Perennial Love

By AnushaBhatt15

38.1K 1.9K 6.8K

Hello to the reader there! First of all thank you so much to stop by my story and giving it a try... This is... More

Disclaimer and copyrights
Character sketch
1. Dream to Reality
2. A Lifeless Life
3. Only a squad or more?
Thank You
5. Out Of The Blue
6. The nightmares
7. They are always there
8. The meet up
9. Plans
10. The Party!
11. What the hell happened?
12. Is This A Joke?
13. Is this only a game?
14. Friends Like Family
15. The After Effects
16. The Gathering
17. Something's Fishy
18. Friends turned Spy
19. It's just the start
20. Lost in the woods
21. The unexpected!!!
22. The Attack!
23. The confrontation
24. Past revelation (part 1)
25. Past revelation (part 2)
26. Truth revelation
27. The return of life
28. The doctor's words
29. First client and the first move
30. A surprise after a surprise
31. Turn of events
32. The plan tumbling down
33. The reality hit
34. Mothers gone crazy
35. Reject or accept?
36. When is the wedding?
37. The bond of rings
38. Stealing special moments
39. Shopping Day (part 1)
40. Shopping day (part 2)
41. It's mehendi!
42. Coaxing her
Author's note!
43. It's time for Sangeet!
44. String of misunderstandings
45. A strange change
46. Days pass so quickly!
47. Finally they talk!
48. His love
49. Her feelings
50. The new family member!
51. Living the dream
52. Here it begins!
53. Sweet games
Author's note
54. The little things
55. Fire in the eyes
56. Deja vu
57. Sharon Rai Prakash
58. The dreadful hours
59. She remembers!
60. Their Perennial Love
Lets chat!
Bonus Chapter 1

4. Something's different

680 38 21
By AnushaBhatt15


Hi all!

Tried something new in this update. Do let me know your views in comments.

Happy reading!

(Edited- 30-07-2020)


Third person's POV

On the same day, the rays of sun also sneaked midst the curtains into someone else's room too, making the person groan in sleep and pull the duvet over the face turning to the other side of the bed, continuing enjoying the bliss of the deep slumber of the morning sleep. But that was very short lived.

"Get up now! I am waking you up from almost half an hour. It's morning dear, get up! You don't want to be late, do you?" A lady in her mid fifties asked pulling the duvet off the girl's body. She opened her eyes hesitantly and sat up straight rubbing her eyes with her hands.

"Why do you always do this to me?" She whined at the lady in front of her who was smiling widely at her victory of waking her up.

"I had to do this and would always love to do it. You know that already. Besides, good morning dear!" She said sitting on the corner of the bed.

"Good morning young lady!" She said and hugged her from behind.

"Okay, so what's up today miss Pia Mehra with this buttering and all huh?" The lady asked turning to her.

"Nothing's up mom. I just felt to..." She replied rolling her eyes.

"Hmm. Enough of this now. Quickly get up and freshen up, you must not be late on your first day." She said getting up, "I will meet you downstairs dear." Saying this she turned and exited the room.


Pia's POV

After her leaving the room, I sighed lying back on the bed. I thought of how my life changed in few years. The woman I was with few minutes ago is the one I love the most. She is important than everything else to me and I love her a lot. Though she is not my biological mother, but she was not less than one... She has always been by my side whenever I needed her. I could do anything for this woman to always be happy.

Today was not any other day. I was going to my new work place today! I don't get what's wrong with me today because I am hell nervous! I don't know why though. Maybe because of the new job? Yes it must be the reason... But why didn't he show up today? I wonder-

"Ohh wow! How come you are awake this early today?" Came the voice of the ever irritating Sid. He is the son of the Mehra's and successor of the Mehra Industries too.

"Arghhh! Think of the devil and the devil arrives." I said mockingly. He could be annoying at times! This was him, he never left any penny unturned to irritate me and trouble me. But whatever, I just love his company. He's such a person who always keeps other people around him happy. I just love him for that.

