, broke at these words. Who in the world published this nonsense!? I can't believe it. Cruel? Heartless? That doesn't sound like the boy who saved me. Something is just not right here. It said his "fiery red eyes of anger" signaled that he was going to attack. He did attack those guys who were hurting me, but, it honestly looked like he was jut trying to get them away from me. I have seen his red eyes. I remember staring into them. But just a little bit afterwards, his eyes turned hazel. I've never seen a more deep colored hazel. His eyes seemed to have a color all on their own. The way he helped me and treated me, I don't get how that's heartless. He isn't cruel, he's sweet. He isn't heartless, he has the biggest heart ever. And he isn't disgraceful. He is kind. Behind that monster side of him, he truly has feelings. I can see them. I just sighed and put everything back into the folder. I didn't want to look at this anymore. I didn't want to read such untruthful statements. Those people can believe what they want. But I, believe in something more. I shut the folder and stood up from my chair. I walked over to my bed, fell back first onto the covers and stared up at the ceiling. Why do people believe in rumors? Why? Most of the time they aren't even true. Who cares of you're different? Why should other people care how one single person acts or lives their life? It's their way of doing things. It shouldn't affect you. Sometimes I hate society. I got back up on my feet and stripped out of my clothes from today. I got out a pair of pajama pants, and a tank top to wear. I put on my clothes and then walked over to my small balcony. I slid open the glass door and instantly the cool breeze of night hit my body. I walked outside and looked up at the stars and the moon. They were shining bright, like always. This was one of my favorite places to be. It's just somewhere where I could be alone and just, think. I don't have to worry about anything. Everything is just gone for once. I didn't have to go to bed so early tonight anyways. It was a Friday, which meant no school tomorrow. But then again, I was getting pretty tired. I rested my arms on the wooden rail, and stared off in the direction if the woods. I have always wanted to go into the woods. But I can't for a few reasons. 1) Our town has it shut down and blocked off. Apparently it's "dangerous" and no one can go past the edge. 2) My father also disapproves of the idea of me going into the woods. He says it's not a place for children. And 3) You don't know if you'll make it back alive. There are wild animals in there. Only minor stuff like raccoons, maybe some poisonous insects. But you never know if they have rabies or venom that could kill you. Aside from all of that, it looks like such a peaceful place. Tall willow trees mixed in with pine trees. The moon shines right above it, which make it look so magical. As I was looking through the trees, I saw something odd. It looked like something red. There were two small red dots floating around. They almost looked like... eyes. I stared at them and watched them roam deeper and deeper into the forest. Then, they just disappeared. Did I just... see red eyes? It looked like it. I wonder if it was... him. Does he live in the woods? Hmm... Tomorrow, I think I'm going to go to the woods. I don't care if it's forbidden. Something in me really wants to see The Wolf Boy again. I wonder if he has a real name. There are so many things I want to know. And I'm going to find out. I entered my bedroom once again and jumped into bed. I buried myself underneath the covers. I reached my arm over and shut off my lamp. I needed rest if I was going to get up early. I want to spend as much time as possible in the woods. I know my father will ask where I'm going. So ill just say I'm going to the library. Since I'm the one who's going almost every single day, it sounds like the truth. So I think I'll be fine. I just slowly shut my eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.


Hey guys!! I'm here with another chapter! As you can probably tell these chapters are a bit shorter than the ones in all of my other books. Unless... you don't know me, and this is your first time reading a book by me... If that's the case, WELCOME TO MY BOOKS! :D Lol so anyways I hope you're enjoying, I know I am. :) I can't wait to write more.


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