"Oh miss lost! Where are you lost?" He asked jumping onto my bed, pulling out his phone from his pocket and he got busy in it.

"Nothing." I said and got up to freshen up, but I stopped in my way when he called me.

"What's wrong?" He asked and I guess he sensed something's on my mind. How come this happens with me always? Is it written all over my face or so? He would always catch a lie or even sense something is onto my mind whenever I was worried or tensed or sad.

"It's nothing to be worried about Sid. It's just that I am very nervous for today, I don't know what will happen today. I just don't know why I have the feeling that... That-" I was going on rambling, there was no point to deny the person in front of me was saying the truth. But was cut off when I saw him clicking a photo of mine or probably making a video. I frowned at him, snatching the phone from his hold.

"Hey give my phone back!" He ordered, but I was adamant.

"And why should I? For recording my video again?" I asked.

"Yes! And I am not at all sorry for that. This was a lifetime opportunity to see you this nervous, so I didn't want to let go of the memory." He said grinning widely.

"What do you mean by that!? I am here all nervous and you are making fun of me?" I asked annoyed.

"I didn't mean to annoy you... But you know what? I am still not sorry. I just need something to blackmail you at times you see." He said wickedly and snatched the phone from my hands and started running.

"You... Wait till I catch you!" I said as I was chasing him. He is gone now! We ran here and there in my room, turning it into a mess. Soon we both were exhausted and we sat on the couch panting for air. I looked at him, I knew he did it on purpose to lighten up the atmosphere and it did work. He could do anything to make me feel good.

"Okay, I will delete it." He said in between his breathes.

" It's ok, you can keep it." I said for letting it go for once. Hearing this he just slightly smiled at me.

"But on a serious note, why are you so nervous?" He asked with seriousness. What do I say now? I myself don't know why!

"I don't know why! Maybe it's because of the new job?" I said honestly.

"But it's not that you are doing it first time. You have been doing this for our family too. You have planned so many events now and then. You helped me with my business projects and strategies too. It's not a new thing..." He said and I thought for some while. He's right. I am just overthinking, nothing is going to happen.

"Thanks." Is all I could say. Talking to him is just as forgetting all your problems or stress or whatever it is. He would always help in building up the confidence. He just smiled but what he did next shocked me a little. He just hugged me.

"Calm down Pia... It's normal." he said patting my back and I felt so secure and comfortable in his embrace. But I was even getting late, so I pulled out.

"Let go of it now, what will you take to get out of this room?" I asked him playfully. His mouth dropped for few seconds but he immediately smirked mischievously.

"I think an another nervous rambling will do." he finished and I glared at him. He winked at me and soon got up and rushed out of the room before I could even react. I just chuckled at him and his childishness. I glanced over to the watch, oh no! I am already late. I immediately rushed towards the washroom to freshen up.

I quickly freshened up and walked towards my closet to dress up. I was soon confused on what is to be worn! Arghhh! I hate this so much! I was contemplating whether to wear formals or casuals and after some while what seemed to be like ages! I decided on formals.

I got ready and I did a final check on myself in the mirror and was all ready to leave for my first day of the new job. Grabbing my purse, I went downstairs to join my family for the breakfast.

"Good morning kid!" Dad greeted, reading the newspaper at the dining table and mom was also already seated and even Sid. I think I am really late.

"Good morning!" I greeted dad taking the paper out of his hold handing it to one of our maids.

"I was reading something Pia!" He whined more like a child.

"No reading on the dining table dad." I stated as a matter of fact taking a seat beside him. He gave up and smiled at me.

Soon after I had finished my breakfast, I stormed out of the home as I was late and got into the car that was ready on the gate. I handed the address to the driver and he drove me out of the premises of the house. I sat in there, a bit nervous, thinking about the upcoming day while continuously listening to my new playlist with my earphones on.



I think most of my readers might have guessed what's coming... But the surprise still awaits.

Hope you all liked the update.

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